1,241 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Through a close reading of Artur de Azevedo and Urbano Duarte’s 1882 play O Escravocrata [The Slaveocrat], I examine the period anxieties surrounding miscegenation between black men and white women in the wake of abolition and turn of the century European immigration. Juxtaposing Brazil and the United States, I argue that these socially prohibited relationships challenged both slavery as an institution and Brazilian racial categorization. Drawing from queer theory, I show how the progeny of these interracial relationships lived in what I term a “racial closet,” a space marked by clandestinity and precarity, and how the constitutive practice of “racial outing,” the public revelation of African heritage was a way of sustaining white supremacy and the social and political distinctions between black and white, free and enslaved. Key words: Slavery; Miscegenation; Theater; Abolition Resumo: Através de uma leitura atenta da peça teatral, O Escravocrata (1882), de Artur Azevedo e Urbano Duarte, o seguinte ensaio examina as ansiedades brancas em torno da mestiçagem entre homens negros e mulheres brancas depois da abolição e no contexto da imigração europeia para o Brasil. Por meio de uma lente crítica e comparativa entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos, proponho que tais relações proibidas desafiaram tanto a instituição escravocrata como as estruturas nacionais de categorização racial. Partindo da teoria queer, procuro demonstrar como os frutos destas relações inter-raciais acabavam por ocupar um “armário racial” – um espaço marcado pela clandestinidade e precariedade – e como a prática de “flagramento racial,” a revelação pública de ascendência africana, funcionou como método de reproduzir as estruturas vigentes de supremacia branca e as distinções sociais e políticas entre branco e negro, livre e escravo.Palavras-chave: Escravidão; Mestiçagem; Teatro; Aboliçã


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    Abstract: Through an examination of period medical literature, this article examines Adolfo Caminha’s decidedly tragic and homophobic construction of homosexuality as a synthesis of the medical, historical, and the political. Homosexuality is not merely theorized as a sexual practice or identity, but rather the embodiment of two foundational historical institutions that shaped Brazil’s past and present: Portuguese colonialism and slavery.  For Caminha, homosexuality as an embodiment of these two institutions, is what I am terming a “predatory perversion,” depraved, destructive, and above all, non-generative forces that would only result in Brazil’s demise.Key Words: Homosexuality, Medicine, Slavery, Colonialism Resumo: Através de uma análise crítica de literatura médica do fim do século dezenove, este ensaio examina a construção decididamente trágica e homofóbica da homossexualidade como uma síntese de ideologias médicas, históricas, e políticas. Teorizo a homossexualidade no romance não apenas como uma prática sexual ou faceta identitária, mas também como a encenação de duas instituições fundamentais que geraram o presente e o passado do Brasil: o colonialismo português e a escravidão. Para Caminha, a homossexualidade como encarnação simbólica, constitui o que denomino “perversão predatória” – composta por forças depravadas, destrutivas, e, sobretudo, não-generativas que só resultariam na destruição do Brasil.Palavras Chaves: Homosexualismo, Medicina, Escravidão, Colonialism

    College Men\u27s Psychological and Physiological Responses Associated with Violent Video Game Play

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    Research suggests that playing violent video games increases the likelihood of aggression. However, less clear is how individual characteristics influence the mechanisms that lead to aggression. Using Anderson and Bushman’s (2002) General Aggression Model as a framework, the present study examined the independent and joint effects of individual differences and situational factors on affective and physiological reactivity to playing a violent video game. One hundred thirty-three participants completed self-report measures of trait aggression and violent video game exposure. They were randomly assigned to groups instructed to play a video game using either violent or nonviolent strategies while facial electromyography, heart rate, and electrodermal activity were measured. Positive and negative affect was assessed via self-report prior to and following video game play. It was hypothesized that trait aggression and level of past exposure to violent video games would be positively related to increases in physiological arousal and negative affect among participants in a violent, relative to a nonviolent, condition. Hierarchical regression analyses failed to detect a significant relationship between trait aggression and changes in heart rate, facial electromyography, or self-reported affect as a function of game condition. However, significant positive relationships were found between trait aggression and skin conductance, but only in the nonviolent condition. Analyses revealed that past exposure to violent video games was positively related to increased skin conductance among participants in the non-violent, but not the violent video game condition. Past exposure to violent video games was also positively related to increased heart rate, but this was among participants in the violent, but not the non-violent condition. Significant relationships between past exposure to violent video games and changes in facial electromyography and self-reported affect as a function of video game condition were not found. Findings are discussed in terms of how trait aggression and past exposure to violent video games influence arousal, and potentially, the likelihood of aggressive behavior

    We Are A Dreaming People

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    We are a dreaming people . . . And love is the makeup we wear. Continue to drive in rainstroms, Open the windows and wet your hands— To some deserted province of contemplation..

