113 research outputs found

    Re-examining the directional-ordering transition in the compass model with screw-periodic boundary conditions

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    We study the directional-ordering transition in the two-dimensional classical and quantum compass models on the square lattice by means of Monte Carlo simulations. An improved algorithm is presented which builds on the Wolff cluster algorithm in one-dimensional subspaces of the configuration space. This improvement allows us to study classical systems up to L=512L=512. Based on the new algorithm we give evidence for the presence of strongly anomalous scaling for periodic boundary conditions which is much worse than anticipated before. We propose and study alternative boundary conditions for the compass model which do not make use of extended configuration spaces and show that they completely remove the problem with finite-size scaling. In the last part, we apply these boundary conditions to the quantum problem and present a considerably improved estimate for the critical temperature which should be of interest for future studies on the compass model. Our investigation identifies a strong one-dimensional magnetic ordering tendency with a large correlation length as the cause of the unusual scaling and moreover allows for a precise quantification of the anomalous length scale involved.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; version as publishe

    Highly Frustrated Magnetic Clusters: The kagome on a sphere

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    We present a detailed study of the low-energy excitations of two existing finite-size realizations of the planar kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the sphere, the cuboctahedron and the icosidodecahedron. After highlighting a number of special spectral features (such as the presence of low-lying singlets below the first triplet and the existence of localized magnons) we focus on two major issues. The first concerns the nature of the excitations above the plateau phase at 1/3 of the saturation magnetization Ms. Our exact diagonalizations for the s=1/2 icosidodecahedron reveal that the low-lying plateau states are adiabatically connected to the degenerate collinear ``up-up-down'' ground states of the Ising point, at the same time being well isolated from higher excitations. A complementary physical picture emerges from the derivation of an effective quantum dimer model which reveals the central role of the topology and the intrinsic spin s. We also give a prediction for the low energy excitations and thermodynamic properties of the spin s=5/2 icosidodecahedron Mo72Fe30. In the second part we focus on the low-energy spectra of the s>1/2 Heisenberg model in view of interpreting the broad inelastic neutron scattering response reported for Mo72Fe30. To this end we demonstrate the simultaneous presence of several broadened low-energy ``towers of states'' or ``rotational bands'' which arise from the large discrete spatial degeneracy of the classical ground states, a generic feature of highly frustrated clusters. This semiclassical interpretation is further corroborated by their striking symmetry pattern which is shown, by an independent group theoretical analysis, to be a characteristic fingerprint of the classical coplanar ground states.Comment: 22 pages Added references Corrected typo

    Dynamical dimer correlations at bipartite and non-bipartite Rokhsar-Kivelson points

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    We determine the dynamical dimer correlation functions of quantum dimer models at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point on the bipartite square and cubic lattices and the non-bipartite triangular lattice. Based on an algorithmic idea by Henley, we simulate a stochastic process of classical dimer configurations in continuous time and perform a stochastic analytical continuation to obtain the dynamical correlations in momentum space and the frequency domain. This approach allows us to observe directly the dispersion relations and the evolution of the spectral intensity within the Brillouin zone beyond the single-mode approximation. On the square lattice, we confirm analytical predictions related to soft modes close to the wavevectors (pi,pi) and (pi,0) and further reveal the existence of shadow bands close to the wavevector (0,0). On the cubic lattice the spectrum is also gapless but here only a single soft mode at (pi,pi,pi) is found, as predicted by the single mode approximation. The soft mode has a quadratic dispersion at very long wavelength, but crosses over to a linear behavior very rapidly. We believe this to be the remnant of the linearly dispersing "photon" of the Coulomb phase. Finally the triangular lattice is in a fully gapped liquid phase where the bottom of the dimer spectrum exhibits a rich structure. At the M point the gap is minimal and the spectral response is dominated by a sharp quasiparticle peak. On the other hand, at the X point the spectral function is much broader. We sketch a possible explanation based on the crossing of the coherent dimer excitations into the two-vison continuum.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Entanglement spectrum of the two dimensional Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the entanglement spectrum (ES) of the Bose-Hubbard model on the two dimensional square lattice at unit filling, both in the Mott insulating and in the superfluid phase. In the Mott phase, we demonstrate that the ES is dominated by the physics at the boundary between the two subsystems. On top of the boundary-local (perturbative) structure, the ES exhibits substructures arising from one-dimensional dispersions along the boundary. In the superfluid phase, the structure of the ES is qualitatively different, and reflects the spontaneously broken U(1) symmetry of the phase. We attribute the basic low-lying structure to a so-called "tower of states" (TOS) Hamiltonian of the model. We then discuss how these characteristic structures evolve across the superfluid to Mott insulator transition and their influence on the behavior of the entanglement entropies. Finally, we briefly outline the implications of the ES structure on the efficiency of matrix-product-state based algorithms in two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; supplementary materials (4 pages, 2 figures). Minor changes, few typos corrected. Published versio

