334 research outputs found

    Do multilevel agricultural innovation platforms support inclusive innovation? Lessons learned from a case study in the Ethiopian Highlands

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    To facilitate smallholder farmers’ inclusion and interactions with diverse actors to foster innovation, agricultural innovation platforms (IPs) are increasingly used. Such farmer-centric approaches are connected to the concept of inclusive innovation. Despite the rhetoric of IPs as inclusive structures, questions persist regarding farmers’ inclusion in decision-making within IPs. This research, based on a livestock innovation case study in the Ethiopian Highlands, examines the role of multilevel IPs isupporting inclusive innovation. Qualitative data collection, timeline analysis of the innovation process, and thematic analysis were employed. Results reveal varying levels of farmer inclusion across different phases of the innovation process and IP operational levels. While successful farmer inclusion was apparent in the diagnosis and decentralised learning innovation processes, maintaining inclusivity during the latter phases of the innovation process was difficult, and negatively impacted on farmer-centric outcomes. Decentralised resources, decision-making, and reflexive monitoring emerge as crucial in improving smallholder farmers' inclusion and addressing institutional biases inherent in the technology-push approaches to innovation, especially during farmers' selection processes that continued to favour better-off or well-connected ‘model’ farmers

    The Effect of Increasing Topsoil Disturbance on Surface-Active Invertebrate Composition and Abundance under Grazing and Cropping Regimes on Vertisols in North-West New South Wales, Australia

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    Agricultural intensification practices involve varying degrees of disturbance to the soil ecosystem. This study evaluated six agricultural management regimes with increasing levels of topsoil disturbance, on the composition and abundance of surface-active invertebrates on Vertisols at a sub-catchment scale. Two grazing (native and introduced pastures), and four cropping (combining short and long fallow, with zero and conventional tillage) management regimes were examined. Surface-active invertebrates were collected seasonally with pitfall traps over 2 years (8 seasons), and identified to order, while ants (Formicidae) that comprised 47% of total invertebrates collected, were identified to genera. Season had a significant effect on ant abundance and number of genera recorded with higher abundance and twice the number of genera in summer than all other seasons. Ants, particularly Iridomyrmex, were mainly active in summer, while other invertebrates especially Coleoptera, were more active in winter. Surface-active invertebrates were 30% more abundant in grazing than cropping land use types. Native pasture, with little surface soil disturbance, recorded the highest number of invertebrates, mainly ants, compared to other agricultural management regimes. Coleoptera and Dermaptera were higher in abundance under conventional tillage compared with those agricultural management regimes that disturb the topsoil less. Optimizing surface-active invertebrate activity on Vertisols for most taxa will require reducing topsoil disturbance. However, the research findings also suggest that the impact of agricultural management regimes on invertebrate activity was difficult to predict with any certainty as the three main ant genera, and most abundant invertebrate collected, did not respond in a consistent manner

    Ecosystem services provided by agroforestry home gardens in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Smallholder utilization, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage

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    Wiryono, Kristiansen P, Bruyn LLD, Saprinurdin, Nurliana S. 2023. Ecosystem services provided by agroforestry home gardens in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Smallholder utilization, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage. Biodiversitas 24: 2657-2665. Agroforestry system provides ecosystem services such as conserving biodiversity and providing smallholder farmers with food and other daily needs. It can also generate income for the owners. This study was conducted in 105 home gardens of four villages in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, to analyze tree species diversity and composition, uses, and potential carbon storage in the agroforestry system of home gardens. Tree data were collected on individual trees from 200 plots (10×10 m). Home garden owners were interviewed on the uses of each tree species. The species richness of trees in each village ranged from 18 to 36, with a total of 57 species (29 introduced and 28 native) for four villages. Most trees (30 species) provided food. The above-ground carbon storage of trees ranged from 29 Mg ha-1 to 127 Mg ha-1, with an average of 87 Mg ha-1. This study found that the agroforestry system in home gardens serves some ecosystem services, i.e., providing food, medicines, and other daily needs, conserving plant species and the habitat they provide, and storing carbon. These ecosystem services help villagers build resilience to changing environmental and socio-economic conditions

