29 research outputs found

    Student Participation in Mathematics Discourse in a Standards-based Middle Grades Classroom

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    The vision of K-12 standards-based mathematics reform embraces a greater emphasis on students’ ability to communicate their understandings of mathematics by utilizing adaptive reasoning (i.e., reflection, explanation, and justification of thinking) through mathematics discourse. However, recent studies suggest that many students lack the socio-cognitive capacity needed to succeed in learner-centered, discussion-intensive mathematics classrooms. A multiple case study design was used to examine the nature of participation in mathematics discourse among two low- and two high-performing sixth grade female students while solving rational number tasks in a standards-based classroom. Data collected through classroom observations, student interviews, and student work samples were analyzed via a multiple-cycle coding process that yielded several important within-case and cross-case findings. Within-case analyses revealed that (a) students’ access to participation was mediated by the degree of space they were afforded and how they attempted to utilize that space, as well as the meaning they were able to construct through providing and listening to explanations; and (b) participation was greatly influenced by peer interactional tendencies that either promoted or impeded productive contributions, as well as teacher interactions that helped to offset some of the problems related to unequal access to participation. Cross-case findings suggested that (a) students’ willingness to contribute to task discussions was related to their goal orientations as well as the degree of social risk perceived with providing incorrect solutions before their peers; and (b) differences between the kinds of peer and teacher interactions that low- and high-performers engaged in were directly related to the types of challenges they faced during discussion of these tasks. An important implication of this study’s findings is that the provision of space and meaning for students to participate equitably in rich mathematics discourse depends greatly on teacher interaction, especially in small-group instructional settings where unequal peer status often leads to unequal peer interactions. Research and practice should continue to focus on addressing ways in which students can learn how to help provide adequate space and meaning in small-group mathematics discussion contexts so that all students involved are allowed access to an optimally rich learning experience

    Expressions 1981

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    Expressions contains selected work from the 1981 Creative Writing Contest entrants, Campus Chronicle Photography Contest entrants, and Commercial Art students at Des Moines Area Community College. Design , typography and the layout was done by Journalism students .https://openspace.dmacc.edu/expressions/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Particulate emissions from commercial shipping: chemical, physical, and optical properties

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    , 39% OM, and 15% BC and differs from inventories that used 81%, 14%, and 5% and 31%, 63%, and 6% SO 4 2Ă€ , OM, and BC, respectively. SO 4 2Ă€ and OM mass were found to be dependent on fuel sulfur content as were SSA, hygroscopicity, and CCN concentrations. BC mass was dependent on engine type and combustion efficiency. A plume evolution study conducted on one vessel showed conservation of particle light absorption, decrease in CN > 5 nm, increase in particle hygroscopicity, and an increase in average particle size with distance from emission. These results suggest emission of small nucleation mode particles that subsequently coagulate/condense onto larger BC and OM. This work contributes to an improved understanding of the impacts of ship emissions on climate and air quality and will also assist in determining potential effects of altering fuel standards

    No Excuses Charter Schools: A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence on Student Achievement

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    While charter schools differ widely in philosophy and pedagogical views, the United States’s most famous urban charter schools typically use the No Excuses approach. Enrolling mainly poor and minority students, these schools feature high academic standards, strict disciplinary codes, extended instructional time, and targeted supports for low-performing students. The strenuous and regimented style is controversial amongst some scholars, but others contend that the No Excuses approach is needed to rapidly close the achievement gap. We conduct the first meta-analysis of the achievement impacts of No Excuses charter schools. Focusing on experimental studies, we find that No Excuses charter schools significantly improve math scores and reading scores. We estimate gains of 0.25 and 0.16 standard deviations on math and literacy achievement, respectively, as the effect of attending a No Excuses charter school for one year. Though the effect is large and meaningful, we offer some caveats to this finding and discuss policy implications for the United States as well as other countries

    Immunopathological signatures in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and pediatric COVID-19

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    : Pediatric Coronavirus Disease 2019 (pCOVID-19) is rarely severe; however, a minority of children infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) might develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), with substantial morbidity. In this longitudinal multi-institutional study, we applied multi-omics (analysis of soluble biomarkers, proteomics, single-cell gene expression and immune repertoire analysis) to profile children with COVID-19 (n = 110) and MIS-C (n = 76), along with pediatric healthy controls (pHCs; n = 76). pCOVID-19 was characterized by robust type I interferon (IFN) responses, whereas prominent type II IFN-dependent and NF-κB-dependent signatures, matrisome activation and increased levels of circulating spike protein were detected in MIS-C, with no correlation with SARS-CoV-2 PCR status around the time of admission. Transient expansion of TRBV11-2 T cell clonotypes in MIS-C was associated with signatures of inflammation and T cell activation. The association of MIS-C with the combination of HLA A*02, B*35 and C*04 alleles suggests genetic susceptibility. MIS-C B cells showed higher mutation load than pCOVID-19 and pHC. These results identify distinct immunopathological signatures in pCOVID-19 and MIS-C that might help better define the pathophysiology of these disorders and guide therapy

    Especiação e seus mecanismos: histórico conceitual e avanços recentes

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    Response to comment on "Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon"

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    Jacobson argues that our statement that "many climate models may overestimate warming by BC" has not been demonstrated. Jacobson challenges our results on the basis that we have misinterpreted some model results, omitted optical focusing under high relative humidity conditions and by involatile components, and because our measurements consist of only two locations over short atmospheric time periods. We address each of these arguments, acknowledging important issues and clarifying some misconceptions, and stand by our observations. We acknowledge that Jacobson identified one detail in our experimental technique that places an additional constraint on the interpretation of our observations and reduces somewhat the potential consequences of the stated implications.</jats:p