3,210 research outputs found

    A Five Dimensional Perspective on Many Particles in the Snyder basis of Double Special Relativity

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    After a brief summary of Double Special Relativity (DSR), we concentrate on a five dimensional procedure, which consistently introduce coordinates and momenta in the corresponding four-dimensional phase space, via a Hamiltonian approach. For the one particle case, the starting point is a de Sitter momentum space in five dimensions, with an additional constraint selected to recover the mass shell condition in four dimensions. Different basis of DSR can be recovered by selecting specific gauges to define the reduced four dimensional degrees of freedom. This is shown for the Snyder basis in the one particle case. We generalize the method to the many particles case and apply it again to this basis. We show that the energy and momentum of the system, given by the dynamical variables that are generators of translations in space and time and which close the Poincar\'e algebra, are additive magnitudes. From this it results that the rest energy (mass) of a composite object does not have an upper limit, as opposed to a single component particle which does.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, AIP Conf. Pro

    Evolutionary dynamics of phenotype-structured populations: from individual-level mechanisms to population-level consequences

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    Epigenetic mechanisms are increasingly recognised as integral to the adaptation of species that face environmental changes. In particular, empirical work has provided important insights into the contribution of epigenetic mechanisms to the persistence of clonal species, from which a number of verbal explanations have emerged that are suited to logical testing by proof-of-concept mathematical models. Here, we present a stochastic agent-based model and a related deterministic integrodifferential equation model for the evolution of a phenotype-structured population composed of asexually-reproducing and competing organisms which are exposed to novel environmental conditions. This setting has relevance to the study of biological systems where colonising asexual populations must survive and rapidly adapt to hostile environments, like pathogenesis, invasion and tumour metastasis. We explore how evolution might proceed when epigenetic variation in gene expression can change the reproductive capacity of individuals within the population in the new environment. Simulations and analyses of our models clarify the conditions under which certain evolutionary paths are possible and illustrate that while epigenetic mechanisms may facilitate adaptation in asexual species faced with environmental change, they can also lead to a type of “epigenetic load” and contribute to extinction. Moreover, our results offer a formal basis for the claim that constant environments favour individuals with low rates of stochastic phenotypic variation. Finally, our model provides a “proof of concept” of the verbal hypothesis that phenotypic stability is a key driver in rescuing the adaptive potential of an asexual lineage and supports the notion that intense selection pressure can, to an extent, offset the deleterious effects of high phenotypic instability and biased epimutations, and steer an asexual population back from the brink of an evolutionary dead end

    Dissecting the dynamics of epigenetic changes in phenotype-structured populations exposed to fluctuating environments

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    An enduring puzzle in evolutionary biology is to understand how individuals and populations adapt to fluctuating environments. Here we present an integro-differential model of adaptive dynamics in a phenotype-structured population whose fitness landscape evolves in time due to periodic environmental oscillations. The analytical tractability of our model allows for a systematic investigation of the relative contributions of heritable variations in gene expression, environmental changes and natural selection as drivers of phenotypic adaptation. We show that environmental fluctuations can induce the population to enter an unstable and fluctuation-driven epigenetic state. We demonstrate that this can trigger the emergence of oscillations in the size of the population, and we establish a full characterisation of such oscillations. Moreover, the results of our analyses provide a formal basis for the claim that higher rates of epimutations can bring about higher levels of intrapopulation heterogeneity, whilst intense selection pressures can deplete variation in the phenotypic pool of asexual populations. Finally, our work illustrates how the dynamics of the population size is led by a strong synergism between the rate of phenotypic variation and the frequency of environmental oscillations, and identifies possible ecological conditions that promote the maximisation of the population size in fluctuating environments

    The illness trajectory in Marilyn Monroe‘s psychological autopsy: from autism spectrum disorder to borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder with catatonia

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    Objective: A mounting body of literature is showing that, in the clinical and general population, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autistic traits (ATs) would appear to be spread along a continuum, reaching the highest levels among individuals affected by other mental disorders, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Furthermore, individuals with ASD or ATs appear to be more vulnerable to psychological traumas, with greater likelihood of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and BD. Marilyn Monroe was a famous actress, singer and model, as well as one of the most admired stars of American cinema and a timeless icon. The present report debates the possibility to explore Marilyn Monroe’s case under a neurodevelopmental perspective according to which a ASD favored, on one hand, her worldwide success and, on the other, her mental illness trajectory. Method: The analysis is based on the review of her four biographies written by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, her complete filmography, interviews, filmed material and personal scripts. Results: The present work reconstructed a hypothetical illness trajectory originating from a ASD and culminating in a BD with unspecified catatonia, followed by premature death whose cause has never been clarified. The description of this illness trajectory also confirms the strong impact of psychological traumas on the substrate of ASD vulnerability and its correlation with the development of BPD and BD. Conclusions: This paper suggests Marilyn Monroe as a possible prototypical case of BPD under a neurodevelopmental perspective that accounts the ASD, as reported in DSM-5-TR (2022), in verbal adult without intellectual impairment, high-functioning autism (HFA), as vulnerability background predisposing to the progression to BPD and BD with unspecified catatonia, triggered by multiple traumas

