32 research outputs found

    Nowcasting of Earthquake Consequences Using Big Social Data

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    Messages posted to social media in the aftermath of a natural disaster have value beyond detecting the event itself. Mining such deliberately dropped digital traces allows a precise situational awareness, to help provide a timely estimate of the disaster’s consequences on the population and infrastructures. Yet, to date, the automatic assessment of damage has received little attention. Here, the authors explore feeding predictive models by tweets conveying on-the-ground social sensors’ observations, to nowcast the perceived intensity of earthquakes

    Conceivable security risks and authentication techniques for smart devices

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    With the rapidly escalating use of smart devices and fraudulent transaction of users’ data from their devices, efficient and reliable techniques for authentication of the smart devices have become an obligatory issue. This paper reviews the security risks for mobile devices and studies several authentication techniques available for smart devices. The results from field studies enable a comparative evaluation of user-preferred authentication mechanisms and their opinions about reliability, biometric authentication and visual authentication techniques

    Control of daughter centriole formation by the pericentriolar material

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Cell Biology 10 (2008): 322-328, doi:10.1038/ncb1694.Controlling the number of its centrioles is vital for the cell as supernumerary centrioles result in multipolar mitosis and genomic instability. Normally, just one daughter centriole forms on each mature (mother) centriole; however, a mother centriole can produce multiple daughters within a single cell cycle. The mechanisms that prevent centriole ‘overduplication’ are poorly understood. Here we use laser microsurgery to test the hypothesis that attachment of the daughter centriole to the wall of the mother inhibits formation of additional daughters. We show that physical removal of the daughter induces reduplication of the mother in Sarrested cells. Under conditions when multiple daughters simultaneously form on a single mother, all of these daughters must be removed to induce reduplication. Intriguingly, the number of daughter centrioles that form during reduplication does not always match the number of ablated daughter centrioles. We also find that exaggeration of the pericentriolar material (PCM) via overexpression of the PCM protein pericentrin in S-arrested CHO cells induces formation of numerous daughter centrioles. We propose that that the size of the PCM cloud associated with the mother centriole restricts the number of daughters that can form simultaneously.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM GM59363) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0064). Construction of our laser microsurgery workstation was supported in part by a fellowship from Nikon/Marine Biological Laboratory (A.K.)

    Homozygous Missense Variants in NTNG2, Encoding a Presynaptic Netrin-G2 Adhesion Protein, Lead to a Distinct Neurodevelopmental Disorder.

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    NTNG2 encodes netrin-G2, a membrane-anchored protein implicated in the molecular organization of neuronal circuitry and synaptic organization and diversification in vertebrates. In this study, through a combination of exome sequencing and autozygosity mapping, we have identified 16 individuals (from seven unrelated families) with ultra-rare homozygous missense variants in NTNG2; these individuals present with shared features of a neurodevelopmental disorder consisting of global developmental delay, severe to profound intellectual disability, muscle weakness and abnormal tone, autistic features, behavioral abnormalities, and variable dysmorphisms. The variants disrupt highly conserved residues across the protein. Functional experiments, including in silico analysis of the protein structure, in vitro assessment of cell surface expression, and in vitro knockdown, revealed potential mechanisms of pathogenicity of the variants, including loss of protein function and decreased neurite outgrowth. Our data indicate that appropriate expression of NTNG2 plays an important role in neurotypical development

    Earthquake emergency management by Social Sensing

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    Social Sensing is based on the idea that communities or groups of people provide a set of information similar to those obtainable from a single sensor; this amount of information generate a complex and adequate knowledge of one or more specific issues. A possible field of application for Social Sensing is Emergency Management. By using the Social Media it is possible to gather updated information about emerging situations of danger, in order to gain greater situational awareness and to alert interested parties promptly or verify information obtained through other channels. A system able to timely detect events that are of social concern can be referred to as an Early Warning system. In this work we propose a novel and general architecture for an early warning system and, as a proof-of-concept, we describe an implementation of this architecture for a real scenario. We use Twitter as source of information for the detection of earthquakes on the Italian territory. We compare our results with official data provided by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the authority responsible for the monitoring of seismic events in Italy. Results show an high ability of the system in the timely detection of events with magnitude equal or greater than 3.5 degrees on the Richter scale with only 10% of False Positives

    The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) as an Independent Prognostic Factor for Patients ≥80 Years with Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO)

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    background SBO is a potentially life-threatening condition that often affects older patients. frailty, more than age, is expected to play a crucial role in predicting SBO prognosis in this population. this study aims to define the influence of clinical frailty scale (CFS) on mortality and major complications in patients >= 80 years with diagnosis of SBO at the emergency department (ED).methods all patients aged >= 80 years admitted to our ED for SBO from January 2015 to september 2020 were enrolled. frailty was assessed through the CFS, and then analyzed both as a continuous and a dichotomous variable. the endpoints were in-hospital mortality and major complications.results a total of 424 patients were enrolled. higher mortality (20.8% vs 8.6%, p<0.001), longer hospital stay (9 [range 5-14] days vs 7 [range 4-12] days, p=0.014), and higher rate of major complications (29.9% vs 17.9%, p=0.004) were associated with CFS >= 7. CFS score and bloodstream infection were the only independent prognostic factors for mortality (OR 1.72 [CI: 1.29-2.29], p<0.001; OR 4.69 [CI: 1.74-12.6], p=0.002, respectively). furthermore, CFS score, male sex and surgery were predictive factors for major complications (OR 1.41 [CI: 1.13-1.75], p=0.002; OR 1.67 [CI: 1.03-2.71], p=0.038); OR 1.91 [CI: 1.17-3.12], p=0.01; respectively). at multivariate analysis, for every 1-point increase in CFS score, the odds of mortality and the odds of major complications increased 1.72-fold and 1.41-fold, respectively.conclusion the increase in CFS is directly associated with an increased risk of mortality and major complications. the presence of severe frailty could effectively predict an increased risk of in-hospital death regardless of the treatment administered. the employment of CFS in elderly patients could help the identification of the need for closer monitoring and proper goals of care

    Increased proteolysis of diphtheria toxin by human monocytes after heat shock: a subsidiary role for heat-shock protein 70 in antigen processing

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    The expression of heat-shock proteins (hsp) increases after exposure to various stresses including elevated temperatures, oxidative injury, infection and inflammation. As molecular chaperones, hsp have been shown to participate in antigen processing and presentation, in part through increasing the stability and expression of major histocompatibility complex molecules. Heat shock selectively increases human T-cell responses to processed antigen, but does not affect T-cell proliferation induced by non-processed antigens. Here, we have analysed the mechanisms by which stress such as heat shock, and the ensuing hsp over-expression affect the processing of diphtheria toxin (DT) in peripheral blood monocytes. We found that heat shock increased DT proteolysis in endosomes and lysosomes while the activities of the cathepsins B and D, classically involved in DT proteolysis, were decreased. These effects correlated with the heat-shock-mediated increase in hsp 70 expression observed in endosomes and lysosomes. Actinomycin D or blocking anti-hsp 70 antibodies abolished the heat-shock-mediated increase in DT proteolysis. These data indicate that the increased expression of hsp 70 constitutes a subsidiary mechanism that facilitates antigen proteolysis in stressed cells. Confirming these data, presentation by formaldehyde-fixed cells of DT proteolysates that were obtained with endosomes and lysosomes from heat-shocked peripheral blood monocytes showed higher stimulation of T cells than those generated with endosomes and lysosomes from control peripheral blood monocytes