42 research outputs found

    Contaminação por mercúrio em ecossistemas aquáticos: uma análise das áreas críticas

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    O processo de contaminação por mercúrio em ecossistemas aquáticos é discutido, levando-se em consideração as características biogeoquímicas atuantes nesses sistemas que resultam em uma maior mobilização e biodisponibilidade do mercúrio para incorporação na cadeia alimentar, eventualmente aumentando a exposição humana ao metal. Traça-se um paralelo entre sistemas aquáticos amazônicos e estuários, ambientes que, pela elevada capacidade de complexação do mercúrio por compostos orgânicos dissolvidos, tendem a manter esse elemento sob formas biodisponíveis, aptas a sofrerem metilação e biomagnificação por meio da cadeia alimentar.Mercury contamination in aquatic ecosystems in Brazil is discussed by comparing the biogeochemical characteristics resulting in increasing mobilization and bioavailability to food chains and eventually increasing human exposure to mercury. We compare key Amazonian systems and some estuaries, which due to the high complexing capacity of Hg by dissolved organic matter; maintain elevated concentrations of mercury under readily bioavailable forms, able to undertake methylation and biomagnification through food chains


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    A discussion on the effects of regional and global changes on the mobility of contaminants is presented. Environmental changes associated with climate changes and alterations in soil use will may result in increasing mobilization of pollutants, in particular metals, and on their availability to biota, which have been accumulated from anthropogenic emissions in the past 150 years and are presently accumulated in natural sinks.É discutida a importância das mudanças regionais e globais na mobilização de contaminantes no meio ambiente e sua disponibilidade para a biota. Alterações climáticas associadas às mudanças de uso do solo podem proporcionar um aumento na mobilização de contaminantes, particularmente de metais, liberadas pela atividade antrópica nos últimos 150 anos e acumulados em “sinks” naturais

    Characterization of the Ceara Costal Zone Organic Matter Inputs

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    International audienceMangroves are extremely sensitive to the global climate change and urbanization impacts. To understand the effect of the urbanization on the organic matter of the coastal zone of Ceará State in north eastern Brazil, a seasonal filed campaigns were carried on in two most environmentally significant river/mangrove systems in the region; the Cocó river, in the metropolitan region of the huge city of Fortaleza, and the Pacoti River, an environmental protection area, without urban influence, on the east coast of the state. A spatial study was also done along the Jaguaribe river, which is the largest river in the state also connected to the largest mangrove area. Organic matter characterization by dissolved organic carbon, spectrofluorescence and fluorescence quenching and metal complexation capacity shows clearly that under urban pressure, the produced organic matter in mangrove area is different, meaning that carbon budget and pollutant fate have to be revised to take in account this difference

    Vertical accretion rates of mangroves in northeast Brazil:Implications for future responses and management

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    Northeast (NE) Brazil has a semi-arid climate and low plant diversity mangroves confined to estuaries influenced by a meso-tidal regime (∼2.5 m). Whilst these mangroves are protected by state and federal legislation, large areas have been lost to urban encroachment and shrimp farms, a situation continuing today. This work discusses the potential impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in three estuaries in NE Brazil. The three sites witness decreasing annual precipitation associated with global climate change, which will have the dual effect of increasing water and salinity stress, decreasing productivity, as well as reducing inputs of allochthonous fluvial material. Simultaneously, since the 1990's local sea level rise (3.5 mm/yr) has been greater than the global average (3.2 mm/yr). Average accretion rates, derived from 137Cs and 210Pb dating in fringing mangroves in this study, are likely to be insufficient to maintain surface elevation and keep pace with sea level rise. Notwithstanding, historical data suggest that there has been no recorded mangrove loss as a result of sea level rise and in some areas a recorded gain in the upper estuarine mangrove reaches. At present there are limited inputs from the watershed in all three estuaries, mostly due to decreasing annual rainfall and river damming, limiting the transport capacity and hampering the export of sediments to the fringing mangroves and the sea and limiting the ability of the fringing mangroves to respond to sea level rise. However, this has been suggested to result in the accumulation of soils along river margins further upstream forming new islands and potentially expanding estuarine mangroves upstream. Both the fringing and the estuarine mangroves are surrounded by both licensed and unlicensed settlements, as well as dunes preventing expansion into higher elevation areas as a response to sea level rise. Recent changes to legislation protecting these ecosystems put a further strain on adaptation and resilience capacity, increasing the threat to these important coastal systems and the ecosystem services they provide

    Emissões naturais e antrópicas de nitrogênio, fósforo e metais para a bacia do Rio Macaé (Macaé, RJ, Brasil) sob influência das atividades de exploração de petroleo e gás na Bacia de Campos

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    Emission factors of natural processes and anthropogenic activities were used to estimate nutrients and metal loads for the lower Macaé river basin, which hosts the operational base for the offshore oil and gas exploration in the Campos Basin. The estimates indicated that emissions from anthropogenic activities are higher than natural emissions. Major contributing drivers include husbandry and urbanization, whose effluents receive no treatment. The increasing offshore oil exploration along the Brazilian littoral has resulted in rapid urbanization and, therefore might increase the inshore emission of anthropogenic chemicals in cases where effective residue control measures are not implemented in fluvial basins of the region