387 research outputs found

    Pesticide effects on body temperature of torpid/hibernating rodents (Peromyscus leucopus and Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)

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    Environmental contaminants have been shown in the lab to alter thyroid hormone concentrations. Despite the role these hormones play in the physiological ecology of small mammals, no one has investigated the possible effects of thyroid-disrupting chemicals on mammalian thermal ecology and thermoregulatory ability. Because the energetic impact of such a disruption is likely to be most dramatic during times already energetically stressful, we investigated the effects of two common pesticides (atrazine and lindane) on the use of daily torpor in white-footed mice, and the use of hibernation in 13-lined ground squirrels. Fortunately, we found that these strategies for over-wintering success were not impaired

    The Effect of Fiber Strength Stochastics and Local Fiber Volume Fraction on Multiscale Progressive Failure of Composites

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    Continuous fiber unidirectional polymer matrix composites (PMCs) can exhibit significant local variations in fiber volume fraction as a result of processing conditions that can lead to further local differences in material properties and failure behavior. In this work, the coupled effects of both local variations in fiber volume fraction and the empirically-based statistical distribution of fiber strengths on the predicted longitudinal modulus and local tensile strength of a unidirectional AS4 carbon fiber/ Hercules 3502 epoxy composite were investigated using the special purpose NASA Micromechanics Analysis Code with Generalized Method of Cells (MAC/GMC); local effective composite properties were obtained by homogenizing the material behavior over repeating units cells (RUCs). The predicted effective longitudinal modulus was relatively insensitive to small (~8%) variations in local fiber volume fraction. The composite tensile strength, however, was highly dependent on the local distribution in fiber strengths. The RUC-averaged constitutive response can be used to characterize lower length scale material behavior within a multiscale analysis framework that couples the NASA code FEAMAC and the ABAQUS finite element solver. Such an approach can be effectively used to analyze the progressive failure of PMC structures whose failure initiates at the RUC level. Consideration of the effect of local variations in constituent properties and morphologies on progressive failure of PMCs is a central aspect of the application of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) principles for composite materials

    A Multiscale Progressive Failure Modeling Methodology for Composites that Includes Fiber Strength Stochastics

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    A multiscale modeling methodology was developed for continuous fiber composites that incorporates a statistical distribution of fiber strengths into coupled multiscale micromechanics/finite element (FE) analyses. A modified two-parameter Weibull cumulative distribution function, which accounts for the effect of fiber length on the probability of failure, was used to characterize the statistical distribution of fiber strengths. A parametric study using the NASA Micromechanics Analysis Code with the Generalized Method of Cells (MAC/GMC) was performed to assess the effect of variable fiber strengths on local composite failure within a repeating unit cell (RUC) and subsequent global failure. The NASA code FEAMAC and the ABAQUS finite element solver were used to analyze the progressive failure of a unidirectional SCS-6/TIMETAL 21S metal matrix composite tensile dogbone specimen at 650 degC. Multiscale progressive failure analyses were performed to quantify the effect of spatially varying fiber strengths on the RUC-averaged and global stress-strain responses and failure. The ultimate composite strengths and distribution of failure locations (predominately within the gage section) reasonably matched the experimentally observed failure behavior. The predicted composite failure behavior suggests that use of macroscale models that exploit global geometric symmetries are inappropriate for cases where the actual distribution of local fiber strengths displays no such symmetries. This issue has not received much attention in the literature. Moreover, the model discretization at a specific length scale can have a profound effect on the computational costs associated with multiscale simulations.models that yield accurate yet tractable results

    Order-Reduced Solution of the Nonlinear High-Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells Micromechanics Relations

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    The High-Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells (HFGMC) is one technique for accurately simulating nonlinear composite material behavior. The HFGMC uses a higher-order approximation for the subcell displacement field that allows for a more accurate determination of the subcell stressstrain fields at the cost of some computational efficiency. In order to reduce computational costs associated with the solution of the ensuing system of simultaneous equations, the HFGMC global system of equations for doubly-periodic repeating unit cells with nonlinear constituents was reduced in size through the use of a Petrov-Galerkin-based Proper Orthogonal Decomposition order-reduction scheme. A number of cases were presented that address the computational feasibility of using order-reduction techniques to solve solid mechanics problems involving complex microstructures

    Mass Flows in Cometary UCHII Regions

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    High spectral and spatial resolution, mid-infrared fine structure line observations toward two ultracompact HII (UCHII) regions (G29.96 -0.02 and Mon R2) allow us to study the structure and kinematics of cometary UCHII regions. In our earlier study of Mon R2, we showed that highly organized mass motions accounted for most of the velocity structure in that UCHII region. In this work, we show that the kinematics in both Mon R2 and G29.96 are consistent with motion along an approximately paraboloidal shell. We model the velocity structure seen in our mapping data and test the stellar wind bow shock model for such paraboloidal like flows. The observations and the simulation indicate that the ram pressures of the stellar wind and ambient interstellar medium cause the accumulated mass in the bow shock to flow along the surface of the shock. A relaxation code reproduces the mass flow's velocity structure as derived by the analytical solution. It further predicts that the pressure gradient along the flow can accelerate ionized gas to a speed higher than that of the moving star. In the original bow shock model, the star speed relative to the ambient medium was considered to be the exit speed of ionized gas in the shell.Comment: 34 pages, including 14 figures and 1 table, to be published in ApJ, September 200

    Photometry using the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present several corrections for point source photometry to be applied to data from the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. These corrections are necessary because of characteristics of the IRAC arrays and optics and the way the instrument is calibrated in-flight. When these corrections are applied, it is possible to achieve a ~2% relative photometric accuracy for sources of adequate signal to noise in an IRAC image.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 19, 1970

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    New USGA studies dress code, rights • Campus Chest Committee selects student-faculty cast and chorus • Second Arts Festival considered successful • Senior class plans prom, graduation; Newman contacted • Girls basketball team captures third place in national competition • Editorial: Dress regulations • Focus: Vincent Scancella • Letters to the editor: Freak weekend; Lantern review; Inconsiderate students; Meal mess; Protheater thanks; Open dorm rule; Action line; Interest; Both sides now • Perspectives: The first victory • Dining Hall dishwashers enjoy most fun job • Opinion: A petty organization • Perusing the catalog • Cafeteria meals, open dorms proposed to aid Ursinus budget • Recruiting difficult, claim Bear coaches • Ted Taylor chosen as new coach • Freshman hoopster tops Bear scoring • Matmen end 1-9 campaign with hope for next seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1157/thumbnail.jp