36 research outputs found

    Dissociable Modulation of Overt Visual Attention in Valence and Arousal Revealed by Topology of Scan Path

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    Emotional stimuli have evolutionary significance for the survival of organisms; therefore, they are attention-grabbing and are processed preferentially. The neural underpinnings of two principle emotional dimensions in affective space, valence (degree of pleasantness) and arousal (intensity of evoked emotion), have been shown to be dissociable in the olfactory, gustatory and memory systems. However, the separable roles of valence and arousal in scene perception are poorly understood. In this study, we asked how these two emotional dimensions modulate overt visual attention. Twenty-two healthy volunteers freely viewed images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) that were graded for affective levels of valence and arousal (high, medium, and low). Subjects' heads were immobilized and eye movements were recorded by camera to track overt shifts of visual attention. Algebraic graph-based approaches were introduced to model scan paths as weighted undirected path graphs, generating global topology metrics that characterize the algebraic connectivity of scan paths. Our data suggest that human subjects show different scanning patterns to stimuli with different affective ratings. Valence salient stimuli (with neutral arousal) elicited faster and larger shifts of attention, while arousal salient stimuli (with neutral valence) elicited local scanning, dense attention allocation and deep processing. Furthermore, our model revealed that the modulatory effect of valence was linearly related to the valence level, whereas the relation between the modulatory effect and the level of arousal was nonlinear. Hence, visual attention seems to be modulated by mechanisms that are separate for valence and arousal

    PI3K Signaling in Normal B Cells and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

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    B cells provide immunity to extracellular pathogens by secreting a diverse repertoire of antibodies with high affinity and specificity for exposed antigens. The B cell receptor (BCR) is a transmembrane antibody, which facilitates the clonal selection of B cells producing secreted antibodies of the same specificity. The diverse antibody repertoire is generated by V(D)J recombination of heavy and light chain genes, whereas affinity maturation is mediated by activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)-mediated mutagenesis. These processes, which are essential for the generation of adaptive humoral immunity, also render B cells susceptible to chromosomal rearrangements and point mutations that in some cases lead to cancer. In this chapter, we will review the central role of PI3K s in mediating signals from the B cell receptor that not only facilitate the development of functional B cell repertoire, but also support the growth and survival of neoplastic B cells, focusing on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B cells. Perhaps because of the central role played by PI3K in BCR signaling, B cell leukemia and lymphomas are the first diseases for which a PI3K inhibitor has been approved for clinical use

    Migraine in women: the role of hormones and their impact on vascular diseases

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    Migraine is a predominantly female disorder. Menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, and also the use of hormonal contraceptives and hormone replacement treatment may influence migraine occurrence. Migraine usually starts after menarche, occurs more frequently in the days just before or during menstruation, and ameliorates during pregnancy and menopause. Those variations are mediated by fluctuation of estrogen levels through their influence on cellular excitability or cerebral vasculature. Moreover, administration of exogenous hormones may cause worsening of migraine as may expose migrainous women to an increased risk of vascular disease. In fact, migraine with aura represents a risk factor for stroke, cardiac disease, and vascular mortality. Studies have shown that administration of combined oral contraceptives to migraineurs may further increase the risk for ischemic stroke. Consequently, in women suffering from migraine with aura caution should be deserved when prescribing combined oral contraceptives

    Violência física entre parceiros íntimos na gestação como fator de risco para a má qualidade do pré-natal Violencia física entre parejas íntimas en la gestación como factor de riesgo para la mala calidad del prenatal Physical intimate partner violence during gestation as a risk factor for low quality of prenatal care

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a violência física entre parceiros íntimos durante a gestação como fator de risco independente para a má qualidade da assistência pré-natal. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em três maternidades públicas do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. As 528 puérperas incluídas no estudo foram selecionadas em processo de amostragem aleatória simples dentre o conjunto de nascidos vivos a termo em 2000. As informações sobre a assistência pré-natal foram obtidas a partir do cartão da gestante e por meio de entrevistas face a face. Para a avaliação da qualidade da assistência pré-natal utilizou-se o índice de Kotelchuck. Para a identificação das situações de violência, foi utilizada a versão brasileira do instrumento Revised Conflict Tactics Scales. Utilizou-se a regressão logística não condicional para avaliar o efeito da exposição, após controle de variáveis de confusão. RESULTADOS: Mesmo após o ajuste por variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, reprodutivas e relativas aos hábitos de vida do casal, a violência física entre parceiros íntimos durante a gestação permaneceu associada à má qualidade da assistência pré-natal. Mulheres que relataram ter sido vítimas de abuso físico durante a gestação possuíam 2,2 vezes mais chance de apresentar uma assistência pré-natal inadequada do que as sem história de violência física. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam a necessidade do rastreamento de situações de conflito familiar desde o início do pré-natal visando o seu enfrentamento e uma maior adesão das gestantes vitimizadas ao acompanhamento.<br>OBJETIVO: Evaluar la violencia física entre parejas íntimas durante la gestación como factor de riesgo independiente para la mala calidad de la asistencia prenatal. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en tres maternidades públicas del municipio de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil. Las 528 puérperas incluidas en el estudio fueron seleccionadas en proceso de muestreo aleatorio simple entre un conjunto de nacidos vivos a término en 2000. Las informaciones sobre la asistencia prenatal fueron obtenidas a partir de la tarjeta de la gestante y por medio de entrevistas cara a cara. Para la evaluación de la calidad de la asistencia prenatal se utilizó el índice de Kotelchuck. Para la identificación de las situaciones de violencia, fue utilizada la versión brasilera del instrumento Revised Conflict Tactics Scales. Se utilizó la regresión logística no condicional para evaluar el efecto de la exposición, posterior al control de las variables de confusión. RESULTADOS: Aún después del ajuste por variables socioeconómicas, demográficas, reproductivas y relativas a los hábitos de vida de la pareja, la violencia física entre parejas íntimas durante la gestación permaneció asociada a la mala calidad de la asistencia prenatal. Mujeres que relataron haber sido víctimas de abuso físico durante la gestación poseían 2,2 veces más chance de presentar una asistencia prenatal inadecuada en comparación con aquellas sin historia de violencia física. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados indican la necesidad del rastreo de situaciones de conflicto familiar desde el inicio del prenatal buscando su enfrentamiento y una mayor adhesión de las gestantes victimizadas al acompañamiento.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate physical intimate partner violence during gestation as an independent risk factor for low quality of prenatal care. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out at three public maternity wards of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Southeastern Brazil). The 528 puerperal women included in the study were selected by simple random sampling from all babies born at term in 2000. Prenatal care information was collected through the pregnant woman's card and face-to-face interviews. The Kotelchuck index was employed to assess the quality of prenatal care. In order to identify violence situations, the Brazilian version of the instrument Revised Conflict Tactics Scales was used. Non-conditional logistic regression was used to assess the effect of exposure, after controlling for confounding variables. RESULTS: Even after adjustment for socioeconomic, demographic, reproductive, and couple's lifestyle variables, physical intimate partner violence during gestation remained associated with low quality of prenatal care. Women exposed to physical violence during gestation had 2.2 times more chance of presenting inadequate prenatal care compared to those without history of physical violence. CONCLUSIONS: These findings point to the need of identifying family conflict situations since the beginning of prenatal care in order to address the issue and enable higher adherence to follow-up among victimized pregnant women