34 research outputs found

    Flora fungica de las formaciones navarras de Pinus Sylvestris L.; I. Ascomycetes

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    Se estudian 24 especies de Ascomycetes recolectados durante las primaveras de 1978 y 1979 en pinares de Pinus sylveatris L. repartidos por el NE navarro. Cada especie, en las localidades reseñadas, se acompaña de un breve comentario ecológico. Un estudio descriptivo e iconográfico se ha llevado a cabo para todos los taxa

    Macroscopic heat release in a molecular solar thermal energy storage system

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    The development of solar energy can potentially meet the growing requirements for a global energy system beyond fossil fuels, but necessitates new scalable technologies for solar energy storage. One approach is the development of energy storage systems based on molecular photoswitches, so-called molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST). Here we present a novel norbornadiene derivative for this purpose, with a good solar spectral match, high robustness and an energy density of 0.4 MJ kg -1 . By the use of heterogeneous catalyst cobalt phthalocyanine on a carbon support, we demonstrate a record high macroscopic heat release in a flow system using a fixed bed catalytic reactor, leading to a temperature increase of up to 63.4 °C (83.2 °C measured temperature). Successful outdoor testing shows proof of concept and illustrates that future implementation is feasible. The mechanism of the catalytic back reaction is modelled using density functional theory (DFT) calculations rationalizing the experimental observations

    A N-S cross-section in the estern Pyrenees: an overstep sequence in the thrust slices forming the lower Pedraforca thrust sheet

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    We present a N-S geological cross-section in the eastern Pyrenees, starting in the southern margin of the Neogene Cerdanya basin, and ending in the Upper Eocene to Oligocene Ebro foreland basin. The lower Pedraforca thrust sheet, which mainly consists of Mesozoic and Paleocene pre-tectonic sediments, was emplaced during late Lower Lutetian times over the early Lower Lutetian sediments forming the Cadi thrust sheet, and the whole, over the Ebro foreland basin, in a piggy-back thrust-propagation sequence. Once the lower Pedraforca thrust sheet was emplaced, internal deformation processes continued until Upper Eocene to Oligocene times. Subsequently, five thrust slices forming an imbricate system were individualized into this thrust sheet. Field detailed geological mapping allowed us to define four major unconformities in the syntectonic conglomerates. Precise dating of these unconformities constrained the emplacement of the thrust slices. Thus, we conclude that the imbricates formed in an overstep sequence of thrust propagatio

    Structure of the upper and lower Pedraforca thrust sheets

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    The Pedraforca nappe is one of the allochtonous structural units in which the Cover Upper thrust sheets of the southern Pyrenees are organised. Its is internally constituted by two thrust sheets, namely Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet and Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet. As a whole, they were emplaced in a piggyback thrusting sequence. But in the detail, a new, minor structural unit, here named "Intermediate unit", has been found in between them. This newly identified thrust sheet mainly consists of a carbonate breccia series, derived from the Lower Cretaceous sediments forming the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, showing an "inverted mountain" internal arrangement of elements. Restoration of a detailed cross-section allows us to interpret the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet as the result of tectonic inversion of a Lower Cretaceous extensional basin occurred during late Cretaceous times. The sediments forming the Intermediate Unit are syntectonic materials, because they generated synchronously to the tectonic transportation of the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet (Santonian to Maastrichtian). Further emplacement of the Intermediate unit included piggy back transportation of the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, until both structural units were definitively emplaced, and their frontal parts were covered by late Cretaceous to Palaeogene continental redbed

    Flora fungica de las formaciones navarras de Pinus Sylvestris L.; I. Ascomycetes

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    Se estudian 24 especies de Ascomycetes recolectados durante las primaveras de 1978 y 1979 en pinares de Pinus sylveatris L. repartidos por el NE navarro. Cada especie, en las localidades reseñadas, se acompaña de un breve comentario ecológico. Un estudio descriptivo e iconográfico se ha llevado a cabo para todos los taxa

    Nuevas tablas de fuerza de la mano para población adulta de Teruel New tables on hand strength in the adult population from Teruel

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    Objetivo: Construir tablas de valores teóricos de fuerza de la mano para la población adulta del Área Sanitaria de Teruel. Material y Método: Población residente en el Área Sanitaria de Teruel con edad ≥ 20 años, sin incapacidad física para realizar las pruebas y que voluntariamente desean participar. Se tallan y pesan descalzos, con tórax desnudo y se calcula el índice de masa corporal. La fuerza de la mano se mide con dinamómetro con el brazo en extensión, paralelo al cuerpo y sin apoyo. Se hacen dos determinaciones para cada mano dejando descansar unos segundos entre ellas y anotando el valor máximo para cada mano. Se construyen tablas para ambos sexos, por décadas de edad, con los percentiles correspondientes para valores de mano derecha, mano izquierda y valor medio de ambas manos. Resultados: Un total de 2.270 casos fueron válidos; 1.113 hombres, 1.157 mujeres con edades medias de 62 y 55 años respectivamente. La fuerza es mayor en la mano derecha que en la izquierda, en ambos sexos con una media de 27,5 kg (3-57) para hombres y de 16,7 (1-44) para mujeres. Los valores máximos se encuentra en los 20 a los 40 años comenzado a descender más de un 8% por década. Encontramos relación entre la fuerza media y el índice de masa corporal (r = 0,179, p = 0,0003 para hombres y r = -0,095. p = 0,001 en mujeres). Conclusiones: Se construyen tablas teóricas que van a posibilitar evaluar el estado nutricional de nuestra población desde un punto de vista funcional y detectar su desviación. La fuerza se pierde de forma progresiva a partir de los 50 años. Hay relación entre la fuerza de la mano y el estado nutricional valorado por el índice de masa corporal.Objective: To elaborate the predicted values of hand strength in the adult population from the health care area of Teruel. Material and Methods: The population residing in the health care area of Teruel, aged ≥ 20 years, with no physical disability precluding the performance of the different tests and voluntarily willing to participate. The subjects are weighed and measured barefoot, naked chest, and the body mass index is calculated. The hand strength is measured by means of a dynamometer with extended arms, parallel to the body and without support. The determinations are performed for both hands with a rest lasting few seconds between them and recording the highest value for each hand. Tables are elaborated for both genders, by age decades, with the corresponding percentiles for values of the right hand, left hand, and average values for each hand. Results: A total of 2,270 cases were valid; 1,113 men, 1,157 women, with mean age of 62 and 55 years, respectively. The strength is higher at the right hand than in the left one, for both men and women, with average value of 27.5 kg (3-57) in men and 16.7 (1- 44) in women. The highest values are found between ages 20 and 40 years, decreasing by 8% per decade. We found a relationship between mean strength and body mass index (r = 0.179, p = 0.0003 in men and r = -0.095, p = 0.001 in women). Conclusion: We elaborated tables of predicted values that will allow assessing the nutritional status of our population from a functional perspective and detecting its deviation. Strength is progressively lost from 50 years and on. There is a relationship between hand strength and nutritional status assessed by body mass index

    Educar en el 2000 : revista de formación del profesorado

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    El artículo forma parte de la sección de la revista: Difusión de programas educativosLos autores del artículo informan de la situación actual y perspectivas de futuro de los programas de Garantía Social de la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia. Se explica en qué consisten, sus destinatarios, profesorado y los recursos con los que cuentan.MurciaES