50 research outputs found

    Pneumococcal carriage in children in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia before and one year after the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

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    BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae precedes disease, is the source of pneumococcal community spread, and the mechanism for herd protection provided by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). There are few PCV impact studies in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Asia. In 2016, Mongolia introduced the 13-valent PCV (PCV13) in a phased manner using a 2 + 1 schedule, with catch-up. We aimed to assess the impact of PCV13 introduction on nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage and density in children in Mongolia. METHODS: We conducted two cross-sectional carriage surveys (pre- and one year post-PCV) at community health clinics in two districts of the capital city, Ulaanbaatar in both May-July 2015 and 2017. The study analysis included 961 children too young to be vaccinated (5-8 weeks old) and 989 children eligible for vaccination (12-23 months old). Pneumococci were detected by quantitative real-time PCR and molecular serotyping performed using DNA microarray. FINDINGS: One year post-PCV introduction, PCV13 serotype carriage reduced by 52% in 12-23 month olds (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] 0.48 [95% confidence interval [CI] 0.39-0.59]), with evidence of non-PCV13 serotype replacement (aPR 1.55 [95% CI 1.30-1.85]), compared with the pre-PCV period. In 5-8 week olds, PCV13 serotype carriage reduced by 51% (aPR 0.49 [95% CI 0.33-0.73]) with no significant change in non-PCV13 serotype carriage (aPR 1.10 [95% CI 0.83-1.46]). An increase was observed in both PCV13 and non-PCV13 pneumococcal density post-PCV introduction. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes were common, with 82.3% of samples containing at least one of the 10 AMR genes assessed. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates substantive PCV13 impact on pneumococcal carriage one year post-vaccine introduction in Mongolia. The reductions in PCV13 serotype carriage are likely to result in reductions in pneumococcal disease including indirect effects. Increases in non-PCV13 serotypes require further monitoring

    Determining the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine coverage required for indirect protection against vaccine-type pneumococcal carriage in low and middle-income countries: a protocol for a prospective observational study

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    Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) prevent disease through both direct protection of vaccinated individuals and indirect protection of unvaccinated individuals by reducing nasopharyngeal (NP) carriage and transmission of vaccine-type (VT) pneumococci. While the indirect effects of PCV vaccination are well described, the PCV coverage required to achieve the indirect effects is unknown. We will investigate the relationship between PCV coverage and VT carriage among undervaccinated children using hospital-based NP pneumococcal carriage surveillance at three sites in Asia and the Pacific.We are recruiting cases, defined as children aged 2-59 months admitted to participating hospitals with acute respiratory infection in Lao People's Democratic Republic, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea. Thirteen-valent PCV status is obtained from written records. NP swabs are collected according to standard methods, screened using lytA qPCR and serotyped by microarray. Village-level vaccination coverage, for the resident communities of the recruited cases, is determined using administrative data or community survey. Our analysis will investigate the relationship between VT carriage among undervaccinated cases (indirect effects) and vaccine coverage using generalised estimating equations.Ethical approval has been obtained from the relevant ethics committees at participating sites. The results are intended for publication in open-access peer-reviewed journals and will demonstrate methods suitable for low- and middle-income countries to monitor vaccine impact and inform vaccine policy makers about the PCV coverage required to achieve indirect protection

    A Regional Initiative to Reduce Skin Infections amongst Aboriginal Children Living in Remote Communities of the Northern Territory, Australia

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    Skin infections are endemic in many in remote Australian Aboriginal communities and have been linked to very high rates of chronic heart and kidney disease in this population. We report the results of a regional collaboration that aimed to reduce skin infections amongst children aged less than 15 years in five remote communities. The program included annual mass scabies treatment days offered to all residents and routine screening/follow-up of children. Trained community workers helped conduct over 6000 skin assessments on 2329 children over a three year period. Of every 100 children seen at the commencement of the study, 47 were found to have skin sores and many had multiple sores. We demonstrate a reduction both in the number of children with skin sores and in the severity of those sores. On average, of every 100 children seen per month, there were 14 fewer children with skin sores and seven fewer children with multiple sores. Overall improvement in treatment uptake was a critical factor. We found no discernible impact against scabies. While the burden of skin infections remains unacceptably high, we believe the results presented here are a good news story for local action to address a serious public health problem

    Evaluation of a phased pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction in Mongolia using enhanced pneumonia surveillance and community carriage surveys: a study protocol for a prospective observational study and lessons learned.

