2,197 research outputs found

    Benefícios do Humor na Saúde

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    O humor contribui para a saúde e bem-estar das pessoas. Este desempenha uma função especial nas interações humanas, permitindo dizer-se que possibilita um encontro e acompanhamento com o Outro. Analisar estudos publicados entre 2006 e 2011, de modo a identificar o papel que o humor tem na vida e saúde das pessoas. Materiais e Métodos: Revisão Sistemática de Literatura através do método PICOS. Foram selecionados artigos a partir da pesquisa em bases de dados eletrónicas (EBSCO e b-on), repositórios nacionais, SciElo e Google Scholar. Resultados: Foram incluídos 26 estudos de 13 países em que os participantes eram estudantes, profissionais de saúde, idosos e pessoas com doença/dor crónica. Os estudos enquadram-se no paradigma qualitativo e quantitativo, apresentando assim, diferentes desenhos de investigação. Discussão e Conclusões: O humor apresenta benefícios a nível organizacional e cuidados de saúde. Quando se utiliza humor as equipas são mais produtivas, coesas, mostram menor nível de stress e estão mais motivadas e satisfeitas. Na saúde e na vida das pessoas o humor ajuda a promover o bem-estar; a lidar com situações difíceis e desagradáveis, a reduzir a tensão, o stress e o desconforto; aumentar a tolerância à dor, e fortalecer o sistema imunitário

    Cross-Cultural Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale International in Elderly: Systematic Literature Review

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    The aim of this study is to describe the psychometric properties of cultural adaptations of the Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) in the elderly dwelling in the community. A systematic literature review was performed according to the research question: What are the psychometric properties of the FES-I in the elderly dwelling in the community in different cultural backgrounds? The Population, Interest, Context (PICo) strategy was used for inclusion criteriadPopulation: elderly; Interest area/intervention: psychometric properties of the FES-I; Context: dwelling in the community in various cultural settings. The sample was made up of 10 articles. Metric properties have been evaluated by the criteria of validity, reproducibility, reliability, and responsiveness. The FES-I is considered acceptable, understandable to measure the fear of falling in the elderly, valid, reliable, and comparable cross-culturally, so it is recommended in rehabilitation research, clinical trials, clinical practice, and in fall-prevention programs in elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aneurismas Gigantes do Septo Interauricular Simulando Massas Quísticas. Dois Casos com Opções Terapêuticas Diferentes

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    With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD)

    Propriedades Métricas da Escala Aachen Aphasia Test

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    No contexto atual do exercício da profissão de enfermagem, com exigência crescente a nível de eficácia, eficiência e prática baseada na evidência, torna-se imperativa a utilização de instrumentos de avaliação e medida, devidamente validados para as populações que assistem e avaliam. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as propriedades métricas da escala Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT), aplicada a pessoas que sofreram um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, através de bases de dados eletrónicas, nos últimos 5 anos. Selecionaram-se 4 artigos que cumpriam os critérios, relacionados com a temática. Pouca informação foi obtida relacionada com as propriedades métricas da AAT. Apenas um dos artigos aborda informações exatas e referentes às propriedades métricas da sua adaptação para a versão Portuguesa, que de acordo com os autores consultados são robustas, comparáveis às da versão Alemã. Os restantes estudos recorrem a este instrumento como padrão na comparação com outros instrumentos

    Validación de la Positive and Negative Affect Schedule en Personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

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    Aim: to analyze the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale in people with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. Method: this was a methodological study. A random sample of 171 people chronic kidney disease who receive hemodialysis in two clinics in the region of Lisbon, Portugal. Data was collected from May to June 2015. The psychometric properties were evaluated: Validity (construct, convergent and predictive), reliability (Cronbach’s α) and stability (test-retest). Results: showed that the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale has two distinct dimensions of positive and negative affect, reliable and stable both when obtained by interview or by questionnaire. Conclusion: the validity and reproducibility of the Portuguese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale in people with chronic kidney disease are consistent with the original version and the English version of this scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factores que Influencian a Apreciación de Películas Cómicas por Personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

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    Objetivos: Identificar os factores que influenciam a apreciação de filmes humorosos em pessoas com doença renal crónica e conhecer os filmes humorosos mais apreciados por estas pessoas durante a sessão de hemodiálise. Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva e correlacional de delineamento transversal. Amostra randomizada composta por pessoas com doença renal crónica submetidas a hemodiálise numa clínica. A colheita de dados foi por meio de entrevista individual e questionário autopreenchido, utilizando-se os instrumentos: caracterização dos sujeitos e o formulário do sentido de humor. Os dados foram analisados recorrendo a procedimentos da estatística descritiva como média, desvio padrão e frequência simples e relativa e teste de hipóteses t student e qui quadrado para estabelecer a associação entre variáveis independentes e dependente. Resultados: Dos 171 participantes, os jovens e casados apreciam mais filmes de humor. As pessoas com doença renal crónica que apreciam filmes de humor consideram-se alegres e divertidas, referem ter sentido de humor e ter uma família divertida. Além disso, mencionam gostar de brincar, de rir, que as façam rir, de estar com pessoas com sentido de humor, de ouvir anedotas, de ler livros cómicos e de ouvir histórias engraçadas. Conclusões: Foram verificados os factores sociodemográficos e clínicos que estão relacionados com o sentido de humor e que influenciam a apreciação de filmes de humor, bem como foram identificados os principais tipos de filmes/vídeos de humor/cómicos apreciados pelas pessoas com doença renal crónica. Este estudo traz contributos importantes para a intervenção de enfermagem humor da Classificação das intervenções de enfermagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validación de la “Subjective Happiness Scale” en Personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

