1,753 research outputs found

    Qubit-portraits of qudit states and quantum correlations

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    The machinery of qubit-portraits of qudit states, recently presented, is consider here in more details in order to characterize the presence of quantum correlations in bipartite qudit states. In the tomographic representation of quantum mechanics, Bell-like inequalities are interpreted as peculiar properties of a family of classical joint probability distributions which describe the quantum state of two qudits. By means of the qubit-portraits machinery a semigroup of stochastic matrices can be associated to a given quantum state. The violation of the CHSH inequalities is discussed in this framework with some examples, we found that quantum correlations in qutrit isotropic states can be detected by the suggested method while it cannot in the case of qutrit Werner states.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in cancer: Old and new paradigms revisited

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    Abstract Inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases actualized the biological concept of synthetic lethality in the clinical practice, yielding a paradigmatic example of translational medicine. The profound sensitivity of tumors with germline BRCA mutations to PARP1/2 blockade owes to inherent defects of the BRCA-dependent homologous recombination machinery, which are unleashed by interruption of PARP DNA repair activity and lead to DNA damage overload and cell death. Conversely, aspirant BRCA-like tumors harboring somatic DNA repair dysfunctions (a vast entity of genetic and epigenetic defects known as "BRCAness") not always align with the familial counterpart and appear not to be equally sensitive to PARP inhibition. The acquisition of secondary resistance in initially responsive patients and the lack of standardized biomarkers to identify "BRCAness" pose serious threats to the clinical advance of PARP inhibitors; a feeling is also emerging that a BRCA-centered perspective might have missed the influence of additional, not negligible and DNA repair-independent PARP contributions onto therapy outcome. While regulatory approval for PARP1/2 inhibitors is still pending, novel therapeutic opportunities are sprouting from different branches of the PARP family, although they remain immature for clinical extrapolation. This review is an endeavor to provide a comprehensive appraisal of the multifaceted biology of PARPs and their evolving impact on cancer therapeutics

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo nell'Ateneo di Palermo: Classe di Abilitazione A049 - Matematica e Fisica

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    SarĂ  descritta l'organizzazione del primo ciclo del Corso di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo, Classe A049 - Matematica e Fisica, nell'Ateneo di Palermo, sia per quanto riguarda le attivitĂ  psico-pedagogiche, sia per le attivitĂ  disciplinari. In particolare, sarĂ  descritta l'organizzazione del tirocinio svolto a scuola sotto la guida dei tutor accoglienti e sotto la guida del tutor coordinatore. Saranno evidenziati punti di forza, punti di debolezza e aspetti di criticitĂ  delle varie attivitĂ  svolte e verranno proposti miglioramenti per i cicli successivi

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo: il Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC della Classe A049 nell’Ateneo di Palermo

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    Con il secondo ciclo di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo è stato attivato l’insegnamento di Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC. Nell'articolo discuteremo come è stato organizzato questo insegnamento al fine di poter affrontare problematiche legate all'uso delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione sia nella gestione amministrativa della Scuola sia in ambito didattico. Discuteremo in particolare le varie possibilità di rinnovamento della didattica introdotte dagli strumenti di comunicazione e condivisione del web 2.0, dall'uso della lavagna interattiva multimediale, fino all'uso dei dispositivi portatili multimediali come strumenti di laboratorio.We discuss the organization of the course of Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC of the Tirocinio Formativo Attivo at the University of Palermo. The course takes into account the development of information and communication technologies both for the anagement/administration of school and their application in Mathematics and Physics education. In particular, we will discuss in detail the various possibilities of renewing the teaching given by communication and sharing tools of web 2.0, the use of the digital whiteboard, and the use of technologies in Mathematics and Physics laboratories, up to the use of multimedia mobile devices as experimental tools

    Anti-epileptic drugs in the preventive treatment of migraine headache : a brief review.

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    This review is aimed to give a comprehensive view on drugs used in the prevention of migraine. At time the most promising drugs are included in the so-called group of anti-convulsive drugs. The mechanism of action of these drugs varies within the class, but a possible common action is believed in reducing the neuronal firing and in the stabilizing membrane potential. The clinical choice within the drugs should take into account the possible side effects of each drug, and relate it to clinical needs and characteristics of patient

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The central theme of this project has been the diagnosis of blocking anticyclogenesis and the corresponding interactions with synoptic-scale circulations. To that end an extensive investigation of the dynamics and energetics of a major blocking anticyclone and two upstream cyclones, all of which occurred over the North Atlantic Ocean and the United States in January 1979, was undertaken. Data for the study were provided by Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (GLA) 4 LAT by 5 LON FGGE analyses. The methodology has primarily focused on the diagnosis of circulation forcing mechanisms using the modified forms (referred to as the extended forms) of the height tendency and Zwack-Okossi equations developed by our research group. Calculations use routine second-order finite differencing with boundary layer fraction and sensible heating and latent heat release represented as parameterized quantities. Of particular interest are the latent heat release estimates, which combine convectional parameterized values with estimates derived from satellite IR data. The latter were obtained using an algorithm derived by Dr. Franklin R. Robertson of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Results are contained in project reports, theses and publications identified in previous review summaries and reports, and publications listed at the end of this summary. Significant accomplishments in the past year are presented

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    One segment of work in the past year focused on the diagnosis of a major blocking anticyclone and its interacting synoptic scale circulations that occurred during January 1979 over the North Atlantic Ocean. Another segment focused on the diagnosis of a second explosive cyclone development that occurred over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. The diagnoses were accomplished using the diagnostic relationship known as the Zwack-Okossi (Z-O) development equation. Results indicate that in both cyclone cases the development occurred as a result of the favorable influence of positive vorticity advection, warm air advection, and latent heat release and ceased when one or more of these influences diminished. The advantages of the Z-O equation are described

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Work was completed on the height tendency diagnoses of two extratropical cyclones that occurred upstream from the blocking event studied previously. One developed explosively over water 60 to 36 hours before the block first appeared, while the second developed explosively over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. In both cases, both vorticity and temperature advection were consistently important forcing mechanisms. This is in contrast to the block itself, in which vorticity advection was easily the dominant forcing mechanism. Latent heat release was also significant, accounting for about 50 percent of the total height falls in the cyclone below 850 mb. Estimates of latent heat release were greatly enhanced by coupling parameterized estimates with values derived from GOES IR data using an algorithm developed by Marshall's F. R. Robertson. Among the difficulties encountered in this work was the identification of an appropriate lower boundary condition for the solution of the height tendency equation. The zero value currently used tends to yield underestimates of the lower troposphere height tendencies. To address this problem a new diagnostic technique was developed in cooperation with Dr. Peter Zwack of the University of Quebec at Montreal. Based on an equation Dr. Zwack had previously developed (the Zwack-Okossi development equation), researchers now have a relationship that is completely consistent with the height tendency equation and provides estimates of lower boundary geostrophic vorticity or height tendencies. Finally, comparison of the SAT (satellite data) and NOSAT (no satellite data) analyses is progressing well. The present focus is on both the new diagnostic technique and the SAT/NOSAT comparisons. The former is being tested on the southeastern United States cyclone case previously mentioned and compared with the height tendency diagnoses already completed. The latter are being examined for the blocking case described in the publications cited in this summary. In addition to obtaining statistics that will allow general comparison of the two analyses, it will be possible to determine whether conclusions about the dynamics of the block development are influenced by the analysis set used
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