84 research outputs found


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    The culture of a society is closely related to the language used by the speakers. Moreover, there are opinions saying that in a language there will be patterns of behavior, materials, ideas (beliefs and knowledge), and sentiments (attitudes and norms) of a society that are formed and exposed. This fact is in accordance with the opinion that a language is more than just a communion; it is the relation between individual and sociocultural values. Among all characteristics of culture, language is the most prominent distinguishing feature, since each social group feel themselves as a different entity from other groups. For certain social groups, language is used as the social identity/symbol. Close relation between language and culture is reflected in words used by the society. A concept or way of life in a society can be supported by words and language. Someone’s language behavior generally follows the culture of a society where he/she lives, including how the cultural elements appear in the equipment of human life, livelihood, social system, language (and literature) system either written or oral, various of arts, knowledge system, and religious system. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there is a close relation between the language used by people and how they understand the world and behave in it. Based on 17th Century French fairytales, this article will review the moral values contained in the cultural elements and the implications in learning French as a foreign language


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    Lenong Betawi is one of community theatrical performance that still exists. It has a significant role in criticizing current social life. This paper aims to find Leech’s politeness principle in the Lenong Betawi humorous dialogue entitled “Anak Durhaka.” A story staged by Sanggar Surya Kencana group and held by Betawi Culture Institute. The method used was a content analysis by using politeness principle of Leech. The percentage results of fulfillment politeness maxims obtained 12.28% for agreement maxim, 10.52% for tact maxim, 8.11% for sympathy maxim, 2.41% for generosity maxim, 1.97% for approbation maxim, and 0.87% for modesty maxim. It means that agreement maxim as the highest and modesty maxim as the lowest fulfillment politeness maxims in Lenong Betawi humorous dialogue. Meanwhile, the percentage results of violation politeness maxims obtained 9.21% for agreement maxim, 2.63% for tact maxim, 13.81% for sympathy maxim, 4.16% for generosity maxim, 20.83% for approbation maxim, and 13.15% for modesty maxim. It means approbation maxim as the highest and tact maxim as the lowest violation politeness maxims in Lenong Betawi humorous dialogue. Finally, it can be concluded that the violation politeness maxims is more found than fulfillment politeness maxims in Lenong Betawi humorous dialogue entitled “Anak Durhaka.

    Improving Drama Script Writing through Modeling Strategies

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      This action research refers to Elliot model (1991)  that aims to improve the ability of writing a screenplay through modeling strategies. This action researchon SMA of Purbolinggo Lampung in the academic year of  2014/2015. The implementation of this research is three cycles. Each implementation of actions is divided into stages, identifying intial idea, reconnaissance, general planning, implement of action, monitor implemention,   reflection, reconnaissance and revise general idea. The results of the reflection activities function as  a foothold to draw up a plan of action to the next cycle. The research results can be concluded: the first process of improving writing skills through drama script modeling strategy. Second, the results of the upgrade script writing drama through modeling strategies, ranging from initial tests as exploitation of the capabilities of the beginning to the end of the test third cycle  the experience increased. (1) The results of initial tests average score 40.1 ((level less); (2) the first cycle  the average score 42.4 (level less); (3) the second cycle  the average score 64.3 (level of being); and (4) the third cycle the average score 83.4. This score has already reached a high level


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    Abstract The digital or virtual atmosphere in the education field today begins to spread which includes in the area of language learning. In line with that one, a research design is proposed in a similar context that is Digital Ethnography (DE). The research aims are to reveal and explore the detail of DE and how it is implemented in research. The method used in this study is qualitative, and the data is collected from 10 articles from reputable journals that discuss DE. The collected data were categorized based on the year, title, author, purpose, method result and discussion, and conclusion, afterward they were analyzed and presented descriptively. The findings of this study showed that DE can be applied in various topic particularly in language learning research. The implication of this study DE can be as one of the options as the research design related to language learning in a digital or virtual context. &nbsp


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the Chinese language teaching materials for students of business and management majors in a vocational high school. This research method was qualitative. The process of collecting data used observation activities, interviews and questionnaires. This study found that the Chinese teaching materials which have been used in a vocational high school especially in business and management majors were still general and not relevant to the needs of students. The results of this study also indicated that the expected design of Chinese language teaching materials should be specifically integrated to the students’ majors and the competency levels of their expertise. In addition, the teaching materials also should be designed with multimedia to support the learning process and students’ experiences.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan model materi ajar bahasa Mandarin untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Bidang Bisnis dan Manajemen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan proses pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa materi ajar bahasa Mandarin yang selama ini digunakan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Bidang Bisnis dan Manajemen merupakan materi ajar yang bersifat umum dan belum memenuhi kebutuhan siswa. Hasil dari analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa materi ajar bahasa Mandarin yang diharapkan adalah materi ajar yang terintegrasi dan relevan dengan bidang dan program studi siswa sehingga dapat mendukung keahlian utamanya. Terlebih lagi materi ajar bahasa Mandarin yang diharapkan saat ini adalah materi ajar yang dikemas dengan basis multimedia


