19 research outputs found

    Neglected children: birth, life and survival

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    Child neglect leads to numerous and serious consequences. The physical and neurophysiological development can be altered by the lack of stimulation or via a chronic stress which increases the production of cortisol. Gradually, psychomotor and cognitive deficits can appear. The emotions can be deeply touched and cause dysfunctional social relationship, ranging from withdrawal to aggressiveness. Primary care health practitioners have a role to play in the screening of risk situations and long term follow-up of the families. The interventions should ideally begin early, be participatory and based on an enhancement of the parent-child relationship.Les consĂ©quences de la nĂ©gligence, malgrĂ© ce qui a Ă©tĂ© longtemps pensĂ©, peuvent ĂȘtre nombreuses et graves. Le dĂ©veloppement physique et neurophysiologique peut ĂȘtre altĂ©rĂ© par le manque de stimulations ou via un vĂ©cu de stress chronique qui augmente la production de cortisol. Progressivement, un retard psychomoteur et un dĂ©ficit cognitif (retard de langage, trouble de la concentration, etc.) peuvent apparaitre. Le fonctionnement Ă©motionnel peut ĂȘtre profondĂ©ment touchĂ© et entrainer des relations sociales dysfonctionnelles, oscillant entre retrait et agressivitĂ©. Les soignants de premiĂšre ligne ont un rĂŽle Ă  jouer dans le repĂ©rage des situations Ă  risque et l’accompagnement au long cours des familles de leurs patients. Les interventions doivent idĂ©alement ĂȘtre prĂ©coces, participatives et travailler Ă  la qualitĂ© de la relation parent-enfant.ETAPE (Ensemble Travaillons Autour de la Petite Enfance

    ETAPE - Rapport d’évaluation des rĂ©sultats

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    Contexte et objectifs ETAPE est un programme d’intervention prĂ©coce Ă  domicile au bĂ©nĂ©fice de familles Ă  risque de nĂ©gligence parentale. Le programme prend en charge des enfants de 0 Ă  30 mois, ainsi que leurs parents, au rythme d’une Ă  deux visites Ă  domicile par semaine. L’intervention consiste en des massages du bĂ©bĂ©, des jeux psychomoteurs. Un temps important est en outre consacrĂ© Ă  l’accompagnement et Ă  la guidance du rĂŽle parental. L’originalitĂ© du projet est qu’il est centrĂ© sur le dĂ©veloppement psychomoteur et affectif du bĂ©bĂ© en lien avec son ou ses parents. L’étude cherche Ă  mesurer l’efficacitĂ© du programme en termes de dĂ©veloppement psychomoteur de l’enfant, de qualitĂ© d’attachement au sein de la dyade parent-enfant et de compĂ©tences Ă©ducatives des parents. MĂ©thodologie Les aptitudes psychomotrices de l’enfant ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es au moyen du test de Brunet et LĂ©zine modifiĂ©, au dĂ©but, en milieu et en fin d’intervention. Le caractĂšre sĂ©cure ou non de l’attachement a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© chez le caregiver par Q-Sort en dĂ©but et en fin d’intervention. Les compĂ©tences parentales ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es tous les six mois durant l’intervention au moyen d’un questionnaire dĂ©veloppĂ© par l’équipe de recherche en 2008 (MASPIN) et complĂ©tĂ© par les intervenants sur base de leurs observations. RĂ©sultats Douze enfants ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les trois quarts ont Ă©tĂ© pris en charge avant 1 an ; la durĂ©e moyenne d’intervention est de 11,3 mois. En moyenne, les enfants gagnent nettement en score de dĂ©veloppement moteur global, gagnent un peu en socialisation, sont stables en dĂ©veloppement moteur fin. La plupart rĂ©gressent au score de langage, ce qui influence nĂ©gativement le score global de dĂ©veloppement. Deux enfants sur douze sont sĂ©cures au dĂ©but et Ă  la fin de l’intervention (mais ce ne sont pas les mĂȘmes). Aucun ne termine l’intervention significativement insĂ©curisĂ©, mais la relation dans la dyade n’est en gĂ©nĂ©ral pas optimale. Les rĂ©sultats de MASPIN permettent d’étoffer les autres rĂ©sultats obtenus et de mieux comprendre l’évolution au cas par cas. Discussion Les rĂ©sultats, mesurĂ©s par les tests de Brunet-LĂ©zine et le Q-Sort semblent modestes dans certains domaines, mais doivent ĂȘtre analysĂ©s Ă  la lumiĂšre des conditions d’intervention. MASPIN a donnĂ© une vue beaucoup plus prĂ©cise de la rĂ©alitĂ© et de son Ă©volution. Ce questionnaire a aussi permis de monitorer l’intervention. Toutefois, la finesse des observations et l’aspect subjectif de la cotation empĂȘchent une analyse globale des rĂ©sultats ; la fidĂ©litĂ© intercotateur doit encore ĂȘtre validĂ©e. MASPIN permet en outre de donner des repĂšres pour le dialogue avec d’autres professionnels impliquĂ©s dans le suivi des situations, et fournit un canevas qui facilite la discussion avec les familles sur l’exercice de la parentalitĂ© et les objectifs d’intervention. L’analyse des rĂ©sultats permet de prendre conscience que certaines compĂ©tences (par ex., le langage) mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre mieux soutenues et stimulĂ©es par les intervenants de terrain.) Des collaborations extĂ©rieures devront ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©es (par ex : psychologue, aide sociale). L’investissement requis de la part des intervenants est important. Le risque de dĂ©couragement est grand ; ils doivent ĂȘtre soutenus et supervisĂ©s de façon efficace dans ce travail. L’instauration d’un vrai esprit d’équipe est indispensable Conclusion Le rendement de ce programme, destinĂ© Ă  un public particuliĂšrement difficile, est intĂ©ressant mais variable selon les situations prises en charge, que ce soit en termes de dĂ©veloppement psychomoteur ou d’attachement Ă  la figure parentale. L’outil MASPIN se rĂ©vĂšle prĂ©cieux dans de multiples aspects de la prise en charge, depuis le dialogue avec les professionnels qui identifient la situation, jusqu’au monitorage des objectifs au fil de l’intervention, en passant par la construction des objectifs d’intervention avec les parents.ETAPE (Ensemble Travaillons Autour de la Petite Enfance