    Spatial noise correlations of a chain of ultracold fermions - A numerical study

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    We present a numerical study of noise correlations, i.e., density-density correlations in momentum space, in the extended fermionic Hubbard model in one dimension. In experiments with ultracold atoms, these noise correlations can be extracted from time-of-flight images of the expanding cloud. Using the density-matrix renormalization group method to investigate the Hubbard model at various fillings and interactions, we confirm that the shot noise contains full information on the correlations present in the system. We point out the importance of the sum rules fulfilled by the noise correlations and show that they yield nonsingular structures beyond the predictions of bosonization approaches. Noise correlations can thus serve as a universal probe of order and can be used to characterize the many-body states of cold atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Entanglement spectrum of the Heisenberg XXZ chain near the ferromagnetic point

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    We study the entanglement spectrum (ES) of a finite XXZ spin 1/2 chain in the limit \Delta -> -1^+ for both open and periodic boundary conditions. At \Delta=-1 (ferromagnetic point) the model is equivalent to the Heisenberg ferromagnet and its degenerate ground state manifold is the SU(2) multiplet with maximal total spin. Any state in this so-called "symmetric sector" is an equal weight superposition of all possible spin configurations. In the gapless phase at \Delta>-1 this property is progressively lost as one moves away from the \Delta=-1 point. We investigate how the ES obtained from the states in this manifold reflects this change, using exact diagonalization and Bethe ansatz calculations. We find that in the limit \Delta ->-1^+ most of the ES levels show divergent behavior. Moreover, while at \Delta=-1 the ES contains no information about the boundaries, for \Delta>-1 it depends dramatically on the choice of boundary conditions. For both open and periodic boundary conditions the ES exhibits an elegant multiplicity structure for which we conjecture a combinatorial formula. We also study the entanglement eigenfunctions, i.e. the eigenfunctions of the reduced density matrix. We find that the eigenfunctions corresponding to the non diverging levels mimic the behavior of the state wavefunction, whereas the others show intriguing polynomial structures. Finally we analyze the distribution of the ES levels as the system is detuned away from \Delta=-1.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections, references added. Published versio

    Symmetry Breaking on the Three-Dimensional Hyperkagome Lattice of Na_4Ir_3O_8

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    We study the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the highly frustrated, three-dimensional, hyperkagome lattice of Na_4Ir_3O_8 using a series expansion method. We propose a valence bond crystal with a 72 site unit cell as a ground state that supports many, very low lying, singlet excitations. Low energy spinons and triplons are confined to emergent lower-dimensional motifs. Here, and for analogous kagome and pyrochlore states, we suggest finite temperature signatures, including an Ising transition, in the magnetic specific heat due to a multistep breaking of discrete symmetries.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Polarity of the Gospels in the Exegesis of Origen

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    In spite of all the hermeneutic research, the allegorizing of the Alexandrians, and above all the exegetical work of Origen, remains a strange phenomenon of the early church. Historians have often smiled indulgently, if they have not scoffed, at those childhood steps of biblical interpretation within ancient Christian theology, from Thomasius more than a century ago up to our present. The possibility of a complete understanding is hindered by the lack of many of Origen's texts in the original language. Many of his commentaries are lost. And yet there are certain indications from which we can learn that Origen did have his sound reasons for his exegetical undertaking. For this, one has to examine the tenth chapter of his Commentary on Joh
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