1,144 research outputs found

    OSHA Enforcement, Industrial Compliance and Workplace Injuries

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    This paper develops and tests a three-equation simultaneous model of OSHA enforcement behavior, industrial compliance and workplace injuries. The enforcement equation is based on the assumption that OSHA acts as a political institution that gains support through the transfer of wealth from firms to employees; the empirical results are largely consistent with this notion. Contrary to previous work, we find that OSHA enforcement efforts have, indeed, had a statistically significant impact on industrial compliance and, further, that this compliance has led to a statistically significant decrease in worker injuries. The point estimate of the elasticity of the lost workday rate with respect to the OSHA inspection rate is -.04.

    Predation through Regulation: The Wage and Profit Impacts of OSHA and EPA

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    This paper documents the importance of studying the indirect effects of OSHA and EPA regulations -- the competitive advantages which arise from the asymmetrical distributions of regulatory impact among different types of firms. We argue that if the competitive advantage gained through indirect effects is sufficiently large, it can more than offset any direct costs producing a net benefit for the regulated firm and its workers. The indirect effects of OSHA and EPA regulations arise in two ways. The first source is compliance asymmetries, whereby one firm suffers a greater cost burden even when regulations are evenly enforced across firms. The second source is enforcement asymmetry, whereby regulations are more vigorously enforced against certain firms. Earlier research shows that these asymmetries do exist and are based on firm size, unionization, and regional location. In this paper we empirically document that the indirect effects produced by these asymmetries mitigate the direct costs of regulations for manyfirms. Large, unionized firms in the Frostbelt are clearly gaining wealth at the expense of small, nonunionized firms in the Sunbelt.

    Weaving A Visual Data Tapestry: Cambodia Through An Ethnographic Lens

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    Using photographs and imagery in ethnography helps us in conducting observations and writing field notes. Perhaps even more importantly, it allows us to capture a visual and perceptual snapshot of the cultural and social phenomenon. “The increasing popularity of digital photographic equipment has made it possible not only to produce high-quality images but also to disseminate them far more widely than was ever imagined” (Angrosino, 2007, p. 81). However, collecting visual data to better understand a social problem, condition, or phenomenon is a major undertaking. This presentation explores the process planning and conducting an ethnographic study in Cambodia using visual imagery. Drawing on the work of Angrosino (2007) we begin by discussing the use of probing questions as a framework for conceptualizing the study. Next, we look at the works of Banks, (2007), Kenney, (2009), and Lichtman, (2010) as we plot our nontraditional exploration. Utilizing photograph

    Pesticide effects on body temperature of torpid/hibernating rodents (Peromyscus leucopus and Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)

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    Environmental contaminants have been shown in the lab to alter thyroid hormone concentrations. Despite the role these hormones play in the physiological ecology of small mammals, no one has investigated the possible effects of thyroid-disrupting chemicals on mammalian thermal ecology and thermoregulatory ability. Because the energetic impact of such a disruption is likely to be most dramatic during times already energetically stressful, we investigated the effects of two common pesticides (atrazine and lindane) on the use of daily torpor in white-footed mice, and the use of hibernation in 13-lined ground squirrels. Fortunately, we found that these strategies for over-wintering success were not impaired

    Ionized Gas Kinematics at High Resolution IV: Star Formation and a Rotating Core in the Medusa (NGC 4194)

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    NGC 4194 is a post-merger starburst known as The Medusa for its striking tidal features. We present here a detailed study of the structure and kinematics of ionized gas in the central 0.65 kpc of the Medusa. The data include radio continuum maps with resolution up to 0.18\arcsec (35 pc) and a 12.8μ12.8\mum [NeII] data cube with spectral resolution 4\sim4\kms: the first {\it high resolution, extinction-free} observations of this remarkable object. The ionized gas has the kinematic signature of a core in solid-body rotation. The starburst has formed a complex of bright compact \HII~regions, probably excited by deeply embedded super star clusters, but none of these sources is a convincing candidate for a galactic nucleus. The nuclei of the merger partners that created the Medusa have not yet been identified.Comment: to appear in Ap

