1,493 research outputs found

    Anomaly Cancellation in Supergravity with Fayet-Iliopoulos Couplings

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    We review and clarify the cancellation conditions for gauge anomalies which occur when N=1, D=4 supergravity is coupled to a Kahler non-linear sigma-model with gauged isometries and Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings. For a flat sigma-model target space and vanishing Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings, consistency requires just the conventional anomaly cancellation conditions. A consistent model with non-vanishing Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings is unlikely unless the Green-Schwarz mechanism is used. In this case the U(1) gauge boson becomes massive and the D-term potential receives corrections. A Green-Schwarz mechanism can remove both the abelian and certain non-abelian anomalies in models with a gauge non-invariant Kahler potential.Comment: 27 page

    Travelling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation II

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a rigorous mathematical proof of the existence of travelling wave solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in dimensions two and three. Our arguments, based on minimization under constraints, yield a full branch of solutions, and extend earlier results, where only a part of the branch was built. In dimension three, we also show that there are no travelling wave solutions of small energy.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physics with a few minor corrections and added remark

    Video games are exciting: a European study of videogame‐induced seizures and epilepsy.

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    Epileptic Disord. 2002 Jun;4(2):121-8. Video games are exciting: a European study of video game-induced seizures and epilepsy. Kasteleijn-Nolst TrenitĂ© DG, Martins da Silva A, Ricci S, Rubboli G, Tassinari CA, Lopes J, Bettencourt M, Oosting J, Segers JP. Department of Neurology, Medical Centre Alkmaar, PO Box 501, 1800 AM, The Netherlands. [email protected] Abstract BACKGROUND: Video game seizures have been reported in photosensitive and non-photosensitive patients with epilepsy. The game Super Mario World, has led to many cases of first seizures. We examined whether this game was indeed more provocative than other programs and whether playing the game added to this effect. METHODS: We prospectively investigated 352 patients in four European cities, using a standard protocol including testing of a variety of visual stimuli. We correlated historical data on provocative factors in daily life with electroencephalographic laboratory findings. RESULTS: The video game, Super Mario World proved more epileptogenic than standard TV programs and as provocative as programs with flashing lights and patterns. Most striking was the fact that video game-viewing and-playing on the 50 and 100 Hz TV was significantly more provocative than viewing the standard program (P < 0.001, P < 0.05 respectively). Playing the video game Mario World on a 50 Hz TV, appeared to be significantly more provocative than playing this game on the 100 Hz TV (P < 0.001). Of 163 patients with a history of TV-, VG- or CG-seizures, 85% of them showed epileptiform discharges in response to photic stimulation, 44% to patterns, 59% to 50 Hz TV and 29% to 100 Hz TV. CONCLUSIONS: Children and adolescents with a history of video game seizures are, in the vast majority, photosensitive and should be investigated with standardised photic stimulation. Games and programs with bright background or flashing images are specifically provocative. Playing a video game on a 100 Hz TV is less provocative [published with videosequences]. PMID: 12105074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Corpo, maturação biológica e actividade física: um olhar interactivo em crianças e jovens madeirenses

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    Cada vez mais a sociedade moderna Ă© olhada atravĂ©s da sua condição fĂ­sica, enquanto factor de bem-estar, saĂșde, qualidade de vida e longevidade dos seus membros. Os indicadores demogrĂĄficos actuais da população madeirense apontam no sentido de uma considerĂĄvel componente juvenil, adolescente e jovem. No entanto, a evolução demogrĂĄfica prevista, decorrente de um acentuado decrĂ©scimo da natalidade, leva a prever um comportamento diverso da pirĂąmide de idades, assumindo particular ĂȘnfase as questĂ”es relacionadas com o estudo e a investigação do corpo, a procura de padrĂ”es, a descrição normativa, a interpretação das mudanças e o espaço morfolĂłgico externo, que se vem enquadrar no territĂłrio de investigação reservado Ă  somatotipologia

    Designing difficult office space allocation problem instances with mathematical programming

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    Office space allocation (OSA) refers to the assignment of room space to a set of entities (people, machines, roles, etc.), with the goal of optimising the space utilisation while satisfying a set of additional constraints. In this paper, a mathematical programming approach is developed to model and generate test instances for this difficult and important combinatorial optimisation problem. Systematic experimentation is then carried out to study the difficulty of the generated test instances when the parameters for adjusting space misuse (overuse and underuse) and constraint violations are subject to variation. The results show that the difficulty of solving OSA problem instances can be greatly affected by the value of these parameters

    Viabilidade de uso do hĂ­brido Hawaii 7996 como porta-enxerto de cultuvares comerciais de tomate.

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    A tĂ©cnica de enxertia Ă© utilizada em algumas hortaliças, principalmente em ĂĄreas infestadas, para atribuir resistĂȘncia a patĂłgenos do solo, minimizando as perdas de produção de cultivares suscetĂ­veis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade de plantas de tomateiro enxertadas em hĂ­brido, tido como resistente a Ralstonia solanacearum, em comparação a pĂ©s-francos. O experimento foi desenvolvido em viveiro (produção de mudas e enxertia) e em cĂ©u aberto, no municĂ­pio de Cruz das Almas, Bahia, no perĂ­odo de outubro de 2003 a fevereiro de 2004. Utilizou-se o mĂ©todo de enxertia de fenda cheia, com o hĂ­brido ‘Hawaii 7996’ como porta-enxerto e as cultivares Santa Clara, Santa Cruz Kada e DĂ©bora Plus, suscetĂ­veis a R. solanacearum, como enxerto. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos (3 enxertados e 3 pĂ©s-francos), 5 repetiçÔes e 6 plantas por parcela Ăștil. Avaliaram-se os caracteres: diĂąmetro do caule, altura da planta e da primeira inflorescĂȘncia, distĂąncia entre inflorescĂȘncias e produtividade comercial de frutos. O desenvolvimento das plantas, a produção total e a massa mĂ©dia dos frutos foram semelhantes para os tratamentos enxertados em relação a seus respectivos pĂ©s-francos e nĂŁo houve incompatibilidade entre porta-enxerto e enxerto. A cultivar Santa Cruz Kada foi mais sensĂ­vel Ă s condiçÔes agroecolĂłgicas do municĂ­pio de Cruz das Almas, refletindo negativamente na produção e no peso mĂ©dio dos frutos. Observou-se na enxertia com o hĂ­brido ‘Hawaii 7996’ potencial para viabilizar a produção de tomateiros comerciais suscetĂ­veis Ă  murcha bacteriana, em ĂĄreas infestadas com R. solanacearum

    Traveling waves for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with nonzero conditions at infinity, II

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    We prove the existence of nontrivial finite energy traveling waves for a large class of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with nonzero conditions at infinity (includindg the Gross-Pitaevskii and the so-called "cubic-quintic" equations) in space dimension N≄2 N \geq 2. We show that minimization of the energy at fixed momentum can be used whenever the associated nonlinear potential is nonnegative and it gives a set of orbitally stable traveling waves, while minimization of the action at constant kinetic energy can be used in all cases. We also explore the relationship between the families of traveling waves obtained by different methods and we prove a sharp nonexistence result for traveling waves with small energy.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in the {\it Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.} The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00205-017-1131-
