682 research outputs found

    Genetic and morphological studies of Trichosirocalus species introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand for the biological control of thistles

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    Trichosirocalus horridus sensu lato has been used as a biological control agent of several invasive thistles (Carduus spp., Cirsium spp. and Onopordum spp.) since 1974. It has been recognized as a single species until 2002, when it was split into three species based on morphological characters: T. horridus, Trichosirocalus briesei and Trichosirocalus mortadelo, each purported to have different host plants. Because of this taxonomic change, uncertainty exists as to which species were released in various countries; furthermore, there appears to be some exceptions to the purported host plants of some of these species. To resolve these questions, we conducted an integrative taxonomic study of the T. horridus species complex using molecular genetic and morphological analyses of specimens from three continents. Both mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nuclear elongation factor 1α markers clearly indicate that there are only two distinct species, T. horridus and T. briesei. Molecular evidence, morphological analysis and host plant associations support the synonymy of T. horridus (Panzer, 1801) and T. mortadelo Alonso-Zarazaga & Sánchez-Ruiz, 2002. We determine that T. horridus has been established in Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia and that T. briesei is established in Australia. The former species was collected from Carduus, Cirsium and Onopordum spp. in the field, whereas the latter appears to be specific to Onopordum

    Il progetto Nessuno resta indietro: formazione alla ricerca didattica

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    La chiusura delle scuole che ha provocato un incremento significativo della povertà educativa ha sollecitato l’opportunità di progettare interventi integrati di service learning per favorire il recupero e il potenziamento dei minori in difficoltà. 869 studenti del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, sono stati coinvolti nella progettazione e nella realizzazione di percorsi didattici mirati, rivolti agli alunni “fragili” di 33 scuole palermitane. Complessivamente sono state erogate 60,000 ore in DAD di attività di recupero e di potenziamento dell’apprendimento di alunni della scuola primaria di Palermo. Le attività didattiche sfidanti hanno favorito la stimolazione cognitiva e lo sviluppo della motivazione per l’apprendimento degli alunni e la responsabilità nella formazione alla ricerca didattica.School closures due to COVID-19 have brought significant disruptions to education. Service-learning interventions have offered significant opportunities to reduce and reverse the long-term negative effects and to empower the recovery process of pupils in difficulty. The study was carried out with 869 students enrolled in the Primary Education Sciences master’s degree course at the University of Palermo. The participants have been involved in the planning and implementation of targeted educational courses designed for the “fragile” pupils from 33 different schools in Palermo. The primary level pupils were provided with a total of 60,000 hours of recovery and learning enhancement activities in remote mode. Challenging teaching activities fostered cognitive and learning development of the pupils and responsibility in teaching educational research

    Euclid preparation:XXVI. the Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards structural parameters for billions of galaxies

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    The various Euclid imaging surveys will become a reference for studies of galaxy morphology by delivering imaging over an unprecedented area of 15 000 square degrees with high spatial resolution. In order to understand the capabilities of measuring morphologies from Euclid-detected galaxies and to help implement measurements in the pipeline of the Organisational Unit MER of the Euclid Science Ground Segment, we have conducted the Euclid Morphology Challenge, which we present in two papers. While the companion paper focusses on the analysis of photometry, this paper assesses the accuracy of the parametric galaxy morphology measurements in imaging predicted from within the Euclid Wide Survey. We evaluate the performance of five state-of-the-art surface-brightness-fitting codes, DeepLeGATo, Galapagos-2, Morfometryka, ProFit and SourceXtractor++, on a sample of about 1.5 million simulated galaxies (350 000 above 5s) resembling reduced observations with the Euclid VIS and NIR instruments. The simulations include analytic SĂ©rsic profiles with one and two components, as well as more realistic galaxies generated with neural networks. We find that, despite some code-specific differences, all methods tend to achieve reliable structural measurements (&lt; 10% scatter on ideal SĂ©rsic simulations) down to an apparent magnitude of about IE = 23 in one component and IE = 21 in two components, which correspond to a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 1 and 5, respectively. We also show that when tested on non-analytic profiles, the results are typically degraded by a factor of 3, driven by systematics. We conclude that the official Euclid Data Releases will deliver robust structural parameters for at least 400 million galaxies in the Euclid Wide Survey by the end of the mission. We find that a key factor for explaining the different behaviour of the codes at the faint end is the set of adopted priors for the various structural parameters.</p

    Clinical efficacy of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) and non-surgical (MINST) treatments of periodontal intra-bony defect. A systematic review and network meta-analysis of RCT's

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    Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to explore the efficacy of different minimal invasive surgical (MIS) and non-surgical (MINST) approaches for the treatment of intra-bony defect in terms of clinical attachment level (CAL) gain and periodontal pocket depth (PPD) reduction. / Methods: A detailed review protocol was designed according to PRISMA guideline. Online search was conducted on PubMed, Cochrane library and Embase. Only randomized clinical trials (RCTs) testing MIS or MINST procedure, with or without the application of a regenerative tool for the treatment of intra-bony defect, were included. Cochrane checklist for risk of bias assessment was used. Network meta-Analysis (NMAs) was used to rank the treatment efficacy. / Results: Nine RCTs accounting for 244 patients and a total of 244 defects were included. Only two studies were at low risk of bias. CAL gain for included treatment ranged from 2.58 ± 1.13 mm to 4.7 ± 2.5 mm while PPD reduction ranged from 3.19 ± 0.71 mm to 5.3 ± 1.5 mm. On the basis of the ranking curve, MINST showed the lowest probability to be the best treatment option for CAL gain. Pairwise comparisons and treatment rankings suggest superiority for regenerative approaches (CAL difference 0.78 mm, (0.14–1.41); P < 0.05) and surgical treatment elevating only the buccal or palatal flap (CAL difference: 0.95 mm, (0.33–1.57); P < 0.05). / Conclusions: Minimally invasive surgical (MIS) and non-surgical (MINST) periodontal therapy show promising results in the treatment of residual pocket with intra-bony defect. / Clinical relevance: MIS procedures represent a reliable treatment for isolated intra-bony defect

    Robotic Surgery and Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis Treatment: The State of Art

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    Objective: Surgical treatment of endometriosis, when indicated, has demonstrated to be effective in reducing painful symptoms and improve quality of life of patients affected with endometriosis. The minimally invasive approach via laparoscopy is the preferred method when compared with laparotomy but in the last two decades another minimally invasive approach has become available, the robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery. Robotic technology is widely used in different surgical branches, such as general surgery and urology. Moreover, the use of robotic surgery is already accepted for different gynecological procedures either for benign and for oncological diseases. The advantages of robotic surgery such as improve dexterity of movements, avoided tremor, increased magnification of 3-dimensional vision seem strategic in the context of a complex surgery as is deep endometriosis eradication. However, to date there is no unanimous consensus on whether robotically assisted procedures are a valid and safe alternative to laparoscopy in the treatment of endometriosis. Mechanism: In this narrative review we analyze the available literature assessesing the robotic treatment of all types of endometriosis and specifically deep infiltrating endometriosis, compared to the outcomes of conventional laparoscopy. Findings in Brief: Indeed, the evidence of safety and effectiveness of robotically assisted laparoscopy in endometriosis treatment is strong and almost unanimous. There is no clear superiority of one approach to the other but robotic-related advantages and future prospective are promising to be able to improve operative outcomes, reduce surgeon’s fatigue and provide a technology easy to implement with a fast learning curve. Conclusions: Robotic technology applied to laparoscopy in the treatment of endometriosis could be seen as an effective and safe alternative to the conventional laparoscopic treatment
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