5 research outputs found

    Characterization of digestive involvement in patients with chronic T. cruzi infection in Barcelona, Spain

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    Background: Digestive damage due to Chagas disease (CD) occurs in 15-20% of patients diagnosed as a result of peristaltic dysfunction in some endemic areas. The symptoms of chronic digestive CD are non-specific, and there are numerous confounders. Diagnosis of CD may easily be missed if symptoms are not evaluated by a well trained physician. Regular tests, as barium contrast examinations, probably lack the necessary sensitivity to detect early digestive damage. Methods: 71 individuals with T. cruzi infection (G1) and 18 without (G2) coming from Latin American countries were analyzed. They were asked for clinical and epidemiological data, changes in dietary habits, and history targeting digestive and cardiac CD symptoms. Serological tests for T. cruzi, barium swallow, barium enema, an urea breath test, and esophageal manometry were requested for all patients. Principal findings: G1 and G2 patients did not show differences in lifestyle and past history. Fifteen (21.1%) of G1 had digestive involvement. Following Rezende criteria, esophagopathy was observed in 8 patients in G1 (11.3%) and in none of those in G2. Manometry disorders were recorded in 34 G1 patients and in six in G2. Isolated hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter (LES) was found in sixteen G1 patients (23.9%) and four G2 patients (28.8%). Achalasia was observed in two G1 patients. Among G1 patients, ineffective esophageal motility was seen in six (five with symptoms), diffuse esophageal spasm in two (one with dysphagia and regurgitation), and nutcracker esophagus in three (all with symptoms). There were six patients with hypertonic upper esophageal sphincter (UES) among G1. Following Ximenes criteria, megacolon was found in ten G1 patients (13.9%), and in none of the G2 patients. Conclusions: The prevalence of digestive chronic CD in our series was 21.1%. Dysphagia is a non-pathognomonic symptom of CD, but a good marker of early esophageal involvement. Manometry could be a useful diagnostic test in selected cases, mainly in patients with T. cruzi infection and dysphagia in whose situation barium swallow does not evidence alterations. Constipation is a common but non-specific symptom that can be easily managed. Testing for CD is mandatory in a patient from Latin America with constipation or dysphagia, and if diagnosis is confirmed, megacolon and esophageal involvement should be investigated

    Characterization of digestive involvement in patients with chronic T. cruzi infection in Barcelona, Spain

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    Background: Digestive damage due to Chagas disease (CD) occurs in 15-20% of patients diagnosed as a result of peristaltic dysfunction in some endemic areas. The symptoms of chronic digestive CD are non-specific, and there are numerous confounders. Diagnosis of CD may easily be missed if symptoms are not evaluated by a well trained physician. Regular tests, as barium contrast examinations, probably lack the necessary sensitivity to detect early digestive damage. Methods: 71 individuals with T. cruzi infection (G1) and 18 without (G2) coming from Latin American countries were analyzed. They were asked for clinical and epidemiological data, changes in dietary habits, and history targeting digestive and cardiac CD symptoms. Serological tests for T. cruzi, barium swallow, barium enema, an urea breath test, and esophageal manometry were requested for all patients. Principal findings: G1 and G2 patients did not show differences in lifestyle and past history. Fifteen (21.1%) of G1 had digestive involvement. Following Rezende criteria, esophagopathy was observed in 8 patients in G1 (11.3%) and in none of those in G2. Manometry disorders were recorded in 34 G1 patients and in six in G2. Isolated hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter (LES) was found in sixteen G1 patients (23.9%) and four G2 patients (28.8%). Achalasia was observed in two G1 patients. Among G1 patients, ineffective esophageal motility was seen in six (five with symptoms), diffuse esophageal spasm in two (one with dysphagia and regurgitation), and nutcracker esophagus in three (all with symptoms). There were six patients with hypertonic upper esophageal sphincter (UES) among G1. Following Ximenes criteria, megacolon was found in ten G1 patients (13.9%), and in none of the G2 patients. Conclusions: The prevalence of digestive chronic CD in our series was 21.1%. Dysphagia is a non-pathognomonic symptom of CD, but a good marker of early esophageal involvement. Manometry could be a useful diagnostic test in selected cases, mainly in patients with T. cruzi infection and dysphagia in whose situation barium swallow does not evidence alterations. Constipation is a common but non-specific symptom that can be easily managed. Testing for CD is mandatory in a patient from Latin America with constipation or dysphagia, and if diagnosis is confirmed, megacolon and esophageal involvement should be investigated

    High amplitude contractions in the middle third of the esophagus: a manometric marker of chronic alcoholism?

