68 research outputs found

    Belső migrációs tendenciák Magyarországon a piacgazdasági átmenet időszakában = Migration in Hungary during Market transition

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    Magyarországon a leghátrányosabb helyzetű népesség nem a számottevő munkaerő-kínálatot felmutató, sőt helyenként már munkaerő-hiánnyal küzdő települések felé, hanem ? részben az egyre gyorsuló lakáspiaci szegmentáció, részben a ?spontán folyamatokat? felerősítő kirekesztési taktikák következtében ? azzal éppen ellenkező irányba mozgott és mozog még ma is. A magyarországi szociálpolitikai rendszer ? mindenekelőtt a szociális segélyezésnek és szociális lakástámogatásnak szorosan a lakóhelyhez való kötése és a munkavállalás céljából történő áttelepülés támogatásának hiánya, illetve a leghátrányosabb helyzetű települések és településrészek katasztrofálisan alacsony színvonalú és Európában szokatlan mértékben szegregált iskolái miatt ? mintegy röghöz köti a legszegényebbeket. Mivel pedig az alacsonyan kvalifikált munkaerő keresetei igen alacsonyak a városokban, szükségszerű, hogy csak igen ritkák, és általában kudarccal végződőek a leghátrányosabb helyzetű rétegek kitörési kísérletei. | Hungary?s social welfare system fails to assist the poorest to migrate to areas where labor market conditions are better. Welfare relief and welfare subsidies to housing purchases are distributed only by the authorities where the applicants live (in other words, assistance is tied to residence); no welfare relief is paid to people who wish to migrate with the purpose of getting a job; the quality of schools in the poorest settlements and neighborhoods is atrocious, and the high level of segregation in those localities has few parallels in Europe. As urban residents with low or no qualification are paid abominable wages, few of them can collect enough money to move to areas where labor prospects are brighter

    Habitat changes of an alkaline lake, South Hungary

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    In this paper a case study of a shallow alkaline lake located on the edge of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve is presented. Alkaline lakes are protected by the Act on Nature Conservation (No. LIII of 1996) in Hungary. Due to the anthropogenic activities (channelization) and the consequences of climate change (decreasing precipitation), the alteration of natural habitats of the sample area was identified. Soil investigations and vegetation mapping were made in order to demonstrate the noticeable changes and to supply data about the current conditions for further monitoring and management activities. The revealed degradation processes are relatively rapid and need urgent proper water-management


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    By the beginning of the 21st century, investigations aiming landscape history and landscape changes became especially important in the environmental research. The decreasing number of natural areas called the attention of the world to the rapid changes in the landscape caused by human activities and climate change. Certain places are facing with increased problems caused by the sensitiveness oflandscapes. In Hungary, in the Danube–Tisza Interfluve a continuous groundwater-table sinking process was observed, as a result of anthropogenic effects of the last century and the consequences ofclimate change. On the highest part of this mesoregion (e. g. Illancs microregion), the decrease of the groundwater-level has reached 7 metres compared with the 1970s which affected significantly thenature and the local inhabitants as well. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this aridification process on dry and wet habitats of Illancs microregion. It reveals the ongoing processes in the landscape, referring to the previously affecting factors. In case of dry habitats, fragmentation and invasive species play important role as threatening factors. Wet habitats are significantly decreasing, shift of the vegetation zones can be observed. The stands are degraded, their steppification is dominant and can be observed only in the deepest parts of the depressions

    The effect of aridification on dry and wet habitats of Illancs microregion, SW Great Hungarian Plain, Hungary

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    By the beginning of the 21st century, investigations aiming landscape history and landscape changes became especially important in the environmental research. The decreasing number of natural areas called the attention of the world to the rapid changes in the landscape caused by human activities and climate change. Certain places are facing with increased problems caused by the sensitiveness of landscapes. In Hungary, in the Danube–Tisza Interfluve a continuous groundwater-table sinking process was observed, as a result of anthropogenic effects of the last century and the consequences of climate change. On the highest part of this mesoregion (e. g. Illancs microregion), the decrease of the groundwater-level has reached 7 metres compared with the 1970s which affected significantly the nature and the local inhabitants as well. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this aridification process on dry and wet habitats of Illancs microregion. It reveals the ongoing processes in the landscape, referring to the previously affecting factors. In case of dry habitats, fragmentation and invasive species play important role as threatening factors. Wet habitats are significantly decreasing, shift of the vegetation zones can be observed. The stands are degraded, their steppification is dominant and can be observed only in the deepest parts of the depressions