2,186 research outputs found

    Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Best practise in education and training strategies for integrated health and social care: development of a benchmarking tool

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    Collaboration and partnership working between Higher Education and the NHS is an essential requirement for effective delivery of care (Universities UK 2003). The North West Universities Association (NWUA) and the North West Development Agency (NWDA) are two organisations at the forefront of creating such alliances. The research project, Shaping the Future for Primary Care Education and Training Project is a collaborative partnership between both these organisations and seven North West Higher Education Institutions. In addition, the project brings together for the first time all the key partners in the health, social care and education sectors who are involved in supporting the delivery of integrated health and social care in the North West Region

    Metformin induces distinct bioenergetic and metabolic profiles in sensitive versus resistant high grade serous ovarian cancer and normal fallopian tube secretory epithelial cells.

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    Metformin is a widely used agent for the treatment of diabetes and infertility, however, it has been found to have anti-cancer effects in a variety of malignancies including high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC). Studies describing the mechanisms by which metformin affects HGSC are ongoing, but detailed analysis of its effect on the cellular metabolism of both HGSC cells and their precursor, normal fallopian tube secretory epithelial cells (FTSECs), is lacking. We addressed the effects of metformin and the more potent biguanide, phenformin, on HGSC cell lines and normal immortalized FTSECs. Cell proliferation assays identified that FTSECs and a subset of HGSC cell lines are relatively resistant to the anti-proliferative effects of metformin. Bioenergetic and metabolomic analyses were used to metabolically differentiate the metformin-sensitive and metformin-resistant cell lines. Bioenergetically, biguanides elicited a significant decrease in mitochondrial respiration in all HGSC cells and FTSECs. However, biguanides had a greater effect on mitochondrial respiration in metformin sensitive cells. Metabolomic analysis revealed that metformin and phenformin generally induce similar changes in metabolic profiles. Biguanide treatment led to a significant increase in NADH in FTSECs and HGSC cells. Interestingly, biguanide treatment induced changes in the levels of mitochondrial shuttle metabolites, glycerol-3-phopshate (G3P) and aspartate, specifically in HGSC cell lines and not in FTSECs. Greater alterations in G3P or aspartate levels were also found in metformin sensitive cells relative to metformin resistant cells. These data identify bioenergetic and HGSC-specific metabolic effects that correlate with metformin sensitivity and novel metabolic avenues for possible therapeutic intervention

    Security Issues in a SOA-based Provenance System

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    Recent work has begun exploring the characterization and utilization of provenance in systems based on the Service Oriented Architecture (such as Web Services and Grid based environments). One of the salient issues related to provenance use within any given system is its security. Provenance presents some unique security requirements of its own, which are additionally dependent on the architectural and environmental context that a provenance system operates in. We discuss the security considerations pertaining to a Service Oriented Architecture based provenance system. Concurrently, we outline possible approaches to address them

    Transient simulations of the last 22,000 years, with a fully dynamic atmosphere in the GENIE earth-system framework

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    This paper presents and discusses an ensemble of transient model simulations from the Last Glacial Maximum to present-day. The model includes a fully dynamic, primitive equation atmosphere (the Reading IGCM), computed vegetation (TRIFFID), and a slab-ocean and seaice. The atmospheric model is more akin to a low-resolution GCM than traditional EMICS, and yet is fast enough for long ensemble simulations to be carried out. The model is tuned in a purely objective manner, using a genetic algorithm, which perturbs 30 tunable paramters in the model to find the best fit to a prescribed pre-industrial climate.The control deglaciation experiment has good agreement with data at the Last glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene. The deglaciation ensembles are over initial conditions, physical processes, and tunable model parameters. The ice-sheets are prescribed, and changes in oceanic heat transport are neglected, and yet the model exhibits rapid transitions in many of the ensemble members. These are attributable to the interaction of the dynamic atmosphere with the sea-ice, and are not observed when the ocean and sea-ice surface temperatures are prescribed. The timing of these transitions is sensitive to the initial conditions, pointing to the chaotic nature of the climate system.The simulations have been carried out making use of GRID technologies, developed as part of the GENIE project

