42 research outputs found

    Ontogenia de los mecanismos de control de la secreción adenohipofisaria

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    En los vertebrados superiores, la regulación de la funciónreproductiva está a cargo del sistema neuroendócrinoregido por el hipotalamo. Distintos sistemas neurosecretoresinteractúan entre si, y sobre la hipófisis para regular lasecreción de las hormonas hipofisarias. Estos mecanismos seponen en marcha durante la vida embrionaria y se van desarrollandoa medida que el animal madura, hasta establecer su completofuncionamiento en la pubertad. En este trabajo, nospropusimos estudiar el control neurológico de la secreción de LH, FSH, prolactina y TSH, en la rata de laboratorio Rattusnorvegicus (cepa Sprague-Dawley, Holtzman), en el período quetranscurre entre el nacimiento y la pubertad. Encontramos que existe un periodo de especialsensibilidad gonadotrófica, alrededor de los 12 dias de edad (período infantil). En la rata hembra de esta edad, elhaloperidol produce una marcada liberación de LH y FSH, y elnaloxone y el 5-hidroxitriptofano, que ya se habia demostradoque liberaban más LH a esta edad que a otras, también liberan FSH en mayor proporción a esta edad. Es decir que, en esteperiodo las gonadotrofinas estarian bajo un fuerte controldopaminérgico y opiáceo que se va debilitando con la edad, yserian especialmente sensibles al efecto liberador de laserotonina. Estos efectos no se observan en los machos. Enéstos encontramos que el Diazepam, libera LH a esta edad y noa otras, cosa que parece observarse en las hembras aunque noalcanza significación estadistica. Por otro lado, el diazepaminhibió la prolactinemia solamente en los machos de 38 días deedad, y este efecto se adelantó a los 28 días cuando seestimuló la secreción prolactínica con haloperidol. A partir de la determinación de la existencia de un controldopaminérgico en la secreción gonadotrófica de la ratahembradurante el período infantil, ensayamos un tratamientocrónico durante este periodo y controlamos sus efectosendócrinos y sobre la eclosión puberal. Se inyectaron ratashembras con pergolide en tres momentos distintos de su desarrollo:desde el día 1 al 10 de vida, del 6 al 15 y del día 11al 20. Solamente en las ratas inyectadas según el tercermodelo se observó un adelanto significativo de la pubertad. Los efectos endócrinos de este tratamiento fueron: las gonadotrofinasse encontraron inhibidas durante el tratamientosin observarse variaciones en la prolactinemia; al suspenderel tratamiento se observó un "rebote" de las gonadotrofinas enlas ratas tratadas; no se observaron cambios en los niveleshormonales en la prepubertad ni en la adultez, ni en lasrespuestas de prolactina al haloperidol ni de gonadotrofinas ala LHRH. Por otro lado, no se observaron diferencias en laciclicidad de las ratas tratadas con pergolide con respecto alas controles. Concluimos que la etapa infantil en la rata hembra es unperiodo critico en cuanto a la regulación de la secreción degonadotrofinas, y que la activación de los receptoresdopaminérgicos en este periodo, produce un adelanto de laeclosión puberal que podría relacionarse con una tempranadesensibilización de los receptores dopaminérgicos que regulanla secreción de LHRH y con cambios en la secreción de LH y FSHdurante e inmediatamente después del tratamiento.The system which controls reproductive functions in highervertebrates is the hypothalamo-hypophyso-gonadal axis. This system develops from embryonic life to the onset ofpuberty, when functional fertility is established. Theneurological mechanisms involved are different neurotransmitterssystems which interact with each other and influencehypophyseal secretions. In this work we studied the neurological control of LH, FSH, prolactin and TSH secretion in the rat Rattus norvegicus, Sprague-Dawley, Holtzman, from birth to puberty. We describea critical period in the female rat, with regard to LH and FSHregulation: at 12 days of life, haloperidol markedly released LH and FSH, and there was an increased sensitivity to the FSH releasingeffect of naloxone and 5-hydroxytryptophan. Thismeans that, in this period, a strong dopaminergic and opioidinhibitory control on gonadotropin secretion exists. Thiscontrol decreases with age. These effects are not observed inthe males. In this sex, Diazepam released LH at the samecritical age, while the effect wasnot statistically significantin females. On the other hand, Diazepam inhibited the prolactinlevels in 38 day-old males. This effect was seen earlier, at 28 days, when prolactinemia was stimulated with haloperidol. As we described a special period in the femalerat withregard to gonadotropin secretion, around 12 days of age, itwas of interest to treat rats chronically with a dopaminergicagent within this period, and to evaluate its endocrine effectas well as its effect on puberty onset. We tried three differentschedules of daily injections with pergolide: a) ondays 1 to 10 of life, b) on days 6 to 15 and c) on days 11 to 20. Only the c) group showed an advance in the age of vaginalopening and first oestrus. In this group, we observed that LHand FSH were diminished during the treatment and they increasedone day after the end of daily injections. Prolactindid not change throughout the treatment. There were no differencesin gonadotropin levels in prepubertal or adultanimals between pergolide and saline treated rats. Adult ratsof both groups cycled regularly and there were no differencesin the haloperidol-induced hyperprolactinemia and in gonadotropinresponse to LHRH. We conclude that the infantil period in the female rat isspecial with regard to gonadotropin regulation, and thatchronic activation of dopaminereceptors during this periodevokes an advance on puberty onset. This advance could be relatedto an earlier desensitization of dopamine receptors involvedin LHRH regulation, and to changes in gonadotropisecretion during and after treatment.Fil: Lacau de Mengido, Isabel María. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Purulent vaginal discharge in grazing dairy cows: risk factors, reproductive performance, and prostaglandin F2α treatment