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    ABSTRACTThis research aimed to gain a deep understanding of comparative characterizations, household status, occupation or profession, and socio-cultural background of the third figure women widowed in a collection of short stories (short story), a literary review cross reference. This research seeks to understand the phenomenon of characterizations of women widowed in three short stories that are then compared between the three. Approach this research in the form of a qualitative approach and methods used are content analysis methods. The process of data analysis in this research is not based on an effort to test the hypothesis, but rather attempted to develop a theory or framework of thinking based on the theory of literary sociology, so researchers retain a major role as a tool research. Data sources the study consists of three short stories namely (1) “Namanya, Massaâ€, by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, a short story from Indonesia, (2) “Tarian Hamil dan Penyair Bulan†by Johari Tarif, short stories from Malaysia, (3) and "Norhayati" by Amil Jaya, a short story from Brunei Darussalam. The topic of this research inspired the character equality is in the short story from the collection of short stories in the book Menjenguk Dunia Batin Cerpen Serumpun (MDBCM). The findings of this research in the form of naming differences, education, household status, employment, and socio-cultural background. For the differences of the characters, properties, and the habit of the third figure women widowed: Massa, Lely, and Norhayati is caused by the difference in the level of education, occupation or profession, and socio-cultural environment.Keyword: characterizations, women's widow, short stories, literary cross referenc


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    This research is to describe the forms and translation techniques of Euphemism in the rendering of The Dancer novel by René TA Lysloff. The researcher used a qualitative method with a content analysis technique. The Data of research are in the forms of clauses containing expressions of Euphemism. The data source was taken from Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (RDP) novel and its translation of the Dancer. The result showed that there were 35 data (83.3%) of the Euphemism forms of translated into euphemisms, and only 7 data (16,7%) of euphemisms were translated into other forms. The techniques used include single, duplet, and triplet techniques. The conclusions of the research showed that there were shifts in ideological forms and values of the translated novel


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    This study is motivated by the fact that globalization has arrived. There are demands of skills and competencies that must be possessed by a global citizen in general and by students in particular. The current trend in our world is the issue of 21st century skills. As academicians, we need to be one step further to accommodate this demand. This study aimed to explore the 21st century skills and these skills can be integrated in Translation syllabus. The focus of this study is on the exploration of 21st century skills which are explained in relevant references and or literature and give a brief perspective on its possibility of integration in the Translation classroom. In order to achieve the said objectives, the writer used descriptive approach having its qualitative nature. The findings of this study are gained mostly in the relevant literature. The findings of this study showed that the 21st century skills are pertinent in the translation classroom. The writer revealed that the 21st century skills comprised of cooperation, communication, ICT skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making, innovation, creativity, et cetera. It is also found that the 21st century skills can be integrated with translator competencies as stated by PACTE (Process of Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation). This study also embarked on demonstrating the possible strategies to integrate the 21st century skills with the translator’s competencies as follows: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity and bilingual, extralinguistic, instrumental, knowledge about translation, psycho-physiological competencies. Finally, as a recommendation, the writer suggests that the syllabus of the Translation should be changed, hence also changing the curriculum which accommodates the 21st century skills.     Keywords: integration, 21st century skills, PACTE competencies, Syllabus-desig

    The Impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Use of English Vocabulary Enhancement

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    This study aims at improving students’ comprehension on English vocabulary using computer and finding out the effectiveness, efficiency and the attractiveness of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in English learning. It was carried out at SMP Sunan Giri Gresik by using proactive action research method and intervention action model. The participants belonged to 3 different class groups. Thirty of them were from 7th grade (Amanah class) and thirty-two of them from (Hidayah class). The other 30 participants from (Inayah class). The data were collected and analyzed by using mixed method approach. Instruments used for collecting data in this study are questionnaires, documents, observation check list, interview, and achievement tests. The results showed that the treatments give affect positively for students especially treatment on cycle 2. It also can be seen by the students’ involvement actively during learning process. Computer assisted learning especially using software gave students chance to explore their English skill especially the vocabulary through interacting directly with computer by doing exercises given individually in pair or group. From the explanation above it can be concluded that English learning in junior high school can be improved with the help of computer assistance in this matter called Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) mainly to improve English vocabulary. Keywords: Computer-assisted language learning (CALL), English vocabulary, Students’ comprehensio

    The Effect of Learning Model and Self Regulated Learning towards Students’ English Writing Skill

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    This research aimed to find out the effect of learning model and self-regulated learning toward English writing skill. It was an experimental study by using treatment by level 2 x 2 design. The population was the first year students with the sample was 32 students. The data were collected through the questionnaire of self-regulated learning and the test of English writing skill. The data were analyzed by two way ANOVA and Tukey test. The result of the data analysis showed that (1) the students’ English writing skill who were taught by using hybrid learning was higher than the writing skill students’ score who were taught by using face-to-face learning; (2) there was an interaction effect between hybrid learning model and self-regulated learning toward English writing skill; (3) the students’ English writing skill who were taught by using hybrid learning was higher than the writing skill students’ score who were taught by using face-to-face learning for group of students who have higher self-regulated learning; (4) the students’ English writing skill who were taught by using face-to-face learning was higher than the writing skill students’ score who were taught by using hybrid learning for group of students who have low self-regulated learning
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