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae causes substantial morbidity and mortality among children. The introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) has the potential to dramatically reduce disease burden. As with any vaccine, it is important to evaluate PCV impact, to help guide decision-making and resource-allocation. Measuring PCV impact can be complex, particularly to measure impact on one of the most common and significant diseases caused by the pneumococcus, namely pneumonia. Here we outline the protocol developed to evaluate the impact of 13-valent PCV (PCV13) on childhood pneumonia in Mongolia, and a number of lessons learned in implementing the evaluation that may be helpful to other countries seeking to undertake pneumonia surveillance. METHODS: From 2016 PCV13 was introduced in a phased manner into the routine immunisation programme with some catch-up by the Government of Mongolia. We designed an evaluation to measure vaccine impact in children aged 2-59 months with hospitalised radiological pneumonia as a primary outcome, with secondary objectives to measure impact on clinically-defined pneumonia, nasopharyngeal carriage of S. pneumoniae among pneumonia patients and in the community, and severe respiratory infection associated with RSV and/or influenza. We enhanced an existing hospital-based pneumonia surveillance system by incorporating additional study components (nasopharyngeal swabbing using standard methods, C-reactive protein, risk factor assessment) and strengthening clinical practices, such as radiology as well as monitoring and training. We conducted cross-sectional community carriage surveys to provide data on impact on carriage among healthy children. DISCUSSION: Establishing a robust surveillance system is an important component of monitoring the impact of PCV within a country. The enhanced surveillance system in Mongolia will facilitate assessment of PCV13 impact on pneumonia, with radiological confirmed disease as the primary outcome. Key lessons arising from this evaluation have included the importance of establishing a core group of in-country staff to be responsible for surveillance activities and to work closely with this team; to be aware of external factors that could potentially influence disease burden estimates; to be flexible in data collection processes to respond to changing circumstances and lastly to ensure a consistent application of the pneumonia surveillance case definition throughout the study period

    Mass Treatment with Azithromycin for Trachoma Control: Participation Clusters in Households

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    Trachoma, an infectious disease, continues to cause blindness. A great deal of the trachoma burden is concentrated in developing countries. The World Health Organization recommends mass treatment for entire communities in trachoma-endemic regions. In 32 Tanzanian and 48 Gambian communities with trachoma, mass treatment was directly observed following a census. Community coverage was mostly greater than 80%. Larger-than-expected proportions of households where all children were treated and where none of the children were treated were found in each country. Household clustering of treatment was higher in Tanzania compared to The Gambia. However, children who were not treated were not more likely to be infected compared to children who were treated. We found that treatment and non-treatment within communities does not occur at random but rather clusters within households. These findings impact the design of future coverage surveys and suggest that further research evaluate factors that are associated with familial non-compliance

    A Tractable Experimental Model for Study of Human and Animal Scabies

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    Scabies, a neglected parasitic disease caused by the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabiei, is a major driving force behind bacterial skin infections in tropical settings. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are nearly twenty times more likely to die from acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease than individuals from the wider Australian community. These conditions are caused by bacterial pathogens such as Group A streptococci, which have been linked to underlying scabies infestations. Community based initiatives to reduce scabies and associated disease have expanded, but have been threatened in recent years by emerging drug resistance. Critical biological questions surrounding scabies remain unanswered due to a lack of biomedical research. This has been due in part to a lack of either a suitable animal model or an in vitro culture system for scabies mites. The pig/mite model reported here will be a much needed resource for parasite material and will facilitate in vivo studies on host immune responses to scabies, including relations to associated bacterial pathogenesis, and more detailed studies of molecular evolution and host adaptation. It represents the missing tool to extrapolate emerging molecular data into an in vivo setting and may well allow the development of clinical interventions

    Community Management of Endemic Scabies in Remote Aboriginal Communities of Northern Australia: Low Treatment Uptake and High Ongoing Acquisition

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    Like many impoverished areas around the world, Aboriginal communities in Australia experience an unacceptably high burden of scabies, skin infections, and secondary complications. Young children are most at risk. Our study investigated scabies in a remote setting with very high rates of skin disease, a high level of household overcrowding, and limited infrastructure for sanitation and preventive health measures. We assessed uptake of scabies treatment and scabies acquisition following provision of treatment by a community-based skin program. In a household where scabies was present, we found that treatment with topical permethrin cream of all close contacts can significantly reduce a susceptible individual's risk of infection. Our findings also demonstrate the challenges of achieving a high level of treatment participation, with limited permethrin use observed among household contacts. This suggests an urgent need for a more practical treatment option. International efforts to reduce childhood morbidity and mortality have demonstrated the efficacy of numerous child health interventions but have also highlighted the deficits in their delivery and implementation. Experiences like this, where the effectiveness of a coordinated local program delivering an efficacious intervention is hampered by poor treatment uptake and ongoing transmission, are an important and timely message for researchers, program managers, and policy-makers

    Guidance for the treatment and prevention of obstetric-associated venous thromboembolism

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