494 research outputs found

    Native born but not yet citizen:citizenship and education outcomes of the children of immigrants in the Netherlands

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    This dissertation investigates the relationship between citizenship and the educational outcomes of native-born children of immigrants in the Netherlands. As in many countries of the world, children born in the Netherlands do not have rights to the citizenship of their country of birth but instead inherit the citizenship of their parents. Little is known about whether and how such citizenship laws affect their legal status and life course. Based on administrative register data, the dissertation uses quantitative methods to map the patterns of citizenship acquisition among the children of immigrants and to analyse its effects on their educational trajectories and performance. Findings indicate that children who acquired Dutch citizenship have a substantial educational advantage over those who are still foreign citizens. Yet the effects of citizenship are not uniform: Dutch citizenship matters especially when acquired in early childhood, and by families facing structural constraints in the host society. The dissertation therefore provides a better understanding of the relevance of citizenship for children of immigrants, taking into account their life course and family environment

    Flux, ambiances et ré-enchantement du monde

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    Cet article interroge l’idée selon laquelle une ambiance surgit d’un rapport premier au monde et ne doit rien au langage qui serait l’outil d’une (re)connaissance. L’analyse est développée à partir d’un roman d’Henri Bosco, Malicroix. Dans ce roman, le cadre insulaire joue un rôle phare, pris en tension entre le langage de l’Autre (ordres domestique et épistémique) et les manifestations d’un milieu élémentaire. Tirant parti d’un cadre deleuzien, l’analyse montre comment une double inflexion donnée au langage reconfigure l’expérience du milieu dans le sens d’un corps à corps plus étroit avec les éléments, propice à l’émergence de moments d’ambiance dotés d’une expressivité propre. Auteur d’une langue concrète et vitale, Henri Bosco confère à ces moments d’ambiances, et donc au milieu dans lequel ils trouvent leurs appuis, la capacité de ré-enchanter un monde insulaire en déshérence.This article questions the idea that atmospheres might emerge from the perceptions of the body and might not be linked in any case to the language. The analysis is based on a novel by Henri Bosco : Malicroix. This novel offers a narrative whose island setting is under the dual and concurrent influences of the language of the Other (domestic and epistemic orders) and of an elementary world. Thanks to a deleuzian conceptual framework (“desert island”), the analysis puts under the light how a double inflection given to the language resizes the experience of the milieu in the sense of a broader embodiment with the elements, suitable for the emergence of moments of atmosphere. Author of a materialist and a vitalist language, Henri Bosco gives to these moments of atmosphere, and through them to the milieu, the ability to re-enchant a fallen island’s world

    La norme et le mouvant

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    Depuis sa redécouverte dans les années 1990, la pensée de Jean Gottmann a largement été reçue sous les traits d’une dialectique : le couple iconographie/circulation. Cette lecture étonne car elle confère aux normes sociales et politiques un rôle conservateur qui éclipse la réflexion de l’auteur sur les dynamiques adaptatives des sociétés, élaborée en référence au monde vivant. Cet article souligne l’usage des métaphores organiques dans l’œuvre de Gottmann et montre que les références à Henri Bergson et Claude Bernard qui les sous-tendent sont des influences structurantes pour des notions clés de sa pensée : le carrefour et le milieu relationnel. Cette relecture de l’œuvre de Gottmann invite à comprendre la différenciation de l’espace non comme un dépassement dialectique des contraires mais comme une aptitude des sociétés à la recréation territoriale. En particulier, la notion de « faculté d’accès » montre l’importance pour les sociétés de savoir entretenir un dialogue avec leurs systèmes normatifs – leur milieu relationnel – pour assurer leur adaptation à leur environnement international et aux évolutions de leur organisation régionale.Since its rediscovery in the 1990’s, the thought of Jean Gottmann had been received through a dialectical approach: the dualism iconography/circulation. Such a lecture which gives to the social and political norms a conservative role astonishes and tends to eclipse how Gottmann thought about the adaptative dynamics of the societies with a reference to the living world. This paper underlines the use of organic metaphors in the geographical language of Gottmann and shows that the references to Henri Bergson and Claude Bernard with which they are linked to are structuring influences to key notions of his work: the “carrefour” and the “milieu relationnel”. This new lecture of the work of Gottmann enlights the process of differentiation of space not as a result of a dialectic but as the ability of the societies to renew their spatial relations. In particular, the notion of « faculté d’accès » shows how much is important for a society to think about the use of its social and political norms – its « milieu relationnel » – in order to adapt itself to its international environment and the evolutions of its regional organization

