416 research outputs found

    Real and Virtual Compton Scattering in a Regge Approach

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    We study Real and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in a model based on Regge trajectories and two-gluon exchange. In the kinematic regime of current experiments, the hadronic component of the outgoing real photon plays a major role. We analyze the spin structure of Compton scattering at large momentum transfer and give predictions for several spin asymmetries. In the DVCS channel, a fairly good agreement is obtained for the recently measured beam spin and charge asymmetries.Comment: 12 pages; 6 figures This revised version corrects a mumerical mistake in the evaluation of the conversion factor between vector mesons and Compton amplitudes. Also, more details are given on the parameters of the sigma meson amplitud

    Quark correlations and gluon propagators in elastic vector meson production

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    We study the behavior of the differential cross section for vector meson photoproduction at large momentum transfer in the two-gluon exchange model. We focus on the treatment of two-quark correlation function in the proton and on gluon propagators with a dynamically generated mass. We find that only the large t region is sensitive to the particular details of these inputs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, espcrc1.sty included, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physic

    Quasifree pion photoproduction on the deuteron in the Δ\Delta region

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    Photo production of pions on the deuteron is studied in the spectator nucleon model. The Born terms of the elementary production amplitude are determined in pseudovector π\piN coupling and supplied with a form factor. The Δ\Delta resonance is considered both in the ss and the uu channel. The parameters of the Δ\Delta resonance and the cutoff of the form factors are fixed on the leading photoproduction multipoles. Results for total and differential cross sections are compared with experimental data. Particular attention is paid to the role of Pauli correlations of the final state nucleons in the quasifree case. The results are compared with those for pion photoproduction on the nucleon.Comment: 17 pages LateX2e including 5 postscript figure

    Structural Analysis and Photocurrent Spectroscopy of CCCs on 99.99% Aluminum

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    A characterization of chromate conversion coatings (CCCs) formed in the presence and in the absence of accelerator (ferro-ferricyanide redox couple) has been performed by various techniques (transmission electron microscopy, TEM, glow discharge optical emission spectrometry, GDOES, X-ray absorption near-end structure, XANES, and photon correlation spectroscopy). The results of a detailed investigation on morphological, compositional, and solid-state properties of freshly converted aluminum samples at different immersion times (30 s-90 min) are reported. The TEM and GDOES data suggest the presence of iron-cyanide species only in the external layer of CCC of nearly constant thickness. The XANES data suggest the presence of both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species with a ratio Cr(VI)/Cr(III) close to 1:2. This ratio remains constant with the conversion time and seems slightly affected by the composition of conversion solution. The photoelectrochemical study suggests an insulating or slightly p-type behavior for CCC layers. A bandgap value of about 2.55 eV has been estimated, regardless of the conversion solution, although some differences in the photocurrent spectra have been observed for coatings formed in the presence or absence of accelerator. The location of electronic energy levels of the Al/CCC/electrolyte interface has been derived which could account for the different kinetics of coating formation in the presence of accelerator

    Exclusive electromagnetic production of strangeness on the nucleon : review of recent data in a Regge approach

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    In view of the numerous experimental results recently released, we provide in this letter an update on the performance of our simple Regge model for strangeness electroproduction on the nucleon. Without refitting any parameters, a decent description of all measured observables and channels is achieved. We also give predictions for spin transfer observables, recently measured at Jefferson Lab which have high sensitivity to discriminate between different theoretical approaches.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Multipole analysis of spin observables in vector meson photoproduction

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    A multipole analysis of vector meson photoproduction is formulated as a generalization of the pseudoscalar meson case. Expansion of spin observables in the multipole basis and behavior of these observables near threshold and resonances are examined.Comment: 15 pages, latex, 2 figure

    Quasifree Pion Electroproduction from Nuclei in the Δ\Delta Region

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    We present calculations of the reaction A(e,eâ€ČπN)BA(e,e^\prime \pi N)B in the distorted wave impulse approximation. The reaction allows for the study of the production process in the nuclear medium without being obscured by the details of nuclear transition densities. First, a pion electroproduction operator suitable for nuclear calculations is obtained by extending the Blomqvist-Laget photoproduction operator to the virtual photon case. The operator is gauge invariant, unitary, reference frame independent, and describes the existing data reasonably well. Then it is applied in nuclei to predict nuclear cross sections under a variety of kinematic arrangements. Issues such as the effects of gauge-fixing, the interference of the Δ\Delta resonance with the background, sensitivities to the quadrupole component of the Δ\Delta excitation and to the electromagnetic form factors, the role of final-state interactions, are studied in detail. Methods on how to experimentally separate the various pieces in the coincidence cross section are suggested. Finally, the model is compared to a recent SLAC experiment.Comment: 27 pages in REVTEX, plus 22 PS figures embedded using psfig.sty (included), uuencode

    Quasi-free π0\pi^0 Photoproduction from the Bound Nucleon

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    Differential cross-sections for quasi-free π0\pi^0 photoproduction from the proton and neutron bound in the deuteron have been measured for EÎł=200−400E_\gamma= 200 - 400 MeV at Ξγlab=136.2∘\theta^{\rm lab}_\gamma = 136.2^\circ usind the Glasgow photon tagger at MAMI, the Mainz 48 cm ∅\varnothing ×\times 64 cm NaI(Tl) photon detector and the G\"ottingen SENECA recoil detector. For the proton measurements made with both liquid deuterium and liquid hydrogen targets allow direct comparison of "free" π0\pi^0 photoproduction cross-sections as extracted from the bound proton data with experimental free cross sections which are found to be in reasonable agreement below 320 MeV. At higher energies the "free" cross sections extracted from quasifree data are significantly smaller than the experimental free cross sections and theoretical predictions based on multipole analysis. For the first time, "free" neutron cross sections have been extracted in the Δ\Delta-region. They are also in agreement with the predictions from multipole analysis up to 320 MeV and significantly smaller at higher photon energies

    The Luminosity Function of M3

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    We present a high precision, large sample luminosity function (LF) for the Galactic globular cluster M3. With a combination of ground based and Hubble Space Telescope data we cover the entire radial extent of the cluster. The observed LF is well fit by canonical standard stellar models from the red giant branch (RGB) tip to below the main sequence turnoff point. Specifically, neither the RGB LF-bump nor subgiant branch LF indicate any breakdown in the standard models. On the main sequence we find evidence for a flat initial mass function and for mass segregation due to the dynamical evolution of the cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. ApJ, in pres
