34 research outputs found

    On the numerical solution of the multidimensional singular integrals and integral equations, used in the theory of linear viscoelasticity

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    In the present report, we investigate the formulation, for the numerical evaluation of the multidimensional singular integrals and integral equations, used in the theory of linear viscoelasticity. Some simple formulas are given for the numerical solution of the general case of the multidimensional singular integrals. Moreover a numerical technique is also established for the numerical solution of some special cases of the multidimensional singular integrals like the two - and three - dimensional singular integrals. An application is given to the determination of the fracture behaviour of a thick, hollow circular cylinder of viscoelastic material restrained by an enclosing thin elastic ring and subjected to a uniform pressure

    Hypersingular Integral Equations in Banach Spaces by the Quadrature Method

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    Abstract A new numerical method is introduced and investigated for the hypersingular integral equations defined in Banach spaces. The hypersingular integral equations belong to a wider class of singular integral equations having much more stronger singularities.The proposed approximation method is an extension beyond the quadrature method. Beyond the above, an error estimates theory is proposed and investigated for the hypersingular integral equations by proving some new theorems. Finally, the inequalities valid between the exact solutions of the hypersingular integral equations and the corresponding approximate solutions, are proposed and proved. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification : 65L10, 65R20. Key Word and Phrases Hypersingular Integral Equations, Singularity, Quadrature Method, Error Estimates, Banach Spaces, Finite-Part Singular Integral Equations. Introduction The hypersingular integral equations consist to a wider class of singular integral equations. In particular the kernel of such integral equations has a stronger singularity as compared to the finitepart singular integral equations. Consequently, there is very big interest for the numerical evaluation of the hypersingular integral equations, as closed form solutions are not possible to be determined. J. Hadamard [1], [2] was the first scientist who introduced the concept of finite -part integrals, and L. Schwartz [3] studied very basic properties of them. Some years later, H.R. Kutt [4] proposed some algorithms for the numerical evaluation of the finite-part singular integrals and studied the difference between a finite -part integral and a "generalized principal value integral". On the contrary, M.A. Golberg [5] investigated the convergence of several numerical methods for the solution of finite-part integrals. He proposed a method, which was an extension beyond the Galerkin and collocation methods In addition, by E.G. Ladopoulos [9] -[15] were proposed several numerical methods for the solution of the finite-part singular integral equations of the first and the second kind. He further applied this type of singular integral equations to the solution of very important problems of elasticity, fracture mechanics and aerodynamics. Also, E.G. Ladopoulos, V.A. Zisis and D. Kravvaritis [16], By the current research are introduced and investigated the hypersingular integral equations, which have stronger singularity in comparison to the finite-part singular integral equations. The hypersingular integral equations belong therefore to a wider class of integral equations with kernels of very strong singularities. A numerical method is proposed for the solution of the hypersingular integral equations, defined in Banach spaces. The proposed approximation method is an extension beyond the quadrature method

    Singular Integral Operators Method in Unsteady Spillway Flows

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    Abstract A classical open channel hydraulics problem is the determination of the free-surface profile of an unsteady flow over a spillway flo w. Thus, by using the Singular Integral Operators Method (S.I.O.M.) then the above problem can be solved by applying numerical evaluation. When a flo w rate Q is known, then the velocit ies and the elevations are computed on the free surface o f the spillway flow. For the nu merical evaluation of the singular integral equations are used both constant and linear elements. An applicat ion is finally given to the determination o f the free-surface profile of a special spillway and comparing the numerical results with corresponding results by the Boundary Integral Equation Method (B.I.E.M.)

    Planar Airfoils in Two-dimensional Aerodynamics by Non-linear Multidimensional Singular Integral Equations

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    Abstract Planar airfoils are studied for the unsteady flow motion in two-dimensional aerodynamics. Such problems are reduced to the solution of a non-linear multidimensional singular integral equation, when the form of the source and vortex strength distribution is dependent on the history of these distributions on the NACA airfoil surface. A turbulent boundary layer model is also proposed, based on the formulation of the unsteady behavior of the momentum integral equation. Finally, an application is given to the determination of the velocity and pressure coefficient field around an aircraft by assuming constant vortex distribution. Key Word and Phrases Non-linear Aerodynamics, Two-dimensional NACA airfoil, Non-linear Multidimensional Singular Integral Equations, Constant Vortex Distribution, Aircraft, Velocity & Pressure Coefficient Field. Introduction Over the last years a continuously increasing interest has been given to the non-linear singular integral equations by which are solved very important problems of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, especially these referred to unsteady flows. The computational methods which are used for the numerical evaluation of the non-linear singular integral equations consist of the latest high technology to the solution of general problems of solid and fluid mechanics. For this reason such computational methods are continuously improved. The aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA airfoils are too important for the design of the new generation aircrafts, with very high speeds. This new technology aerodynamic problems are therefore reduced to the solution of non-linear singular integral equations, which are used for the determination of the velocity and pressure coefficient field around the NACA airfoils. Hence, special attention should be concentrated to such computational methods used for the solution of the above mentioned aerodynamic and fluid mechanics problems of unsteady flows. The Over the last years, several other scientists made extensive calculations by using unsteady turbulent boundary layer methods. Among them we shall mention

    Platelet function is modified by common sequence variation in megakaryocyte super enhancers

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    Linking non-coding genetic variants associated with the risk of diseases or disease-relevant traits to target genes is a crucial step to realize GWAS potential in the introduction of precision medicine. Here we set out to determine the mechanisms underpinning variant association with platelet quantitative traits using cell type-matched epigenomic data and promoter long-range interactions. We identify potential regulatory functions for 423 of 565 (75%) non-coding variants associated with platelet traits and we demonstrate, through ex vivo and proof of principle genome editing validation, that variants in super enhancers play an important role in controlling archetypical platelet functions

    Dynamische Analyse von nichtlinearen Strukturen mit dreidimensionalen Differentialgleichungen

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    Further Developments of Non-linear Semigroups in Hilbert Spaces used in Oil & Gas Engineering

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    Abstract A new mathematical approach is investigated by using non-linear semigroups in order to prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the non-linear partial differential equation defined in Hilbert Spaces and derived from the general porous medium analysis. Such an equation is used in well test analysis in petroleum reservoir engineering for the determination of the properties of the reservoir materials. Hence, by the new method is estimated the size of the oil reserves after their exploration. Additionally, the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the non-linear porous medium equation is proved, by presenting some general boundary conditions. Finally, some properties of the solutions for the above non-linear partial differential equation are finally proved. Introduction Over the past years an increasing interest was realized on studying non-linear semigroups in general Banach spaces associated with the existence and uniqueness theory of partial differential equations arising in a big level of problems of mathematical physics and engineering. Hence, the study of the non-linear semigroups was derived directly from the examination of non-linear parabolic equations and from various non-linear boundary value problems. As a beginning the first work on semigroups was published by A.V


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    A two-dimensional nonlinear aerodynamics representation analysis is proposed for the investigation of inviscid flowfields of unsteady airfoils. Such problems are reduced to the solution of a nonlinear multidimensional singular integral equation as the source and vortex strength distributions are dependent on the history of these distributions on the NACA airfoil surface. A turbulent boundary layer model is further investigated, based on the formulation of the unsteady behaviour of the momentum integral equation. An application is finally given to the determination of the velocity and pressure coefficient field around an aircraft by assuming linear vortex distribution. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65L10, 65R20