The Ursinus Weekly, March 19, 1970


New USGA studies dress code, rights • Campus Chest Committee selects student-faculty cast and chorus • Second Arts Festival considered successful • Senior class plans prom, graduation; Newman contacted • Girls basketball team captures third place in national competition • Editorial: Dress regulations • Focus: Vincent Scancella • Letters to the editor: Freak weekend; Lantern review; Inconsiderate students; Meal mess; Protheater thanks; Open dorm rule; Action line; Interest; Both sides now • Perspectives: The first victory • Dining Hall dishwashers enjoy most fun job • Opinion: A petty organization • Perusing the catalog • Cafeteria meals, open dorms proposed to aid Ursinus budget • Recruiting difficult, claim Bear coaches • Ted Taylor chosen as new coach • Freshman hoopster tops Bear scoring • Matmen end 1-9 campaign with hope for next season

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