    Blur aware metric depth estimation with multi-focus plenoptic cameras

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    While a traditional camera only captures one point of view of a scene, a plenoptic or light-field camera, is able to capture spatial and angular information in a single snapshot, enabling depth estimation from a single acquisition. In this paper, we present a new metric depth estimation algorithm using only raw images from a multi-focus plenoptic camera. The proposed approach is especially suited for the multi-focus configuration where several micro-lenses with different focal lengths are used. The main goal of our blur aware depth estimation (BLADE) approach is to improve disparity estimation for defocus stereo images by integrating both correspondence and defocus cues. We thus leverage blur information where it was previously considered a drawback. We explicitly derive an inverse projection model including the defocus blur providing depth estimates up to a scale factor. A method to calibrate the inverse model is then proposed. We thus take into account depth scaling to achieve precise and accurate metric depth estimates. Our results show that introducing defocus cues improves the depth estimation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and depth scaling calibration on relative depth estimation setups and on real-world 3D complex scenes with ground truth acquired with a 3D lidar scanner.Comment: 21 pages, 12 Figures, 3 Table

    Nathalie Blanc, Vers une esthétique environnementale

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    Ce livre relève un défi majeur des sciences sociales. Celui de porter un regard sur les questions d’environnement au-delà d’une approche instrumentale et gestionnaire. Constitutive de nos « milieux de vie », notre relation à l’environnement appelle à travailler nos catégories de pensée et d’action afin d’en être des habitants responsables. Dans cette perspective, ce livre se saisit de la question esthétique pour caractériser notre relation à l’environnement et interroger la viabilité de nos m..

    Leveraging blur information for plenoptic camera calibration

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    This paper presents a novel calibration algorithm for plenoptic cameras, especially the multi-focus configuration, where several types of micro-lenses are used, using raw images only. Current calibration methods rely on simplified projection models, use features from reconstructed images, or require separated calibrations for each type of micro-lens. In the multi-focus configuration, the same part of a scene will demonstrate different amounts of blur according to the micro-lens focal length. Usually, only micro-images with the smallest amount of blur are used. In order to exploit all available data, we propose to explicitly model the defocus blur in a new camera model with the help of our newly introduced Blur Aware Plenoptic (BAP) feature. First, it is used in a pre-calibration step that retrieves initial camera parameters, and second, to express a new cost function to be minimized in our single optimization process. Third, it is exploited to calibrate the relative blur between micro-images. It links the geometric blur, i.e., the blur circle, to the physical blur, i.e., the point spread function. Finally, we use the resulting blur profile to characterize the camera's depth of field. Quantitative evaluations in controlled environment on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our calibrations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2004.0774

    Communs paysagers et devenirs éoliens opposés

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    Cet article part d’un projet éolien contesté et conflictuel dans un village de Seine-et-Marne (France). Il suit l’émergence et la structuration de trajectoires d’opposants dans leur constitution progressive, en explorant les rôles et les devenirs opposés de communs paysagers. À la croisée de ces devenirs opposants et paysagers, l’analyse met en lumière les modalités selon lesquelles, en France, l’accompagnement institutionnel échoue à articuler des communs paysagers hétérogènes pour soutenir l’émergence de projets éoliens partagés.This article starts with the opposition to a wind farm project which led to conflict in a village in Seine-et-Marne (France). It follows the emergence and the gradual structuring of the trajectories of the opposing parties by exploring the roles and different opposing projects for shared landscapes. At the intersection between these conflicting changes and projected landscapes, the analysis sheds light on the reasons why institutions in France fail to establish the connection between heterogeneous shared landscapes to support the emergence of joint wind farm projects
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