1,016 research outputs found

    Cell walls of the dimorphic fungal pathogens Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis exhibit bilaminate structures and sloughing of extensive and intact layers

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    This work was supported by the Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), grants E-26/202.974/2015 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grants 229755/2013-5, Brazil. LMLB is a senior research fellow of CNPq and Faperj. NG acknowledged support from the Wellcome Trust (Trust (097377, 101873, 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    How portuguese and american teachers plan for literacy instruction

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    This study explored American and Portuguese elementary teachers' preferences in planning for literacy instruction using the Language Arts Activity Grid (LAAG; Cunningham, Zibulsky, Stanovich, & Stanovich, 2009), on which teachers described their preferred instructional activities for a hypothetical 2-h language arts block. Portuguese teachers (N = 186) completed Portuguese versions of a background questionnaire and LAAG electronically, in Survey Monkey; American teachers (N = 102) completed identical English measures using paper and pencil. Results showed that teachers in both groups usually addressed comprehension and reading fluency on their LAAGs and that they also allocated the most time to these two areas. However, American teachers were more likely to include teacher-directed fluency activities, whereas Portuguese teachers were more likely to include fluency activities that were not teacher directed. Significantly more American than Portuguese teachers addressed phonics in their planning, whereas significantly more Portuguese than American teachers addressed writing processes such as revision. Both groups of educators demonstrated large variability in planning, with many teachers omitting important components of literacy identified by researchers, for writing as well as reading. The study highlights the importance of providing teachers with comprehensive, research-based core literacy curricula as well as professional development on key components of literacy. Study findings also suggest significant relationships between orthographic transparency and teachers' instructional planning.This research was supported by a 2-year grant from the Foundation Francisco Manuel dos Santos in Portugal as well as by a Connecticut State University research grant in the U.S.A. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to these funding agencies as well as to the teachers and school districts who participated in the study and sent messages of interest about our research. In addition, warm thanks to our research assistants for their help with data collection, coding, and analysis, and to Anne Cunningham for providing us with inspiration as well as guidance in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors Influencing Performance of Cholangioscopy-Guided Lithotripsy Including Available Different Technologies: A Prospective Multicenter Study with 94 Patients

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    Background: Peroral cholangioscopy (POC)-guided lithotripsy is an effective treatment for difficult biliary stones. A clear definition of factors associated with the efficacy of POC-guided lithotripsy in one session and the performance of electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) and laser lithotripsy (LL) have not clearly emerged. Methods: This was a non-randomized prospective multicenter study of all consecutive patients who underwent POC lithotripsy (using EHL and/or LL) for difficult biliary stones. The primary endpoint of the study was the number of sessions needed to achieve complete ductal clearance and the factors associated with this outcome. Secondary endpoints included the evaluated efficacies of LL and EHL. Results: Ninety-four patients underwent 113 procedures of EHL or LL. Complete ductal clearance was obtained in 93/94 patients (98.94%). In total, 80/94 patients (85.11%) achieved stone clearance in a single session. In the multivariate analysis, stone size was independently associated with the need for multiple sessions to achieve complete ductal clearance (odds ratio = 1.146, 95% confidence interval: 1.055-1.244; p = 0.001). Using ROC curves and the Youden index, 22 mm was found to be the optimal cutoff for stone size (95% confidence interval: 15.71-28.28; p < 0.001). The majority of the patients (62.8%) underwent LL in the first session. Six patients failed the first session with EHL after using two probes and therefore were crossed over to LL, obtaining ductal clearance in a single additional session with a single LL fiber. EHL was significantly associated with a larger number of probes (2.0 vs. 1.02) to achieve ductal clearance (p < 0.01). The mean procedural time was significantly longer for EHL than for LL [72.1 (SD 16.3 min) versus 51.1 (SD 10.5 min)] (p < 0.01). Conclusions: POC is highly effective for difficult biliary stones. Most patients achieved complete ductal clearance in one session, which was significantly more likely for stones < 22 mm. EHL was significantly associated with the need for more probes and a longer procedural time to achieve ductal clearance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Male Uro-Rectal Iatrogenic Fistula Treatment in Pelvic Tumours: A National Multi-Institutional Study

