2,222 research outputs found

    Amplifying Marginal Voices of the Global Movement for Deeper Learning: A Case Study of a Rural K-12 Mission School in Cambodia

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    Several paradigms have been developed to define what constitutes deeper learning, how to foster it, and what desired outcomes or competencies can result from it. Much of the literature, however, has been based on studies in economically developed Western countries. There has been little, if any, that is based on developing country settings where culture and context can account for differences in the manner of promoting deeper learning. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of learners in the Mudita Mission School (MMS; pseudonym), a K-12 school in a rural part of northern Cambodia, and investigated how deeper learning was enacted, valued, and fostered there. It also examined challenges and opportunities for promoting deeper learning faced by the school. This study sought to contribute to the global movements for deeper learning by highlighting voices from marginalized communities, thus expanding the conceptual frameworks which have been exclusive of experiences of students and educators in impoverished country contexts. This study also sought to contribute to the literature that informs Cambodian educational reform. Study findings suggest that fostering eco-humanistic value-systems and respect for Khmer culture scaffold arcs of deeper learning in the MMS, and that several innovative pedagogical practices uncommon to many rural schools in Cambodia were transforming the educational experiences of students there. Based on the findings, the author proposes a theory of Epistemologies of Deeper Learning to complement frameworks in the literature

    Effects of Wind Field Inhomogeneities on Doppler Beam Swinging Revealed by an Imaging Radar

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    In this work, the accuracy of the Doppler beam-swinging (DBS) technique for wind measurements is studied using an imaging radar—the turbulent eddy profiler (TEP) developed by the University of Mas- sachusetts, with data collected in summer 2003. With up to 64 independent receivers, and using coherent radar imaging (CRI), several hundred partially independent beams can be formed simultaneously within the volume defined by the transmit beam. By selecting a subset of these beams, an unprecedented number of DBS configurations with varying zenith angle, azimuth angle, and number of beams can be investigated. The angular distributions of echo power and radial velocity obtained by CRI provide a unique opportunity to validate the inherent assumption in the DBS method of homogeneity across the region defined by the beam directions. Through comparison with a reference wind field, calculated as the optimal uniform wind field derived from all CRI beams with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the accuracy of the wind estimates for various DBS configurations is statistically analyzed. It is shown that for a three-beam DBS configura- tion, although the validity of the homogeneity assumption is enhanced at smaller zenith angles, the root- mean-square (RMS) error increases because of the ill-conditioned matrix in the DBS algorithm. As ex- pected, inhomogeneities in the wind field produce large bias for the three-beam DBS configuration for large zenith angles. An optimal zenith angle, in terms of RMS error, of approximately 9°–10° was estimated. It is further shown that RMS error can be significantly reduced by increasing the number of off-vertical beams used for the DBS processing

    Non linear equation of state and effective phantom divide in brane models

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    Here, DGP model of brane-gravity is analyzed and compared with the standard general relativity and Randall-Sundrum cases using non-linear equation of state. Phantom fluid is known to violate the weak energy condition. In this paper, it is found that this characteristic of phantom energy is affected drastically by the negative brane-tension λ\lambda of the RS-II model. It is found that in DGP model strong energy condition(SEC) is always violated and the universe accelerates only where as in RS-II model even SEC is not violated for 1<ρ/λ<21 < \rho/\lambda < 2 and the universe decelerates

    Geometry and material effects in Casimir physics - Scattering theory

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    We give a comprehensive presentation of methods for calculating the Casimir force to arbitrary accuracy, for any number of objects, arbitrary shapes, susceptibility functions, and separations. The technique is applicable to objects immersed in media other than vacuum, to nonzero temperatures, and to spatial arrangements in which one object is enclosed in another. Our method combines each object's classical electromagnetic scattering amplitude with universal translation matrices, which convert between the bases used to calculate scattering for each object, but are otherwise independent of the details of the individual objects. This approach, which combines methods of statistical physics and scattering theory, is well suited to analyze many diverse phenomena. We illustrate its power and versatility by a number of examples, which show how the interplay of geometry and material properties helps to understand and control Casimir forces. We also examine whether electrodynamic Casimir forces can lead to stable levitation. Neglecting permeabilities, we prove that any equilibrium position of objects subject to such forces is unstable if the permittivities of all objects are higher or lower than that of the enveloping medium; the former being the generic case for ordinary materials in vacuum.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, to appear in upcoming Lecture Notes in Physics volume in Casimir physic

    Defining the origins of multiple emission/excitation in rhenium-bisthiazole complexes

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    The underlying mechanism of the unusual emissive behavior of [Re(CO) 3 -1,1-bis-4-thiazole-(1,4)-diaminobutane)] bromide (4-BT) has been investigated. Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of structurally similar isomers ([Re(CO) 3 -1,1-bis-2-thiazole-(1,4)-diaminobutane)] bromide (2-BT)) and the location of triplet states, solid state and low temperature spectroscopic measurements, and DFT calculations show that the photophysical properties are not due to photoisomerization as previously hypothesized. The results show that the unusual emissive behavior is not observed in structural isomers, is specific to the previously reported complex, 4-BT, and may arise from vibrational energy relaxation and vibrational cooling. Translation of the unusual emissive behavior to the solid state offers an interesting platform allowing this complex to be potentially utilized as a probe, sensor or photonic device

    Kinetics of plasma cell‐free DNA and creatine kinase in a canine model of tissue injury

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    Background: Cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) comprises short, double‐stranded circulating DNA sequences released from damaged cells. In people, cfDNA concentrations correlate well with disease severity and tissue damage. No reports are available regarding cfDNA kinetics in dogs. Objectives/Hypothesis: Cell‐free DNA will have a short biological half‐life and would be able to stratify mild, moderate, and severe tissue injury. Our study aims were to determine the kinetics and biological half‐life of cfDNA and to contrast them with those of creatine kinase (CK). Animals: Three groups of 10 dogs undergoing open ovariohysterectomy, surgery for cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR), or hemilaminectomy. Methods: Plasma for cfDNA and CK analysis was collected at admission, at induction of anesthesia, postsurgery (time 0) and at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 hours after surgery. Results: The biological half‐life of plasma cfDNA and CK were 5.64 hours (95% confidence interval [CI 95], 4.36–7.98 hours) and 28.7 hours (CI95, 25.3–33.3 hours), respectively. In the hemilaminectomy group, cfDNA concentrations differed significantly from admission at 6–12 hours after surgery. Creatine kinase activity differed among the surgical groups and reached a peak 6 hours after surgery. In the ovariohysterectomy and CCLR groups, plasma CK activity 72 hours after surgery did not differ from admission activity of the ovariohysterectomy group. In contrast, in the hemilaminectomy group, plasma CK activity after 72 hours did not return to the ovariohysterectomy group admission activity. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Plasma CK activity has a longer biological half‐life than previously thought. In contrast to plasma CK activity, cfDNA has a short half‐life and could be a useful marker for peracute severe tissue injury

    Generalised second law of thermodynamics for interacting dark energy in the DGP brane world

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    In this paper, we investigate the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) in the DGP brane world when universe is filled with interacting two fluid system: one in the form of cold dark matter and other is holographic dark energy. The boundary of the universe is assumed to be enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon or the event horizon. The universe is chosen to be homogeneous and isotropic FRW model and the validity of the first law has been assumed here
