20 research outputs found

    La didáctica mediante la arqueometalurgia experimental y experiencial

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    En este artículo se sintetizan diversas acciones llevadas a cabo en el ámbito de la arqueometalurgia prehistórica y la arqueología experimental, con el fin de promover tanto su investigación académica, como su didáctica en distintos contextos educativos. En su mayor parte han estado dirigidos a que se conozcan los principales aspectos de la cadena técnica operativa teórica de producción del metal de base cobre y del hierro. En estas actividades, se busca aportar a los participantes las herramientas teóricas y empíricas básicas para la comprensión de los procesos metalúrgicos en la Prehistoria, a través del aprendizaje basado en la recreación tecnológica y al mismo tiempo, ofertar la participación activa en los procesos y su adquisición experiencial.publishersversionpublishe

    Una aproximación experimental al empleo de la esteatita en la metalurgia prehistórica

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    This article addresses, from Experimental Archeology point of view, use of soapstone as feedstock for the foundry molds production. Its use is is known in the Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula through numerous findings, while not frequent archaeometric characterization studies and has not been delved into its origin. We present an experimental proposal for acquisition, processing and use of soapstone in bronze foundry work.En este artículo se aborda, desde la arqueología experimental, el empleo de la esteatita como materia prima para la elaboración de moldes de fundición. Su utilización en la elaboración de moldes se constata en la Prehistoria de la Península Ibérica a través de numerosos hallazgos, aunque no son frecuentes los estudios arqueométricos sobre su caracterización y tampoco se ha ahondado en su procedencia. Presentamos una propuesta experimental de captación, transformación y uso de la esteatita en labores de fundición de bronce

    Copper + Tin + People: Public Co-Smelting Experimentation in Northwestern Iberia

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    In the present paper an experiment made in north-western Iberia for producing bronze using local ores and similar techniques to those perhaps practiced by the ancient prehistoric metallurgists during Bronze Age is described. Preliminary results of SEM-EDS analysis made to the metallurgical products are also presented, showing that bronze could be produced in a simple smelting structure by smelting copper ores with tin ores (co-smelting), producing metallic prills of various Cu-Sn compositions and slags with heterogeneous microstrucutres

    From Wax to Metal: An Experimental Approach to the Chaîne Opératoire of the Bronze Disk from Urdiñeira

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    The so-called ‘Treasure of A Urdiñeira‘ (A Gudiña, south-east of the province of Ourense, Spain) consists of an assemblage of three metal artefacts: two gold bracelets and a bronze button or disk, dated from the transition between the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. This hoard, found by chance around 1921, combines sumptuary objects made of gold and bronze, which are not usually found together in the context of the Iberian Peninsula. From a morphological and technical point of view, the gold objects were well studied by B. Armbruster (2000), who indicates that the closed bracelet was made by a lost-wax process and with the use of a lathe, and includes them in the Villena/Estremoz technological domain system, from the Late European Bronze Age. Despite its singularity, the bronze object has received less attention than the gold objects, except from the typological point of view. Based on direct observation and the analyses made on the archaeological material (SEM), we can establish a hypothesis about its manufacture and we propose an experimental approach to the chaîne opératoire of the disk from Urdiñeira. Our proposal revalues the north-western Iberian Peninsula artisans' community knowledge, as it suggests an experimental recreation of the chaîne opératoire with recourse to certain technical uses by these artisans. We aim to test coherent experimental processes and formulate precise questions related to prehistoric technologies

    Learning to Recreate, Recreating to Learn. Experimental Archaeology.

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    This paper aims to present and discuss ongoing activities that combine Experimental Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology developed in the scope of a master's degree, a post-doctoral and other research projects at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain), in collaboration with regional open-air museums and educational centres. Actions have focused on teaching about material properties and transformations, as well as on the design and application of experimental protocols, specially focused on archaeometallurgy. Within this framework, we have promoted the interest of archaeology students in this subject, and other specialised members of the public. As a result, a richer transfer of acquired knowledge from academia to the more general public has been reached

    Study of a Late Bronze Age Casting Mould and Its Black Residue by 3D Imaging, pXRF, SEM-EDS, Micro-FTIR and Micro-Raman

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    In the present work, a fragment of a stone mould recently found in Galicia (NW Spain) was studied by multiple analytical techniques approach involving 3D optical imaging reconstruction to obtain data about the shape of the mould, typology of artefact produced, and distribution of a black residue at the surface of the mould and pXRF, SEM-EDS, micro-FTIR, and micro-Raman to investigate the nature of the black residue. The study shows that the mould was likely used for socketed axes with a side loop, was originally composed of two valves and one core, and that it might have been subjected to a repair during use. The black residue is distributed in the carved surface and spreads to nearby surfaces as a result of the use of the mould. The alloy cast in the mould was a ternary bronze (Cu + Sn + Pb). The analyses by SEM-EDS of black residue covering the surface did show the presence of scattered micro particles with P and Ca, and micro-Raman analysis detected the presence of a carbon black of animal source, while micro-FTIR analysis detected remains of proteins, oxalates, and hydroxyapatite. These results are amongst the very few studies made on black residues of ancient moulds and suggest that the mould was dressed with a carbon black of animal origin, such as burned bones, prior to metal casting, probably used as a coating agent to improve the casting and artefact recovery.FEDER - COMPETE 2020 Programme (European Regional Development Fund through the regional program of Lisbon and Alentejo)National Funds - FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) - Project IberianTin (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/32290/2017)HERCULES Laboratory - UIDB/50025/2020-2023 to CENIMAT/i3N and the project number, reference UIDB/04449/2020 and UIDP/04449/2020DL57/2016/CP1372/CT0012 (Norma Transitória)City University of Maca