    Mechanisms generating biological diversity in the genus Platypleura Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in southern Africa: implications of a preliminary molecular phylogeny

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    Truly understanding biological diversity requires a move from descriptive studies to mechanistic interpretations based on comparative biology and a thorough recognition of the natural history of the focal organisms. A useful step in such comparative studies is the generation of a phylogeny, so that one can assess the phylogenetic independence of the focal taxa and trace the evolutionary significance of their characteristics. As a preliminary to such studies on the platypleurine cicada genus Platypleura, we sequenced 498 bases of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene from thirteen African species. To circumvent problems with outgroup selection, we also included sequences from representatives of the platypleurine genera Brevisiana, Capcicada, Munza, Oxypleura, Severiana, and Systophlochius, all of the subtribe Platypleuriti, and two species of the genus Ugada, of the subtribe Hainanosemiiti. The resulting phylogenies support the synonymization of the monotypic genus Systophlochius with the widespread, speciose genus Platypleura; confirm the placement of Platypleura sp. 7 in that genus; and confirm the independence of Capcicada and Platypleura. Although the preliminary phylogeny lacks strong support at many nodes, it suggests that three radiations of Platypleura have occurred in southern Africa and that there was progressive southward speciation of these radiations. A novel modification of the ancestral area analysis further suggests that the group has an ancestral association with acacias but there were five independent speciation events associated with host- switching. These insights can be summarized by a general hypothesis that the mechanisms underlying platypleurine biodiversity in southern Africa involve two ancient vicariance events and subsequent speciation by vicariance, switching of plant associations, and changes of habitat preferences. We offer this example to illustrate how analysis of preliminary data can help to generate hypotheticodeductive research hypotheses, to provoke interest in testing these hypotheses, and to illustrate the utility of phylogenies beyond systematics

    Self-starting capability of a Darrieus turbine

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    Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbines have a number of potential advantages for small-scale and domestic applications. For such applications, the issues of cost and reliability are paramount and hence simplicity of design of the structure, the generator, and any control system is vital. A particular concern relating to Darrieus turbines is their potential to self-start. If, as has been suggested by several authors, they require external assistance to start then much of their advantage is lost. The purpose of the study described here is, therefore, to investigate their starting performance through the development and validation of computational simulation and to determine the parameters that govern the capability to self-start. A case study is presented based upon the use of the widely used and well documented, symmetrical NACA 0012 turbine blade profile. It is shown that a lightly loaded, three-bladed rotor always has the potential to self start under steady wind conditions, whereas the starting of a two-bladed device is dependent upon its initial starting orientation

    The value-added of primary schools: what is it really measuring?

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    This paper compares the official value-added scores in 2005 for all primary schools in three adjacent LEAs in England with the raw-score Key Stage 2 results for the same schools. The correlation coefficient for the raw- and value-added scores of these 457 schools is around +0.75. Scatterplots show that there are no low attaining schools with average or higher value-added, and no high attaining schools with below average value-added. At least some of the remaining scatter is explained by the small size of some schools. Although some relationship between these measures is to be expected – so that schools adding considerable value would tend to have high examination outcome scores – the relationship shown is too strong for this explanation to be considered sufficient. Value-added analysis is intended to remove the link between a schools’ intake scores and their raw-score outcomes at KS2. It should lead to an estimate of the differential progress made by pupils, assessed between schools. In fact, however, the relationship between value-added and raw scores is of the same size as the original relationship between intake scores and raw-scores that the value-added is intended to overcome. Therefore, however appealing the calculation of value-added figures is, their development is still at the stage where they are not ready to move from being a research tool to an instrument of judgement on schools. Such figures may mislead parents, governors and teachers and, even more importantly, they are being used in England by OFSTED to pre-determine the results of school inspections
