1,864 research outputs found

    In Pursuit of a Path: A Collection of Short Stories About Women

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    This collection of short fiction, narration and empathetic characters, through third-person tells the stories of five different women struggling to be themselves, essentially telling the struggle of women and humans everywhere. These women, who are in the minority--a lesbian, a single career woman, a black woman, an elderly woman and a young college woman--especially represent the wonders and beauties and complexities and difficulties of being a woman. Their obstacles though are society, homophobia, gender, race and age. However, despite their obstacles and their opponents--themselves, family, friends, co-workers, employers—somehow they reach within themselves and find new strength to emerge from their respective conflicts. They emerge into truer, more determined, stronger, more peaceful and better selves. Brooke Uriah lets go of the woman with whom she was in love and who has died recently. At the same time she takes ownership of her lesbianism by standing firm with her family, primarily her mother. By letting go and standing firm, she embraces a truer woman in herself. Mick Niessen takes on everybody and everything that gets in her way of being a successful businesswoman, until her conscience decides to take her on. She hears her conscience and the significant people in her life before listening to an even more determined woman in herself. Laine Judé steps around anybody and anything that may cause conflict in her life, until someone steps in front of her black skin and her dream to teach. instead of stepping backward and then around, she steps forward for once, clearing the path for a stronger woman in herself. Cade Quinlan gives in to her failing health at age ninety, but her family does not. They judge her wishes to hold on no longer as fleeting, delirious from age and pain and medication. Before she becomes comatose, she thinks enough ahead to ask her friend to speak on her behalf, finding a younger, more peaceful woman in herself. Sally Crofton gives up herself to help her friend Cade Quinlan. At age twenty, however, her word is as valued as Cade’s. Still, she steps up and confronts Cade\u27s family regarding her friend\u27s wishes. They make her step back, causing her to step back even farther and see the good of her failed attempt, thus seeing a better woman in herself. Collectively, these women have similar advantages—human spirit, humor, intelligence, talent, wisdom—and distinct advantages--love for another woman, female anatomy in a man\u27s world, color of skin, too much age, too little age. Individually, they take different paths to utilize their advantages in order to overcome their disadvantages. Some self-interpretation may consider this collection as feminist. More simply, it is a reflection of some of the diverse personalities within the 1990s, reemphasizing the importance of serious subject matters and reaffirming perhaps the ultimate moral value: truth

    Translation at inter-governmental organizations the set of skills and knowledge required and the implications for recruitment testing

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    Se investiga la importancia relativa de cada uno de 40 habilidades y de conocimientos que necesitan los traductores que trabajan en las organizaciones intergubernamentales, con enfoque en los exámenes de selección de nuevos traductores. En base de una encuesta de traductores y correctores en diferentes organizaciones, se producen jerarquías de habilidades-conocimientos específicas para cada organización. Los actuales exámenes de selección se analizan a la luz de dichas jerarquías con el fin de identificar las modificaciones que podrían permitir que las organizaciones reclutan los candidatos más adecuados para perfiles necesitados. Para examinar más en profundidad las implicaciones de estos resultados, se escribe un examen nuevo, más adecuado a las jerarquías identificadas, y se comparan el modelo de los exámenes actuales. Se demuestra empíricamente que tanto estudiantes de Máster y como profesionales de las organizaciones reciben notas significativamente diferentes en los dos exámenes. De ahí las implicaciones importantes para la formación de traductoresThis study investigates the relative importance of 40 skills and knowledge required by translators at inter-governmental organizations from the perspective of recruitment testing. On the basis of a survey conducted of translators and revisers at various organizations, specific skills-knowledge hierarchies required at individual organizations are drawn up. Current testing practice is examined in the light of the hierarchies to identify adjustments that could be made to help organizations select the candidates with the profile they need. To examine the implications of the findings further, the performance of a group of translators on a traditional recruitment test is compared with their performance on a “profile-adapted” test that is designed on the basis of measurement theory. The findings also have implications for translator training

    Letter from Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Letter from Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) to Geraldine Ferraro. Senator DeConcini attached a letter from a Dutch academic, Dr. C.V. Lafeber. Dr. C.V. Lafeber included a plan for Polish and Dutch foreign policy. Letters have handwritten notes.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1334/thumbnail.jp

    Role of interleukin-7 in degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases

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    IL-7 is known foremost for its immunostimulatory capacities, including potent T cell-dependent catabolic effects on bone. In joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, IL-7, via immune activation, can induce joint destruction. Now it has been demonstrated that increased IL-7 levels are produced by human articular chondrocytes of older individuals and osteoarthritis patients. IL-7 stimulates production of proteases by IL-7 receptor-expressing chondrocytes and enhances cartilage matrix degradation. This indicates that IL-7, indirectly via immune activation, but also by a direct action on cartilage, contributes to joint destruction in rheumatic diseases

    Het stof waait op

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    Masterthesis Praktische Theologi

    Experimental intra-uterine growth retardation in the guinea pig

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    In the Western world perinatal mortality rates have been reduced to low levels for various reasons but mainly because of better perinatal care. However morbidity is still relatively high and the concern of every parent for the quality of life of his newborn child demands continuing research into the development of the fetus and the newborn. One of the major groups of infants at risk are those that are born with a low birthweight. Approximately 5-14% of all live born children in Western Europe and the "United States have a birth weight of less than 2500 grams. Of these about two-thirds are born too early and are called "pre term" and one-third is born too small and is called "small for gestational age." Although this division seems logical it took clinicians a long time to realize the differences between these groups that hence require different treatment. ~early fifteen years ago the introduction of the so-called "intrauterine growth charts". that indicated the normal fetal growth for a certain population. offered the opportunity of categorising normal or abnormal fetal growth patterns. During recent years it has become possible to assess human fetal growth by means of ultrasound techniques and thus identify and time growth retardation in utero. At the same time follow-up studies of infants that were born small for gestational age have demonstrated that growth retardation in utero may have permanent effects on later growth and development. For ethical reasons good clinical research studies are difficult. Most research has therefore been concentrated on animals. During recent years much has become known on normal growth and development of the fetus in several species. There are numerous examples that show that fetal development is for instance under endocrine control. However the precise sequence of causal events leading to tissue differentiation late in fetal development remains unclear. Some parameters that influence fetal development may become more clear by studying abnormal fetal growth. Examples of these are the naturally occuring "runts" or the large fetuses that are frequently seen in diabetic pregnancy. Another approach to investigate the regulation of fetal growth is to experimentally reduce mean growth rate in utero. This is the approach used in this thesis which studies intrauterine growth retardation in the guinea pig and investigates some of the consequences of this condition. Such a comparative approach provides a broad background of information and thus general principles that allow specific questions of the human condition to be asked and interpreted adequatel