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    Objective: To explore the psychometric properties of the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: This is a methodological study. The random sample included 171 patients with CKD under hemodialysis program in two clinics in the region of Lisbon, Portugal. Data was collected between May and June 2015. The following psychometric properties were evaluated: validity (construct, convergent and discriminant), reliability through internal consistency (Cronbach α) and stability (intraclass correlation coefficient and Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient). Results: The results support the unifactorial structure, with reliability (α = 0.90). In addition, this scale is positively correlated with the Satisfaction Life Scale (r = 0.60; p <0.001), supporting the validity criteria. Conclusions: The Portuguese version of the SHS is valid and reproducible in patients with CKD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Subjective Happiness Scale in People with Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Objetivo: Validar as propriedades psicométricas da Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) em pessoas com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) em programa de hemodiálise. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico. A amostra randomizada foi constituída por 171 pessoas com DRC submetida a hemodiálise em duas clinicas na região de Lisboa, Portugal. Os dados foram colhidos de maio a junho de 2015. Foram avaliadas as propriedades psicométricas: validade (construto, convergente e discriminativa), fidedignidade por meio da consistência interna (α de Cronbach) e estabilidade (Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse e Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman-Brown). Resultados: Os resultados suportam a estrutura unifatorial, com uma confiabilidade (α=0,90). Além disso, esta escala está positivamente correlacionada com a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (r=0,60; p<0,001), apoiando assim a sua validade de critério. Conclusões: A versão portuguesa da SHS é válida e reprodutível em pessoas com DRC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of B cells in healthy pregnant women from late pregnancy to post-partum: a prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: B cells play a role in pregnancy due to their humoral and regulatory activities. To our knowledge, different maturational stages (from transitional to memory) of circulating B cell subsets have not yet been characterized (cell quantification and phenotype identification) in healthy pregnant women. Thus, the objective of our study was to characterize these subsets (as well as regulatory B cells) from late pregnancy to post-partum and to compare them with the circulating B cells of non-pregnant women. METHODS: In all of the enrolled women, flow cytometry was used to characterize the circulating B cell subsets according to the expression of IgD and CD38 (Bm1-Bm5 classification system). Regulatory B cells were characterized based on the expression of surface antigens (CD24, CD27, and CD38) and the production of IL-10 after lipopolysaccharide stimulation. RESULTS: Compared to the absolute counts of B cells in the non-pregnant women (n = 35), those in the pregnant women (n = 43) were significantly lower (p < 0.05) during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and on delivery day (immediately after delivery). The percentages of these cells on delivery day and at post-partum were significantly lower than those in the non-pregnant women. In general, the absolute counts and percentages of the majority of the B cell subsets were significantly lower in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and on delivery day than in the non-pregnant women. However, these counts and percentages did not differ significantly between the post-partum and the non-pregnant women. The most notable exceptions to the above were the percentages of naïve B cells (which were significantly higher in the 3rd trimester and on delivery day than in the non-pregnant women) and of CD24(hi)CD38(hi) regulatory B cells (which were significantly higher in the post-partum than in the non-pregnant women). CONCLUSION: According to our study, the peripheral B cell compartment undergoes quantitative changes during normal late pregnancy and post-partum. Such findings may allow us to better understand immunomodulation during human pregnancy and provide evidence that could aid in the development of new strategies to diagnose and treat pregnancy-associated disturbances. Our findings could also be useful for studies of the mechanisms of maternal responses to vaccination and infection

    Riesgo de Caídas de los Ancianos Residentes en la Comunidad: Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the risk factors for falls of the community-dwelling elderly in order to update the Taxonomy II of NANDA International. METHOD: A systematic literature review based on research using the following platforms: EBSCOHost®, CINAHL and MEDLINE, from December 2010 to December 2014. The descriptors used were (Fall* OR Accidental Fall) AND (Community Dwelling OR Community Health Services OR Primary health care) AND (Risk OR Risk Assessment OR Fall Risk Factors) AND (Fall* OR Accidental Fall) AND (Community Dwelling OR older) AND Nurs* AND Fall Risk Factors. RESULTS: The sample comprised 62 studies and 50 risk factors have been identified. Of these risk factors, only 38 are already listed in the classification. CONCLUSIONS: Two new categories of risk factors are proposed: psychological and socio-economical. New fall risk factors for the community-dwelling elderly have been identified, which can contribute to the updating of this nursing diagnosis of the Taxonomy II of NANDA International.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio