141 research outputs found

    El cálculo mental a través del método ABN

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    El siguiente trabajo de fin de grado podemos dividirlo en tres apartados, en primer lugar, se recoge toda la información necesaria para poder aprender cómo funciona este nuevo método de enseñanza, conocido como método ABN ( abierto basado en número) el cual podemos saber cómo se define, quién lo creó y cuáles son sus beneficios para la educación. En segundo lugar, desarrollaremos una propuesta didáctica en el aula la cual consta de nueve sesiones que realizaremos a lo largo de un mes en las que trabajamos y desarrollamos numerosas actividades mediante diversas metodologías con el fin de desarrollar al máximo el cálculo mental en 2º de primaria. Por último, realizaremos unas conclusiones y un análisis D.A.F.O sobre todo lo empleado en la propuesta de intervención, para ello nos basaremos en los objetivos principalesGrado en Educación Primari

    El marketing mix y su relación en las colocaciones de crédito del BBVA agencia Puente Piedra - 2018

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    La presente investigación que lleva como título “El marketing mix y su relación en las colocaciones de crédito del BBVA agencia puente piedra - 2018”, pretende encontrar la relación entre la variable marketing mix y las colocaciones de crédito, que tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el marketing y las colocaciones de crédito del BBVA agencia puente piedra – 2018, se planteó la siguiente hipótesis general: El marketing mix se relaciona con las colocaciones de crédito del BBVA agencia puente piedra – 2018. El tipo de estudio fue aplicado ya que explora los recursos o teorías de la investigación básica, el nivel de investigación es correlacional y cuenta con un diseño no experimental, el enfoque es cuantitativo y de corte transversal. La muestra de esta investigación consta de 354 clientes de la base de datos del BBVA agencia puente piedra – 2018. Se usó la encuesta como técnica de recolección de datos, y como instrumento el cuestionario de 21 preguntas con la escala tipo Likert. El instrumento fue validado por expertos, asimismo se realizó una prueba estadística Alfa de Cronbach lo cual arrojo α = 0,826. Para comprobar las hipótesis de esta investigación se aplicó la prueba de correlación de Spearman, lo cual nos arrojó como resultado positivo que si existe relación entre el marketing mix con las colocaciones de crédito del BBVA agencia puente piedra – 2018

    High throughput sequencing in mice: a platform comparison identifies a preponderance of cryptic SNPs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allelic variation is the cornerstone of genetically determined differences in gene expression, gene product structure, physiology, and behavior. However, allelic variation, particularly cryptic (unknown or not annotated) variation, is problematic for follow up analyses. Polymorphisms result in a high incidence of false positive and false negative results in hybridization based analyses and hinder the identification of the true variation underlying genetically determined differences in physiology and behavior. Given the proliferation of mouse genetic models (e.g., knockout models, selectively bred lines, heterogeneous stocks derived from standard inbred strains and wild mice) and the wealth of gene expression microarray and phenotypic studies using genetic models, the impact of naturally-occurring polymorphisms on these data is critical. With the advent of next-generation, high-throughput sequencing, we are now in a position to determine to what extent polymorphisms are currently cryptic in such models and their impact on downstream analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sequenced the two most commonly used inbred mouse strains, DBA/2J and C57BL/6J, across a region of chromosome 1 (171.6 – 174.6 megabases) using two next generation high-throughput sequencing platforms: Applied Biosystems (SOLiD) and Illumina (Genome Analyzer). Using the same templates on both platforms, we compared realignments and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection with an 80 fold average read depth across platforms and samples. While public datasets currently annotate 4,527 SNPs between the two strains in this interval, thorough high-throughput sequencing identified a total of 11,824 SNPs in the interval, including 7,663 new SNPs. Furthermore, we confirmed 40 missense SNPs and discovered 36 new missense SNPs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Comparisons utilizing even two of the best characterized mouse genetic models, DBA/2J and C57BL/6J, indicate that more than half of naturally-occurring SNPs remain cryptic. The magnitude of this problem is compounded when using more divergent or poorly annotated genetic models. This warrants full genomic sequencing of the mouse strains used as genetic models.</p

    The Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor produces long-term changes on gene and miRNA expression profiles in CD34+ cells from healthy donors

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    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is the most commonly used cytokine for the mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Although the administration of this cytokine is considered safe, knowledge about its long-term effects, especially in hematopoietic progenitor cells, is limited. On this background, the aim of our study was to analyze whether or not granulocyte colony-stimulating factor induces changes in gene and microRNA expression profiles in hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors, and to determine whether or not these changes persist in the long-term. For this purpose, we analyzed the whole genome expression profile and the expression of 384 microRNA in CD34(+) cells isolated from peripheral blood of six healthy donors, before mobilization and at 5, 30 and 365 days after mobilization with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Six microRNA were differentially expressed at all time points analyzed after mobilization treatment as compared to the expression in samples obtained before exposure to the drug. In addition, 2424 genes were also differentially expressed for at least 1 year after mobilization. Of interest, 109 of these genes are targets of the differentially expressed microRNA also identified in this study. These data strongly suggest that granulocyte colony-stimulating factor modifies gene and microRNA expression profiles in hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors. Remarkably, some changes are present from early time-points and persist for at least 1 year after exposure to the drug. This effect on hematopoietic progenitor cells has not been previously reported

    Consensus Statement on Hemostatic Management, Anticoagulation, and Antiplatelet Therapy in Liver Transplantation