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the association of a 4-point scale of vaginal discharge score (VDS) with time to pregnancy to define criteria for a practical case of purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) in dairy cows, to test the risk factors for PVD, and, finally, the effect of a dose of PGF2α on cure and reproductive performance. In experiment 1, grazing Holstein cows (n = 2,414) had their vaginal discharge scored at ∼32 d in milk (DIM) on a 4-point scale, the effect of VDS on the hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM was then assessed to derive a case definition of PVD. Risk factors for PVD and self-cure were also assessed. In experiment 2, grazing Holstein cows (n = 6,326) from 5 herds were checked for PVD at ∼30 DIM. Cows with PVD were assigned to receive one dose of 500 μg of PGF2α analog (Cloprostenol; Ciclase, Syntex SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) per cow (odd ear tag number) or to remain untreated (even tag number). Cure was declared if cows presented clear normal vaginal discharge (VDS-0) at visit 2 (∼62 DIM). Data were analyzed with Cox's regression and mixed logistic models. In experiment 1, cows with VDS ≥1 had lower hazard of pregnancy and longer calving to pregnancy interval than cows with VDS-0. This finding was not affected by the time at which the diagnosis was performed. Therefore, a cow ≥21 DIM and having VDS ≥1 was used to define a case of PVD. The odds of PVD were greater in primiparous cows compared with multiparous, in cows with abnormal calving compared with those with normal calving, and in those losing BCS peripartum. In experiment 2, PGF2α treatment tended to slightly increase the hazard of pregnancy (adjusted hazard ratio = 1.13). Conversely, PGF2α had no effect on the odds of cure of PVD [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.19], pregnancy at first service (AOR = 1.03), or pregnancy by 100 DIM (AOR = 0.89) or 200 DIM (AOR = 1.27). In conclusion, cows with VDS ≥1 can be considered to have PVD because of their lower hazard of pregnancy and longer calving to pregnancy interval (up to 48 d). Important risk factors are parity, calving, and body condition score loss peripartum. Optimal time of diagnosis is ≥28 to 35 DIM because cows experience a high self-cure rate. Self-cure is also affected by parity, prepartum BCS, and VDS. Finally, as treatment with one dose of PGF2α had a small effect on the hazard of pregnancy and no effect on clinical cure, its therapeutic use in grazing dairy cows with PVD is not recommended.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    High NEFA concentrations around parturition are associated with delayed ovulations in grazing dairy cows

