6 research outputs found

    List of types of Erotylidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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    A list of 228 types of 79 species of erotylids (Insecta, Coleoptera, Erotylidae - including the Languriinae) of the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo and the data on their labels are presented.Uma lista de 228 tipos de 79 espécies de erotilídeos (Insecta, Coleoptera, Erotylidae - incluindo os Languriinae) da coleção do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo e os dados em seus rótulos são apresentados.(CAPES) Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personne

    Mycolybas rufipennis Guerin 1956

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    Mycolybas rufipennis Guérin, 1956 (Fig. 8, 9, 17, 18, 20, 23, 53, 54, 59) Mycolybas rufipennis Guérin, 1956: 63; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.]. Holotype: Brazil—Amazonas: Manaus, J. Guérin col., J. Guérin det. 1954 (MZSP—examined). Etymology: rufus— reddish brown, Greek, and pennis— wing, Greek. Epithet refers to reddish brown elytra (Guérin 1956). Diagnosis: elytra ruby scarlet (RS- 5 - 3 °), head and pronotum dark brown (S- 1-12 °— fig. 8). Seven elytral striae, the most external absent on anterior third, punctation diameter ~0.02 mm (fig. 53, 54). Pronotal median lobe not truncate at scutellum, scutellum dark brown (fig. 8, 18); prosternal suture incomplete (fig. 9, 59); sternum, legs and abdomen dark brown (fig. 9); meso- and metacoxal lines present (fig. 59). Redescription: Length: 8 mm; thorax-abdomen: r = 0.4. Body ovoid (fig. 8, 16), strongly convex (fig. 12, 17). Elytral pubescence absent. Head (fig. 20): antennae (fig. 23) dark brown; club wide, flattened, with three antennomeres. Thorax (fig. 8, 9, 17, 18, 59): pronotum: r = 0.6, prominent anteriorly; prosternum: procoxal lines absent. Scutellum: r = 0.5. Metasternum (fig. 59): r = 0.3, supracoxal lines present, metepisterna: r = 3.1. Legs (fig. 9, 59): tibiae slightly expanded distally. Elytra (fig. 53, 54): r = 2.2. Material examined: Holotype only. Intraspecific variation: Unknown. Geographical distribution: Brazil (Amazonas). Discussion: Mycolybas rufipennis exhibits characters otherwise atypical of Mycolybas (absence of coxal lines, truncate base of scutellum and tibiae moderately expanded distally). However, M. rufipennis remains in Mycolybas until a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is completed.Published as part of Lopes, Peterson Lásaro, 2006, Taxonomic revision of Mycolybas Crotch, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 1373 on pages 29-30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17495

    Mycolybas sanguinosus Motschulsky 1858

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    Mycolybas sanguinosus (Motschulsky, 1858) (Fig. 10, 19, 20, 24, 49, 50, 60) Ischyrus sanguinosus Motschulsky, 1858: 116. Holotype: Colombia (ZMUM—not examined). Mycolybas sanguinosus: Crotch, 1876: 474; Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3691 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 91, 1911: 67; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.] Mycolybas sanguinosa: Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.] Etymology: sanguinosus— blood red, in Latin, and pennis— wing, in Greek. The name refers to the reddish elytra and pronotum, according to the original description (Motschulsky 1858). Diagnosis: Elytra orange red (SSO- 6-9 °), pronotal color stronger (fig. 10). Body oval (fig. 12, 15, 19), slightly convex (fig. 11). Nine elytral striae, the most external absent on the anterior third, punctation very small (fig. 49, 50). Pronotal median lobe not truncate at scutellum (fig. 10, 19); legs scarlet orange (SO- 7-10 °—fig. 10); pro-, meso- and metacoxal lines present (fig. 60). Redescription: length: 5 mm; thorax-abdomen: r = 0.7. Sternal color lighter and less strong than elytral or pronotal. Elytral pubescence