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    Introdução: As fístulas uro-rectais (FUR) constituem uma complicação devastadora do tratamento de tumores pélvicos e um desafio cirúrgico para o cirurgião reconstrutivo. Contudo, apesar da sua crescente incidência associada a uma utilização cada vez mais frequente das diferentes modalidades não-cirúrgicas, especialmente de radioterapia, com ou sem cirurgia, para o tratamento de tumores pélvicos, a fístula urorectal permanece relativamente rara. Dada a elevada improbabilidade do encerramento espontâneo da fístula uro-rectal, a correcção cirúrgica torna-se necessária na quase totalidade dos casos. Apesar da existência de várias técnicas cirúrgicas, as taxas de falência/recorrência são habitualmente elevadas, particularmente em fístulas rádicas. Descrevemos neste estudo a nossa experiência limitada no tratamento de fístulas urorectais resultantes de tratamentos de tumores pélvicos (aparelho urinário inferior e recto). Métodos: Entre Outubro de 2008 e Fevereiro de 2015, foram identificados 12 pacientes do sexo masculino com fístula urorectal e tratados nas nossas instituições. Foi efectuada revisão dos processos clínicos dos pacientes, incluindo a idade, sintomas, presença de comorbilidades, marcha diagnóstica, tipo e etiologia da fístula, tipo de reconstrução cirúrgica, follow-up e resultados. Foram excluídos do estudo todos os pacientes com fístula não-neoplásica/inflamatória. Resultados: Foram identificados e tratados 12 pacientes nas nossas instituições. Um dos pacientes, após ressecção anterior do recto, desenvolveu metástases ganglionares e hepáticas 4 meses após o diagnóstico da fístula urorectal, durante tratamento médico/antibiótico de abcesso pélvico e sua resolução após drenagem e, consequentemente, foi excluído do tratamento cirúrgico e do estudo. A idade média dos doentes era de 68 anos (53 – 78). Nove pacientes desenvolveram fístula uro-rectal após terapêutica de carcinoma da próstata): Dois após braquiterapia de baixa dosagem combinada com radioterapia externa; cinco após prostatectomia radical retropúbica (PRR), com radioterapia externa adjuvante em um; um após braquiterapia de baixa dosagem seguida de ressecção transuretral por obstrução prostática; e um após ultra-som focalizado de alta intensidade e radioterapia externa. Em dois pacientes, a fístula resultou de tratamento cirúrgico de carcinoma rectal, associado a radioterapia externa em um deles. Foi efectuada em todos os pacientes derivação fecal com colostomia e derivação urinária, ou com cateterização suprapúbica, ou com cateterização uretral durante o período de espera para a reconstrução cirúrgica. Não houve encerramento espontâneo de fístula urorectal em nenhum paciente. Onze pacientes foram submetidos a reconstrução cirúrgica. Foi utilizada abordagem exclusivamente perineal em sete doentes e abdominoperineal em quatro. Obteve-se encerramento eficaz da fístula em seis pacientes à primeira tentativa cirúrgica, dois doentes necessitaram uma segunda tentativa, enquanto que em um doente foram necessárias três tentativas cirúrgicas (duas delas em outras instituições) de forma a atingir um resultado com sucesso. Ocorreu falência cirúrgica em dois doentes, os quais, actualmente, não desejam qualquer tentativa reconstrutiva adicional. Estes dois doentes e um doente, em quem a reconstrução foi eficaz, permanecem ainda com colostomia. O tempo médio de follow- -up foi de 25,5 meses (3-75). Conclusão: As fístulas uro-rectais são uma complicação pouco frequente, mas devastadora, do tratamento dos tumores pélvicos, habitualmente associada com morbilidade debilitante e degradação da qualidade de vida. Embora a sua reconstrução cirúrgica possa ser extremamente difícil, ela é possível com sucesso na maioria dos casos através de uma abordagem perineal ou abdominoperineal agressiva e interposição de tecidos, quando indicada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation acutely improves spontaneous cardiac baroreflex sensitivity in healthy young men: A randomized placebo-controlled trial

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    Background Despite positive outcomes of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) via the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN), the mechanisms underlying these outcomes remain unclear. Additionally, previous studies have not been controlled the possible placebo effects of tVNS. Objective To test the hypothesis that tVNS acutely improves spontaneous cardiac baroreflex sensitivity (cBRS) and autonomic modulation, and that these effects are specific to stimulation of ABVN. Methods Thirteen healthy men (23±1yrs) were randomized across three experimental visits. In active tVNS, electrodes were placed on the tragus of the ear and electrical current was applied by using a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device. A time-control visit was performed with the electrodes placed on tragus, but no current was applied (sham-T). Additionally, to avoid a placebo effect, another sham protocol was performed with same electrical current of the active visit, but the electrodes were placed on the ear lobe (an area without cutaneous nerve endings from the vagus – tLS). Beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were monitored at rest, during stimulation (active, sham-T and tLS) and recovery. cBRS was measured via sequence technique. Both HR (HRV) and BP variability (BPV) were also measured. Results Arterial BP and BPV were not affected by any active or sham protocols (P&gt;0.05). Resting HR and LF/HF ratio of HRV decreased (Δ–3.4±1% and Δ–15±12%, P&lt;0.05, respectively) and cBRS increased (Δ24±8%, P&lt;0.05) during active tVNS, but were unchanged during both sham protocols. Conclusion tVNS acutely improves cBRS and autonomic modulation in healthy young men

    The Inviscid Limit and Boundary Layers for Navier-Stokes Flows

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    The validity of the vanishing viscosity limit, that is, whether solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations modeling viscous incompressible flows converge to solutions of the Euler equations modeling inviscid incompressible flows as viscosity approaches zero, is one of the most fundamental issues in mathematical fluid mechanics. The problem is classified into two categories: the case when the physical boundary is absent, and the case when the physical boundary is present and the effect of the boundary layer becomes significant. The aim of this article is to review recent progress on the mathematical analysis of this problem in each category.Comment: To appear in "Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids", Y. Giga and A. Novotn\'y Ed., Springer. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    A nanocommunication system for endocrine diseases

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    Nanotechnology is a newand very promising area of research which will allow several new applications to be created in different fields, such as, biological, medical, environmental, military, agricultural, industrial and consumer goods. This paper focuses specifically on nanocommunications, which will allow interconnected devices, at the nano-scale, to achieve collaborative tasks, greatly changing the paradigm in the fields described. Molecular communication is a new communication paradigm which allows nanomachines to exchange information using molecules as carrier. This is the most promising nanocommunication method within nanonetworks, since it can use bio-inspired techniques, inherit from studied biological systems, which makes the connection of biologic and man-made systems a easier process. At this point, the biggest challenges in these type of nanocommunication are to establish feasible and reliable techniques that will allow information to be encoded, and mechanisms that ensure a molecular communication between different nodes. This paper focus on creating concepts and techniques to tackle these challenges, and establishing new foundations on which future work can be developed. The created concepts and techniques are then applied in an envisioned medical application, which is based on a molecular nanonetwork deployed inside the Human body. The goal of this medical application is to automatously monitor endocrine diseases using the benefits of nanonetworks, which in turn connects with the internet, thus creating a Internet of NanoThings system. The concepts and techniques developed are evaluated by performing several simulations and comparing with other researches, and the results and discussions are presented on the later sections of this paper