54 research outputs found

    A general tool for consistency results related to I1

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    In this paper we provide a general tool to prove the consistency of I1(λ)I1(\lambda) with various combinatorial properties at λ\lambda typical at settings with 2λ>λ+2^\lambda>\lambda^+, that does not need a profound knowledge of the forcing notions involved. Examples of such properties are the first failure of GCH, a very good scale and the negation of the approachability property, or the tree property at λ+\lambda^+ and λ++\lambda^{++}

    L vector spaces and L fields

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    We construct in ZFC an L topological vector space -- a topological vector space that is an L space -- and an L field -- a topological field that is an L space. This generalizes results in [5] and [8].Comment: It has been accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Mathematic

    MAω1(S)[S]_{\omega_1}(S)[S] does not imply K2\mathcal{K}_2

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    We construct a model in which MAω1_{\omega_1}(S)[S] holds and K2\mathcal{K}_2 fails. This shows that MAω1_{\omega_1}(S)[S] does not imply K2\mathcal{K}_2 and answers an old question of Larson and Todorcevic in [3]. We also investigate different strong colorings in models of MAω1_{\omega_1}(S)[S]

    Local club condensation and L-likeness

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    AbstractWe present a forcing to obtain a localized version of Local Club Condensation, a generalized Condensation principle introduced by Sy Friedman and the first author in [3] and [5]. This forcing will have properties nicer than the forcings to obtain this localized version that could be derived from the forcings presented in either [3] or [5]. We also strongly simplify the related proofs provided in [3] and [5]. Moreover our forcing will be capable of introducing this localized principle at κ while simultaneously performing collapses to make κ become the successor of any given smaller regular cardinal. This will be particularly useful when κ has large cardinal properties in the ground model. We will apply this to measure how much L-likeness is implied by Local Club Condensation and related principles. We show that Local Club Condensation at κ+ is consistent with ¬☐κ whenever κ is regular and uncountable, generalizing and improving a result of the third author in [14], and that if κ ≥ ω2 is regular, CC(κ+) - Chang’s Conjecture at κ+ - is consistent with Local Club Condensation at κ+, both under suitable large cardinal consistency assumptions.</jats:p

    PFA and the definability of the nonstationary ideal

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    We produce, relative to a ZFC{\sf ZFC} model with a supercompact cardinal, a ZFC{\sf ZFC} model of the Proper Forcing Axiom in which the nonstationary ideal on ω1\omega_1 is Π1\Pi_1-definable in a parameter from H2H_{\aleph_2}

    Effects of rehabilitative interventions on pain, function and physical impairments in people with hand osteoarthritis: a systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: Hand osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with pain, reduced grip strength, loss of range of motion and joint stiffness leading to impaired hand function and difficulty with daily activities. The effectiveness of different rehabilitation interventions on specific treatment goals has not yet been fully explored. The objective of this systematic review is to provide evidence based knowledge on the treatment effects of different rehabilitation interventions for specific treatment goals for hand OA. METHODS: A computerized literature search of Medline, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ISI Web of Science, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and SCOPUS was performed. Studies that had an evidence level of 2b or higher and that compared a rehabilitation intervention with a control group and assessed at least one of the following outcome measures - pain, physical hand function or other measures of hand impairment - were included. The eligibility and methodological quality of trials were systematically assessed by two independent reviewers using the PEDro scale. Treatment effects were calculated using standardized mean difference and 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Ten studies, of which six were of higher quality (PEDro score >6), were included. The rehabilitation techniques reviewed included three studies on exercise, two studies each on laser and heat, and one study each on splints, massage and acupuncture. One higher quality trial showed a large positive effect of 12-month use of a night splint on hand pain, function, strength and range of motion. Exercise had no effect on hand pain or function although it may be able to improve hand strength. Low level laser therapy may be useful for improving range of motion. No rehabilitation interventions were found to improve stiffness. CONCLUSIONS: There is emerging high quality evidence to support that rehabilitation interventions can offer significant benefits to individuals with hand OA. A summary of the higher quality evidence is provided to assist with clinical decision making based on current evidence. Further high-quality research is needed concerning the effects of rehabilitation interventions on specific treatment goals for hand OA

    HandGCAT: Occlusion-Robust 3D Hand Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Images

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    We propose a robust and accurate method for reconstructing 3D hand mesh from monocular images. This is a very challenging problem, as hands are often severely occluded by objects. Previous works often have disregarded 2D hand pose information, which contains hand prior knowledge that is strongly correlated with occluded regions. Thus, in this work, we propose a novel 3D hand mesh reconstruction network HandGCAT, that can fully exploit hand prior as compensation information to enhance occluded region features. Specifically, we designed the Knowledge-Guided Graph Convolution (KGC) module and the Cross-Attention Transformer (CAT) module. KGC extracts hand prior information from 2D hand pose by graph convolution. CAT fuses hand prior into occluded regions by considering their high correlation. Extensive experiments on popular datasets with challenging hand-object occlusions, such as HO3D v2, HO3D v3, and DexYCB demonstrate that our HandGCAT reaches state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at https://github.com/heartStrive/HandGCAT.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, ICME-2023 conference pape

    Uber die Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen und ihre Verwandten im Darmkanal

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    Der Welch-Fraenkelsche Bazillus, der sich als ein Bodenbakterium weit im Boden verbreitet, ist obligater Anaerobier, und bekannt als Erreger des Gasoedems, welches eine chirurgisch und insbesonders kriegschirurgisch wichtige Wundinfektionskrankheit ist. Die Tatsache, dass dieses Stabchen nicht nur aus dem Boden, sondern auch aus menschlichem Darm gezuchtet wird, hat viele Autoren schon bisweilen beschaftigt. Dieser Bazillus ist Gram-positiv, gross und kraftig, abgerundet, unbeweglich und sporuliert nicht im gewohnlichen Nahrboden. Die Milch wurde sturmisch mit Gasbildung vergoren. Schon nach 20 Stunden schwamm das Kasein deutlich geschieden in truber, immer klarer werdender Molke. Die Kaseingerinnsel wurden ferner nicht wieder durch Peptonisierung gelost, noch kam es nach dem leicht sauerlich bleibenden Geruch zu Eiweissfaulniss. Die oben beschriebene Eigenschaft, die sog. Sturmische Gerinnung , ist charakteristisches Merkmal zur Diagnose-stellung des Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillus. Der Verfasser hat aus 172 Faeces der Menschen 244 Stamme der Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen und 39 ahnliche Stamme, die von erstem Bazillus deutlich voneinander in Eigenstumlichkeit abweicht gezuchtet; d. h. dem Letzteren fehlt die sturmische Gerinnung. Diesen Bazillus nennt der Verfasser einen Verwandten der Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen , und vergleicht dieses Stabchen morphologisch und biologisch mit den Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen, welche er aus menschlichen Faeces und klassischem Gasoedem isoliert hat. Morphologie: Die Verwandten sind ebenso mit abgerundetem Ende 0.8-1.0μ breit, 4.0-1.0μ, nicht haufig 15μ in der Lange, zuweilen leicht gekrummt, und werden zarter als Welch-Fraenkelche Bazillen beobachtet. Sporen und Kapseln: Nicht nur in gewohnlichen Nahrboden, sondern auch in den alkalischen-, natriumphosphathaltigen Nahrsubstraten und im Hirnbrei nahm der Verfasser keine Sporen oder Kapseln wahr. Aber nur bei aus Gasoedem gezuchtetem Stamm beobachtete er beide im spezifischen antiserumhaltigen Nahrboden. Kolonientypen: Auf d