absent. Thorax (fig. 10, 19, 60): pronotum: r = 0.5; prosternum: prosternal suture complete. Scutellum: r=0.6. Sternum scarlet orange (SO- 7-12 °). Metasternum: r = 0.4, supracoxal lines present, metepisterna: r=5.0. Legs (fig. 12, 19): tibiae slightly expanded distally. Elytra (fig. 49, 50): r = 2.4. Abdomen: scarlet orange (SO- 7-10 °). Material Examined: Colombia— one exemplar, possibly syntype (ZMUM). Intraspecific variation: Unknown. Geographical distribution: Colombia. Discussion: Mycolybas sanguinosus does not match at least some characters of the genus (absence of coxal lines, truncate base of scutellum and tibiae moderately expanded distally). However, M. sanguinosus remains in Mycolybas until a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is completed.Published as part of Lopes, Peterson Lásaro, 2006, Taxonomic revision of Mycolybas Crotch, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 1373 on pages 30-31, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17495

    Mycolybas Crotch 1876

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    <i>Mycolybas</i> Crotch, 1876 <p> <i>Mycolybas</i> Crotch 1876: 474; Kuhnt 1909: 56, 91; Deelder 1942: 53; Alvarenga 1965: 86; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.].</p> <p> <b>Type species:</b> <i>Lybas lucidus</i> Lacordaire, 1842: 232 [original designation].</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> <i>mykes—</i> “fungus” in Greek, and Lybas. Lybas is the name of a mischievous phantom from the Italian mythology. According to this legend, he is the soul of Polites, killed in the Troy conquest by Neoptolemus, defeated and banished by the famous athlete Euthymos from Lokroi.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> color pattern without bands or spots (fig. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10); stridulatory files absent (fig. 20–22); eighth antennomere wide, club flattened with three antennomeres (fig. 23, 24); fourth maxillary palpomere securiform (fig. 35–40); mental plate pentagonal (fig. 45, 46); humeri protuberant (fig. 1, 3, 6, 5, 8, 10, 17–19, 47–54).</p> <p> <b>Redescription:</b> length: 4–9 mm. Body oval or ovoid (fig. 15, 16). Integument shiny (fig. 1–10), color of sternites often lighter and less strong than dorsal color (fig. 4, 7).</p> <p>Head (fig. 20–22): eyes finely faceted; ocular striae reaching posterior margin of eyes (fig. 20). Antennae (fig. 23–24): darker and more pubescent towards club. Labrum (fig. 25–26): with long setae on distal half. Maxillae (fig. 35–40): palpomeres 1–3 long, first longer, fourth securiform. Labium (fig. 45–46): first palpomere with curved base, longer than second and shorter than third, third widened distally; mental plate with setae long and sparse.</p> <p>Thorax (fig. 1–10, 17–19, 47–60): pronotum with punctation sparse. Scutellum pentagonal. Metasternum (fig. 2, 4, 7, 9, 57, 58): punctation sparse. Legs (fig. 1–10, 57–59, 61–64): femora punctation sparse, medially widened; tibiae longitudinally crested, wider and more hirsute distally. Elytra (fig. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 7–19, 47–54): punctation diameter 0.04 to 0.02 mm; 7–10 striae, the last incomplete. Membranous wings (fig. 55–56): covered with microtrichia; radial cell triangular.</p> <p> Abdomen (fig. 2, 4, 7, 9, 57, 58): ventrites with punctation small, sparse, and few short <b>Geographical distribution:</b> Honduras (Francisco Morazán), El Salvador (Cabañas), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, San José), Panama (Chiriqui), Colombia (Cundinamarca), Venezuela (Zulia), Bolivia (Cochabamba), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Bahia, Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), Peru, Paraguay (Alto Paraná, Cordillera, Caazapá, Itapúa), Argentina (Misiones).</p>Published as part of <i>Lopes, Peterson Lásaro, 2006, Taxonomic revision of Mycolybas Crotch, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 1373</i> on pages 5-6, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/174955">10.5281/zenodo.174955</a&gt

