152 research outputs found
Supreme Decree No. 28984 - Regulation of the Regime of Incentives for Small and Marginal Field Production
The purpose of this decree is to regulate Article 64 of Law No. 3058- Hydrocarbons Law by establishing a regime of incentives for oil and natural gas in small and marginal fields
Decree No. 013-2005-EM - Rules of Procedure for the Law for the Promotion of the Biofuel Market
Promotes the investments for the production and marketing of biofuels, disseminating the economic, social and environmental advantages of their use
Decreto No 42-98 (1998)
This document outlines the strategic plans for electricity resource use in Nicaragua. It includes sections on energy generation, regulation, transmission, supply and sale
Decree No. 68-86 - Law of the Protection and Improvement of the Environment
Law which has as objective the social-economic, scientific and technological development which prevents the contamination of the environment. Art. 12 states the specific objectives of the law, which include the promotion of adequate technology and use of clean energy sources
Decree No. 732 - Law of Development and Territorial Code of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador and Adjoining Municipalities
Law has as main goal the urban and rural development through the use of the different resources of the area. Art. 43 states that any execution of projects involving electric generation based on renewable energy sources must present a Study of Environmental Impact
Proyecto butacas del Florencio
Durante el ejercicio académico 2016, docentes y estudiantes de la EUCD y la EMAD junto con otros actores sociales, llevan adelante un proyecto de extensión para el diseño del nuevo modelo de butaca del Centro Cultural Florencio Sánchez, un icónico centro cultural de la Intendencia de Montevideo, descentralizado en la Villa del Cerro. El mismo se llevó a cabo en dos etapas. En la primera se implementaron talleres de Co-diseño buscando generar fuertes vínculos y un gran compromiso con la comunidad y las instituciones involucradas. Implicaron el entendimiento de la carencia planteada, reconocimiento del espacio y su lenguaje, así como la generación de un listado de requisitos para la butaca. La segunda etapa, con un perfil técnico, llegó a todos los detalles del diseño final de butaca removible y apilable para la platea del centro cultural. Se generó un prototipo y se elaborará un plan de producción y otros insumos que aportarán a las dinámicas del espacio. Los costos de fabricación serán solventados mediante una campaña de subvención popular. Una extensiva estrategia de comunicación aprovechando la fortaleza de la marca “El Florencio”, invitará a individuos y organizaciones a realizar una donación al teatro, recibiendo un reconocimiento mediante la inscripción de nombres en las butacas que financien.Formulación del proyecto – Actores involucrados – Objetivos – Metodología – Cronología – Etapa 1 – Experiencia de Co-Diseño – Relevamiento de teatros existentes – Listado de requisitos – Caminos proyectuales – Etapa 2 – Camino final – Consultas a terceros – Ajustes y prototipo – Butaca final – Otros elementos – Difusión – Conclusiones – Bibliografía – Anexo
Em 2004, o Uruguai elegeu como presidente um candidato da coligação de esquerda Frente Ampla, pela primeira vez em sua história. A Frente Ampla foi então reeleita nas eleições de 2009 e 2014, completando 15 anos à frente do governo nacional uruguaio. O período foi marcado por diversas transformações no país, principalmente em relação à chamada “nova agenda de direitos”. Este trabalho analisa o desenvolvimento da opinião pública no Uruguai durantes os 15 anos que correspondem ao governo da coalizão de esquerda Frente Ampla. Partindo da hipótese de que a democracia uruguaia, principalmente seu sistema partidário, está em processo de mutação, avaliamos em que medida essa mutação expressa os valores e opiniões dos indivíduos. Para isto, analisamos as varáveis de apoio à democracia, confiança nas instituições democráticas e apoio à alternativas autoritárias no Uruguai a partir de dados do instituto Latinobarômetro, realizando o cruzamento com a variável idade. Segundo os dados aqui analisados, não é somente a democracia uruguaia em seus aspectos institucionais que está em mutação, mas sua cultura política também, especialmente entre os jovens, que são cada vez menos democráticos e mais abertos às alternativas autoritárias. Caracterizamos essa mudança como uma “desconexão moderada”, dado que o Uruguai ainda se mantem como um sistema de partidos políticos fortes e conta com uma elite política que respeita as regras do jogo democrático.
An agriculture and health inter-sectorial research process to reduce hazardous pesticide health impacts among smallholder farmers in the Andes
Authors are also recipients of the Teasdale-Corti grant (103460-068)Work with multiple actors is needed to shift agriculture away from pesticide use, and towards greater sustainability and human health, particularly for vulnerable smallholder farmers. This research in potato and vegetable farming communities in the Andean highlands worked with partners from various sectors over several projects. Increased involvement in organic agriculture was associated with greater household food security and food sovereignty. More diversified, moderately developed agricultural systems had lower pesticide use and better child nutrition. The Ecuadorian Ministry of Health has rolled out pesticide poisoning surveillance modeled on this research
Brazil is one of the world leaders in ethanol production, which uses sugarcane as feedstock. The production of second generation ethanol from sugarcane bagasse is still under development, but it is a general consensus that this process must be integrated to the consolidated first generation ethanol production one. Although there is much research on the integrated process, most works in this field are devoted to assess the steady-state process. The knowledge of the process dynamics has an essential role in its efficient operation, economics, variability, safety, and control. In this study two main stages of the ethanol production, namely, continuous multiple-effect evaporation and batch fermentation, were coupled using phenomenological dynamic model. The dynamic model was implemented in EMSO (Environment for Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization), and simulations were performed to analyse the dynamic behaviour of this integrated system. A disturbance was applied on the evaporators feed sugar concentration and its dynamic response was analysed. The last evaporator response stabilized after 32 minutes and the fermentation system after about 7 hours
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