5,258 research outputs found

    Catholic Institutions and Justice Obligations

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    Effects of live-bait shrimp trawling on seagrass beds and fish bycatch in Tampa Bay, Florida

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    The use of live shrimp for bait in recreational fishing has resulted in a controversial fishery for shrimp in Florida. In this fishery, night collections are conducted over seagrass beds with roller beam trawls to capture live shrimp, primarily pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum. These shrimp are culled from the catch on sorting tables and placed in onboard aerated “live” wells. Beds of turtlegrass, Thalassia testudinum, a species that has highest growth rates and biomass during summer and lowest during the winter (Fonseca et al., 1996) are predominant areas for live-bait shrimp trawling (Tabb and Kenny, 1969). Our study objectives were 1) to determine effects of a roller beam trawl on turtlegrass biomass and morphometrics during intensive (up to 18 trawls over a turtlegrass bed), short-term (3-hour duration) use and 2) to examine the mortality of bycatch finfish following capture by a trawl

    Stochastic mean-field dynamics for fermions in the weak coupling limit

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    Assuming that the effect of the residual interaction beyond mean-field is weak and has a short memory time, two approximate treatments of correlation in fermionic systems by means of Markovian quantum jump are presented. A simplified scenario for the introduction of fluctuations beyond mean-field is first presented. In this theory, part of the quantum correlations between the residual interaction and the one-body density matrix are neglected and jumps occur between many-body densities formed of pairs of states D=Φa><Φb/D=| \Phi_a > < \Phi_b |/ where Φa>| \Phi_a > and Φb>| \Phi_b > are antisymmetrized products of single-particle states. The underlying Stochastic Mean-Field (SMF) theory is discussed and applied to the monopole vibration of a spherical 40^{40}Ca nucleus under the influence of a statistical ensemble of two-body contact interaction. This framework is however too simplistic to account for both fluctuation and dissipation. In the second part of this work, an alternative quantum jump method is obtained without making the approximation on quantum correlations. Restricting to two particles-two holes residual interaction, the evolution of the one-body density matrix of a correlated system is transformed into a Lindblad equation. The associated dissipative dynamics can be simulated by quantum jumps between densities written as D=Φ>D = | \Phi > is a normalized Slater determinant. The associated stochastic Schroedinger equation for single-particle wave-functions is given.Comment: Enlarged version, 10 pages, 2 figure

    Self-consistent spin-wave theory for a frustrated Heisenberg model with biquadratic exchange in the columnar phase and its application to iron pnictides

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    Recent neutron scattering studies revealed the three dimensional character of the magnetism in the iron pnictides and a strong anisotropy between the exchange perpendicular and parallel to the spin stripes. We extend studies of the J1-J2-Jc Heisenberg model with S = 1 using self-consistent spin-wave theory. A discussion of two scenarios for the instability of the columnar phase is provided. The relevance of a biquadratic exchange term between in-plane nearest neighbors is discussed. We introduce mean-field decouplings for biquadratic terms using the Dyson-Maleev and the Schwinger boson representation. Remarkably their respective mean-field theories do not lead to the same results, even at zero temperature. They are gauged in the N'eel phase in comparison to exact diagonalization and series expansion. The J1-J2-Jc model is analyzed under the influence of the biquadratic exchange Jbq and a detailed description of the staggered magnetization and of the magnetic excitations is given. The biquadratic exchange increases the renormalization of the in-plane exchange constants which enhances the anisotropy between the exchange parallel and perpendicular to the spin stripes. Applying the model to iron pnictides, it is possible to reproduce the spin-wave dispersion for CaFe2As2 in the direction perpendicular to the spin stripes and perpendicular to the planes. Discrepancies remain in the direction parallel to the spin stripes which can be resolved by passing from S = 1 to S = 2. In addition, results for the dynamical structure factor within the self-consistent spin-wave theory are provided.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Updated version, several references adde

    Surface induced magnetization reversal of MnP nanoclusters embedded in GaP

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    We investigate the quasi-static magnetic behavior of ensembles of non-interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles consisting of MnP nanoclusters embedded in GaP(001) epilayers grown at 600, 650 and 700{\deg}C. We use a phenomenological model, in which surface effects are included, to reproduce the experimental hysteresis curves measured as a function of temperature (120-260 K) and direction of the applied field. The slope of the hysteresis curve during magnetization reversal is determined by the MnP nanoclusters size distribution, which is a function of the growth temperature. Our results show that the coercive field is very sensitive to the strength of the surface anisotropy, which reduces the energy barrier between the two states of opposite magnetization. Notably, this reduction in the energy barrier increases by a factor of 3 as the sample temperature is lowered from 260 to 120 K.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Exact and approximate many-body dynamics with stochastic one-body density matrix evolution