    Mycolybas coccineipennis Motschulsky 1858

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    Mycolybas coccineipennis (Motschulsky, 1858) (Fig. 5, 19, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 34, 37, 39, 43, 46, 49, 50, 56, 58, 73, 76, 78, 82, 85, 89) Ischyrus coccineipennis Motschulsky, 1858: 233. Holotype: Central America (not located). Mycolybas coccineipennis: Crotch 1876: 474; Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3690 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 92, 1911: 67; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.] Etymology: coccineus— scarlet, Latin, and pennis— wing, Greek. Epithet refers to the vivid red elytra (Motschulsky 1858). Diagnosis: elytra reddish orange (from SSO- 7-11 ° to SSO- 9-12 °), head and pronotum dark brown (from S- 1-12 ° to S- 3-10 °) (fig. 5). Body oval (fig. 5, 15, 19), slightly convex (fig. 11). Eight elytral striae, seventh and eighth lacking on central third, punctation diameter ~0.02 mm (fig. 49, 50); labrum bilobate (fig. 26); mandibles about half as wide as long, a single dorsal crest, mola projected posteriorly (fig. 33, 34); galeae moderately wide, laciniae armed, spatuliform setae on fourth maxillary palpomere absent; hypopharyngeal sclerome distally rounded, ligula hirsute, trapezoidal (fig. 43), with lateral expansion, mental crest reduced (fig. 46); pronotal median lobe not truncate at scutellum, dark brown (fig. 5, 19); sexual dimorphism on tarsi absent; sternum, legs and abdomen dark brown (fig. 5); meso- and metacoxal lines present (fig. 58); axilary vein reduced, SCa-SCp cell absent, median fleck present, angle between SCp and RA acute (fig. 56); proximal projection of ninth abdominal sternite of male moderate, distal emargination strong (fig. 76); lateral shafts of 10 th tergite externally curved, apex slightly truncate (fig. 78); shafts of 10 th sternite not curved internally (fig. 82); arms of tegmen long with strong curvature (fig. 89); internal sac long, MAAEIS falciform (fig. 89). Redescription: Length: 4–6 mm; thorax-abdomen: r = 0.6. Elytral pubescence almost absent. Head (fig. 20): r = 0.8. Antennae (fig. 24): r = 6.8; dark brown (from S- 1-12 ° to S- 3- 10 °); club flattened with three antennomeres. Clypeus (fig. 20): r = 0.5. Labrum (fig. 26): r = 0.5. Epipharynx (fig. 29): covered with microtrichia, with setae increasing in size towards the margins; tormae narrowed internally. Mandibles (fig. 33, 34): r = 0.2; slightly asymmetrical; three incisors, the two most distal sharper and more sclerotized; a single dorsal crest ranging from the incisor to the median region; mola with a membranous lobe covered with microtrichia; left mandible with proximal incisor smaller and left mola wider than right mola mesally; long setae latero-externally. Maxillae (fig. 37, 39): r = 3.4; galeae: r = 1.5; laciniae with long setae more dense distally, without subapical denticles, fusiform sclerite absent; stipites long, divided in basistipes and dististipes; cardines narrowed medially; fourth palpomere very wide (r = 0.3), with moderately long setae more dense dorsally. Labium (fig. 46): r = 0.7; with setae moderately long, more dense distally. Thorax (fig. 5, 58): pronotum: r = 0.4; prosternum dark brown (from S- 1-12 ° to S- 3- 10 °), procoxal lines absent, prosternal suture complete. Scutellum: r = 0.6. Metasternum: r = 0.4, supracoxal lines present, metepisterna: r = 5.0. Legs (fig. 5, 19, 58): dark brown; tibiae slightly expanded distally. Elytra (fig. 5, 49, 50): r = 2.4. Male genital segments and genitalia: ninth tergite (fig. 73): r = 0.5; semicircular, distal setae moderately long, fringe-like. Ninth sternite (fig. 76): r = 0.4, transverse. Tenth tergite (fig. 78): U-shaped, distal setae long. Tenth sternite (fig. 82): r = 2.6; elongate, apex trilobate, median lobe with length similar to lateral lobes; shafts slightly divergent from base to