1,604 research outputs found

    Cinderellas in Breeches

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    Selvedge is a specialist textiles magazine with an international circulation. An article which documents the biography of a pair of breeches issued as part of the uniform of the Women’s Land Army during the Second World War. It considers the history of corduroy and its decline as a UK textiles industry, garment styling, manufacture and distribution to the land girls. How, where and when they were worn and the postwar biographies of breeches as ‘authentic’ uniform for living history or as stylish vintage fashion

    La planification de la main-d’oeuvre du réseau des affaires sociales du Québec : Quelques considérations

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    Dans cet article, l’auteur expose la façon dont se pose le problème de la planification de la main-d’oeuvre du réseau des établissements de santé et de services sociaux du ministère des Affaires sociales du Québec. L’auteur apporte diverses considérations notamment sur la dimension de ce réseau, les problêmes reliés à la connaissance quantitative et qualitative des personnels, les principaux éléments de la problématique de la planification de cette main-d’oeuvre ainsi que sur la nature des questions que soulève cette problématique. L’auteur met plus particulièrement en relief la nature du défi que constitue l’harmonisation des deux problématiques des besoins et des effectifs, compte tenu des éléments souvent complexes qui les composent. L’auteur s’attarde également à présenter quelques aspects particuliers du travail de planification de la main-d’oeuvre en décrivant quelques dossiers spécifiques qui sont en cours au Service de planification et développement de la main-d’oeuvre : l’évolution des effectifs médicaux, la répartition géographique des professionnels de la santé et le chevauchement des tâches

    Les enseignants et l’enseignement : Le phénomène « abandon »

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    Étude longitudinale de la mobilité des enseignants au cours de la période 1970-75 : le phénomène des départs temporaires

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    À partir d’une observation suivie, portant sur cinq ans, du groupe des enseignants réguliers en fonction à temps plein dans les commissions scolaires du Québec au 30 septembre 1970 — opération rendue possible par un processus de jumelage entre les fichiers administratifs annuels du ministère de l’Éducation du Québec — l’auteur met en relief un des aspects encore très peu connus de la mobilité des enseignants, l’aspect « interruption » ou « départs temporaires ». L’article montre entre autres que chez les enseignants québécois, la décision de quitter le monde de l’enseignement (les abandons) est suivie d’une décision d’y revenir dans environ un cas sur trois. De façon générale, 60% des retours ont lieu dès l’année qui suit celle du départ. Par ailleurs, 15% des enseignants qui reviennent s’orientent vers des fonctions autres que celle d’enseignant régulier (membre de la direction, professionnel non enseignant, enseignant aux adultes,...); le secteur de l’éducation aux adultes attire environ 85% des retours féminins, tandis que les secteurs administratif et professionnel non enseignant attirent plus de 55% des retours masculins. L’auteur souligne également l’importance de se pencher sur l’aspect causal de ce comportement, dans la perspective notamment d’élaborer des politiques éclairées de gestion du personnel enseignant

    Pour un modèle de prévision de la main-d’oeuvre médicale au Québec

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    Planifier la main-d’oeuvre consiste essentiellement à chercher à harmoniser les effectifs nécessaires et les effectifs disponibles. Dans ce texte, l’auteur, s’intéressant aux effectifs disponibles, expose les principaux éléments d’un modelé de prévision des effectifs médicaux, tel que conçu pour les besoins de planification du Service de planification et développement de la main-d’oeuvre du ministère des Affaires sociales. L’auteur montre tout d'abord comment les deux types d’effectifs sont, à l’intérieur même du système de planification de la main-d’oeuvre, à la fois indépendantes et interdépendantes. Il présente ensuite les paramètres et les cellules qui caractérisent les principaux modules du modèle dit « primaire » : effectifs en place, effectifs en formation et mobilité. Il termine enfin en apportant quelques exemples d’application : prévision des besoins en postes d’internes et de résidents en médecine, évolution du rapport omnipraticiens/spécialistes, féminisation des effectifs médicaux, impact de la baisse des admissions en médecine et surplus et pénuries de médecins

    J Cancer Surviv

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    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine reporting of treatment summaries and follow-up instructions among cancer survivors.MethodsUsing the 2010 National Health Interview Survey, we created logistic regression models among cancer survivors not in treatment (n= 1,345) to determine characteristics associated with reporting treatment summaries and written follow-up instructions, adjusting for sociodemographic, access, and cancer-related factors. Findings are presented for all survivors and those recently diagnosed ( 644 years). We also examined unadjusted associations between written instructions and subsequent surveillance and screening.ResultsAmong those recently diagnosed, 38 % reported receiving treatment summaries and 58 % reported written instructions. Among all survivors, approximately one third reported summaries and 44 % reported written instructions. After adjustment, lower reporting of summaries was associated with cancer site, race, and number of treatment modalities among those recently diagnosed, and white vs. black or Hispanic race/ethnicity, breast vs. colorectal cancer, >10 vs. 645 years since diagnosis, no clinical trials participation, and better than fair health among all survivors. For instructions, lower reporting was associated with no trials participation and lower income among those recently diagnosed, and increasing age, white vs. black race, lower income, >10 vs. 645 years since diagnosis, 1 vs. 652 treatment modalities, no trials participation, and at least good vs. fair/poor health among all survivors. Written instructions were associated with reporting provider recommendations for breast and cervical cancer surveillance, and recent screening mammograms.ConclusionMany recently diagnosed cancer survivors did not report receiving treatment summaries and written follow-up instructions. Opportunities exist to examine associations between use of these documents and recommended care and outcomes, and to facilitate their adoption.Implications for cancer survivorsCancer survivors who have completed therapy should ask their providers for treatment summaries and written follow-up instructions, and discuss with them how their cancer and therapy impact their future health care.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2018-03-14T00:00:00Z23179495PMC5850952vault:2756

    Does Asymmetric Information Affect the Premium in Mergers and Acquisitions?