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    The objectives of this study were to assess indicators of metabolic status of grazing dairy cows around parturition, and the relationship between these indicators with the resumption of ovulations postpartum (ROP). Holstein multiparous cows (N=20) grazing on improved pastures and supplemented with concentrates were body condition scored and tail bled weekly from wk −2 through +9 related to parturition. Plasma samples were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), leptin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and progesterone (P4). Data were analyzed with mixed models, logistic regression, with receiver operator characteristic (ROC), and Cox regression analysis. Cows having Delayed Ovulation ([DO], ROP on week ≥5) had lower BCS, and higher NEFAs than cows having a normal ROP around parturition (BCS: 2.73±0.08 vs. 2.94±0.05, Pb0.05, and NEFA: 0.43±0.04 vs. 0.35±0.02 mM, Pb0.10, respectively). Also, DO cows had lower BCS than normal herdmates (2.59±0.10 vs. 2.99±0.06, Pb0.01) around time of ROP, but they had similar NEFA, leptin and IGF-1. The risk for DO increased as NEFA increased (0.4% and 0.5% per every increasing mM of NEFA in prepartum and postpartum, respectively). The ROC curve showed that NEFA (prepartum and postpartum) had areas of 0.85 and 0.80, and cut-off values of 0.39 and 0.47 mM. Finally, hazard for ROP increased as prepartum IGF-1 increased, and it decreased as postpartum NEFA increased. In conclusion, cows with lower BCS and higher prepartum and postpartum NEFA had higher odds for getting DO than herdmates with greater BCS and lower NEFA concentrations.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Metritis in dairy cows: Risk factors and reproductive performance

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the risk factors for metritis, its effects on milk yield and on reproductive performance, and the efficacy of ceftiofur therapy in Holstein dairy cows. Cows (n. =. 303) from a commercial dairy herd in Argentina were studied. Cows were scored for body condition, and blood samples were collected on d -14, 7, 21, 31, 41, and 50 relative to parturition. Cows having a watery, purulent, or brown, and fetid vaginal discharge (VD) and rectal temperature ≤39.2°C were diagnosed as having clinical metritis, and those having a similar VD and rectal temperature >39.2°C were diagnosed as having puerperal metritis. Both clinical and puerperal metritis cows were randomly assigned to control (no treatment) or ceftiofur group (2.2. mg/kg. ×. 3 consecutive days). Cure was declared if clear VD was observed at 21 d in milk (DIM). Blood samples were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and blood urea nitrogen using commercial kits, and for insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, and leptin by RIA. Data were analyzed with PROC MIXED, GENMOD, PHREG, and LIFETEST from SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The risk for metritis increased with dystocia, retained fetal membranes, and dead calf [AOR (adjusted odds ratio). =. 2.58, 95% CI: 1.189-5.559], and as prepartum nonesterified fatty acids levels increased (AOR. =. 1.001, 95% CI: 0.999-1.002). Conversely, risk decreased as prepartum insulin-like growth factor-1 increased (AOR. =. 0.65, 95% CI: 0.349-1.219). Cows having either clinical or puerperal metritis produced less milk by 90 DIM than did healthy cows (2,236. ±. 172 vs. 2,367. ±. 77 vs. 2,647. ±. 82 kg, respectively). Cows with puerperal metritis had lower risk for pregnancy by 100 DIM (AOR. =. 0.189, 95% CI: 0.070-0.479) and a lower hazard rate for pregnancy by 150 DIM (hazard rate: 0.753, 95% CI: 0.621-0.911), and took longer to get pregnant (129 vs. 111 vs. 109 d, for puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, and healthy cows, respectively). Ceftiofur treatment was not associated with cure rate or milk yield but was related to increased risk for pregnancy at timed artificial insemination (AOR. =. 2.688, 95% CI: 0.687-10.832), and for lower risk of reproductive cull (AOR. =. 0.121, 95% CI: 0.014-1.066). In conclusion, abnormal calving and negative energy balance are associated with increased risk for metritis. Metritis, especially puerperal metritis, correlates with reduced milk production and poor reproductive performance. Finally, the likelihood for having a normal VD (indicative of cure) increased 2.6% for every day of increase in postpartum time and was 2 times higher for cows with clinical metritis than for those with puerperal metritis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Purulent vaginal discharge in grazing dairy cows: risk factors, reproductive performance, and prostaglandin F2α treatment