apex; distal setae moderately long. Aedeagus (fig. 85, 89): tegmen covered with microtrichia, not narrowed medially; lateral lobes ovoid, without internal notch, about 1 / 5 tegmen length, slightly flattened dorsoventrally, with setae moderately long; median strut almost 1.5 times the length of the median lobe; median lobe: the same length as the tegmen, apex truncate. Material Examined: Central America— 1 ɗ and five unsexed exemplars (MZUM), possibly syntypes. Intraspecific variation: Elytral color scarlet orange in some individuals (SO- 7-10 °) and reddish orange in others (from OOS- 8 - 7 ° to OOS- 10 - 8 °). Geographical distribution: Central America. Discussion: M. coccineipennis exhibits characters atypical of Mycolybas sensu Crotch (absence of coxal lines, truncate base of scutellum, tibiae moderately expanded distally, and form of mentum). However, M. coccineipennis remains in Mycolybas until a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is completed. Lybas lucidus Lacordaire, 1842: 232. Holotype (male): Brazil (CUMZ—examined). Mycolybas lucidus: Crotch 1876: 474; Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3701 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 92, 1911: 67; Bruch 1914: 384 [cat.]; Deelder 1942: 96; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Guérin 1948: 21 [cat.]; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.]. Mycomystes sachi: Mader 1938: 19; Delkeskamp 1939: 29 (syn.); Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.] Mycolybas lucida: Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]. Lybas melanocorynus Lacordaire, 1842: 233. Holotype (male): Brazil (CUMZ—examined). Syn. nov. Mycolybas melanocorynus: Crotch 1876: 474; Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3701 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 92, 1911: 67; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Guérin 1948: 21; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.]. Mycolybas melanocoryna: Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]. Lybas cruentatus Kirsch, 1865: 97 (pars). Holotype (male): Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá [04° 36 'N, 74 °05'W] (SMTD—Alvarenga’s slide). Syn. nov. Mycolybas cruentatus: Crotch 1876: 474 (pars); Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3701 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 92, 1911: 67; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.]. Mycolybas cruentata: Blackwelder, 1945: 468 [chkl.]. Mycolybas egae Crotch 1876: 474; Gemminger & Harold 1876: 3701 [cat.]; Kuhnt 1909: 92, 1911: 67; Blackwelder 1945: 468 [chkl.]; Alvarenga 1994: 44 [cat.]. Holotype (female): Brazil, Amazonas, Bates, Ega [03° 22 'S, 64 ° 42 'W] (CUMZ—examined). Syn. nov. Etymology: lucidus— shiny, Latin. Epithet refers to shiny aspect of elytra and pronotum (Lacordaire 1842). Diagnosis: elytra, head and pronotum orange red or orange (fig. 6). Nine to ten elytral striae, the most external absent on the anterior third, punctation diameter ~0.02 mm (fig. 47, 48, 51, 52); subapical denticles present on laciniae, fusiform sclerite present dorsally on stipites (fig. 36, 40); hypopharyngeal sclerome with apex slightly bilobate (fig. 44); proctigeral lobe covering vulvar lobe partially (fig. 69); subvulvar lobe not touching apical segment of coxite (fig. 70); proximal projection of ninth abdominal sternite of male long, distal emargination moderate (fig. 76); lateral lobes of tegmen not flattened dorsoventrally, with internal notch (fig. 88); arms of tegmen long with moderate curvature (fig. 90). Redescription: Length: 5–9 mm; thorax-abdomen: r = 1.4. Body ovoid, strongly convex (fig. 12, 17). Integument scarlet orange (SO- 8-12 °) (fig. 6, 7); pronotal color sometimes stronger than elytral. Elytral pubescence absent. Head (fig. 20–22): r = 0.8. Antennae (fig. 23): r = 7.1; club wide, flattened, with three antennomeres. Clypeus (fig. 20): r = 0.5. Labrum (fig. 25): r = 0.4, semi-rectangular. Epipharynx (fig. 