21 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompos dan NPK pupuk terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman bawang Brebes dan interaksi antara kedua faktor. Percobaan ini menggunakan Faktorial Rancangan Acak Pola. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dosis diuji kompos terdiri dari 4 tingkatan, yaitu: kontrol, 10, 20 dan 30 faktor ton / ha dan NPK dosis pupuk yang terdiri dari 4 tingkatan, yaitu: kontrol, 100, 200 dan 300 kg / ha, sehingga bahwa ada 16kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan dan 48 unit percobaan, setiap unit terdiri dari 5 tanaman sampel percobaan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis kompos cenderung lebih baik pada dosis pengobatan 30 ton / ha untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang. Sementara itu, NPK dosis pupuk untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah cenderung lebih baik pada dosis pengobatan 200 kg NPK / ha. Tidak ada interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK untuk kompos dengan semua variabel yang diamati pada pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang.Kata kunci: bawang, kompos, NPKBanda Ace

    The myloglossus muscle: anatomical and clinical observations

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    The myloglossus muscle is considered an anomalous muscle among the extrinsic muscle of the tongue. In the past, only few Authors provided an anatomical description of the myloglossus muscle (Valenti, 1925; Jude, 1973; Gruber, 1980) and recently a description of myloglossus muscle in Japanese cadaver was reported (Nakajima and Nakamura, 2008). Dissection studies showed that the myloglossus muscle arises from the inner surface of the mandible between the alveolar process and the distal part of the mylohyoid groove and inserts into the tongue root, joining the palatoglossus muscle. Some anatomical variations regarding its origin could be present: it could originate from stylomandibular ligament or partially replace the styloglossus muscle. In patients, with discrete muscle trophism, the myloglossus muscle provides a lateral to medial mucosal fold in the posterior portion of the sublingual sulcus that is evident when the tongue is controlaterally moved. On the contrary, in patients with poor muscle trophism these mucosal folds were not observed. The myloglossus muscle acts primarily as an antagonist of both the controlateral muscle and other muscles that move the tongue toward the opposite side; moreover, it acts together with the controlateral and the palatoglossus muscle, determining the upward movements of the tongue and pharynx, especially in the last phase of deglutition. Its location should be considered to well determine the distal lingual extension of the removable prosthesis. Gruber W. 1880. Uber den musculus myloglossus bei mangel und vorkommen des styloglossus. Arch Path Anat Physiol Klin Med 81:453-457. Jude HD. 1973. Anatomiche untersuchungen uber extensionmoglichkeiten unterer total prothesen im retromolaren raum. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 28:486. Nakajima K, Nakamura M. Rare case of myloglossus in Japanese cadaver: anatomical and developmental considerations. Anat Sci Int. 2008; 83: 1-5 Valenti G. 1925. Sur un muscle mandibulo-glosse (M. Mylo-Glossus Wood). Arch Ital Biol 75: 77

    Expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in blood vessels and silicic acid consumption

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    NO produces by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) represents one of the most representative vasoactive molecules able to regulate vascular tone; it is released by endothelial cells and it diffuses to adjacent vascular smooth muscle cells causing vasorelaxation. In addition, endothelium-derived NO is know to be involved in multiple ways to prevent the progression of age-related vascular diseases. Senescent endothelial cells are characterized by a decreased production of endothelium-derived NO due to a decrease of eNOS activity that could be attributable to a reduction in eNOS protein expression as well as in eNOS phosphorylation (Matsushita et al., 2001). Previous studies showed that silicon, mainly as silicic acid, plays an important role as protective factor against the development of age-related vascular diseases, maintaining integrity, stability and elastic properties of arterial walls (Schwarz et al., 1977). So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the expression of eNOS and silicic acid consumption in a mouse model of early physiological aging. We evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by immunohistochemical method, the expression of eNOS in the vessel wall of aorta and renal vessels in relation with the administration of silicic acid in drinking water. The results showed that loss of eNOS expression was prevented by regular consumption of silicic acid rich water, supporting the potential protective role of silicon against age related-vascular disorders

    Platelet Rich Plasma stimulates human hair growth in vitro

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    Several factors are involved in hair growth and cycling (Buffoli et al., 2013). Platelet concentrates have a new important role in regenerative medicine and thus in dermatology, oral, plastic and orthopaedic surgery and hair growth (Franco et al., 2012). In this study we evaluated in vitro the effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), an autologous platelet preparation, on hair growth. In particular, we compared four different culture media (Philpott et al., 1990): 1-William’s E culture medium with supplemented factors; 2-William’s E culture medium with supplemented factors and Platelet Rich Plasma; 3-William’s E culture medium without supplemented factors; 4-William’s E culture medium without supplemented factors but with PRP. Hair shaft elongation was measured at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours: digitally fixed images of slices were analyzed using an image analyzer considering as measurable portion the shaft part between the bulb upper border and the top of the hair end. The values obtained were used to calculate the percentage of elongation for each time. Growth in hair cultured with William’s E medium with supplemented factors and PRP resulted higher with respect to the other media. Moreover, these results suggest that PRP stimulates human hair growth in vitro