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    Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapies are increasingly used in liver transplant (LT) candidates and recipients due to cardiovascular comorbidities, portal vein thrombosis, or to manage posttransplant complications. The implementation of the new direct-acting oral anticoagulants and the recently developed antiplatelet drugs is a great challenge for transplant teams worldwide, as their activity must be monitored and their complications managed, in the absence of robust scientific evidence. In this changing and clinically heterogeneous scenario, the Spanish Society of Liver Transplantation and the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis aimed to achieve consensus regarding the indications, drugs, dosing, and timing of anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapies initiated from the inclusion of the patient on the waiting list to post-LT surveillance. A multidisciplinary group of experts composed by transplant hepatologists, surgeons, hematologists, transplant-specialized anesthesiologists, and intensivists performed a comprehensive review of the literature and identified 21 clinically relevant questions using the patient-intervention-comparison-outcome format. A preliminary list of recommendations was drafted and further validated using a modified Delphi approach by a panel of 24 transplant delegates, each representing a LT institution in Spain. The present consensus statement contains the key recommendations together with the core supporting scientific evidence, which will provide guidance for improved and more homogeneous clinical decision making

    Survival of patients receiving a liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma, and risk of tumor recurrence

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    Objective: the goal of this research has been to evaluate the survival, in long and short term, of the patient receiving liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the risk of posttransplant tumor relapse and factors related to this complication. Design: retrospective study of a consecutive series of patients having had liver transplant for HCC. Patients and methodology: transplant patients for HCC from 1989 to November 2003. Patients were selected due to general limitations of nodule size and quantity, which were subsequently published as Milan criteria. Also, criteria agreed in the Conference of Barcelona were followed in the pre-transplant diagnosis. Results: the survival of this 81 patients group was of the 80, 61 and 52% for 1, 5 and 10 years respectively. In the 32% of the cases the HCC was an incidental finding in the explant. In the 12.3%, the tumor relapse was verified. The multivariate research identified the size of the nodule (OR = 1,7944) (IC 95% = 1,1332-2,8413) and the vascular invasion (OR = 6,6346) (IC 95% = 1,4624-30,1003) as risk factors of relapse. Conclusions: the liver transplant in selected patients with HCC has good results in medium and long term. The risk of post-transplant tumor relapse becomes notably reduced and is associated with the size of the nodule and the microscopic vascular invasion

    Procalcitonin (PCT) levels for ruling-out bacterial coinfection in ICU patients with influenza: A CHAID decision-tree analysis

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    Objectives: To define which variables upon ICU admission could be related to the presence of coinfection using CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis. Methods: A secondary analysis from a prospective, multicentre, observational study (2009-2014) in ICU patients with confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 infection. We assessed the potential of biomarkers and clinical variables upon admission to the ICU for coinfection diagnosis using CHAID analysis. Performance of cut-off points obtained was determined on the basis of the binominal distributions of the true (+) and true (−) results. Results: Of the 972 patients included, 196 (20.3%) had coinfection. Procalcitonin (PCT; ng/mL 2.4 vs. 0.5, p < 0.001), but not C-reactive protein (CRP; mg/dL 25 vs. 38.5; p = 0.62) was higher in patients with coinfection. In CHAID analyses, PCT was the most important variable for coinfection. PCT <0.29 ng/mL showed high sensitivity (Se = 88.2%), low Sp (33.2%) and high negative predictive value (NPV = 91.9%). The absence of shock improved classification capacity. Thus, for PCT <0.29 ng/mL, the Se was 84%, the Sp 43% and an NPV of 94% with a post-test probability of coinfection of only 6%. Conclusion: PCT has a high negative predictive value (94%) and lower PCT levels seems to be a good tool for excluding coinfection, particularly for patients without shock

    iQuantitator: A tool for protein expression inference using iTRAQ

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ™) [Applied Biosystems] have seen increased application in differential protein expression analysis. To facilitate the growing need to analyze iTRAQ data, especially for cases involving multiple iTRAQ experiments, we have developed a modeling approach, statistical methods, and tools for estimating the relative changes in protein expression under various treatments and experimental conditions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This modeling approach provides a unified analysis of data from multiple iTRAQ experiments and links the observed quantity (reporter ion peak area) to the experiment design and the calculated quantity of interest (treatment-dependent protein and peptide fold change) through an additive model under log transformation. Others have demonstrated, through a case study, this modeling approach and noted the computational challenges of parameter inference in the unbalanced data set typical of multiple iTRAQ experiments. Here we present the development of an inference approach, based on hierarchical regression with batching of regression coefficients and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods that overcomes some of these challenges. In addition to our discussion of the underlying method, we also present our implementation of the software, simulation results, experimental results, and sample output from the resulting analysis report.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>iQuantitator's process-based modeling approach overcomes limitations in current methods and allows for application in a variety of experimental designs. Additionally, hypertext-linked documents produced by the tool aid in the interpretation and exploration of results.</p

    The consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a frequently lethal disease with heterogeneous outcomes and drug responses. To resolve inconsistencies among the reported gene expression-based CRC classifications and facilitate clinical translation, we formed an international consortium dedicated to large-scale data sharing and analytics across expert groups. We show marked interconnectivity between six independent classification systems coalescing into four consensus molecular subtypes (CMSs) with distinguishing features: CMS1 (microsatellite instability immune, 14%), hypermutated, microsatellite unstable and strong immune activation; CMS2 (canonical, 37%), epithelial, marked WNT and MYC signaling activation; CMS3 (metabolic, 13%), epithelial and evident metabolic dysregulation; and CMS4 (mesenchymal, 23%), prominent transforming growth factor-beta activation, stromal invasion and angiogenesis. Samples with mixed features (13%) possibly represent a transition phenotype or intratumoral heterogeneity. We consider the CMS groups the most robust classification system currently available for CRC-with clear biological interpretability-and the basis for future clinical stratification and subtype-based targeted interventions