    A Critical Analysis of Decentralisation and Community-Based Irrigation Water Resource Governance in Ghana

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    Ghana began a series of water sector institutional reforms in the early 1990s, adopting an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach, which recognised the importance of the agricultural sector as a major water user. Much progress has been achieved in establishing the regulatory frameworks for IWRM implementation. The national irrigation water policy emphasised the social and economic value of the decentralisation of irrigation water governance. The policy sought to transfer irrigation water governance to local government authorities (District Assemblies) and Water User Associations (WUAs) and aimed to promote participatory community-based irrigation water governance. The implementation of the policy sought to adhere to the principle of subsidiarity in devolving management roles, ownership and control to the District Assemblies and WUAs. However, little progress has been achieved in realising the policy intent of decentralisation. There remain weaknesses in the current governance arrangements which have resulted in low participation and cooperation of regional government agencies, District Assemblies, communities, and general water users in irrigation water governance. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to evaluate current decentralised governance structures and processes at the regional, district and community levels, and to assess to what extent these structures effectively support a community-based approach to irrigation water governance in Ghana

    Challenges and adaptations for resilient rice production under changing environments in Bangladesh

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    Rice-based food production is crucial for food security, socio-political stability, and economic development in Bangladesh. However, climate and environmental changes pose serious challenges to sustainable rice production in the country. This review paper critically reviews the status, challenges, and adaptation opportunities of Bangladeshi rice systems in changing environmental, demographic, and socio-economic settings. A mixed-methods approach (quantitative summary of secondary data on rice production, environmental changes, impact on rice productivity" and qualitative thematic synthesis) was used to review adaptation for resilient rice production. Significant agronomic and environmental challenges to rice-based cropping in Bangladesh are posed by rising temperatures, anomalous rainfall patterns, extreme weather, and increasing salinisation. Rice production, availability, and access have been further compromised by decreasing arable areas, labour shortages, crop diversification, and low profitability. Farmers are adapting through autonomous and centrally planned strategies such as efficient irrigation and input use, stress-tolerant cultivars, mechanisation, and income diversification. However, profitable and sustainable adaptation requires broader facilitation by the government (e.g., infrastructure, financial incentives) and agribusiness (e.g., extension services, contracting). This review paper recommends research and development support for efficient irrigation management and stress-tolerant cultivars, enabling policy initiatives, and equitable value chain participation. The insights of the review can be applied to policymakers to target policy design and decision-making for a sustainable rice system in years to come

    The Social-Ecological System of Farmers’ Current Soil Carbon Management in Australian Grazing Lands

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    Soil carbon sequestration programmes are a way of offsetting GHG emissions, however, it requires agricultural landholders to be engaged in such initiatives for carbon offsets to occur. Farmer engagement is low in market-based programmes for soil carbon credits in Australia. We interviewed long-term practitioners (n = 25) of rotational grazing in high-rainfall lands of New South Wales, Australia to understand their current social-ecological system (SES) of soil carbon management (SCM). The aim was to identify those components of the SES that motivate them to manage soil carbon and also influence their potential engagement in soil carbon sequestration programmes. Utilising first-tier and second-tier concepts from Ostrom’s SES framework, the interview data were coded and identified a total of 51 features that characterised the farmers’ SES of SCM. Network analysis of farmer interview data revealed that the current SES of SCM has low connectivity among the SES features (30%). In four workshops with interviewed farmers (n = 2) and invited service providers (n = 2) the 51 features were reviewed and participants decided on the positioning and the interactions between features that were considered to influence SCM into a causal loop diagram. Post-workshop, 10 feedback loops were identified that revealed the different and common perspectives of farmers and service providers on SCM in a consolidated causal loop diagram. Defining the SES relationships for SCM can identify the challenges and needs of stakeholders, particularly farmers, which can then be addressed to achieve local, national and international objectives, such as SCM co-benefits, GHG reduction, carbon sequestration targets and SDGs