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    Our objective is to test the influence of information asymmetry between potential buyers on the premium paid for an acquisition. We analyze mergers and acquisitions as English auctions with asymmetric information. The theory of dynamic auctions with private values predicts that more informed bidders should pay a lower price for an acquisition. We test that prediction with a sample of 1,026 acquisitions in the United States between 1990 and 2007. We hypothesize that blockholders of the target’s shares are better informed than other bidders because they possess privileged information on the target. Information asymmetry between participants is shown to influence the premium paid. Blockholders pay a much lower conditional premium than do other buyers (around 70% lower). Tests also show that the characteristics of the target, specifically the runup, sales growth and size, affect the premium. The size of the target relative to the buyer, the choice of a public takeover bid and the hostility of the bid are also influential.Asymmetric information, merger and acquisition, blockholder, premium, English auction, test for over-identifying restriction (Sargan test), test for endogeneity (Durbin-Wu-Hausman test)

    The behavioural consequences of reduced sea water pH in decapod crustaceans

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    The studies presented in this thesis were designed to investigate the effects of reduced sea water pH on the behaviour of intertidal decapod crustaceans, both within the context of the variations occurring naturally in the pH of rock pool habitats, and in relation to predicted changes to ocean pH resulting from ocean acidification and potential carbon dioxide (CO2) leaks from carbon capture storage (CCS) sites. Recent studies on marine fish have shown behavioural disruptions as a result of increased CO2 concentrations in sea water and reduced pH, but the effects on crustaceans are as yet unknown. The first two studies investigated the effects of reduced pH upon the olfactory behaviour of the prawn Palaemon elegans and the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus, focussing on their responses to food odours. Short-term (five day) exposures to highly reduced pH (pHNBS = 6.60, 6.80) revealed disruptions to the chemo-sensory behaviour of both species with a reduction in their ‘sniffing’ response, and the inability of P. bernhardus to locate the chemical cue. This was also accompanied by elevated haemolymph chloride ions. in In a further study P. bernhardus was subjected to a longer exposure (60 days) and to a range of pH levels (pHNBS = 8.00, 7.90, 7.70, 7.35 and 6.80) in order to detect a threshold for the behavioural disruptions observed, and to determine if there would be any sign of acclimation over a longer period. A clear gradient in the disruptions to the chemo-sensory responses and survival rates of the hermit crabs, and disruption to a physiological marker (elevated haemolymph calcium ions), was found. Possible thresholds for disruption were also identified at levels that match predictions for ocean acidification and leaks from proposed CO2 CCS sites. Some of the crabs in the lower pH treatments exhibited a recovery in their responses by day 60, possibly indicating an acclimation effect. The presence of disruption to haemolymph ion concentrations in both the short and longer term hermit crab studies suggest a mechanism for behavioural disruption. In a final study the effects of reduced sea water pH on a more complex behaviour, involving decision making, was investigated. Reduced sea water pH was shown to disrupt the shell assessment and selection behaviour of P. bernhardus affecting its decision making processes, although not all crabs were affected in the same way. The work presented here therefore demonstrates that reduced sea water pH could have disruptive effects upon both information gathering, via chemo-sensory processes, and decision making in intertidal crustaceans. The mechanism responsible is unlikely to be due to changes in the odour molecule, or physical damage to receptor organs. Rather the observed disruptions could be due (a) to ionic changes, causing metabolic depression or interference with neurotransmitter function, or (b) to disruption to chemoreception per se. Such disturbances to key behavioural processes have implications for inter and intraspecific species interactions and population dynamics in the marine environment. Changes in pH are already experienced by intertidal animals for short periods when rock pools are emersed, but future anthropogencially-induced reductions in sea water pH are likely to cause more sustained and widespread disruptions with, as yet, unpredictable consequences. The differential responses observed between individuals in these studies may warrant further investigation as such differences may provide the basis for selection and adaptation to projected changes in ocean pH

    Ravishing: The Rose in Fashion

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    An exploration of how the rose—the most ravishingly beautiful and symbolic of flowers—has inspired fashion over hundreds of years. The Rose in Fashion: Ravishing is a fascinating exploration of how the rose has inspired the way we look, dress, feel, and fantasize. It foregrounds innovative, refined, and challenging fashion design from elite 18th-century woven silks to the latest gender-neutral catwalk trends and Alexander McQueen rose dresses. Drawing upon fashion clothing, everyday dress, millinery, fine jewelry, perfume, and artificial and fresh roses, multiple expert contributors make reference to love, beauty, sex, sin, gendered identities, rites of passage, transgression, degradation, and death. This sumptuously illustrated book also includes a contribution and stunning images of roses by visionary photographer Nick Knight. Wild yet cultivated, savage yet delicate, this flower has remained an enduring symbol perhaps due to its versatility and the dichotomies it represents. Exhibition catalogue to accompany the exhibition, Ravishing: The Rose in Fashion at Fashion Institute of Technology, New York