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    BACKGROUND--Oesophageal motor abnormalities have been reported in alcoholism. AIM--To investigate the effects of chronic alcoholism and its withdrawal on oesophageal disease. PATIENTS--23 chronic alcoholic patients (20 men and three women; mean age 43, range 23 to 54). METHODS--Endoscopy, manometry, and 24 hour pH monitoring 7-10 days and six months after ethanol withdrawal. Tests for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy were also performed. Motility and pH tracings were compared with those of age and sex matched control groups: healthy volunteers, nutcracker oesophagus, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. RESULTS--14 (61%) alcoholic patients had reflux symptoms, and endoscopy with biopsy showed oesophageal inflammation in 10 patients. One patient had an asymptomatic squamous cell carcinoma. Oesophageal motility studies in the alcoholic patients showed that peristaltic amplitude in the middle third was > 150 mm Hg (95th percentile (P95) of healthy controls) in 13 (57%), the ratio lower/ middle amplitude was 0.9 in all control groups), and the lower oesophageal sphincter was hypertensive (> 23.4 mm Hg, P95 of healthy controls) in 13 (57%). All three abnormalities were present in five (22%). Abnormal reflux (per cent reflux time > 2.9, P95 of healthy controls) was shown in 12 (52%) alcoholic patients, and was unrelated to peristaltic dysfunction. Subclinical neuropathy in 10 patients did not effect oesophageal abnormalities. Oesophageal motility abnormalities persisted at six months in six patients with ongoing alcoholism, whereas they reverted towards normal in 13 who remained abstinent; reflux, however, was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS--Oesophageal peristaltic dysfunction and reflux are frequent in alcoholism. High amplitude contractions in the middle third of the oesophagus seem to be a marker of excessive alcohol consumption, and tend to improve with abstinence

    High amplitude contractions in the middle third of the esophagus: a manometric marker of chronic alcoholism?

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    BACKGROUND--Oesophageal motor abnormalities have been reported in alcoholism. AIM--To investigate the effects of chronic alcoholism and its withdrawal on oesophageal disease. PATIENTS--23 chronic alcoholic patients (20 men and three women; mean age 43, range 23 to 54). METHODS--Endoscopy, manometry, and 24 hour pH monitoring 7-10 days and six months after ethanol withdrawal. Tests for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy were also performed. Motility and pH tracings were compared with those of age and sex matched control groups: healthy volunteers, nutcracker oesophagus, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. RESULTS--14 (61%) alcoholic patients had reflux symptoms, and endoscopy with biopsy showed oesophageal inflammation in 10 patients. One patient had an asymptomatic squamous cell carcinoma. Oesophageal motility studies in the alcoholic patients showed that peristaltic amplitude in the middle third was > 150 mm Hg (95th percentile (P95) of healthy controls) in 13 (57%), the ratio lower/ middle amplitude was 0.9 in all control groups), and the lower oesophageal sphincter was hypertensive (> 23.4 mm Hg, P95 of healthy controls) in 13 (57%). All three abnormalities were present in five (22%). Abnormal reflux (per cent reflux time > 2.9, P95 of healthy controls) was shown in 12 (52%) alcoholic patients, and was unrelated to peristaltic dysfunction. Subclinical neuropathy in 10 patients did not effect oesophageal abnormalities. Oesophageal motility abnormalities persisted at six months in six patients with ongoing alcoholism, whereas they reverted towards normal in 13 who remained abstinent; reflux, however, was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS--Oesophageal peristaltic dysfunction and reflux are frequent in alcoholism. High amplitude contractions in the middle third of the oesophagus seem to be a marker of excessive alcohol consumption, and tend to improve with abstinence

    Practical aspects of high resolution esophageal manometry

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    High resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) is currently under development as can be seen in the various Chicago classifications. In order to standardize criteria in certain practical aspects with limited scientific evidence, the First National Meeting for Consensus in High Resolution Manometry of the Spanish Digestive Motility Group took place, bringing together a wide group of experts. The proposals were based on a prior survey composed of 47 questions, an exhaustive review of the available literature and the experience of the participants. Methodological aspects relating to the poorly defined analysis criteria of certain new high resolution parameters were discussed, as well as other issues previously overlooked such as spontaneous activity or secondary waves. Final conclusions were drawn with practical applications