48 research outputs found

    Perché la Dialisi Peritoneale in Italia ha una Bassa Penetrazione

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    Annali storici di Principato Citra, A. 9, n. 1.1 (2011)

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    A.9, n.1.1(2011): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; A. Botti, D.L. Thurmond, F. La Greca, Un palmento ben conservato a Novi Velia ed altri palmenti nel territorio del Cilento. Osservazioni ed ipotesi, P. 5 ; G. Aromando, Una dipendenza cavense: Sant'Arsenio e la badia della SS. TrinitĂ  di Cava, P. 53 ; C. Schiavo, Avventure etimologiche in forma di prosa nelle terre del Cilento, P. 81 ; A. Capano, Caselle in Pittari: note storiche e il catasto murattiano del 1815, P. 104 ; A. Di Gennaro, Il porto romano di San Marco di Castellabate, P. 134 ; F. De Nigris, I comunisti in parrocchia: il Sessantotto cattolico in Italia, P. 147 ; S. De Divitiis, Il '68 dei cattolici: l'Azione cattolica a Salerno, P. 165 ; C. Schiavo, Santa Maria di Vito a Fogna, P. 176 ; P. Romanelli, La cappella dei SS. Pietro e Paolo nel palazzo vescovile di Novi Velia, P. 182 ; A. Tesauro, Vietri. Dalla guerra alla vigilia della Costituzione, P. 188

    Annali storici di Principato Citra A. 4, n. 1.1 (2006)

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    A. 4, n. 1.1 (2006): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; D. Ienna, Menhir a "la Mannina". Un sito megalitico a San Nazario di San Mauro La Bruca? Materiali e ipotesi interpretative, P. 5 ; A. Tierno, Il Vaticano Borgiano gr 27: un rotolo liturgico in lingua greca prodotto a Salerno, P. 44 ; G. Palmisciano, Baronissi nei moti del 1848, P. 54 ; C. Cerone, L’'arrivo dell'illuminazione a Capaccio e Agropoli. Dalle lampade a gas alla nazionalizzazione dell'energia. La centrale idroelettrica Maida, P. 68 ; F. La Greca, Paestanae valles: un antico nome per il Cilento?, P. 104 ; A. Giudice, Da Capo Palinuro alla conca di Sapri: la romanizzazione di un territorio, P. 110 ; Pietro III Paleologo di Bisanzio, Note storiche sulla vita del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di S. Giorgio, con la Regola di S. Basilio, dalla sua fondazione al gran magistero della Imperiale Famiglia dei Paleologo di Bisanzio, P. 124 ; M. Cerrato – P. Zoccoli, Elementi per la gestione del marketing strategico del prodotto tipico. Il caso di un formaggio caprino, P. 140 ; E. Frescani, "Lò scritto meno del successo". I racconti di Antonio Sessa, un notaio salernitano del XVII secolo, P. 153 ; A. Capano, Sapri, note storiche e il suo Catasto "provvisorio" del 1815, P. 162 ; M. Di Pasquale, 1815 - San Martino Cilento. Un processo per tentato omicidio, P. 178 ; A. Tortorella Bracco, Da un cassettone dell'800 una romantica storia d'amore, P. 202

    Polymorphisms in metabolic genes, their combination and interaction with tobacco smoke and alcohol consumption and risk of gastric cancer: a case-control study in an Italian population