    The Performance of Alternative Livelihood Initiatives on Local Livelihoods and Forest Conservation Management - A Case Study in Talai Commune, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam

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    Protected forest areas worldwide are located close to forest dependent communities that continue to use forest resources for their livelihoods to varying extents. With these areas designated as protected areas it prevents local people from practising their traditional income-generating or subsistence activities that rely on access to forest areas. Although governments view protected areas as a measure for forest conservation, they pose a number of key challenges to local people's livelihoods. In a number of developing countries, including Vietnam, the use of forest resources in protected areas have presented a threat to forest conservation outcomes. A satisfactory resolution to the tension between livelihoods and biodiversity conservation objectives in protected areas is an ongoing challenge for governments and local people living near protected areas. Cat Tien National Park, a protected area in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam is well-known for its diversity of flora and fauna and offers a noteworthy case study. One of the issues in Cat Tien National Park is the practice of collecting non-timber forest products that is considered widespread, despite it being illegal under the protected status of the Park. Achieving forest conservation goals under these circumstances, even if extraction levels were low, appears to be a challenging task. In order to address livelihood challenges, governmental agencies, and non-governmental organisations have attempted to engage local people in alternative livelihood initiatives. These initiatives commonly seek to provide new income sources as a substitute for earnings from traditional livelihood practices, thereby reducing extraction pressures on the Park. These livelihood initiatives have been active in the last thirteen years. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine the performance of two alternative livelihood initiatives (the Talai Ecotourism Venture and the Forest Protection Team (FPT)) on local livelihoods for those ethnic groups living in close proximity to the Park and associated effects on forest conservation management goals. The research provided insights into the participation of local people in decisions about the management and conservation of forest resources in their role as FPT members. It also attempts to draw lessons that can be applied to alternative livelihood initiatives elsewhere in Vietnam and other developing countries. A case study approach with a mixed method has been employed in this study. Household surveys (n=150) of three ethnic groups (Chau Ma, Stieng and Kinh) and key informant interviews (n=36) were conducted to collect data on a range of aspects, including: household demographics, forest usage, and local views on the impact of the two alternative livelihood initiatives on their livelihood and perception of forest conservation. The key informants were interviewed at length about their roles, responsibilities, the quality of the local participation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the two alternative livelihood initiatives on local livelihood and forest conservation. Field research findings were supplemented and triangulated with participant observation activities to gain insight into the physical, social, cultural, and economic aspects of the case context. About one third of Chau Ma and Stieng households had a high reliance on NTFPs, while Kinh households had no reliance on NTFPs for their livelihood. The dependence on NTFPs for Chau Ma and Stieng people was a result of limited opportunities for other livelihood options due to relinquishing agricultural land and low education levels. For Chau Ma and Stieng people struggling to adjust from a subsistence forest-based livelihood to living outside the forest, around 41% continued to visit the forest for cultural reasons, but at low to moderate levels (63%). A significant finding of the study is that the benefits of the alternative livelihood initiatives did not extend to the whole community and were focused largely on those ethnic minorities of Chau Ma and Stieng directly involved in the initiatives. Further, for the two alternative livelihood initiatives, the direct participants gained the greatest benefits either through employment, access to Village Development Fund, or greater access to NTFPs. The study has also found that current livelihood initiatives have not been effective due to limited local participation in decision-making processes, and minimal interaction with local people outside the initiatives. Specifically, the governance of these initiatives was not aligned with communitybased principles. The one-way information sharing, and top-down decision-making led to the ethnic minorities assuming only a passive role in the process for the two alternative livelihood initiatives. In addition, local members of both livelihood initiatives did not receive the training or support they required to effectively carry out their responsibilities. The results of the case studies also showed that there was a lack of responsiveness from key governing authorities such as the Private Company, Talai Forest Station, Park Board to variations in ethnic groups' socio-economic status, and levels of literacy. As a whole, such deficient governance arrangements and processes prevented the initiatives from achieving their goals and engaging with the broader community. In addition, evidence suggests that the Talai Ecotourism Venture and the Forest Protection Team initiatives have not led to a substantial change in local people's awareness of the importance of forest conservation and lessening the pressure on forest resource extraction as expected. These findings demonstrate the need for better governance, which provide stakeholders with the ability to demonstrate their understanding and fulfil their responsibilities independently. A greater level of accountability and transparency in benefit sharing mechanisms such as Village Development Fund (Talai Ecotourism Venture), and Forest Protection Team reporting is also required for ensuring greater community participation and empowerment. Another important implication of improved accountability is for a more effective relationship between government, private enterprise and local people in decision making and empowering them in their roles. Finally, the findings also highlight the significance of capacity building for various stakeholders so that they can develop skills and knowledge required to carry out decision-making responsibilities in ecotourism and forest management. Most importantly, alternative livelihood initiatives need to be designed and implemented with sensitivity to the local cultures otherwise; they can limit potential equality and increase obstacles to local people's participation and decision-making. Thus, it is recommended that Indigenous knowledge should be recognized and incorporated into initiatives for protecting and managing forest resources

