39 research outputs found

    Mining the ESO WFI and INT WFC archives for known Near Earth Asteroids. Mega-Precovery software

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    The ESO/MPG WFI and the INT WFC wide field archives comprising 330,000 images were mined to search for serendipitous encounters of known Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) and Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs). A total of 152 asteroids (44 PHAs and 108 other NEAs) were identified using the PRECOVERY software, their astrometry being measured on 761 images and sent to the Minor Planet Centre. Both recoveries and precoveries were reported, including prolonged orbital arcs for 18 precovered objects and 10 recoveries. We analyze all new opposition data by comparing the orbits fitted before and after including our contributions. We conclude the paper presenting Mega-Precovery, a new online service focused on data mining of many instrument archives simultaneously for one or a few given asteroids. A total of 28 instrument archives have been made available for mining using this tool, adding together about 2.5 million images forming the Mega-Archive.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten (Sep 2012

    Peculiar morphologies of extended extragalactic radio sources from numerical simulations

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    Among the extragalactic radio sources there are objects with unusual morphologies. We investigated the possibility that the propagation of jets in a stratified distribution of density may produce such effects. A numerical setup was worked out and hydrodynamical 2D simulations were performed using the PLUTO code. We carried out a parametric study of a jet launched along the main axis of the mass distribution in order to obtain important sideways features

    739 observed NEAs and new 2-4m survey statistics within the EURONEAR network

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    We report follow-up observations of 477 program Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using nine telescopes of the EURONEAR network having apertures between 0.3 and 4.2 m. Adding these NEAs to our previous results we now count 739 program NEAs followed-up by the EURONEAR network since 2006. The targets were selected using EURONEAR planning tools focusing on high priority objects. Analyzing the resulting orbital improvements suggests astrometric follow-up is most important days to weeks after discovery, with recovery at a new opposition also valuable. Additionally we observed 40 survey fields spanning three nights covering 11 sq. degrees near opposition, using the Wide Field Camera on the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT), resulting in 104 discovered main belt asteroids (MBAs) and another 626 unknown one-night objects. These fields, plus program NEA fields from the INT and from the wide field MOSAIC II camera on the Blanco 4m telescope, generated around 12,000 observations of 2,000 minor planets (mostly MBAs) observed in 34 square degrees. We identify Near Earth Object (NEO) candidates among the unknown (single night) objects using three selection criteria. Testing these criteria on the (known) program NEAs shows the best selection methods are our epsilon-miu model which checks solar elongation and sky motion and the MPC's NEO rating tool. Our new data show that on average 0.5 NEO candidates per square degree should be observable in a 2m-class survey (in agreement with past results), while an average of 2.7 NEO candidates per square degree should be observable in a 4m-class survey (although our Blanco statistics were affected by clouds). At opposition just over 100 MBAs (1.6 unknown to every 1 known) per square degree are detectable to R=22 in a 2m survey based on the INT data, while our two best ecliptic Blanco fields away from opposition lead to 135 MBAs (2 unknown to every 1 known) to R=23.Comment: Published in Planetary and Space Sciences (Sep 2013

    Coronal jet contribution to the slow Solar wind flux: preliminary results

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    The solar wind is a continuous flux of charged particles that are ejected from the Sun's atmosphere. The sources of this flux have not been clearly identiffed yet. Coronal jets are proposed as a possible candidate. They are small collimated ejections of plasma seen in white-light coronagraph images. Using an existing catalogue, a sample of events during the period 2007-2008 was analysed, and ejected particle flux has been estimated. First results are now presented. As future work, all the jets contained in the catalogue will be analysed in order to obtain the average particle flux. The results will be compared to in-situ measurements in order to assess the coronal jet contribution to the solar wind

    Umiejętności miękkie i edukacja gospodarcza

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    This paper aims at highlighting the importance of soft skills and economic education towards an economist’ career management & development within the complex context of a knowledge-based society. The authors believe strongly that economic education like life long learning in general is at a turning point. Starting from the most important requirements of the labour market but taken also into account the trends regarding the social & occupational evolution in the long-run we have to identify what kind of skills might make the difference for an economist career management & development in the new context of the knowledge-based society. We strongly believe that one possible answer is given by soft skills and the paper includes some ideas with this respect.Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu podkreślenie znaczenia umiejętności miękkich i edukacji ekonomicznej w kierunku zarządzania karierą i rozwojem ekonomisty w złożonym kontekście społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Autorzy przekonani są, że edukacja ekonomiczna, podobnie jak uczenie się przez całe życie jest w punkcie zwrotnym. Zaczynając od najważniejszych wymagań rynku pracy, ale biorąc również pod uwagę tendencje w zakresie społecznej i zawodowej ewolucji w dłuższej perspektywie musimy zidentyfikować, jakiego rodzaju umiejętności mogłyby coś zmienić w zarządzaniu i rozwoju kariery zawodowej ekonomisty w nowym kontekście społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Jesteśmy przekonani, że jedna możliwa odpowiedź to umiejętności miękkie i niniejszy artykuł zawiera kilka pomysłów z tym zakresie