37 research outputs found

    Ganglioside composition and histology of a spontaneous metastatic brain tumour in the VM mouse

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    Glycosphingolipid abnormalities have long been implicated in tumour malignancy and metastasis. Gangliosides are a family of sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids that modulate cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. Histology and ganglioside composition were examined in a natural brain tumour of the VM mouse strain. The tumour is distinguished from other metastatic tumour models because it arose spontaneously and metastasizes to several organs including brain and spinal cord after subcutaneous inoculation of tumour tissue in the flank. By electron microscopy, the tumour consisted of cells (15 to 20 μm in diameter) that had slightly indented nuclei and scant cytoplasm. The presence of smooth membranes with an absence of junctional complexes was a characteristic ultrastructural feature. No positive immunostaining was found for glial or neuronal markers. The total ganglioside sialic acid content of the subcutaneously grown tumour was low (12.6 ± 0.9 μg per 100 mg dry wt, n= 6 separate tumours) and about 70% of this was in the form of N-glycolylneuraminic acid. In contrast, the ganglioside content of the cultured VM tumour cells was high (248.4 ± 4.4 μg, n= 3) and consisted almost exclusively of N-acetylneuraminic acid. The ganglioside pattern of the tumour grown subcutaneously was complex, while GM3, GM2, GM1, and GD1a were the major gangliosides in the cultured tumour cells. This tumour will be a useful natural model for evaluating the role of gangliosides and other glycolipids in tumour cell invasion and metastasis. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Ontogeny-Driven rDNA Rearrangement, Methylation, and Transcription, and Paternal Influence

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    Gene rearrangement occurs during development in some cell types and this genome dynamics is modulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including growth stimulants and nutrients. This raises a possibility that such structural change in the genome and its subsequent epigenetic modifications may also take place during mammalian ontogeny, a process undergoing finely orchestrated cell division and differentiation. We tested this hypothesis by comparing single nucleotide polymorphism-defined haplotype frequencies and DNA methylation of the rDNA multicopy gene between two mouse ontogenic stages and among three adult tissues of individual mice. Possible influences to the genetic and epigenetic dynamics by paternal exposures were also examined for Cr(III) and acid saline extrinsic factors. Variables derived from litters, individuals, and duplicate assays in large mouse populations were examined using linear mixed-effects model. We report here that active rDNA rearrangement, represented by changes of haplotype frequencies, arises during ontogenic progression from day 8 embryos to 6-week adult mice as well as in different tissue lineages and is modifiable by paternal exposures. The rDNA methylation levels were also altered in concordance with this ontogenic progression and were associated with rDNA haplotypes. Sperm showed highest level of methylation, followed by lungs and livers, and preferentially selected haplotypes that are positively associated with methylation. Livers, maintaining lower levels of rDNA methylation compared with lungs, expressed more rRNA transcript. In vitro transcription demonstrated haplotype-dependent rRNA expression. Thus, the genome is also dynamic during mammalian ontogeny and its rearrangement may trigger epigenetic changes and subsequent transcriptional controls, that are further influenced by paternal exposures

    Cohesin Proteins Promote Ribosomal RNA Production and Protein Translation in Yeast and Human Cells

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    Cohesin is a protein complex known for its essential role in chromosome segregation. However, cohesin and associated factors have additional functions in transcription, DNA damage repair, and chromosome condensation. The human cohesinopathy diseases are thought to stem not from defects in chromosome segregation but from gene expression. The role of cohesin in gene expression is not well understood. We used budding yeast strains bearing mutations analogous to the human cohesinopathy disease alleles under control of their native promoter to study gene expression. These mutations do not significantly affect chromosome segregation. Transcriptional profiling reveals that many targets of the transcriptional activator Gcn4 are induced in the eco1-W216G mutant background. The upregulation of Gcn4 was observed in many cohesin mutants, and this observation suggested protein translation was reduced. We demonstrate that the cohesinopathy mutations eco1-W216G and smc1-Q843Δ are associated with defects in ribosome biogenesis and a reduction in the actively translating fraction of ribosomes, eiF2α-phosphorylation, and 35S-methionine incorporation, all of which indicate a deficit in protein translation. Metabolic labeling shows that the eco1-W216G and smc1-Q843Δ mutants produce less ribosomal RNA, which is expected to constrain ribosome biogenesis. Further analysis shows that the production of rRNA from an individual repeat is reduced while copy number remains unchanged. Similar defects in rRNA production and protein translation are observed in a human Roberts syndrome cell line. In addition, cohesion is defective specifically at the rDNA locus in the eco1-W216G mutant, as has been previously reported for Roberts syndrome. Collectively, our data suggest that cohesin proteins normally facilitate production of ribosomal RNA and protein translation, and this is one way they can influence gene expression. Reduced translational capacity could contribute to the human cohesinopathies

    Longevity by RNA polymerase III inhibition downstream of TORC1

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    Three distinct RNA polymerases (Pols) transcribe different classes of genes in the eukaryotic nucleus1. Pol III is the essential, evolutionarily conserved enzyme that generates short, non-coding RNAs, including transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)2. Historical focus on transcription of protein-coding genes has left the roles of Pol III in organismal physiology relatively unexplored. The prominent regulator of Pol III activity, Target of Rapamycin kinase Complex 1 (TORC1), is an important longevity determinant3, raising the question of Pol III’s involvement in ageing. Here we show that Pol III limits lifespan downstream of TORC1. We find that a reduction in Pol III extends chronological lifespan in yeast and organismal lifespan in worms and flies. Inhibiting Pol III activity in the adult worm or fly gut is sufficient to extend lifespan, and in flies, longevity can be achieved by Pol III inhibition specifically in the intestinal stem cells (ISCs). The longevity phenotype is associated with amelioration of age-related gut pathology and functional decline, dampened protein synthesis and increased tolerance of proteostatic stress. Importantly, Pol III acts downstream of TORC1 for lifespan and limiting Pol III activity in the adult gut achieves the full longevity benefit of systemic TORC1 inhibition. Hence, Pol III is a pivotal output of this key nutrient signalling network for longevity; Pol III’s growth-promoting, anabolic activity mediates the acceleration of ageing by TORC1. The evolutionary conservation of Pol III affirms its potential as a therapeutic target