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the association of a 4-point scale of vaginal discharge score (VDS) with time to pregnancy to define criteria for a practical case of purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) in dairy cows, to test the risk factors for PVD, and, finally, the effect of a dose of PGF2α on cure and reproductive performance. In experiment 1, grazing Holstein cows (n = 2,414) had their vaginal discharge scored at ∼32 d in milk (DIM) on a 4-point scale, the effect of VDS on the hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM was then assessed to derive a case definition of PVD. Risk factors for PVD and self-cure were also assessed. In experiment 2, grazing Holstein cows (n = 6,326) from 5 herds were checked for PVD at ∼30 DIM. Cows with PVD were assigned to receive one dose of 500 μg of PGF2α analog (Cloprostenol; Ciclase, Syntex SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) per cow (odd ear tag number) or to remain untreated (even tag number). Cure was declared if cows presented clear normal vaginal discharge (VDS-0) at visit 2 (∼62 DIM). Data were analyzed with Cox's regression and mixed logistic models. In experiment 1, cows with VDS ≥1 had lower hazard of pregnancy and longer calving to pregnancy interval than cows with VDS-0. This finding was not affected by the time at which the diagnosis was performed. Therefore, a cow ≥21 DIM and having VDS ≥1 was used to define a case of PVD. The odds of PVD were greater in primiparous cows compared with multiparous, in cows with abnormal calving compared with those with normal calving, and in those losing BCS peripartum. In experiment 2, PGF2α treatment tended to slightly increase the hazard of pregnancy (adjusted hazard ratio = 1.13). Conversely, PGF2α had no effect on the odds of cure of PVD [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.19], pregnancy at first service (AOR = 1.03), or pregnancy by 100 DIM (AOR = 0.89) or 200 DIM (AOR = 1.27). In conclusion, cows with VDS ≥1 can be considered to have PVD because of their lower hazard of pregnancy and longer calving to pregnancy interval (up to 48 d). Important risk factors are parity, calving, and body condition score loss peripartum. Optimal time of diagnosis is ≥28 to 35 DIM because cows experience a high self-cure rate. Self-cure is also affected by parity, prepartum BCS, and VDS. Finally, as treatment with one dose of PGF2α had a small effect on the hazard of pregnancy and no effect on clinical cure, its therapeutic use in grazing dairy cows with PVD is not recommended.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Associations of somatic cell count with milk yield and reproductive performance in grazing dairy cows