    CO2 efflux from subterranean nests of ant communities in a seasonal tropical forest, Thailand

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    Many ant species construct subterranean nests. The presence of their nests may explain soil respiration "hot spots", an important factor in the high CO2 efflux from tropical forests. However, no studies have directly measured CO2 efflux from ant nests. We established 61 experimental plots containing 13 subterranean ant species to evaluate the CO2 efflux from subterranean ant nests in a tropical seasonal forest, Thailand. We examined differences in nest CO2 efflux among ant species. We determined the effects of environmental factors on nest CO2 efflux and calculated an index of nest structure. The mean CO2 efflux from nests was significantly higher than those from the surrounding soil in the wet and dry seasons. The CO2 efflux was species-specific, showing significant differences among the 13 ant species. The soil moisture content significantly affected nest CO2 efflux, but there was no clear relationship between nest CO2 efflux and nest soil temperature. The diameter of the nest entrance hole affected CO2 efflux. However, there was no significant difference in CO2 efflux rates between single-hole and multiple-hole nests. Our results suggest that in a tropical forest ecosystem the increase in CO2 efflux from subterranean ant nests is caused by species-specific activity of ants, the nest soil environment, and nest structure

    Impact of Forest Seral Stage on use of Ant Communities for Rapid Assessment of Terrestrial Ecosystem Health

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    Bioassessment evaluates ecosystem health by using the responses of a community of organisms that integrate all aspects of the ecosystem. A variety of bioassessment methods have been applied to aquatic ecosystems; however, terrestrial methods are less advanced. The objective of this study was to examine baseline differences in ant communities at different seral stages from clear cut to mature pine plantation as a precursor to developing a broader terrestrial bioassessment protocol. Comparative sampling was conducted at nine sites having four seral stages: clearcut, 5 year recovery, 15 year recovery, and mature stands. Soil and vegetation data were also collected at each site. Ants were identified to genus. Analysis of the ant data indicated that ants respond strongly to habitat changes that accompany ecological succession in managed pine forests, and both individual genera and ant community structure can be used as indicators of successional change. Ants exhibited relatively high diversity in both early and mature seral stages. High ant diversity in mature seral stages was likely related to conditions on the forest floor favoring litter dwelling and cold climate specialists. While ants may be very useful in identifying environmental stress in managed pine forests, adjustments must be made for seral stage when comparing impacted and unimpacted forests
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