    Ionized Gas Kinematics At High Resolution. II. Discovery Of A Double Infrared Cluster In II Zw 40

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    The nearby dwarf galaxy II Zw 40 hosts an intense starburst. At the center of the starburst is a bright compact radio and infrared source, thought to be a giant dense H II region containing approximate to 14,000 O stars. Radio continuum images suggest that the compact source is actually a collection of several smaller emission regions. We accordingly use the kinematics of the ionized gas to probe the structure of the radio-infrared emission region. With TEXES on the NASA-IRTF we measured the 10.5 mu m [S IV] emission line with effective spectral resolutions, including thermal broadening, of similar to 25 and similar to 3 km s(-1) and spatial resolution similar to 1 ''. The line profile shows two distinct, spatially coextensive, emission features. The stronger feature is at galactic velocity and has FWHM 47 km s(-1). The second feature is similar to 44 km s(-1) redward of the first and has FWHM 32 km s(-1). We argue that these are two giant embedded clusters, and estimate their masses to be approximate to 3 x 10(5) M-circle dot and approximate to 1.5 x 10(5) M-circle dot. The velocity shift is unexpectedly large for such a small spatial offset. We suggest that it may arise in a previously undetected kinematic feature remaining from the violent merger that formed the galaxy.University of Hawaii NNX-08AE38ANSF AST-0607312NASAAstronom

    Ne II Observations of Gas Motions in Compact and Ultracompact H II Regions

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    We present high spatial and spectral resolution observations of 16 Galactic compact and ultracompact H II regions in the [Ne II] 12.8 mu m fine-structure line. The small thermal width of the neon line and the high dynamic range of the maps provide an unprecedented view of the kinematics of compact and ultracompact H II regions. These observations solidify an emerging picture of the structure of ultracompact H II regions suggested in our earlier studies of G29.96-0.02 and Mon R2 IRS 1; systematic surface flows, rather than turbulence or bulk expansion, dominate the gas motions in the H II regions. The observations show that almost all of the sources have significant (5-20 km s(-1)) velocity gradients and that most of the sources are limb-brightened. In many cases, the velocity pattern implies tangential flow along a dense shell of ionized gas. None of the observed sources clearly fits into the categories of filled expanding spheres, expanding shells, filled blister flows, or cometary H II regions formed by rapidly moving stars. Instead, the kinematics and morphologies of most of the sources lead to a picture of H II regions confined to the edges of cavities created by stellar wind ram pressure and flowing along the cavity surfaces. In sources where the radio continuum and [Ne II] morphologies agree, the majority of the ionic emission is blueshifted relative to nearby molecular gas. This is consistent with sources lying on the near side of their natal clouds being less affected by extinction and with gas motions being predominantly outward, as is expected for pressure-driven flows.NSF AST-0607312, NSF-0708074SOFIA USRA8500-98-008NYSTAR Faculty Development ProgramNASA NNG 04-GG92G, CAN-NCC5-679Lunar and Planetary InstituteAstronom

    TEXES Observations of Pure Rotational H_2 Emission from AB Aurigae

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    We present observations of pure rotational molecular hydrogen emission from the Herbig Ae star, AB Aur. Our observations were made using the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES) at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the Gemini North Observatory. We searched for H_2 emission in the S(1), S(2), and S(4) lines at high spectral resolution and detected all three. By fitting a simple model for the emission in the three transitions, we derive T = 670 ± 40 K and M = 0.52 ± 0.15 M_⊙ for the emitting gas. On the basis of the 8.5 km s^(-1) FWHM of the S(2) line, assuming the emission comes from the circumstellar disk, and with an inclination estimate of the AB Aur system taken from the literature, we place the location for the emission near 18 AU. Comparison of our derived temperature to a disk structure model suggests that UV and X-ray heating are important in heating the disk atmosphere