914 research outputs found

    A new optical recording medium

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    Method has been developed for doping lithium niobiate crystals with transition metal to increase rate at which crystal can record optical data. Discovery may facilitate development of system for analog storage of TV frames, printed pages, photographs, and other visual information

    Single crystals of selected titanates and tungstates

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    The compound preparation and crystal growth of a number of mixed titanate compositions was investigated. None of the compounds studied were found to melt congruently and therefore, crystal growth was extremely difficult. Various single crystal preparation methods always resulted in mixed phases from which 1-2 mm size crystals could be separated. It is concluded from this study that before successful single crystal growth can be accomplished, a detailed study of the phase diagrams in each of the systems of interest must be completed


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    The sedimentary structures occurring in one of the Pleistocene marine terraces at the Ionian coast, indicate a shoaling upward trend from the shoreface of a sandy beach to nonmarine conditions. Four main facies have been recognized. Facies A consists of hummocky cross-bedded sands representing a wave-dominated nearshore environment. Physical and biological structures of facies B are suggestive of an abrupt reduction in energy level, possibly related to the establishment of shallow protected environments. Features of facies C suggest a stable environment of upper shoreface but strongly influenced by continental supplies. Upward, this facies passes into sediments deposited in continental conditions. The last facies (D) is related to moist or wet terrestrial environments. Bioturbation levels of facies A to C are in general low. Facies D, however, is well bioturbated, having an ichnofabric dominated by Taenidium isp. Sparse, vertical roots of vascular plants extended in many cases to at least 3 m below the base of facies D. Particularly unusual is the close association of large Taenidium isp. and vertical roots, where the trace fossil is clustered tightly around the plant, in some cases to more than 1 m below the water-sediment interface

    A Human-centric AI-driven Framework for Exploring Large and Complex Datasets

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    Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) is a new frontier of research at the intersection between HCI and AI. It fosters an innovative vision of human-centred intelligent systems, which are systems that take advantage of computer features, such as powerful algorithms, big data management, advanced sensors and that are useful and usable for people, providing high levels of automation and enabling high levels of human control. This position paper presents our ongoing research aiming to extend the HCAI framework for better supporting designers in creating AI-based systems

    New antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

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    Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is a childhood epileptic encephalopathy characterised by polymorphic seizures and neuropsychological decline. The most characteristic seizures are tonic fits, atypical absences and atonic seizures, in that order. Treatment options for patients with LGS are limited because of the resistance of seizures to pharmacological treatment. Owing to the many seizure types, many drugs are used in combinations that are mostly guided by anecdotal evidence or personal experience. Opinions towards treatment are further complicated because an antiepileptic drug might be of some benefit for the control of one type of seizure while aggravating another type. Concomitantly, polytherapy increases the potential for adverse events. The ultimate goal of epilepsy treatment is to achieve seizure control in a safe manner. Seizure freedom appears to be unrealistic in some refractory epilepsies, especially LGS. In this Review, we discuss newer antiepileptic drugs (Felbamate, Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam, Topiramate, Rufinamide, Vigabatrin, Zonisamide) in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Investigation of the effects of newer medications might help to identify treatments that, when used in the early stages of the disorder, might have long-term beneficial effects on seizures and the associated comorbidities. Key words: antiepileptic drugs, Lennox- Gastaut syndrome, epileps

    Germinal ovarian tumors in reproductive age women: Fertility-sparing and outcome

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    MOGCTs (malignant ovarian germ cell tumors) are rare tumors that mainly affect patients of reproductive age. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fertility and survival outcomes in young women with MOCGTs treated with fertility-sparing surgery (FSS).From 2000 to 2018, data from 28 patients of reproductive age with a diagnosis of MOGCT at the University of Bari were collected. Most received FSS, and in patients treated conservatively, the reproductive outcome and survival were investigated. Data of patient demographics, clinical presentation, oncology marker dosage, staging, type of surgery, histological examination, survival, and reproductive outcome were collected from hospital and office charts. All informed consent was obtained from all patients. The median age was 24 (range: 9-45 years). The majority of the patients had stage IIIC. Twenty-four woman received FSS consisting of unilateral ovariectomy and omentectomy, whereas only 4 women, based on their stage (IIIC), received a radical surgery (hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy, lymphadenectomy, and omentectomy). Our study shows that FSS in MOGCTs can produce good results both on reproductive outcomes and on survival. Indeed, in our group, there was only 1 case of exitus as result of recurrence. Furthermore, patients after FSS maintained normal ovarian function and 5 of 5 women who tried to get pregnant succeeded spontaneously. The median follow-up was 90 months (range 3-159).Conservative surgery for MOGCTs should be considered for women of reproductive age who wish to preserve fertility

    Understanding the nature of psychiatric comorbidity in migraine: A systematic review focused on interactions and treatment implications

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    Background: Migraine is a highly prevalent and disabling neurological disorder which is commonly linked with a broad range of psychiatric comorbidities, especially among subjects with migraine with aura or chronic migraine. Defining the exact nature of the association between migraine and psychiatric disorders and bringing out the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the comorbidity with psychiatric conditions are relevant issues in the clinical practice. Methods: A systematic review of the most relevant studies about migraine and psychiatric comorbidity was performed using "PubMed", "Scopus", and "ScienceDirect" electronic databases from 1 January 1998 to 15 July 2018. Overall, 178 studies met our inclusion criteria and were included in the current review. Results: According to the most relevant findings of our overview, the associations with psychiatric comorbidities are complex, with a bidirectional association of major depression and panic disorder with migraine. Importantly, optimizing the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of either migraine or its psychiatric comorbidities might help clinicians to attenuate the burden of both these conditions. Conclusions: The available data highlight the need for a comprehensive evaluation of psychiatric disorders in migraine in order to promote an integrated model of care and carefully address the burden and psychosocial impairment related to psychiatric comorbidities in migraine

    Extreme rainfall events in karst environments: the case study of September 2014 in the Gargano area (southern Italy)

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    In the first week of September 2014, the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, SE Italy) was hit by an extreme rainfall event that caused several landslides, floods and sinkholes. As a consequence of the floods, two people lost their lives and severe socio-economic damages were reported. The highest peaks of rainfall were recorded between September 3rd and 6th at the Cagnano Varano and San Marco in Lamis rain gauges with a maximum daily rainfall (over 230 mm) that is about 30% the mean annual rainfall. The Gargano Promontory is characterized by complex orographic conditions, with the highest elevation of about 1000 m a.s.l. The geological setting consists of different types of carbonate deposits affected by intensive development of karst processes. The morphological and climatic settings of the area, associated with frequent extreme rainfall events can cause various types of geohazards (e.g., landslides, floods, sinkholes). A further element enhancing the natural predisposition of the area to the occurrence of landslides, floods and sinkholes is an intense human activity, characterized by an inappropriate land use and management. In order to obtain consistent and reliable data on the effects produced by the storm, a systematic collection of information through field observations, a critical analysis of newspaper articles and web-news, and a co-operation with the Regional Civil Protection and local geologists started immediately after the event. The information collected has been organized in a database including the location, the occurrence time and the type of geohazard documented with photographs. The September 2014 extreme rainfall event in the Gargano Promontory was also analyzed to validate the forecasts issued by the Italian national early-warning system for rainfall-induced landslides (SANF), developed by the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) for the Italian national Department for Civil Protection (DPC). SANF compares rainfall measurements and forecasts with empirical rainfall thresholds for the prediction of landslide occurrence. SANF forecasts were compared to the documented landslides and discussed
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