22 research outputs found

    Small-scale livestock farmers in the peri-urban areas of Bloemfontein, South Africa

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    A questionnaire survey was conducted to characterise small-scale livestock farmers and to describe the most important husbandry management practices adopted by small-scale livestock farmers around Bloemfontein in South Africa. The questionnaire included questions on human capital, reasons for farming and basic animal husbandry practices. The study revealed that most peri-urban small-scale farmers in this region are married with a primary or secondary education. These farmers farm for commercial (generate income) related reasons. The mean herd size is 11.30±1.4, 17.34±3.6 and 9.00±2.0 for cattle, sheep and goat, respectively. The herd structures are composed mostly of young animals in the breeding categories. The calving interval for most farmers is 24-36 months for cattle and 12 months for small stock. Basic husbandry practices like identification, castration and dehorning are largely practiced. Keywords: Cattle, sheep, goats, small-scale, farmingSouth African Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 36 (1) 2007: pp. 217-22

    Dietary intakes of flavan-3-ols and cardiovascular health: a field synopsis using evidence mapping of randomized trials and prospective cohort studies

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    Background: There is considerable interest in the impact of increased flavan-3-ol intake on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes outcomes. Through evidence mapping, we determined the extent of the evidence base to initiate a future systematic review investigating the impact of flavan-3-ol intake on CVD and diabetes outcomes. Methods: We developed a research protocol, convened a technical expert panel (TEP) to refine the specific research questions, conducted a systematic search in multiple databases, double-screened abstracts and full-text articles, performed data extractions, and synthesized the data. We focused on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective cohort studies which assessed intakes of flavan-3-ol from foods, beverages, and supplement/extract sources on biomarkers and clinical outcomes of CVD and diabetes. Results: Of 257 eligible articles, 223 and 34 publications contributed to 226 RCTs and 39 prospective cohort studies, respectively. In RCTs, the most frequently studied interventions were cocoa-based products (23.2%); berries (16.1%); tea in the form of green tea (13.9%), black tea (7.2%), or unspecified tea (3.6%); and red wine (11.2%). Mean total flavan-3-ol intake was highest in the cocoa-based trials (618.7 mg/day) and lowest in the interventions feeding red wine (123.7 mg/day). The most frequently reported outcomes were intermediate biomarkers including serum lipid levels (63.4%), blood glucose (50.9%), blood pressure (50.8%), flow-mediated dilation (21.9%), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (21.9%). The included 34 prospective cohort studies predominantly examined exposures to flavan-3-ols (26%), cocoa-based products (23.2%), berries (16.1%), and green tea (13.9%) and CVD incidence and mortality. Conclusion: Through a systematic, evidence-based approach, evidence mapping on flavan-3-ol intake and CVD outcomes demonstrated sufficient data relating to flavan-3ol intake and biomarkers and clinical outcomes of CVD and diabetes. The current evidence base highlights the distribution of available data which both support the development of a future systematic review and identified the research need for future long-term RCTs

    The Translucent Cadaver: An Evaluation of the Use of Full Body Digital X-Ray Images and Drawings in Surface Anatomy Education.

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En HistologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Student perceptions of the inclusion of full body digital X-ray images (Lodox� Statscan�) as a tool for surface anatomy education.

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En HistologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    The prevalence of lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) in the Kirsten Skeletal Collection at Stellenbosch University.

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    Please help populate SUNScholar with the full text of SU research output. Also - should you need this item urgently, please send us the details and we will try to get hold of the full text as quick possible. E-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.Journal Articles (subsidised)Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En Histologi

    Mean Cardiac Valve Circumferences in a Cadaver Population at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University

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    Please help populate SUNScholar with the full text of SU research output. Also - should you need this item urgently, please snd us the details and we will try to get hold of the full text as quick possible. E-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En Histologi

    Thermoregulation by blood flow regulating structures in the internal vertebral venous plexus (IVVP) in humans.

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En HistologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Histological evidence of structures regulating blood flow to the internal vertebral venous plexus in humans: Possible role in thermoregulation.

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En HistologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Preliminary outcomes of incorporating full body digital x-ray images (Lodox� Statscan�) of cadavers to the dissection program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeAnatomie En HistologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Perceptions of cadaver dissection by first year medical students at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

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    Please help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected] En Histologi