    MASPIN: a formative evaluation tool supporting dialog among professionals and with families

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    Background The consequences of child neglect are still too often played down. It is important to intervene at an early stage, approaching families at home through means adapted to community-level action. Interventions by health and social professionals face several hurdles: (1) the difficulty for front-line health and social professionals to make a diagnosis; (2) the difficulty of entering into a dialog with possible beneficiaries of the interventions owing to distrust; and (3) the difficulty of assessing the outcome of the interventions. In order to answer the need for the medium-term assessment of our intervention programs in the field of neglect and attachment disorders, our multidisciplinary team (psychologists, a general practitioner, an anthropologist and an educationalist) designed a tool aimed at supporting the observation of challenging indicators by parents and intervening parties in a given educational situation. Method The MASPIN tool (Method for Analysis of Situations and Project on Individual cases of Neglect) was designed on the basis of a review of existing literature on assessment tools for actions in the field concerning parental disorders, focusing on children up to three years old. Field professionals were involved in the design process in order to make sure that the tool matched their daily practice. Results The tool allows a six-fold assessment of: interactions between parents and child, parental skills, acknowledgement by parents of their difficulties or responsibilities, environmental factors, how the family experienced the intervention, and the intervening party’s experience. Discussion and conclusion The MASPIN tool could foster the development of a common knowledge and culture regarding intervention on neglect. Our limited use unveiled unexpected potential. It makes for interesting prospects in structuring the dialog between front-line professionals (medics, nurses and social workers) and experts. Moreover, it helps to ease the dialog between intervening parties and parents, clearly identifying existing parental skills and specific issues that might call for educational assistance.ETAP

    The school doctor and suspected child abuse : towards good practice recommendations in the child’s interest

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    peer reviewedLa maltraitance infantile reprĂ©sente, dans les pays Ă  haut niveau de revenus, un «problĂšme de santĂ© publique majeur», 5 Ă  10 % des enfants Ă©tant concernĂ©s, toutes formes de maltraitances confondues. Les professionnels de santĂ© contribuent Ă  une petite proportion seulement des signalements. En FĂ©dĂ©ration Wallonie-Bruxelles, les bilans de santĂ© scolaire pĂ©riodiques couvrant prĂšs de 100 % des enfants scolarisĂ©s, le mĂ©decin scolaire est bien placĂ© pour le repĂ©rage d’enfants exposĂ©s Ă  une nĂ©gligence de soins et/ou Ă  de mauvais traitements. Se basant sur des recommandations de bonne pratique publiĂ©es, cet article propose des pistes d’action permettant de contribuer Ă  un meilleur repĂ©rage et Ă  une prise en charge adaptĂ©e de la maltraitance infantile dans le cadre de la mĂ©decine scolaire.Child maltreatment, including all forms of maltreatment, remains a major public health problem in highincome countries. Healthcare professionals only contribute to a small proportion of reports. In French-speaking Belgium, almost 100 % of school-aged children are regularly submitted to periodical school health visits. The school health doctor is well placed to recognize neglected or abused children. Based on international good practice recommendations, this paper proposes means for the detection and management of child abuse in the context of school medicine

