87 research outputs found

    Automation and rationality in decision-making to replace a sportman at decisive moments

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    Increasingly, the sport entertainment is emerging as an object of study in advanced research centres, as a result of the need to manage the high budgets of sport entities. To win in sports like football or basketball depends on many factors, almost all studied thoroughly. It shows, however, that in one of them, the decision making is hastily and intuitive. It’s the substitution of a player by another one that should enter into the pitch to fulfil some tasks that the replaced one, for whatever reason, can’t carry out. The coach is forced, then, to take a decision almost always under ambient pressure and conflict of sensations often contradictory. In this paper we propose an algorithm easy to use and apply for answer to the following question: is it necessary to replace a player? And if so, on which of them should be replaced.Maxmin Convolution, Moore’s Closing, Sportman, Pretopology.

    Automation and rationality in decision-making to replace a sportman at decisive moments

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    [ES] Cada vez más el deporte-espectáculo se está abriendo paso como objeto de estudio en los centros de investigación avanzada, como consecuencia de la necesidad de gestionar los altos presupuestos de las entidades deportivas.Vencer en un partido de fútbol o de baloncesto, por ejemplo, depende de muchos factores, casi todos estudiados minuciosamente. Se pone de manifiesto, sin embargo, que en uno de ellos la decisión se adopta de manera precipitada e intuitiva. Se trata de la sustitución de un jugador en juego por otro que debe entrar en la cancha para cumplir ciertos cometidos que el sustituido, por las razones que sea, no puede realizar. El entrenador se ve obligado, entonces, a tomar una decisión casi siempre bajo la presión del ambiente y del conflicto de sensaciones muchas veces contradictorias.En este trabajo proponemos un algoritmo de fácil utilización y aplicación para dar respuesta a la pregunta: ¿debe sustituirse un jugador? Y en caso afirmativo, por cual de ellos debe hacerse la sustitución.[EN] Increasingly, the sport entertainment is emerging as an object of study in advanced research centers, as a result of the need to manage the high budgets of sport entities.To win in sports like football or basketball depends on many factors, almost all studied thoroughly. It shows, however, that in one of them, the decision making is hastily and intuitive. It’s the substitution of a player by another one that should enter into the pitch to fulfil some tasks that the replaced one, for whatever reason, can’t carry out. The coach is forced, then, to take a decision almost always under ambient pressure and conflict of sensations often contradictory.In this paper we propose an algorithm easy to use and apply for answer to the following question: is it necessary to replace a player? And if so, on which of them should be replaced


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    Durante los últimos años hemos realizado una serie de aportaciones investigadoras que permitieran reducir al mínimo los niveles de incertidumbre en tomas de decisiones en ámbitos como el deportivo, en donde la contratación de jugadores para desempeñar funciones fijas o polivalentes en un equipo requieren el mínimo riesgo, sin olvidar las no menos importantes decisiones en el ámbito de recursos humanos o del marketing. En este aspecto hemos ido cumpliendo nuestros retos llegando a desarrollar instrumentos tan innovadores como “el índice del máximo y mínimo nivel”, que permitía ajustarse un poco más a las realidades tan cambiantes como las que caracterizan el mundo en el que vivimos. Sin embargo, en la constante búsqueda de métodos cada vez más eficaces, estamos intentando desarrollar un nuevo índice capaz de realizar en una preselección el descarte de algunos candidatos que no cumplan unos mínimos exigibles, sin que estas carencias (consideradas imprescindibles) puedan ser compensadas en modo alguno con otras características, cualidades o singularidades que pudieran superar ampliamente el mínimo nivel exigido. Para ello, presentamos una combinación del “índice de máximo y mínimo nivel” que es compensatorio, con un nuevo elemento de naturaleza no compensatoria, que proporciona lo que a partir de ahora denominaremos “índice de descartes por superación-distancia”. Palabras clave: distancia, índice de descartes por superación-distancia, índice del máximo y mínimo nivel, subconjunto borroso. Abstract During the last years we have made a number of research contributions which have allowed us to reduce the levels of uncertainty in taking decisions in spheres such as sports, where contracting players for carrying out specific or polyvalent functions within a team requires the very minimum risk, without forgetting the no lesser important decisions within the sphere of human resources or those of marketing. In that respect we have complied with our challenges by developing innovative instruments as “the index of maximum and minimum level” which allowed us to get a little closer to the ever-changing realities that characterise the world where we live. Nevertheless, in the continuous search for ever more efficient methods, we have managed to develop a new index that is capable of making a pre-selection of some candidates who do not comply with certain required minimums, where these deficiencies (considered essential) cannot be compensated in any way with other characteristics, qualities or peculiarities which are well above the minimum required level. The aim of this work is to show a combination of the compensatory “index of maximum and minimum level” with the non-compensatory option: “the index of elimination by excessdistance”. Key words: characteristic, distance, index of elimination by excess-distance, index of maximum and minimum level, fuzzy sub-set