    The Changes in Architecture Terminology

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    The intention of this research is to inspire a discussion about the changes in architecture terminologywith the revolution in communication and representation forms as a result of digitalisation.The blurred boundary between the virtual and the analogue worlds, the misunderstandings andthe confusion that appear with the interaction of these two worlds nowadays form the major problems facing architectural design, education and research. The researchers in this field arefocused on the interface, the meeting and the transformation point between the digital and analogue worlds in order to prevent those problems and confusions. One of the main reasonsof this ambiguity is the architectural terminology that changes according to the changing status of architectural representation i.e. new forms of representation; new forms of communicationi.e. the new role of the architect and the researcher.Whenever and wherever information and knowledge specialised is created, communicated ortransformed terminology is involved in a way or another. An absence of terminology is combined with an absence of an understanding of concepts. Therefore with the new information and communication technologies; new and developing subject areas the existence of terminology and its update is indispensable. Thus the changing status of the terminology must be analysed. As architecture terminology is essential to improve today's challenging, multidisciplinary communication in order to clarify the problems of ambiguity and unawareness (as a result of shift of specific architectural vocabulary) it is necessary to analyse the changes in the architectural terminology which will form the discussion point of the following paper.As this paper is the beginning step of a research project which started on the occasion of the conference proposed by EAAE/ARCC we will here present only the objectives of this research,its general problematics, the methods that we wish to develop and some provisional results likethe illustration of this approach to be followed

    The changes in Architecture Etrminology

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    The intention of this research is to inspire a discussion about the changes in architecture terminology with the revolution in communication and representation forms as a result of digitalisation. The blurred boundary between the virtual and the analogue worlds, the misunderstandings and the confusion that appear with the interaction of these two worlds nowadays form the major problems facing architectural design, education and research. The researchers in this field are focused on the interface, the meeting and the transformation point between the digital and analogue worlds in order to prevent those problems and confusions. One of the main reasons of this ambiguity is the architectural terminology that changes according to the changing status of architectural representation i.e. new forms of representation; new forms of communication i.e. the new role of the architect and the researcher. Whenever and wherever information and knowledge specialised is created, communicated or transformed terminology is involved in a way or another. An absence of terminology is combined with an absence of an understanding of concepts. Therefore with the new information and communication technologies; new and developing subject areas the existence of terminology and its update is indispensable. Thus the changing status of the terminology must be analysed. As architecture terminology is essential to improve today's challenging, multidisciplinary communication in order to clarify the problems of ambiguity and unawareness (as a result of shift of specific architectural vocabulary) it is necessary to analyse the changes in the architectural terminology which will form the discussion point of the following paper

    Same Language, Two Worlds: Analysis of Stereotypes among Citizens of Madrid and Ecuadorian Immigrants in Madrid

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    Spain currently claims one of the largest immigrant quotas in Europe; Madrid, its capital city, is one of the country's top destinations. This immigration is a relatively new phenomenon, however, for until the late 1980s, Spain had high rates of outgoing migration (emigration). In the past ten years, large numbers of Latin American immigrants have come to Spain, such as the Ecuadorians that provide the most people from Latin America and the second largest of any immigrant group in Spain. Yet despite sharing a common language, Spanish, there is a marked separation between these immigrants and Spanish citizens. In May and June of 2009, I conducted two separate surveys - one with Ecuadorian immigrants in Madrid, the other with native Madrid citizens - regarding the contact with and perceptions of each other. Using their responses as a base and as an example, this project analyzes the current situations and opinions surrounding Latin American immigration in Madrid. Based on the stereotypes and perceptions portrayed in the data, this project focuses on the existence of three main issues: a need on the part of Spaniards to protect their culture through the phenomenon of "otherness," defining what is Spanish versus what is not; issues of gender in which immigrant women find themselves at an even sharper disadvantage than immigrant males; and the persistence of postcolonial views and roles played by both Latin Americans and Spaniards. To further study this phenomenon, I will also study two examples of fictional literature, the novels Cosmofobia (2007), by Lucía Etxebarria, and Una tarde con campanas (2004), by Carlos Méndez Guédez, to demonstrate the existence of these main issues in Madrid's society today, and to show that, although the two groups speak the same language and live in the same city, they indeed live in two separate worlds.No embarg
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