    Testing the nature of S0 galaxies using planetary nebula kinematics in NGC 1023

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    We investigate the manner in which lenticular galaxies are formed by studying their stellar kinematics: an S0 formed from a fading spiral galaxy should display similar cold outer disc kinematics to its progenitor, while an S0 formed in a minor merger should be more dominated by random motions. In a pilot study to attempt to distinguish between these scenarios, we have measured the planetary nebula (PN) kinematics of the nearby S0 system NGC 1023. Using the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph, we have detected and measured the line-of-sight velocities of 204 candidate PNe in the field of this galaxy. Out to intermediate radii, the system displays the kinematics of a normal rotationally-supported disc system. After correction of its rotational velocities for asymmetric drift, the galaxy lies just below the spiral galaxy Tully-Fisher relation, as one would expect for a fading system. However, at larger radii the kinematics undergo a gradual but major transition to random motion with little rotation. This transition does not seem to reflect a change in the viewing geometry or the presence of a distinct halo component, since the number counts of PNe follow the same simple exponential decline as the stellar continuum with the same projected disc ellipticity out to large radii. The galaxy's small companion, NGC 1023A, does not seem to be large enough to have caused the observed modification either. This combination of properties would seem to indicate a complex evolutionary history in either the transition to form an S0 or in the past life of the spiral galaxy from which the S0 formed. More data sets of this type from both spirals and S0s are needed in order to definitively determine the relationship between these types of system.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version with full resolution figure 1 can be found at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ppzmrm/N1023_PNS.accepted.pd

    Dark-Matter Content of Early-Type Galaxies with Planetary Nebulae

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    We examine the dark matter properties of nearby early-type galaxies using planetary nebulae (PNe) as mass probes. We have designed a specialised instrument, the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph (PN.S) operating at the William Herschel telescope, with the purpose of measuring PN velocities with best efficiency. The primary scientific objective of this custom-built instrument is the study of the PN kinematics in 12 ordinary round galaxies. Preliminary results showing a dearth of dark matter in ordinary galaxies (Romanowsky et al. 2003) are now confirmed by the first complete PN.S datasets. On the other hand early-type galaxies with a "regular" dark matter content are starting to be observed among the brighter PN.S target sample, thus confirming a correlation between the global dark-to-luminous mass virial ratio (f_DM=M_DM/M_star) and the galaxy luminosity and mass.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 244 "Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons", Cardiff 25-29 June 2007, eds. J.I. Davies & M.J. Disne

    Reclassification of ICD-9 Codes into Meaningful Categories for Oncology Survivorship Research

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    Background. The International Classification of Disease, ninth revision (ICD-9) is designed to code disease into categories which are placed into administrative databases. These databases have been used for epidemiological studies. However, the categories used in the ICD9-codes are not always the most effective for evaluating specific diseases or their outcomes, such as the outcomes of cancer treatment. Therefore a re-classification of the ICD-9 codes into new categories specific to cancer outcomes is needed. Methods. An expert panel comprised of two physicians created broad categories that would be most useful to researchers investigating outcomes and morbidities associated with the treatment of cancer. A Senior Data Coordinator with expertise in ICD-9 coding, then joined this panel and each code was re-classified into the new categories. Results. Consensus was achieved for the categories to go from the 17 categories in ICD-9 to 39 categories. The ICD-9 Codes were placed into new categories, and subcategories were also created for more specific outcomes. The results of this re-classification is available in tabular form. Conclusions. ICD-9 codes were re-classified by group consensus into categories that are designed for oncology survivorship research. The novel re-classification system can be used by those involved in cancer survivorship research

    Visible and near-infrared observations of asteroid 2012 DA14 during its closest approach of February 15, 2013