    Utensílios metálicos relacionados con el instrumentum domesticum quinta de crestelos (mogadouro)

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    As intervenções sistemáticas desenvolvidas em diferentes sítios no vale do rio Sabor, no âmbito do projeto de “Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico do Baixo Sabor1” e respetivo “Plano de Salvaguarda do Património”, colocaram a descoberto o sítio da Quinta de Crestelos, integrável num conjunto de unidades de exploração fundiária muito interessante, com um notável espólio associado. De entre os materiais recolhidos pretendemos aqui destacar um conjunto de utensílios metálicos, relacionanos com instrumentum domesticum. Ainda que alguns denotem uma origem ou influência da II Idade do Ferro, outros inserem-se em contexto Romano. Com o estudo deste conjunto de peças metálicas pretendemos aproximarmo-nos à função das peças bem como às respetivas cronologias. Nesse sentido cruzámos os dados obtidos no seu estudo, com a restante informação crono-estratigráfica.Las intervenciones sistemáticas desarrolladas en diferentes lugares en el valle del Río Sabor en el proyecto Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico do Baixo Sabor descubrieron lo yacimiento de Quinta de Crestelos que se integra en uno conjunto de unidades de explotación de tierras muy interesante, así como una colección de materiales notable asociada a ella. Entre los materiales recogidos aquí destacamos un conjunto de utensilios de metal, relacionadas con el instrumentumn domesticum. Algunos tienen un origen o influencia protohistórica y otros están en contexto romano. Con el estudio de este conjunto piezas, pretendemos acercarnos su función, así como las respectivas cronologías

    Archaeometallurgical characterization of Late Antique personal adornments. The necropolis of Cortijo del Chopo (Granada, Spain)

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    Objects of personal adornment from Late Antiquity have been extensively studied in the Iberian Peninsula since the 19th century, when the first funerary contexts from that period began to come to light. However, only partial information was available with regard to their production process and chemical composition. This came from the archaeometallurgical studies carried out on funerary assemblages from central and northern Iberia. In order to obtain a more complete picture, a set of 80 copper-based alloy objects were analysed, most of ornaments and parts of them, from the necropolis of Cortijo del Chopo (Granada), in southeastern Spain. The results from the portable X-ray fluorescence reveal the presence of a wide variety of alloys and confirm the practice of recycling metals to make the items, a characteristic of the metallurgy of the period. Lead isotope analysis provide evidence of a local production of brass objects with a high Zn content, similar in appearance to gold.This paper has been supported by a University Teacher Training contract (FPU 2018) awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the R&D Group GEA Cultura material e identidad social en la Prehistoria Reciente en el sur de la Península Ibérica (HUM-064), and the R&D Project PID2022-137494NB-I00 funded by MICIU/SRA /10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER, UE. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA

    Copper and copper-based alloys in the Late Prehistory of northwestern Iberia

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    [ES] En este texto presentamos una visión genérica del surgimiento y consolidación de la metalurgia del cobre y sus aleaciones en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica, donde los recursos minerales del territorio, así como su localización en el Finisterre atlántico y sus características orográficas, han determinado un devenir histórico particular. Comenzaremos esta visión por las primeras evidencias que manifiestan la presencia de la actividad metalúrgica y la importancia de su contexto social, para posteriormente adentrarnos en la consolidación de esta actividad y en su extensión a distintas esferas de la vida social, así como al incremento de escala productiva. En todos estos ámbitos son importantes las redes de circulación de materias primas, bienes manufacturados, ideas y tecnologías.[EN] In this paper we offer an overview of the emergence and consolidation of copper metallurgy and its alloys in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, where the ores of the territory, as well as its location in the Atlantic Finisterre and its orographic characteristics, have determined a particular historical development. We will begin this synthesis analysing the evidence that shows the presence of metallurgical activity and its social context, to subsequently delve into the consolidation of this activity and its extension to different spheres of social life, as well as the increase in the scale of production. In all these areas, the circulation networks of raw materials, manufactured goods, ideas and technologies play an important role.Peer reviewe

    Fundición experimental de hachas plomadas en el proyecto ATLANTAXES

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    Presentación expuesta en la reunión virtual: Presentación de resultados del proyecto ATLANTAXES (2021) en las Jornadas de Santiago de Compostela