333 research outputs found

    A Picture For Your Future by Franklin J. Lunding, UND Spring Commencement: June 11, 1948

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    Text of speech delivered by Franklin J. Lunding at the UND Spring Commencement on June 11, 1948. He entitled his remarks: A Picture For Your Future

    Judicial Review of Military Administrative Discharges

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    Combinatorial classification of quantum lens spaces

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    We answer the question of how large the dimension of a quantum lens space must be, compared to the primary parameter rr, for the isomorphism class to depend on the secondary parameters. Since classification results in C*-algebra theory reduces this question to one concerning a certain kind of SLSL-equivalence of integer matrices of a special form, our approach is entirely combinatorial and based on the counting of certain paths in the graphs shown by Hong and Szyma\'nski to describe the quantum lens spaces.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Strömungen und Strebungen der modernen Literaturwissenschaft

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    Persontransport i bil - en total social kendsgerning

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    Indlægget bygger på resultater og konklusioner fra både en kvantitativ og kvalitativ undersøgelse af en gruppe Horsensfamiliers brug af deres bil. Begge undersøgelser er blevet udarbejdet i forbindelse med "Nye veje frem - projekt om familie, energi og transport" og blandt de 52 familier, som har meldt sig til projektet. De giver således et billede af det konkrete transportmønster, men også deltagernes holdninger til transport. Projektet er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Horsens Kommune og Trafikministeriet. Det er en opfølgning på målsætningerne i "Trafik 2005" om at nedbringe energiforbruget til persontransport. Projektet strækker sig over perioden april 1996 - september 1997 og finansieres af Trafikpuljen 1995. Projektet, som fungerer som et forsøg, skal undersøge, hvad der skal til for at ændre på en uhensigtsmæssig udnyttelse af bilen alene ved holdningspåvirkning (til forskel fra direkte indblanding som afgifter o.lign.). Det skal ligeledes give et billede af de muligheder, familier har for at omlægge deres transportmønstre, og hvilke hindringer, som vil stille sig i vejen for en sådan omlægning. Projektets mål er derfor ikke at få familierne til helt at undlade at bruge bilen, men derimod at motivere dem til at gøre det med omtanke. Et vigtigt resultat af projektet er, at flere af deltagerfamilierne har ændret deres transportvaner i løbet af kampagneperioden i retning af at køre færre korte ture. Det skal her understreges, at familierne er forskellige, og det giver forskelle i brug af bilen, hvilket igen giver forskelle i mulighederne for at ændre transporten i en mere miljørigtig retning. Forskellene kan først og fremmest forklares ud fra familietype og aktivitetsmønstre. Familietyperne er primært defineret på baggrund af børnenes alder, da det har vist sig, at forskelle i transportmønster ofte kan forklares udfra familiens sammensætning. Den kvalitative analyse viser, at der også er andre faktorer, som spiller ind, når det gælder holdninger til transport og valg af transportmiddel til de daglige ture. Det har blandt andet været muligt at konstatere, at kørselsomfanget i høj grad er betinget af, hvilken situation (alder, uddannelse, arbejde/karriere etc.) familien befinder sig i og familiemedlemmernes indbyrdes relationer

    From integrated to fragmented elites. The core of Swiss elite networks 1910–2015

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    This article focuses on historical elite dynamics and investigates elites' integration over time. We describe the changing relations and composition of the central circles in Swiss elite networks at seven benchmark years between 1910 and 2015 by relying on 22,262 elite individuals tied to 2587 organizations among eight key sectors, and identify for each year the most connected core of individuals. We explore network cohesion and sectoral bridging of the elite core and find that it moved from being a unitary corporate elite, before 1945, to an integrated corporatist elite, between the 1950s and 1980s, before fragmenting into a loose group, with an increased importance of corporate elites, in the 1990s onwards. The core was always dominated by business and their forms of legitimacy but, at times of crisis to the hegemony of corporate elites, after the Second World War and (only) shortly after the 2008 financial crisis, elite circles expanded and included individuals with delegated forms of power, such as politicians and unionists. In the most recent cohort (2015), the share of corporate elites in the core is similar to the one before the First World War and during the interwar period. This return to the past echoes findings on wealth inequality and economic capital accumulation by a small group of individuals organized around the most powerful companies

    IL-17 Cytokines and Chronic Lung Diseases

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    IL-17 cytokines are expressed by numerous cells (e.g., gamma delta (γδ) T, innate lymphoid (ILC), Th17, epithelial cells). They contribute to the elimination of bacteria through the induction of cytokines and chemokines which mediate the recruitment of inflammatory cells to the site of infection. However, IL-17-driven inflammation also likely promotes the progression of chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and asthma. In this review, we highlight the role of IL-17 cytokines in chronic lung diseases