    Towards carbon neutrality by 2040 in La Rochelle metropolitan area (France): quantifying the role of wetlands and littoral zone in the capture and sequestration of blue carbon

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    International audienceRising greenhouse gas emissions are causing increasing worldwide impacts and changes on climate patterns, sea level, food production, human lives and livelihoods. Maintaining or improving the ability of coastal aquatic ecosystems and oceans to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is a crucial aspect for climate mitigation. The vegetated coastal ecosystems are able to catch and to sequestrate carbon, the so-called Blue Carbon. These ecosystems are key exchange zones that mediate the biogeochemical cycles across the continent, the ocean and the atmosphere. Given the importance of these ecosystems in biogeochemical cycles and their sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic pressures, the carbon cycle within and between compartments (e.g. pelagos, benthos
) and across the interfaces (e.g. atmosphere, ocean
) need to be addressed. On a regional scale, in the extended urban area of La Rochelle located on the French Atlantic coast (La Rochelle metropolitan area), lack in situ measurements within the wetlands and littoral zone make very uncertain their role as a sink or a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. We will first present a vast research project “La Rochelle Territoire ZĂ©ro Carbone” project (https://www.agglo-larochelle.fr/projet-de-territoire/territoire-zero-carbone), that target the ambition of carbon neutrality in La Rochelle metropolitan area by 2040 through a holistic approach (from measuring CO2 to raising people's awareness and assessing the impact of exogenous natural factors). Second, we will present some first results on the Blue Carbon dynamics within the freshwater and salt marshes, and seagrasses

    Towards carbon neutrality by 2040 in La Rochelle metropolitan area (France): quantifying the role of wetlands and littoral zone in the capture and sequestration of blue carbon

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    International audienceRising greenhouse gas emissions are causing increasing worldwide impacts and changes on climate patterns, sea level, food production, human lives and livelihoods. Maintaining or improving the ability of coastal aquatic ecosystems and oceans to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is a crucial aspect for climate mitigation. The vegetated coastal ecosystems are able to catch and to sequestrate carbon, the so-called Blue Carbon. These ecosystems are key exchange zones that mediate the biogeochemical cycles across the continent, the ocean and the atmosphere. Given the importance of these ecosystems in biogeochemical cycles and their sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic pressures, the carbon cycle within and between compartments (e.g. pelagos, benthos
) and across the interfaces (e.g. atmosphere, ocean
) need to be addressed. On a regional scale, in the extended urban area of La Rochelle located on the French Atlantic coast (La Rochelle metropolitan area), lack in situ measurements within the wetlands and littoral zone make very uncertain their role as a sink or a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. We will first present a vast research project “La Rochelle Territoire ZĂ©ro Carbone” project (https://www.agglo-larochelle.fr/projet-de-territoire/territoire-zero-carbone), that target the ambition of carbon neutrality in La Rochelle metropolitan area by 2040 through a holistic approach (from measuring CO2 to raising people's awareness and assessing the impact of exogenous natural factors). Second, we will present some first results on the Blue Carbon dynamics within the freshwater and salt marshes, and seagrasses

    Towards carbon neutrality by 2040 in La Rochelle metropolitan area (France): quantifying the role of wetlands and littoral zone in the capture and sequestration of blue carbon

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    International audienceRising greenhouse gas emissions are causing increasing worldwide impacts and changes on climate patterns, sea level, food production, human lives and livelihoods. Maintaining or improving the ability of coastal aquatic ecosystems and oceans to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is a crucial aspect for climate mitigation. The vegetated coastal ecosystems are able to catch and to sequestrate carbon, the so-called Blue Carbon. These ecosystems are key exchange zones that mediate the biogeochemical cycles across the continent, the ocean and the atmosphere. Given the importance of these ecosystems in biogeochemical cycles and their sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic pressures, the carbon cycle within and between compartments (e.g. pelagos, benthos
) and across the interfaces (e.g. atmosphere, ocean
) need to be addressed. On a regional scale, in the extended urban area of La Rochelle located on the French Atlantic coast (La Rochelle metropolitan area), lack in situ measurements within the wetlands and littoral zone make very uncertain their role as a sink or a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. We will first present a vast research project “La Rochelle Territoire ZĂ©ro Carbone” project (https://www.agglo-larochelle.fr/projet-de-territoire/territoire-zero-carbone), that target the ambition of carbon neutrality in La Rochelle metropolitan area by 2040 through a holistic approach (from measuring CO2 to raising people's awareness and assessing the impact of exogenous natural factors). Second, we will present some first results on the Blue Carbon dynamics within the freshwater and salt marshes, and seagrasses