750 research outputs found

    Application and Challenges of Signal Processing Techniques for Lamb Waves Structural Integrity Evaluation: Part A-Lamb Waves Signals Emitting and Optimization Techniques

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    Lamb waves have been widely studied in structural integrity evaluation during the past decades with their low-attenuation and multi-defects sensitive nature. The performance of the evaluation has close relationship with the vibration property and the frequency of Lamb waves signals. Influenced by the nature of Lamb waves and the environment, the received signals may be difficult to interpret that limits the performance of the detection. So pure Lamb waves mode emitting and high-resolution signals acquisition play important roles in Lamb waves structural integrity evaluation. In this chapter, the basic theory of Lamb waves nature and some environment factors that should be considered in structural integrity evaluation are introduced. Three kinds of typical transduces used for specific Lamb waves mode emitting and sensing are briefly introduced. Then the development of techniques to improve the interpretability of signals are discussed, including the waveform modulation techniques, multi-scale analysis techniques and the temperature effect compensation techniques are summarized

    Application and Challenges of Signal Processing Techniques for Lamb Waves Structural Integrity Evaluation: Part B-Defects Imaging and Recognition Techniques

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    The wavefield of Lamb waves is yielded by the feature of plate-like structures. And many defects imaging techniques and intelligent recognition algorithms have been developed for defects location, sizing and recognition through analyzing the parameters of received Lamb waves signals including the arrival time, attenuation, amplitude and phase, etc. In this chapter, we give a briefly review about the defects imaging techniques and the intelligent recognition algorithms. Considering the available parameters of Lamb waves signals and the setting of detection/monitoring systems, we roughly divide the defect location and sizing techniques into four categories, including the sparse array imaging techniques, the tomography techniques, the compact array techniques, and full wavefield imaging techniques. The principle of them is introduced. Meanwhile, the intelligent recognition techniques based on various of intelligent recognition algorithms that have been widely used to analyze Lamb waves signals in the research of defect recognition are reviewed, including the support vector machine, Bayesian methodology, and the neural networks

    Coadjoint orbits of Lie groupoids

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    For a Lie groupoid G\mathcal{G} with Lie algebroid AA, we realize the symplectic leaves of the Lie-Poisson structure on AA^* as orbits of the affine coadjoint action of the Lie groupoid JGTM\mathcal{J}\mathcal{G}\ltimes T^*M on AA^*, which coincide with the groupoid orbits of the symplectic groupoid TGT^*\mathcal{G} over AA^*. It is also shown that there is a fiber bundle structure on each symplectic leaf. In the case of gauge groupoids, a symplectic leaf is the universal phase space for a classical particle in a Yang-Mills field

    Depth-agnostic Single Image Dehazing

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    Single image dehazing is a challenging ill-posed problem. Existing datasets for training deep learning-based methods can be generated by hand-crafted or synthetic schemes. However, the former often suffers from small scales, while the latter forces models to learn scene depth instead of haze distribution, decreasing their dehazing ability. To overcome the problem, we propose a simple yet novel synthetic method to decouple the relationship between haze density and scene depth, by which a depth-agnostic dataset (DA-HAZE) is generated. Meanwhile, a Global Shuffle Strategy (GSS) is proposed for generating differently scaled datasets, thereby enhancing the generalization ability of the model. Extensive experiments indicate that models trained on DA-HAZE achieve significant improvements on real-world benchmarks, with less discrepancy between SOTS and DA-SOTS (the test set of DA-HAZE). Additionally, Depth-agnostic dehazing is a more complicated task because of the lack of depth prior. Therefore, an efficient architecture with stronger feature modeling ability and fewer computational costs is necessary. We revisit the U-Net-based architectures for dehazing, in which dedicatedly designed blocks are incorporated. However, the performances of blocks are constrained by limited feature fusion methods. To this end, we propose a Convolutional Skip Connection (CSC) module, allowing vanilla feature fusion methods to achieve promising results with minimal costs. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that current state-of-the-art methods. equipped with CSC can achieve better performance and reasonable computational expense, whether the haze distribution is relevant to the scene depth

    Robust stability analysis of guaranteed cost control for impulsive switched systems

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    The Atiyah class of generalized holomorphic vector bundles

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    For a generalized holomorphic vector bundle, we introduce the Atiyah class, which is the obstruction of the existence of generalized holomorphic connections on this bundle. Similar to the holomorphic case, such Atiyah classes can be defined by three approaches: the Cˇ\rm{\check{C}}ech cohomology, the extension class of the first jet bundle as well as the Lie pair

    Sudanske dvosupnice kao alternativni izvor vlakana za proizvodnju celuloze i papira

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    The suitability of the stems from two Sudanese dicotyledonous annual plants, namely castor bean (Ricinus communis) and Leptadenia pyrotechnica (L. pyrotechnica) were investigated for pulp and papermaking. Chemical compositions, elemental analysis, fiber dimensions, paper physical properties and morphology revealed a relatively high α-cellulose content (46.2 and 44.3 %) and low lignin (19.7 and 21.7 %) in the stems of castor bean and L. pyrotechnica, respectively. The average fiber length of castor bean and L. pyrotechnica is 0.80 and 0.70 mm with fiber width of 16.30 μm and 18.20 μm, respectively, which makes them acceptable candidates. Soda-AQ pulping of castor bean stem led to a higher pulp yield of 43.2 % at kappa number 18.2 compared to 40.3 % at kappa 20.3 for L. pyrotechnica. This yield is less than that obtained for wood plants and similar to that observed for annual plants. Paper handsheets produced from castor bean showed better mechanical properties than L. pyrotechnica. SEM images indicated that the produced papers were quite homogeneous, compact, closely packed, and well assembled.U radu je opisano istraživanje prikladnosti stabljika dviju sudanskih jednogodišnjih biljaka dvosupnica, ricinusa (Ricinus communis) i Leptadenia pirotechnica za dobivanje celulozu i proizvodnju papira. Kemijski sastav, elementarna analiza, dimenzije vlakana, fizikalna svojstva papira i morfologija pokazali su da je u stabljikama ricinusa i L. pyrotechnica relativno visok sadržaj α-celuloze (46,2 i 44,3 %) i nizak sadržaj lignina (19,7 i 21,7 %). Prosječna duljina vlakana ricinusa i L. pirotechnice iznosi 0,80 i 0,70 mm, a širina vlakana im je od 16,30 μm i 18,20 μm, što ih čini prihvatljivima za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Sulfatnim je postupkom od stabljika ricinusa dobiven veći prinos celuloze (43,2 %) pri kappa broju 18,2 u usporedbi s prinosom celuloze (40,3 %) pri kappa broju 20,3, koji je dobiven pri proizvodnji celuloze od stabljika L. pyrotechnice. Dobiveni prinos manji je od prinosa koji se postiže proizvodnjom celuloze od drvenastih biljaka i jednak je prinosu koji se ostvaruje proizvodnjom celuloze od jednogodišnjih biljaka. Listovi papira proizvedeni od ricinusa pokazali su bolja mehanička svojstva od papira proizvedenoga od stabljika L. pyrotechnice. Slike dobivene skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) pokazuju da su proizvedeni papiri bili posve homogeni, kompaktni, zbijeni i dobro sastavljeni