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    Poor udder health status can have a detrimental effect on milk yield and reproductive performance, leading to reductions in the dairy farm profit. The objective of this retrospective longitudinal study was to assess the associations of somatic cell count (SCC) with daily milk yield and reproductive performance. A database with 1,930,376 lactations from 867 Argentinean grazing dairy herds records collected for 14 years was used. The association of the evolution of SCC (healthy vs. new case vs. cured vs. chronic; with 150,000 SCC/mL as threshold) and of the severity of SCC [mild (150,000– 400,000 SCC/mL) vs. moderate (400,000–1,000,000 SCC/mL) vs. severe (>1,000,000 SCC/mL)] with the odds for conception were estimated. Finally, the associations of the linear score of SCC (LS-SCC) with daily milk yield were estimated depending on parity and milk production quartile. The odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception at first service were 0.921 (0.902–0.941), 0.866 (0.848–0.884), and 0.842 (0.826–0.859) for the new case, cured, and chronic cows compared with healthy cows, respectively. Also, the odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception were 0.902 (0.881–0.925), 0.837 (0.808–0.866) and 0.709 (0.683–0.736) for mild, moderate and severe cases compared with healthy cows, respectively. An increase of one point of LS-SCC was associated with decreases of 0.349, 0.539, and 0.676 kg in daily milk yield for first-, second-, and third-lactation cows, respectively. In conclusion, SCC is negatively associated with the risk for conception and with daily milk yield in grazing dairy cows. This negative relationship with conception is higher when SCC increase occurs after the service date and it is influenced by severity of mastitis, and in the case of milk yield, the negative association is influenced by parity, milk production quartile, and severity of mastitis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Gastrointestinal parasite control during prepuberty improves mammary parenchyma development in Holstein heifers

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    Parasitism during development impairs normal growth and delays the onset of puberty through altered hormone profiles, including insulin-like growth factor one (IGF-1). Asmammary gland development during prepuberty is strongly dependent on IGF-1, we determined if antiparasitic treatment during this stage of growth improved mammary gland development. One group of Holstein heifers was treated monthly, rotationally with antiparasitic drugs from birth to 70 weeks of age, a second group was untreated. Treated heifer calves had between 56% and 65% less EPG counts than untreated ones. Presence of Ostertagia, Cooperia, Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus was demonstrated. Treatment effectively advanced the onset of puberty and increased IGF-1 levels. At 20, 30, 40 and 70 weeks of age biopsies from the mammary gland were taken and histological sections were prepared and stained with hematoxylin–eosin. Pictures were analyzed to compare parenchyma area in relation to total mammary tissue between groups. Mammary samples from treated heifers had higher ratios of parenchyma/total area than untreated ones. As mammary development during prepuberty is crucial for mammary performance during lactation, these results add new evidence to the importance of gastrointestinal parasite control in heifers.Escuela de Agricultura y Ganadería "María Cruz y Manuel L. Inchausti"Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Estado nutricional materno y su incidencia sobre las pérdidas embrionarias y fetales en los ovinos

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    Entre los factores que inciden directamente sobre los resultados reproductivos en los ovinos, se destacan las pérdidas reproductivas antes del nacimiento. Las pérdidas prenatales se diferencian en mortalidad embrionaria y fetal, definiéndose la primera como la muerte y reabsorción total del embrión entre la concepción y el final del período embrionario de diferenciación. Las pérdidas fetales se manifiestan con posterioridad a la implantación y se caracterizan por la expulsión o momificación del feto. Las pérdidas embrionarias son de mayor magnitud (15-30%) que las muertes durante la etapa fetal (5-7%) y en general se presentan debido a problemas en la señalización hormonal entre el embrión y la madre, lo que conduce a un desarrollo embrionario asincrónico, con retraso en el crecimiento y mortandad del embrión. Si bien las pérdidas prenatales pueden ser de baja incidencia en cada etapa, si consideramos su valor acumulativo, pueden resultar considerables. El estado nutricional es uno de los factores más importantes que afecta la función reproductiva en la oveja, ya que sus efectos pueden ser ejercidos en todos los niveles del proceso reproductivo. Tanto la subnutrición como la sobrealimentación provocan alteraciones en el medio materno que impiden un adecuado desarrollo del embrión, afectando su viabilidad. A continuación se presenta una breve reseña sobre las bases fisiológicas que relacionan el estado nutricional con el sistema reproductivo y su efecto sobre las pérdidas reproductivas de la preñez.There are several factors that directly influence reproductive performance in sheep, among them prenatal losses are of critical importance. Prenatal losses differentiate in embryonic and fetal mortality, embryo mortality being defined as the loss and total embryo reabsorption between conception and the end of the embryonic period of differentiation. Fetal loss manifest after implantation and is characterized by the premature expulsion or momification of the fetus. Embryonic losses are larger in magnitude (15-30%) than deaths during fetal stage (5-7%) and usually occur due to problems in the hormonal signaling between the embryo and the mother, leading to an asynchronous embryonic development, growth retardation and death of the embryo. Prenatal losses can be of low impact in each stage, but when considering their cumulative value, they may result of substantial importance. Nutritional status is one of the most important factors affecting reproductive function in sheep, as their effects can be exerted at all levels of the reproductive process. Both under nutrition and overnutrition cause changes in the maternal environment that prevent proper embryo development, thus affecting its viability. A brief overview of the physiological basis that relates the nutritional status to the reproductive system -and its effect on reproductive losses- is presented.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Bruno Galarraga, María Macarena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Laboratorio de Reproducción de Rumiantes Menores; ArgentinaFil: Cueto, Marcela Isabel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Área de Producción Animal. Grupo de Reproducción; ArgentinaFil: de la Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Lacau Mengido, Isabel Maria. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Laboratorio de Regulación Hipofisiaria; ArgentinaFil: Gibbons, Alejandro Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Área de Producción Animal. Grupo de Reproducción; Argentin

