44 research outputs found

    CĂąncer do pĂąncreas em fase inicial: Ă© possĂ­vel identificĂĄ-lo atravĂ©s dos instrumentos cientĂ­ficos e propedĂȘuticos atualmente disponĂ­veis? Early pancreatic cancer: the methods currently available can identify this disease?

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    OBJETIVOS: Chamar a atenção da classe mĂ©dica em geral sobre os pacientes com alto risco de desenvolver cĂąncer pancreĂĄtico e se existem ou nĂŁo formas de vigilĂąncia e prevenção dessa doença, que podem ser aplicadas Ă  prĂĄtica clĂ­nica diĂĄria. LEVANTAMENTO DE DADOS: Utilizou-se o banco de dados do PubMed (US National Library of Medicine), analisaram-se as publicaçÔes dos Ășltimos anos, em relação haram aos grupos de risco, testes biolĂłgicos moleculares e exames de imagem empregados na identificação de pequenos tumores de pĂąncreas. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Mesmo apĂłs os significativos avanços no diagnĂłstico por imagem, tratamento e compreensĂŁo da biologia molecular do adenocarcinoma do pĂąncreas, a taxa de sobrevivĂȘncia dessa doença permanece desprezĂ­vel. Embora embrionĂĄrias, as estratĂ©gias de vigilĂąncia e prevenção para pessoas com risco elevado do cĂąncer de pĂąncreas tĂȘm se desenvolvido. CONCLUSÃO: Este artigo de atualização enfoca, resumidamente, as estratĂ©gias para melhor identificação de pessoas com alto risco de desenvolver essa doença e qual Ă© o estado da arte do aconselhamento genĂ©tico e de rastreamento atravĂ©s dos exames de imagem disponĂ­veis.<br>OBJECTIVES: Call attention of the gastroenterologists and surgeons on the patients with high risk of developing pancreatic carcinoma, and whether or not forms of surveillance and prevention of this disease, which can be applied to daily clinical practice. DATA SURVEY: It was used the database of PubMed (US National Library of Medicine), looked up the publications of recent years for the groups at risk, molecular biological testing and methods of image used in the identification of small tumors of the pancreas. BACKGROUND: The survival rates of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas remain negligible, even after the significant advances in diagnosis by imaging, treatment and understanding of the molecular biology of this disease. Although embryonic strategies for surveillance and prevention for people with high risk of pancreatic cancer has developed. CONCLUSIONS: This review summarizes how to identify people at high risk of developing this disease and what is the state of the art of genetic counseling and screening through techniques of image available

    Effect of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invasion on blue mussel (Mytilus edulis trossulus) population and winter diet of the long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)

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    The invasive round goby has established a viable population within 9 years of its first introduction to Lithuanian coastal waters (SE Baltic Sea). During its expansion phase, abundances increased 23-fold, which led to the near complete eradication of its main prey, the blue mussel, at < 20 m depth. The round goby population showed a stabilizing trend after blue mussel biomass was depleted; however, their abundance has not declined. The round goby feeds efficiently on newly settled mollusks, causing a severe constraint for blue mussel recovery. Changes in blue mussel availability and size structure induced a dietary shift in wintering long-tailed duck towards fish prey. An energetically dense food source sustains a good body condition in long-tailed ducks, however the change in trophic position (from 3.1 to 4.3 trophic level) suggests the potential for a reduction in their carrying capacity. Results from this study also show that coastal habitats with low and unpredictable population dynamics of blue mussel become less attractive wintering sites for long-tailed duck in the Baltic Sea. We also document a cascading effect of invasive species in the food web