13,134 research outputs found

    The influence of culture in international leadership

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    The numerous amount of studies that have been done through the years within the field of culture and, specifically organizational culture, says a lot regarding the important of the matter in organizations. Nowadays, it seems more and more important to demystify the concept of culture, so that organizations and its leaders, especially those operating worldwide, may take the most advantage possible from it, in order to have satisfied employees, satisfied managers and satisfied investors. The objective of this article is to help understanding, from theory to practice, what is culture is for an international organization, the importance of knowledge management and, lastly, the role of the leader as influencer of culture and transmitter of culture top-to-bottom.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Produção de frutos e estimativas de parâmetros genéticos em pimenta-de-cheiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de dez acessos de pimenta-de-cheiro e estimar parâmetros genéticos importantes para o melhoramento genético

    Manejo da mancha angular (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferae indica) na produção integrada de manga.

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    Low-energy electron scattering from methanol and ethanol

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    Measured and calculated differential cross sections for elastic (rotationally unresolved) electron scattering from two primary alcohols, methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH), are reported. The measurements are obtained using the relative flow method with helium as the standard gas and a thin aperture as the collimating target gas source. The relative flow method is applied without the restriction imposed by the relative flow pressure conditions on helium and the unknown gas. The experimental data were taken at incident electron energies of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, and 100 eV and for scattering angles of 5°–130°. There are no previous reports of experimental electron scattering differential cross sections for CH3OH and C2H5OH in the literature. The calculated differential cross sections are obtained using two different implementations of the Schwinger multichannel method, one that takes all electrons into account and is adapted for parallel computers, and another that uses pseudopotentials and considers only the valence electrons. Comparison between theory and experiment shows that theory is able to describe low-energy electron scattering from these polyatomic targets quite well

    Efeito do ethephon na maturação pós-colheita de peras cultivar Princesinha.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ethephon em conjunto com diferentes tempos de armazenamento em temperatura controlada, na aceleração da 29 maturação de peras da cultivar princesinha

    Hypersomnia in Whipple disease: case report.

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    Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006 Sep;64(3B):865-8. Hypersomnia in Whipple disease: case report. Maia LF, Marta M, Lopes V, Rocha N, Lopes C, Martins-da-Silva A, Monteiro L. SourceDepartment of Neurological Disordes and Senses, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Largo Prof. Abel Salazar, 4099-001 Porto, Portugal. Abstract Whipple disease (WD) is a rare systemic infection caused by Tropheryma whippelii. Neurological involvement has been recognised in 40% of patients, either as initial manifestations or during the course of the disease. We report on a 45 years-old man with WD with initial, persistent and irresistible episodes of daytime somnolence. The patient was HLA-DQB1*0602 positive (genetic marker for narcolepsy). WD diagnosis was suspected on clinical and MRI basis and confirmed by histological and immunohistochemical study of duodenal biopsy. Forty months later all clinical features improved, narcoleptic-like episodes disappeared and cerebral MRI and CSF normalised. Longitudinal neurophysiological studies revealed persistent sleep pattern abnormalities with sleep fragmentation, paucity of slow wave and of REM sleep. The disruption of the hypocretin circuitry in the hypothalamic - diencephalic region triggered by the infection was the probable cause of the hypersomnia and narcopleptic symptoms. WD should be added to the list of causes of secondary hypersomnia