    Monitoring of Body Condition in Dairy Cows to Assess Disease Risk at the Individual and Herd Level

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    A retrospective longitudinal study assessing the explanatory and predictive capacity of body condition score (BCS) in dairy cows on disease risk at the individual and herd level was carried out. Data from two commercial grazing herds from the Argentinean Pampa were gathered (Herd A = 2100 and herd B = 2600 milking cows per year) for 4 years. Logistic models were used to assess the association of BCS indicators with the odds for anestrus at the cow and herd level. Population attributable fraction (AFP) was estimated to assess the anestrus rate due to BCS indicators. We found that anestrus risk decreased in cows calving with BCS >= 3 and losing <= 0.5 (OR: 0.07–0.41), and that anestrus rate decreased in cohorts with a high frequency of cows with proper BCS (OR: 0.22–0.45). Despite aggregated data having a good explanatory power, their predictive capacity for anestrus rate at the herd level is poor (AUC: 0.574–0.679). The AFP varied along the study in both herds and tended to decrease every time the anestrous rate peaked. We conclude that threshold-based models with BCS indicators as predictors are useful to understand disease risk (e.g., anestrus), but conversely, they are useless to predict such multicausal disease events at the herd level.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Cellular proliferation rate and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-2 and IGFBP-3 and estradiol receptor alpha expression in the mammary gland of dairy heifers naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes during development

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    Mammary ductal morphogenesis during prepuberty occurs mainly in response to insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and estradiol stimulation. Dairy heifers infected with gastrointestinal nematodes have reduced IGF-1 levels, accompanied by reduced growth rate, delayed puberty onset, and lower parenchyma-stroma relationship in their mammary glands. Immunohistochemical studies were undertaken to determine variations in cell division rate, IGF-1 system components, and estradiol receptors (ESR) during peripubertal development in the mammary glands of antiparasitic-treated and untreated Holstein heifers naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Mammary biopsies were taken at 20, 30, 40, and 70 wk of age. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunolabeling, evident in nuclei, tended to be higher in the parenchyma of the glands from treated heifers than in those from untreated. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) type 2 and type 3 immunolabeling was cytoplasmic and was evident in stroma and parenchyma. The IGFBP2-labeled area was lower in treated than in untreated heifers. In the treated group, a maximal expression of this protein was seen at 40 wk of age, whereas in the untreated group the labeling remained constant. No differences were observed for IGFBP3 between treatment groups or during development. Immunolabeling for α ESR (ESR1) was evident in parenchymal nuclei and was higher in treated than in untreated heifers. In the treated group, ESR1 peaked at 30 wk of age and then decreased. These results demonstrate that the parasite burden in young heifers negatively influence mammary gland development, affecting cell division rate and parameters related to estradiol and IGF-1 signaling in the gland.Escuela de Agricultura y Ganadería "María Cruz y Manuel L. Inchausti