    An Asymmetric Index to Compare Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers

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    In this paper, we present a tool to help reduce the uncertainty presented in the resource selection problem when information is subjective in nature. The candidates and the "ideal" resource required by evaluators are modeled by fuzzy subsets whose elements are trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFN). By modeling with TrFN the subjective variables used to determine the best among a set of resources, one should take into account in the decision-making process, not only their expected value, but also the uncertainty that they reflect. Respecting this condition, for each candidate an asymmetric index evaluates the distance between the TrFNs for each of the variables and the corresponding TrFNs of the "ideal" candidate, consolidating them through a weighted average that lets the decision-maker make the final comparison between the candidates, and the selection of the one best suited. We apply this contribution to the case of the selection of the product that is best suited for a "pilot test" to be carried out in some market segment

    The incidence of incentives for t-commerce acceptance: improving television as a distribution channel

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the impact of incentives on the behavioral intention to use electronic commerce through interactive television to enhance a deeper understanding of how television platforms can improve the attractiveness of television to enterprises as a channel of communication and distribution. Design/methodology/approach This research uses a questionnaire to collect empirical data on preferences related to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, attitude toward the use of t-commerce, behavioral intention to use t-commerce and incentives. The measurement scales of the variables were tested using exploratory factor analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the results of forgotten effects analysis applied to the incidences of incentives on the precedents of the behavioral intention to use t-commerce. Findings The findings suggest that there are no significant direct incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce, but the direct incidence is only part of the total incidence and on many occasions is only a small part, as the result of causal relationships between causes and effects. The results indicate indirect incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce through its precedents. Practical implications Marketing managers of television platforms may consider the use of incentives to encourage behavioral intention to use t-commerce to achieve the development of interactive television as a distribution channel. Originality/value Research on t-commerce acceptance, especially research that uses extrinsic variables, is scarce. This paper addresses that gap by exploring the use of incentives to attract users

    Innovations and development of artificial intelligence in Europe: some empirical evidences

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between innovation and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies in Europe. The use of digital technologies among European companies is studied through a composite index, while the relationship between innovation and AI is studied through a log-linear regression model. The results of the model have made possible to develop interesting indications for economic and industrial polic

    Fuzzy logic analysis of effektiveness of the internet advertising formats in interactive television

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    In a context of technological convergence, the users indistinctly can accede to audiovisual contents through the television and Internet. The object of present work is evaluating the effectiveness of the Internet advertising formats in Interactive Television. The new techniques derived from multivalent logic are an interesting alternative for decision making through order versus classical methods. Therefore, after the treatment of subjective expert input the results reveal that Internet advertising formats are not effectiveness in Interactive Television and it is necessary adapt them for improve the effectiveness of this formats to inform, persuade and remember. = Рассматривается актуальная маркетинговая проблема, связанная с оценкой эффективности интернет-рекламы в формате интерактивного телевидения. Предложен метод для принятия решений при размещении заказа, основанный на многозначной логике и позволяющий эффективно использовать субъективную экспертную информацию

    A fuzzy asymmetric TOPSIS model for optimizing investment in online advertising campaigns

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    The high penetration of the Internet and e-commerce in Spain during recent years has increased companies' interest in this medium for advertising planning. In this context Google offers a great advertising inventory and perfectly segmented content pages. This work is concerned with the optimization of online advertising investments based on pay-per-click campaigns. Our main goal is to rank and select different alternative keyword sets aimed at maximizing the awareness of and traffic to a company's website. The keyword selection problem with online advertising purposes is clearly a multiple-criteria decision-making problem additionally characterized by the imprecise, ambiguous and uncertain nature of the available data. To address this problem, we propose a technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)-based approach, which allows us to rank the alternative keyword sets, taking into account the fuzzy nature of the available data. The TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution and the longest distance from the negative ideal solution. In this work, due to the characteristics of the studied problem, we propose the use of an asymmetric distance, allowing us to work with ideal solutions that differ from the maximum or the minimum. The suitability of the proposed model is illustrated with an empirical case of a stock exchange broker's advertising investment problem aimed at generating awareness about the brand and increasing the traffic to the corporative website

    Fifty years of fuzzy research: A bibliometric analysis and a long-term comparative overview

