422 research outputs found

    Reducing risk of poor diet quality through food biodiversity

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    The role of agrobiodiversity in local food systems and diets: a case study from Vietnam

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    Advanced training model for beating heart coronary artery surgery: the Zurich heart-trainer

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    Objective: Coronary artery surgery with beating heart technique is gaining increasing popularity. However, it is a challenging technique even for well-trained cardiac surgeons. Thus, a training model for beating heart surgery was developed to increase safety and accuracy of this procedure. Methods: The model consists of differentially hardened polyurethane resembling mechanical properties of the human heart. The covering used in this model is a 1:1 replica of the human thoracic wall with optionally embedded skeletal structures. Sternotomy, lateral thoracotomy or trocar placement is possible to access the lungs, the pericardium and the heart with adjacent vessels. Disposable artificial coronaries variable in size, wall quality or wall thickness are embedded in the synthetic myocardium. Two-layer vessels, which can simulate dissection, are available. Bypass conduits utilize the same material. Coronaries/bypasses as well as part of the ascending aorta are water-tight and can be rinsed with saline. Lungs can be inflated. A purpose-built pump induces heart movement with adjustable or randomized stroke volume, heart rate and arrhythmia induction. Results: The model was tested in a recent ‘Wet-Lab' course attended by 30 surgeons. All conventional instruments and stabilizers with standard techniques can be used. Training with beating or non-beating heart was possible. Time needed for an anastomosis was similar to clinical experience. Each artificial tissue showed its individual nature-like qualities. Various degrees of difficulty can be selected, according to stroke volume, heart rate, arrhythmia, vessel size and vessel quality. The model can be quickly and easily set up and is fully reusable. Conclusions: The similarity to human tissue and the easy set-up make this completely artificial model an ideal teaching tool to increase the confidence of cardiac surgeons dealing with beating heart and minimally invasive surger

    Akute GefĂ€ĂŸerkrankungen in der Gastroenterologie

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    Zusammenfassung: VaskulĂ€r-gastroenterologische NotfĂ€lle zĂ€hlen zu den hĂ€ufigen Krankheitsbildern auf internistischen und chirurgischen Notfallstationen. Die klinischen Konsequenzen reichen von trivialen bis zu lebensbedrohlichen Situationen. Nur eine frĂŒhzeitige Erkennung der Symptomenkomplexe und die Anwendung der adĂ€quaten diagnostischen Mittel fĂŒhren zur korrekten Diagnosestellung mit nachfolgend - möglicherweise lebensrettender - Therapie. Um die hohen MortalitĂ€tsraten der akuten MesenterialischĂ€mien (50%), aortoenterischen Fisteln (30-40%), Aneurysmen viszeraler Arterien (10-100%) sowie des Budd-Chiari-Syndroms weiter senken zu können, gewinnen neue Strategien mit endovaskulĂ€rem Therapieansatz zunehmend an Bedeutung und ersetzen teilweise ĂŒber viele Jahrzehnte etablierte Diagnose- und Therapiealgorithmen. Diese Übersichtsarbeit soll einen Überblick ĂŒber aktuelle Diagnostik- und Therapiekonzepte hĂ€ufiger vaskulĂ€r-gastroenterologischer NotfĂ€lle verschaffe

    Left ventricular assist device as bridge to heart transplantation - lessons learned with the MicroMed DeBakey axial blood flow pump

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    Objective: The MicroMed DeBakey left ventricular assist device (LVAD) axial blood flow pump was used as bridge to heart transplantation (HTx) in patients with terminal heart failure. The aim was to evaluate this novel mechanical circulatory support system in regard to overall outcome. Methods: Prospective study in 15 HTx candidates (mean age 40±7 years) with terminal heart failure and maximal medical treatment due to ischemic cardiomyopathy (CMP, n=5), dilated CMP (n=3), restrictive CMP (n=2), unclassified CMP (n=1), metabolic CMP (n=1), valvular CMP (n=1) and congenital CMP (n=2). All patients were implanted with a MicroMed DeBakey LVAD. A rescue procedure was necessary in eight critical patients, while seven underwent elective LVAD implantation. Procedures were performed via median sternotomy, in normotherm femoro-femoral CPB (mean duration 59±1 min). Oral Marcoumar© (INR 2.0-3.0) and Aspirin© (100 mg daily) were started as soon as possible. Patients were discharged into a specialized rehabilitation clinic from which it was possible to release them home after a few weeks. Results: Successful implantation and discharge from ICU (mean stay 10±7 days) was possible in 11 patients. Seven were transplanted (mean support 50.7 days) and one is awaiting HTx (support >310 days) in the comfort of his home (NYHA I). Survival was 100% among the transplanted patients. Of the seven elective implants, five, and of the eight rescue procedures three patients underwent successful HTx. Four patients died early, while three patients died late on pump support due to intracranial hemorrhage (n=2, 73 and 76 days) and chest infection (n=1, 124 days). All survivors were discharged from hospital, with significant decrease in NYHA class (mean 3.8-2.4 (n=11)). Treadmill testing showed increased exercise tolerance, from 35 to 71 W (n=4). Plasma BNP values (mean 950-162 ng/l (n=4)) and pulmonary resistance (mean 316-194.5 dyne s/cm5 (n=3)) decreased significantly during LVAD support. Conclusions: The MicroMed DeBakey LVAD is simple to implant; outpatient treatment is safe and efficient. Patients' condition and pulmonary resistances normalize within 6 weeks, making previously considered inoperable patients amenable for HTx. HTx can be performed in low-risk situation, allowing better donor-recipient matching and improving overall outcom

    Collected world experience about the performance of the snorkel/chimney endovascular technique in the treatment of complex aortic pathologies: The PERICLES registry

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    Objectives: We sought to analyze the collected worldwide experience with use of snorkel/chimney endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for complex abdominal aneurysm treatment. Background: EVAR has largely replaced open surgery worldwide for anatomically suitable aortic aneurysms. Lack of availability of fenestrated and branched devices has encouraged an alternative strategy utilizing parallel or snorkel/chimney grafts (ch-EVAR). Methods: Clinical and radiographic information was retrospectively reviewed and analyzed on 517 patients treated by ch-EVAR from 2008 from 2014 by prearranged defined and documented protocols. Results: A total of 119 patients in US centers and 398 in European centers were treated during the study period. US centers preferentially used Zenith stent-grafts (54.2%) and European centers Endurant stent-grafts (62.2%) for the main body component. Overall 898 chimney grafts (49.2% balloon expandable, 39.6% self-expanding covered stents, and 11.2% balloon expandable bare metal stents) were placed in 692 renal arteries, 156 superior mesenteric arteries (SMA), and 50 celiac arteries. At a mean follow-up of 17.1 months (range: 1-70 months), primary patency was 94%, with secondary patency of 95.3%. Overall survival of patients in this high-risk cohort for open repair at latest follow-up was 79%. Conclusions: This global experience represents the largest series in the ch-EVAR literature and demonstrates comparable outcomes to those in published reports of branched/fenestrated devices, suggesting the appropriateness of broader applicability and the need for continued careful surveillance. These results support ch-EVAR as a valid off-the-shelf and immediately available alternative in the treatment of complex abdominal EVAR and provide impetus for the standardization of these techniques in the future