28): covered with microtrichia, setae increasing in size towards margins and median region; internal expansion of tormae present. Mandibles (fig. 30–32): r = 1.0; robust, slightly asymmetrical, length subequal to width; three incisors, the two most distal sharper and more sclerotized; two dorsal crests ranging from incisor to median region; mola not projected posteriorly, with a membranous lobe covered with microtrichia; left mandible with proximal incisor smaller and left mola wider than right mola mesally; long setae latero-externally. Maxillae (fig. 36, 40): r = 3.4; galeae very wide (r = 1.0), with long setae more dense distally; laciniae with long setae more dense distally, unarmed; stipites long, divided in basistipes and dististipes; cardines narrowed medially; fourth palpomere very wide (r = 0.2) with moderately long setae more dense dorsally and spatuliform setae dorsally. Hypopharynx (fig. 44): ligula moderately hirsute, slightly bilobate. Labium (fig. 45): r = 0.7; setae moderately long, more dense distally; mental crest well-developed. Thorax (fig. 6, 7, 17, 18, 57): pronotum: r = 0.4, prominent anteriorly, median lobe not truncate at scutellum; prosternum: procoxal lines absent, prosternal suture complete. Scutellum: r = 0.7. Sternum reddish orange (OOS- 8 - 7 ° and OOS- 10 - 8 °). Metasternum (fig. 18, 57): r = 0.4, supracoxal lines present, mesocoxal lines absent, metepimera lighter, metepisterna: r = 4.3. Legs (fig. 6, 7, 17, 18, 57, 61–64): orange red (from SSO- 7-11 ° to SSO- 9-12 °); tibiae moderately expanded distally, slightly curved on internal margin, mainly the protothoracic tibiae; third tarsomeres slightly bilobate. Males with tarsi wider and sometimes darker than female tarsi. Elytra (fig. 47, 48, 51, 52): r = 2.1. Membranous wings (fig. 55): axilary vein well-developed, SCa-SCp cell present, median fleck absent, angle between SCp and RA obtuse. Abdomen (fig. 7, 57): same color or lighter than integument; metacoxal lines absent. Female genital segments and genitalia: eighth tergite (fig. 65): r = 0.5; trapezoidal, short setae on distal third. Eighth sternite (fig. 66): r = 0.5; distally narrowed, spiculum gastrale almost three times longer than base; distal setae moderately long. Ninth segment: cylindrical, membranous, microtrichia present. Ovipositor (fig. 69, 71): with stylus, proctigeral lobe without median lateral expansion, semicircular; coxites with half the length of ovipositor, setae moderately long. Spermatheca ellipsoidal (fig. 72). Male genital segments and genitalia: ninth tergite (fig. 73): r = 0.5; semicircular, distal setae moderately long, fringe-like. Ninth sternite (fig. 75): r = 0.4, transverse. Tenth tergite (fig. 79): U-shaped; lateral shafts of 10 th tergite slightly curved, apex abruptly truncate; distal setae long, fringe-like. Tenth sternite (fig. 81): r = 2.6; elongate, apex trilobate, median lobe with length similar to lateral lobes; shafts sinuously divergent from base to apex; distal setae moderately long. Aedeagus (fig. 86, 90): tegmen covered with microtrichia, not narrowed medially; lateral lobes ovoid, about 1 / 5 tegmen length, with setae moderately long; median strut almost 1.5 times the length of median lobe; median lobe: same length as tegmen, apex truncate; internal sac short, MAAEIS securiform. Material Examined: Honduras— Benque Viejo, Father Station (17 °06'N, 89 °08'W), 1 Ψ (AMNH). Costa Rica— Guanacaste: Santa Cecília, Estac. Pitilla (10 ° 59 ' 26 "N, 85 ° 25 ' 40 "W), 8 / 1988, P.E. Skelley det. 1995, 1 ɗ (INBC). Panama— Canal Zone, Skunk Hollow, nr. Ft. Sherman (09° 22 'N, 79 ° 57 'W), 28 / 5 / 1980, Riley & LeDoux col., 1 ɗ (TAMU). Brazil— 1972, 1 ɗ (DZUP). Amazonas: Amazônia Superior, ex-coll. Kuhnt, 1 ɗ (ZMHB); Amazônia Superior, 2 ɗ (SMNH); Amazônia Superior, ex-coll. Haglund, 1 Ψ (SMNH); Benjamin Constant (04° 22 ' 28 "S, 70 °01' 47 "W), 10 / 1955, I.C. Lima col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (MNRJ); Borba, Guajará (04° 23 ' 20 "S, 59 ° 35 ' 37 "W), 11 / 1932, A. Parko col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (MNRJ); Pará: Itaituba, Rio Tapajós (04° 13 'S, 56 °01'W), 8 / 1963, 1 (DZUP). Bahia: 1 ɗ (ZMHB); Itaitu (11 ° 20 'S, 40 ° 24 'W), Kuhnt det. 1 Ψ (ZMHB). Mato Grosso: Delkeskamp det. 1959, Thieme’s ex-collection, 2 ɗ (ZMHB); Nobide [illegible], Location not found, Kuhnt det., 1 ɗ (ZMHB). Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara, Corcovado (22 ° 54 'S, 43 ° 14 'W), 11 / 1962, Alvarenga & Seabra col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (MNRJ); same location, Represa Rio Grande, 12 / 1963, 1 Ψ, 1 ɗ, Oliveira col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (DZUP); Itatiaia (22 ° 30 'S, 44 ° 34 'W), 5 / 1950, J. Guérin det. 1955, Dirings’ ex-collection, 1 ɗ (MZSP); Rio de Janeiro (22 ° 54 'S, 43 ° 14 'W), 10 / 1952, J. Guérin det. 1955, Dirings' ex-collection, 1 ɗ (MZSP). São Paulo: Est. Eng. Coelho (22 ° 30 'S, 47 ° 12 'W), 1920, J. Guérin det. 1948, 1 Ψ (MNRJ); Amparo (22 ° 41 'S, 46 ° 47 'W), J. Guérin det. 1946, Guérin's ex-collection, 1 Ψ (MZSP); Peruíbe (24 ° 19 'S, 47 °00'W), 10 / 1952, J. Guérin det. 1946, Guérin's ex-collection, 1 ɗ, 1 ɗ (MZSP); Piracicaba (22 ° 43 'S, 47 ° 38 'W), 20 /03/ 55, W.E.C.A. Triplehorn col., 1 ɗ (FSCA); same location, 10 / 1966, C. A. Triplehorn col., 1 ɗ, 3 Ψ (MNRJ); same location, 03/ 10 / 69, 1 Ψ (OSUC); São Paulo, Cantareira (23 ° 25 'S, 46 ° 39 'W), J. Guérin det. 1943, Guérin's excollection, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, Ypiranga, H. Lüderwaldt col., 1 Ψ (MNRJ). Paraná: J. Guérin det. 1943, Guérin's ex-collection (MZSP); Arapongas (23 ° 23 'S, 51 ° 27 'W), 2 / 1952, A. Maller col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (DZUP); Caviúna (23 ° 18 'S, 51 ° 22 'W), 12 / 1945, A. Maller’s ex-collection, 2 ɗ, 1 Ψ (AMNH); same location, 12 / 1946, 1 ɗ (AMNH); Heimtal (23 ° 15 'S, 51 °09'W), 2 / 1938, Pohl col., 1 ɗ (MZSP); same location (scanning electronic microscopy of protarsi), 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, 4 / 1944, 1 ɗ (MZSP); same location, 1 Ψ (MZSP); Londrina (23 ° 18 'S, 51 °09'W), J. Guérin det. 1943, Guérin’s excollection, 1 ɗ (IBSP); Ponta Grossa (25 °05'S, 50 °09'W), 12 / 1988, C.A. Camargo col., 3 Ψ (MNRJ); Rolândia (23 ° 18 'S, 51 ° 22 'W), 11 / 1948, Dirings’ ex-collection, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, Norte do Paraná, 3 / 1951, Dirings col., 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, Roosen-Runge col., Guérin's ex-collection, 2 Ψ (MZSP); Sulina, Ponte Majoli [illlegible] (25 ° 42 'S, 52 ° 44 'W), 1 / 11 / 1910, 1 ɗ (MZSP). Santa Catarina: Anita Garibaldi, Estação Santa Catarina (27 ° 37 'S, 51 °05'W), 5 / 1950, Dirings’ ex-collection (scanning electronic microscopy of protarsi), 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, (dissected), 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, 2 ɗ, 2 Ψ (MZSP); same location, (dissected, scanning electronic microscopy of head), 1 ɗ (MZSP); Blumenau (26 ° 56 'S, 49 °03'W), 1 ɗ, 2 Ψ (ZMHB); same location, Alvarenga det. 1971, ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (DZUP); Corupá (26 ° 56 'S, 49 ° 14 'W), 11 / 1960, 60 m, 1 ɗ (DZUP); Joinville (26 ° 18 'S, 48 ° 50 'W), 1920, J. Guérin det. 1948, 2 Ψ (MNRJ); Nova Teutônia (27 °03'S, 52 ° 23 'W), 1948, Fritz Plaumann col., 300–500 m, 1 Ψ (DZUP); same location, 5 / 1951, 1 ɗ (DZUP); same location, 12 / 1952, 2 Ψ (DZUP); same location, 12 / 1964, 2 ɗ, 1 Ψ (DZUP); same location, 11 / 1968, 1 Ψ (DZUP); same location, J. Guérin det. 1953, ex-coll. Alvarenga, 2 ɗ (DZUP); same location, J. Guérin det. 1958, 1 ɗ (DZUP); Pinhal, location not found, 10 / 1947, A. Maller’s ex-collection, 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (AMNH); same location, 12 / 1958, 700 m, 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (DZUP); Rio Vermelho (26 ° 17 'S, 49 ° 20 'W), A. Maller col., ex-coll. Alvarenga, 1 Ψ (MNRJ); São Bento do Sul (26 ° 14 ' 59 "S, 49 ° 22 ' 57 "W), 4 / 1950, Dirings’ ex-collection (scanning electronic microscopy of head), 1 Ψ (MZSP); Timbó (26 ° 50 'S, 49 ° 18 'W), 11 / 1956, Dirings’ ex-collection, 1 Ψ (MZSP); same location, 12 / 1955, 1 ɗ (MZSP); same location, 3 / 1960, 1 Ψ (MZSP). Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, Bom Retito, Felmar (30 °02'S, 51 ° 12 'W), 1912, ex-coll. Kuhnt, 1 Ψ (ZMHB). Peru— 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ (HNHM). Paraguay— Alto Paraná: Puerto P. Stroessner (25 ° 31 'S, 54 ° 36 'W), 26–28 / 12 / 1965, 1 ɗ (HNHM). Cordillera: Skelley det. 1993, 1 ɗ (HNHM); Caacupe (25 ° 23 'S, 57 °09'W), 12 / 02/ 81, R.D. Cave col., 1 Ψ (FSCA); same location, 09/ 12 / 1980, 1 ɗ (FSCA); same location, 12 / 12 / 1980, 1 ɗ (FSCA); same location, 15 / 12 / 1980, 1 Ψ (FSCA); same location, 17 / 12 / 1980, 1 Ψ (FSCA); same location, 29 / 12 / 1980 (dissected), 1 Ψ (FSCA). Caazapá: 1–8 / 12 / 1990, L. Pena col., 1 Ψ (FSCA). Itapúa: Hohenau (27 °05'S, 55 ° 45 'W), 11 / 1934, H. Jacob col., 2 Ψ (ZMHB); San Rafael Reserve (26 ° 38 ' 17 "S, 55 ° 39 ' 50 "W), 22 /01/ 2000, Z.H. Falin col., pyrethrum fogging fungsy logs, 2 ɗ, 3 Ψ (SEMC); same location, 22 /01/ 2000 (dissected), 1 ɗ (SEMC); same location, 23 /01/ 2000, 4 Ψ (SEMC); same location, 21–25 / 1 / 2000, Z.H. Falin col., flight interception trap, 1 Ψ (SEMC); same location, 25–26 / 1 / 2000, 1 Ψ (SEMC); same location, 07/ 10 / 2000, Z.H. Falin, C. Garcia col., 80 m, 1 ɗ (SE MC). Without specific localities— 1 Ψ (AMNH); 1 ɗ (ZMHB); 1 Ψ (MNRJ); Hansa col. (ZMHB); J. Guérin det. 1949, Guérin’s ex-collection, 1 ɗ, 2 Ψ (MZSP); Pebas [illegible], Jans, 1 Ψ (CUMZ). Intraspecific variation: Integument color varies from orange red (from SSO- 7-11 ° to SSO- 9-12 °), scarlet orange (SO- 8-12 °), reddish orange (OOS- 8 - 7 ° and OOS- 10 - 8 °), to orange (O- 14 - 8 ° and O- 15 - 10 °), sometimes with a thin pale strip on elytral and pronotal margins, and pronotal color slightly stronger than elytral; some exemplars show slightly darker legs, whereas others have apical darkening on the elytra. Several have the 10 th stria, with more scattered punctation than the ninth. Striae sometimes more evident, with punctation diameter ~0.04 mm. Geographical distribution: Honduras (Francisco Morazán), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, San José), Panama (Chiriqui), Colombia (Cundinamarca), Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Bahia, Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), Peru, Paraguay (Alto Paraná, Cordillera, Caazapá, Itapúa), Argentina (Misiones). Discussion: morphological similarity between M. lucidus, M. cruentatus and M. egae was noticeable. After comparisons among the antennal color, elytral punctation, body size and shape and other structures, these species were determined to be synonymous. The main diagnostic character for M. melanocorynus is the laterally-expanded tarsomeres, also found in males of M. lucidus. After comparing holotypes and identified material of both species, and specimens of M. melanocorynus being mostly males (except for a female identified by K. Delkeskamp), M. melanocorynus was determined to be synonymous with M. lucidus.Published as part of Lopes, Peterson Lásaro, 2006, Taxonomic revision of Mycolybas Crotch, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 1373 on pages 24-29, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17495

    Redescriptions, new synonymy, new combination and new records of Bacis Dejean, 1836 and Oligocorynus Dejean, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae) for Colombia

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    Lopes, Peterson Lásaro, Gasca-Álvarez, Héctor Jaime, Skelley, Paul E. (2020): Redescriptions, new synonymy, new combination and new records of Bacis Dejean, 1836 and Oligocorynus Dejean, 1876 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae) for Colombia. Zootaxa 4809 (2): 349-362, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4809.2.