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    Near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 made its closest approach on February 15, 2013, when it passed at a distance of 27,700 km from the Earth's surface. It was the first time an asteroid of moderate size was predicted to approach that close to the Earth, becoming bright enough to permit a detailed study from ground-based telescopes. Asteroid 2012 DA14 was poorly characterized before its closest approach. We acquired data using several telescopes on four Spanish observatories: the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the 3.6m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), both in the El Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM, La Palma); the 2.2m CAHA telescope, in the Calar Alto Observatory (Almeria); the f/3 0.77m telescope in the La Hita Observatory (Toledo); and the f/8 1.5m telescope in the Sierra Nevada Observatory (OSN, Granada). We obtained visible and near-infrared color photometry, visible spectra and time-series photometry. Visible spectra together with color photometry of 2012 DA14 show that it can be classified as an L-type asteroid, a rare spectral type with a composition similar to that of carbonaceous chondrites. The time-series photometry provides a rotational period of 8.95 +- 0.08 hours after the closest approach, and there are indications that the object suffered a spin-up during this event. The large amplitude of the light curve suggests that the object is very elongated and irregular, with an equivalent diameter of around 18m. We obtain an absolute magnitude of H_R = 24.5 +- 0.2, corresponding to H_V = 25.0 +- 0.2. The GTC photometry also gives H_V = 25.29 +- 0.14. Both values agree with the value listed at the Minor Planet Center shortly after discovery. From the absolute photometry, together with some constraints on size and shape, we compute a geometric albedo of p_V = 0.44 +- 0.20, which is slightly above the range of albedos known for L-type asteroids (0.082 - 0.405).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted in A&A (June 17 2013

    Immediate vs. delayed placement of immediately provisionalized self-tapping implants: a non-randomized controlled clinical trial with 1 year of follow-up

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    This study aimed to examine the clinical and esthetic outcomes of immediately provisionalized self-tapping implants placed in extraction sockets or healed edentulous ridges one year after treatment. Sixty patients in need of a single implant-supported restoration were treated with self-tapping implants (Straumann BLX) and immediate provisionalization. The implant stability quotient (ISQ) and insertion torque were recorded intraoperatively. After one year in function, the implant and prosthesis survival rate, pink esthetic score (PES), white esthetic score (WES), and marginal bone levels (MBL) were assessed. Sixty patients received 60 self-tapping implants. A total of 37 implants were placed in extraction sockets and 23 in edentulous ridges, and then all implants were immediately provisionalized. All implants achieved a high implant stability with a mean insertion torque and ISQ value of 58.1 ± 14.1 Ncm and 73.6 ± 8.1 Ncm, respectively. No significant differences were found between healed vs. post-extractive sockets (p = 0.716 and p = 0.875), or between flap vs. flapless approaches (p = 0.862 and p = 0.228) with regards to the insertion torque and ISQ value. Nonetheless, higher insertion torque values and ISQs were recorded for mandibular implants (maxilla vs. mandible, insertion torque: 55.30 + 11.25 Ncm vs. 62.41 + 17.01 Ncm, p = 0.057; ISQ: 72.05 + 8.27 vs. 76.08 + 7.37, p = 0.058). One implant did not osseointegrate, resulting in an implant survival rate of 98.3%. All implants achieved PES and WES scores higher than 12 at the 1-year follow-up. The clinical use of newly designed self-tapping implants with immediate temporization was safe and predictable. The implants achieved a good primary stability, high implant survival rate, and favorable radiographic and esthetic outcomes, regardless of the immediate or delayed placement protocols

    Emergence of Drug Tolerance in Cancer Cell Populations: An Evolutionary Outcome of Selection, Nongenetic Instability, and Stress-Induced Adaptation

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    In recent experiments on isogenetic cancer cell lines, it was observed that exposure to high doses of anticancer drugs can induce the emergence of a subpopulation of weakly proliferative and drug-tolerant cells, which display markers associated with stem cell-like cancer cells. After a period of time, some of the surviving cells were observed to change their phenotype to resume normal proliferation and eventually repopulate the sample. Furthermore, the drug-tolerant cells could be drug resensitized following drug washout. Here, we propose a theoretical mechanism for the transient emergence of such drug tolerance. In this framework, we formulate an individual-based model and an integro-differential equation model of reversible phenotypic evolution in a cell population exposed to cytotoxic drugs. The outcomes of both models suggest that nongenetic instability, stress-induced adaptation, selection, and the interplay between these mechanisms can push an actively proliferating cell population to transition into a weakly proliferative and drug-tolerant state. Hence, the cell population experiences much less stress in the presence of the drugs and, in the long run, reacquires a proliferative phenotype, due to phenotypic fluctuations and selection pressure. These mechanisms can also reverse epigenetic drug tolerance following drug washout. Our study highlights how the transient appearance of the weakly proliferative and drug-tolerant cells is related to the use of high-dose therapy. Furthermore, we show how stem-like characteristics can act to stabilize the transient, weakly proliferative, and drug-tolerant subpopulation for a longer time window. Finally, using our models as in silico laboratories, we propose new testable hypotheses that could help uncover general principles underlying the emergence of cancer drug tolerance