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    Background: The distribution and the potential gene-gene and gene-environment interaction of selected metabolic genetic polymorphisms was investigated in relation to gastric cancer risk in an Italian population. Methods: One hundred and seven cases and 254 hospital controls, matched by age and gender, were genotyped for CYP1A1, CYP2E1, mEH, GSTM1, GSTT1, NAT2 and SULT1A1 polymorphisms. Haplotype analysis was performed for EPHX1 exons 3 and 4, as well as CYP2E1 RsaI (*5 alleles) and CYP2E1 DraI (*5A or *6 alleles). The effect modification by alcohol and cigarette smoking was tested with the heterogeneity test, while the attributable proportion (AP) was used to measure the biological interaction from the gene-gene interaction analysis. Results: Gastric cancer risk was found to be associated with the inheritance of GSTT1 null genotype (OR = 2.10, 95%CI: 1.27-3.44) and the SULT1A1 His/His genotype (OR = 2.46, 95%CI: 1.03-5.90). No differences were observed for the haplotype distributions among cases and controls. For the first time an increased risk was detected among individuals carrying the *6 variant allele of CYP2E1 if ever-drinkers (OR = 3.70; 95%CI: 1.45-9.37) with respect to never-drinkers (OR = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.22-1.46) (p value of heterogeneity among the two estimates = 0.001). Similarly, the effect of SULT1A1 variant genotype resulted restricted to ever-smokers, with an OR of 2.58 (95%CI: 1.27-5.25) for the carriers of His allele among smokers, and an OR of 0.86 (95%CI: 0.45-1.64) among never-smokers (p value of heterogeneity among the two estimates = 0.03). The gene-gene interaction analyses demonstrated that individuals with combined GSTT1 null and NAT2 slow acetylators had an additional increased risk of gastric cancer, with an OR of 3.00 (95%CI: 1.52-5.93) and an AP of 52%. Conclusion: GSTT1, SULT1A1 and NAT2 polymorphisms appear to modulate individual's susceptibility to gastric cancer in this Italian population, particularly when more than one unfavourable genotype is present, or when combined with cigarette smoke. The increased risk for the carriers of CYP2E1*5A or *6 alleles among drinkers need to be confirmed by larger prospective studies

    Mitochondrial DNA Regionalism and Historical Demography in the Extant Populations of Chirocephalus kerkyrensis (Branchiopoda: Anostraca)

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    Background: Mediterranean temporary water bodies are important reservoirs of biodiversity and host a unique assemblage of diapausing aquatic invertebrates. These environments are currently vanishing because of increasing human pressure. Chirocephalus kerkyrensis is a fairy shrimp typical of temporary water bodies in Mediterranean plain forests and has undergone a substantial decline in number of populations in recent years due to habitat loss. We assessed patterns of genetic connectivity and phylogeographic history in the seven extant populations of the species from Albania, Corfu Is. (Greece), Southern and Central Italy. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed sequence variation at two mitochondrial DNA genes (Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16s rRNA) in all the known populations of C. kerkyrensis. We used multiple phylogenetic, phylogeographic and coalescence-based approaches to assess connectivity and historical demography across the whole distribution range of the species. C. kerkyrensis is genetically subdivided into three main mitochondrial lineages; two of them are geographically localized (Corfu Is. and Central Italy) and one encompasses a wide geographic area (Albania and Southern Italy). Most of the detected genetic variation (<81%) is apportioned among the aforementioned lineages. Conclusions/Significance: Multiple analyses of mismatch distributions consistently supported both past demographic and spatial expansions with the former predating the latter; demographic expansions were consistently placed during interglacial warm phases of the Pleistocene while spatial expansions were restricted to cold periods. Coalescence methods revealed a scenario of past isolation with low levels of gene flow in line with what is already known for other co-distributed fairy shrimps and suggest drift as the prevailing force in promoting local divergence. We recommend that these evolutionary trajectories should be taken in proper consideration in any effort aimed at protecting Mediterranean temporary water bodies

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p &lt; 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p &lt; 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p &lt; 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p &lt; 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p &lt; 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice

    Seismic and Energy Renovation Measures for Sustainable Cities: A Critical Analysis of the Italian Scenario

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    One of the main challenges of the twenty-first century is to increase the sustainability level of our cities. However, a town, to be considered sustainable, must, above all, be safe, particularly against natural hazards, which in Europe are mostly related to climate changes (e.g., hurricanes, floods, storms, and landslides) and seismic events (earthquakes). Unfortunately, sustainability is still not a prerogative of most European cities, especially those placed in seismic countries such as Italy, where at least 50% of the residential stock is earthquake-prone, while over 80% of the same stock is highly energy-consuming and carbon dioxide-emitting, thus contributing to trigger hazards related to climate changes. In this context, renovation actions, which combine both energy and seismic issues are strongly needed. Nevertheless, several technical, organizational and financial barriers considerably limit the real possibility to extensively undertake this kind of renovation. This study analyzes such barriers, with particular reference to the Italian scenario, suggesting and discussing possible solutions and underlining the advantages of increasing energy and seismic performances at the same time. The proposed solutions may be effectively extended to many other countries with similar socio-economic scenarios

    Agenda Sicilia - Sintesi

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    Il testo propone una scheda con una sintesi del quadro regionale siciliano per quanto attiene il governo del territorio ed in particolare: lo stato della legislazione vigente, la pianificazione comunale e di area vasta, la programmazione regionale