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    This paper presents a general overview and a long-term comparison in fuzzy logic research published between 1965 and 2017, obtained via Web of Science. The paper analyzes the growth, impact, trends and regional localization of fuzzy re-search. Conventional, sophisticated among others bibliometric indicators have applies. It aggregates the information according to different levels and criteria including researchers, publications, institutions, or countries. A global perspective have been provided through comparisons of regional aggregates and compound annual growth rates that strengthen the indicators applied in this article. The results permit to visualize the influence, importance, evolution and performance of the fuzzy research as well its contribution to, and transversality with other fields. The findings show that China continues to be a leader in number of contributions. There has been a recent relative decline in the United States contributions overall. Asian and African contribu-tions to scientific literature have grown noticeably. The results also provide a framework for the use of indicators adjusted to specific contexts and relevant information for future research

    Creativity and innovation in an uncertain environment

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    Los estudiosos del management han conocido a través del desarrollo de la administración un sinnúmero de teorías y enfoques que han propugnado contribuciones efectivas a su desarrollo. En estos inicios del siglo XXI nos enfrentamos a entornos muchos más inciertos, competitivos y cambiantes, y los enfoques tradicionales no parecen ser una respuesta única y absoluta. Según Tom Peters (1987), no existe compañía segura ante la incertidumbre que nos gobierna habiendo sólo dos maneras de responder a esta era de excelencia insostenible: compra de ideas o creación de ideas. La segunda estrategia es paradójica: aceptar la incertidumbre al enfatizar un conjunto de nuevas bases, calidad y servicios de primera fila, aumentar la respuesta empresarial potenciando la flexibilidad, y continuas y breves apuestas de innovación y mejora buscando la creación de nuevos mercados para productos aparentemente maduros. La Creatividad y la Innovación, resultan ser (para la literatura particularmente) objeto de variadas interpretaciones, alcances, definiciones, etc. y por supuesto, de indicaciones o recomendaciones sobre los caminos que resulten ser más adecuados para su desarrollo y posterior utilización como recurso competitivo. La creciente entropía que afecta el devenir de los negocios, el proceso de globalización, la cada vez mayor competencia en las industrias y la velocidad con que se suscitan los cambios en los ciclos económicos, dan lugar a un contexto en donde tanto la incertidumbre como la escasez de referentes para manejarse en este ámbito se hacen sentir con particular notoriedad. Ello resulta especialmente crítico al emprender nuevas actividades de negocios, donde posiblemente la incertidumbre alcanza un alto grado de presencia, en la cual, ante situaciones cambiantes, nuevas e impredecibles, se requiere actuar con un alto nivel de imaginación y creatividad. Para el desarrollo de una actividad bajo condiciones de incertidumbre se hace absolutamente necesaria la existencia de una estrategia de empresa. Esta no es más que una búsqueda deliberada de un plan de acción que desarrolle una ventaja empresarial competitiva. Para cualquier compañía esta búsqueda es un proceso interactivo que comienza con el reconocimiento del dónde estamos y con qué contamos en este momento. En el pasado, y ciertamente en el pasado empresarial reciente, observamos que la estrategia de las empresas para aumentar beneficios ha perdido el enfoque principal de captación de clientes mediante la extendida costumbre de adquirir otras empresas. El empresario ha confundido la táctica con la estrategia. Big is good. La denominada “merger mania” ha olvidado el aspecto más importante de la estrategia de una empresa, la búsqueda de una ventaja competitiva mediante la CREATIVIDAD y la INNOVACION.The study of management knowed, through the development of a important number of management theories and approaches, that have privided effective contributions to their development, given made the context lived. Now in the XXI century, we face more uncertain environments, competitive and changing, and the traditional approaches do not appear to get the absolute answer. According to Tom Peters (1987), no company is safe from the uncertainty that governs us and there are only two ways : to buy ideas or creation of ideas. The second strategy is paradoxical. To recive the uncertainty emphasizing a set of new quality and services first row, increase the business response, enhancing flexibility, and short bets for continuing innovation and improvement aiming at the creation of new markets for new products. Creativity and Innovation are (especially for literature) the subject of various interpretations, definitions, etc. and of course, directions or recommendations on the ways that are more suitable for development and subsequent use as a competitive resource. The increasing entropy affecting the future of business, the process of globalization, the increased competition in industries and the speed with which changes occur in economic cycles, are in a context where so much uncertainty ans shortage of references for use in this area became very obvious. This is especially critical when undertaking new business activities, where uncertainty is probably a high degree of participation, which, to changing situations, new and unpredictable, we need to act with a high level of imagination and creativity. For the creation of a business under conditions of uncertainty is absolutely necessary to have a corporate strategy. This is a search of a deliberate plan of action to develop a competitive business advantage. For any company this search is an interactive process that begins with the recognition of where we are and what we have at present. In the past, and certainly in the recent business past, we see that the strategy of companies to increase profits has lost the focus of customer retention through the widespread habit of acquiring other companies. The employer has confused tactics with strategy. "Big is good". The so-called "merger mania" has forgotten the most important aspect of the strategy of a company seeking a competitive advantage through creativity and innovation