121 research outputs found

    α-Adducin Gly460Trp Gene Mutation and Essential Hypertension in a Chinese Population: A Meta-Analysis including 10960 Subjects

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    BACKGROUND: The α-adducin Gly460Trp (G460W) gene polymorphism may be associated with susceptibility to essential hypertension (EH), but this relationship remains controversial. In an attempt to resolve this issue, we conducted a meta-analysis. METHODS: Twenty-three separated studies involving 5939 EH patients and 5021 controls were retrieved and analyzed. Four ethnicities were included: Han, Kazakh, Mongolian, and She. Eighteen studies with 5087 EH patients and 4183 controls were included in the Han subgroup. Three studies with 636 EH patients and 462 controls were included in the Kazakh subgroup. The Mongolian subgroup was represented by only one study with 100 EH patients and 50 controls; similarly, only one study with 116 EH patients and 326 controls was available for the She subgroup. The pooled and ethnic group odds ratios (ORs) along with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were assessed using a random effects model. RESULTS: There was a significant association between the α-adducin G460W gene polymorphism and EH in the pooled Chinese population under both an allelic genetic model (OR: 1.12, 95% CI: 1.04-1.20, P = 0.002) and a recessive genetic model (OR: 1.40, 95% CI: 1.16-1.70, P = 0.0005). In contrast, no significant association between the α-adducin G460W gene polymorphism and EH was observed in the dominant genetic model (OR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.72-1.09, P = 0.24). In stratified analysis by ethnicity, significantly increased risk was detected in the Han subgroup under an allelic genetic model (OR: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.04-1.23, P = 0.003) and a recessive genetic model (OR: 1.43, 95% CI: 1.17-1.75, P = 0.0006). CONCLUSIONS: In a Chinese population of mixed ethnicity, the α-adducin G460W gene polymorphism was linked to EH susceptibility, most strongly in Han Chinese

    A Regulatory Network for Coordinated Flower Maturation

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    For self-pollinating plants to reproduce, male and female organ development must be coordinated as flowers mature. The Arabidopsis transcription factors AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 6 (ARF6) and ARF8 regulate this complex process by promoting petal expansion, stamen filament elongation, anther dehiscence, and gynoecium maturation, thereby ensuring that pollen released from the anthers is deposited on the stigma of a receptive gynoecium. ARF6 and ARF8 induce jasmonate production, which in turn triggers expression of MYB21 and MYB24, encoding R2R3 MYB transcription factors that promote petal and stamen growth. To understand the dynamics of this flower maturation regulatory network, we have characterized morphological, chemical, and global gene expression phenotypes of arf, myb, and jasmonate pathway mutant flowers. We found that MYB21 and MYB24 promoted not only petal and stamen development but also gynoecium growth. As well as regulating reproductive competence, both the ARF and MYB factors promoted nectary development or function and volatile sesquiterpene production, which may attract insect pollinators and/or repel pathogens. Mutants lacking jasmonate synthesis or response had decreased MYB21 expression and stamen and petal growth at the stage when flowers normally open, but had increased MYB21 expression in petals of older flowers, resulting in renewed and persistent petal expansion at later stages. Both auxin response and jasmonate synthesis promoted positive feedbacks that may ensure rapid petal and stamen growth as flowers open. MYB21 also fed back negatively on expression of jasmonate biosynthesis pathway genes to decrease flower jasmonate level, which correlated with termination of growth after flowers have opened. These dynamic feedbacks may promote timely, coordinated, and transient growth of flower organs