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    We show that the dynamics of interacting fermions can be exactly replaced by a quantum jump theory in the many-body density matrix space. In this theory, jumps occur between densities formed of pairs of Slater determinants, Dab=Φa><ΦbD_{ab}=| \Phi_a > < \Phi_b |, where each state evolves according to the Stochastic Schr\"odinger Equation (SSE) given in ref. \cite{Jul02}. A stochastic Liouville-von Neumann equation is derived as well as the associated Bogolyubov-Born-Green-Kirwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy. Due to the specific form of the many-body density along the path, the presented theory is equivalent to a stochastic theory in one-body density matrix space, in which each density matrix evolves according to its own mean field augmented by a one-body noise. Guided by the exact reformulation, a stochastic mean field dynamics valid in the weak coupling approximation is proposed. This theory leads to an approximate treatment of two-body effects similar to the extended Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock (Extended TDHF) scheme. In this stochastic mean field dynamics, statistical mixing can be directly considered and jumps occur on a coarse-grained time scale. Accordingly, numerical effort is expected to be significantly reduced for applications.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Particle-Number Restoration within the Energy Density Functional Formalism

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    We give a detailed analysis of the origin of spurious divergences and finite steps that have been recently identified in particle-number restoration calculations within the nuclear energy density functional framework. We isolate two distinct levels of spurious contributions to the energy. The first one is encoded in the definition of the basic energy density functional itself whereas the second one relates to the canonical procedure followed to extend the use of the energy density functional to multi-reference calculations. The first level of spuriosity relates to the long-known self-interaction problem and to the newly discussed self-pairing interaction process which might appear when describing paired systems with energy functional methods using auxiliary reference states of Bogoliubov or BCS type. A minimal correction to the second level of spuriosity to the multi-reference nuclear energy density functional proposed in [D. Lacroix, T. Duguet, M. Bender, arXiv:0809.2041] is shown to remove completely the anomalies encountered in particle-number restored calculations. In particular, it restores sum-rules over (positive) particle numbers that are to be fulfilled by the particle-number-restored formalism. The correction is found to be on the order of several hundreds of keVs up to about 1 MeV in realistic calculations, which is small compared to the total binding energy, but often accounts for a substantial percentage of the energy gain from particle-number restoration and is on the same energy scale as the excitations one addresses with multi-reference energy density functional methods.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Configuration Mixing within the Energy Density Functional Formalism: Removing Spurious Contributions from Non-Diagonal Energy Kernels

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    Multi-reference calculations along the lines of the Generator Coordinate Method or the restoration of broken symmetries within the nuclear Energy Density Functional (EDF) framework are becoming a standard tool in nuclear structure physics. These calculations rely on the extension of a single-reference energy functional, of the Gogny or the Skyrme types, to non-diagonal energy kernels. There is no rigorous constructive framework for this extension so far. The commonly accepted way proceeds by formal analogy with the expressions obtained when applying the generalized Wick theorem to the non-diagonal matrix element of a Hamilton operator between two product states. It is pointed out that this procedure is ill-defined when extended to EDF calculations as the generalized Wick theorem is taken outside of its range of applicability. In particular, such a procedure is responsible for the appearance of spurious divergences and steps in multi-reference EDF energies, as was recently observed in calculations restoring particle number or angular momentum. In the present work, we give a formal analysis of the origin of this problem for calculations with and without pairing, i.e. constructing the density matrices from either Slater determinants or quasi-particle vacua. We propose a correction to energy kernels that removes the divergences and steps, and which is applicable to calculations based on any symmetry restoration or generator coordinate. The method is formally illustrated for particle number restoration and is specified to configuration mixing calculations based on Slater determinants.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in PR

    Fermi Surface of The One-dimensional Kondo Lattice Model

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    We show a strong indication of the existence of a large Fermi surface in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model. The characteristic wave vector of the model is found to be kF=(1+ρ)π/2k_F=(1+\rho )\pi /2, ρ\rho being the density of the conduction electrons. This result is at first obtained for a variant of the model that includes an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction JHJ_H between the local moments. It is then directly observed in the conventional Kondo lattice (JH=0)(J_H=0), in the narrow range of Kondo couplings where the long distance properties of the model are numerically accessible.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Monte Carlo transient phonons transport in silicon and germanium at nanoscales

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    Heat transport at nanoscales in semiconductors is investigated with a statistical method. The Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) which characterize phonons motion and interaction within the crystal lattice has been simulated with a Monte Carlo technique. Our model takes into account media frequency properties through the dispersion curves for longitudinal and transverse acoustic branches. The BTE collisional term involving phonons scattering processes is simulated with the Relaxation Times Approximation theory. A new distribution function accounting for the collisional processes has been developed in order to respect energy conservation during phonons scattering events. This non deterministic approach provides satisfactory results in what concerns phonons transport in both ballistic and diffusion regimes. The simulation code has been tested with silicon and germanium thin films; temperature propagation within samples is presented and compared to analytical solutions (in the diffusion regime). The two materials bulk thermal conductivity is retrieved for temperature ranging between 100 K and 500 K. Heat transfer within a plane wall with a large thermal gradient (250 K-500 K) is proposed in order to expose the model ability to simulate conductivity thermal dependence on heat exchange at nanoscales. Finally, size effects and validity of heat conduction law are investigated for several slab thicknesses