    Atlas rotation and mandibular deviation by Cone Beam CT

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    Cervical vertebrae and mandible are functionally related and some evidences suggest a strong correlation between their relative position and orientation (Huggare et al., 1996; Nisayif et al., 2005). In this study TC Dental Scan with cone beam technology was used to study the relationship between atlas and mandibular rotation in 205 patients. Using a digitalized images analyser, we calculated the axial rotation of atlas and mandible, measuring the angle with respect to the frontal plane. We found that 80.98% of patients presented the axial rotation of the mandible in the same direction of atlas rotation compared with 19.02% of patients that presented opposite directions. Among the consistent group, 71.08% of patients had a left rotation compared with 28.92% that had a right rotation. Moreover, considering the absolute values of the rotation, we observed that the atlas had a more marked rotation with respect to the mandible and that the values of left rotations were higher with respect to the value recorded for right rotations both for the mandible and atlas measurements. This study represents a starting point to better characterize the relationship between atlas and mandible; further studies are necessary to better understand the importance of this data from a functional and clinical point of view

    Morphometric analysis of Huguier’s canal by Cone Beam CT

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    The middle ear and the stomatognatic system are closely anatomically and functionally related. The anterior chordal canal of Huguier connects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the middle ear. This canal is formed by the inferior process of tegment tympani and the sphenoid bone and it is located at the medial end of the petrotympanic fissure. To data, few studies aimed to describe Huguier’s canal morphology and its related structures (Toth et al., 2006; Sato et al., 2008; Aristeguieta et al., 2009). The aim of this study is to describe the radiological anatomy of the Huguier’s canal using cone beam CT (CBCT, Scanora 3D, Soredex). We measured 438 Huguier’s canals from 219 human skulls (Section of Anthropology and Ethnology, Museum of Natural History, Florence, Italy). The measurements were made at three levels: 1) near the TMJ (lateral-glenoidal side) that was 1.961 ± 0.472 mm; 2) the narrowest point of the middle area that was 0.494 ± 0.24 mm; 3) near the middle ear (medial, acoustic meatus side) that was 1.085 ± 0.354 mm. 21 on 439 Huguier’s canal (4.79%) were ossificated: 1 only in the medial side, 11 only in the middle area and 9 in all the three levels. Considering the high number of measurements, the values obtained were comparable, suggesting that CBCT can be useful to detect these anatomical details

    Assessment of Atlanto-Axial and Mandibular Rotation by Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    The cranial portion of the vertebral segment together with the atlanto-occipital joint represents a very complex area. Since this system could be influenced by different atlas and mandibular position, the aim of this work was to assess atlanto-axial and mandibular rotation. Scanora 3-dimensional cone bean computed tomography images from 205 patients without signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorder were evaluated. Using a digitalized images analyzer, the axial rotations of atlas and mandible rotation were calculated, measuring the angle with respect to the frontal plane. The same direction for the axial rotation of the mandible and for the atlanto-axial rotation (consistent group) was observed in 80.98% of the patients; opposite directions (inconsistent group) were observed in 19.02%. Among the consistent group, the left rotation was observed in 71.08% of the patients and the right rotation in 28.92%. Absolute values showed a more marked rotation for atlas than mandible and higher values for the left rotation were reported for both.Taking together these data represents important starting points for the knowledge of atlas and mandible relationship and its functional and clinical implication

    Sodium-DNA for Bone Tissue Regeneration: An Experimental Study in Rat Calvaria

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    Surgical techniques in dental and maxillofacial surgery request fast bone tissue regeneration, so there is a significant need to improve therapy for bone regeneration. Several studies have recently underlined the importance of nucleotides and nucleosides to increase cell proliferation and activity; in particular, the ability of polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) to induce growth and activity of human osteoblasts was demonstrated. Sodium-DNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from the gonadic tissue of male sturgeon and then purified, depolymerized, and neutralized with sodium hydroxide. To date, there are no evidences about the use of Sodium-DNA for bone tissue regeneration. Consequently, our question is about the efficacy of Sodium-DNA in bone healing. For testing the role of Sodium-DNA in bone healing we used a rat calvarial defect model. Sodium-DNA at different concentrations used alone or in association with Fibrin and/or Bio-Oss was used for healing treatments and the bone healing process was evaluated by histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses. Our results suggested a positive effect of Sodium-DNA in bone regeneration, providing a useful protocol and a model for the future clinical evaluation of its osteogenic properties