92 research outputs found

    Проектування та оптимізація конструкцій гумових віброізоляторів силосних конструкцій

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    Certain intracellular bacteria use the host cell cytosol as the replicative niche. Although it has been hypothesized that the successful exploitation of this compartment requires a unique metabolic adaptation, supportive evidence is lacking. For Francisella tularensis, many genes of the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI) are essential for intracellular growth, and therefore, FPI mutants are useful tools for understanding the prerequisites of intracytosolic replication. We compared the growth of bacteria taken up by phagocytic or nonphagocytic cells with that of bacteria microinjected directly into the host cytosol, using the live vaccine strain (LVS) of F. tularensis; five selected FPI mutants thereof, i.e., Delta iglA, Delta iglC, Delta iglG, Delta iglI, and Delta pdpE strains; and Listeria monocytogenes. After uptake in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM), ASC(-/-) BMDM, MyD88(-/-) BMDM, J774 cells, or HeLa cells, LVS, Delta pdpE and Delta iglG mutants, and L. monocytogenes replicated efficiently in all five cell types, whereas the Delta iglA and Delta iglC mutants showed no replication. After microinjection, all 7 strains showed effective replication in J774 macrophages, ASC(-/-) BMDM, and HeLa cells. In contrast to the rapid replication in other cell types, L. monocytogenes showed no replication in MyD88(-/-) BMDM and LVS showed no replication in either BMDM or MyD88(-/-) BMDM after microinjection. Our data suggest that the mechanisms of bacterial uptake as well as the permissiveness of the cytosolic compartment per se are important factors for the intracytosolic replication. Notably, none of the investigated FPI proteins was found to be essential for intracytosolic replication after microinjection.Originally included in thesis in manuscript form.</p


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    Prilikom razmatranja ideje o povezivanju sporta i turizma neke od najsloženijih i najpolemičnijih tema su terminologija, definicija i kategorizacija. Važno je diskutirati o ovim pitanjima i definirati pojmove kako bi se uspostavila linija razmišljanja koja znanstvenicima i stručnjacima u području sportskog turizma pruža mogućnosti pokretanja zajedničkih projekata i rada prema istom obrascu. Analiza se zasniva na odabranoj literaturi uz primjenu metode analize sadržaja kako bi se ispitali glavni radovi koji se bave ovim trima temama. Razmatra se preferiranje termina sport tourism u odnosu na sports tourism ili nekog drugog termina u skladu s gledištima nekih znanstvenika kako bi se zahvatilo što veće područje sporta kao društvene pojave. Na osnovi analiziranih slučajeva, definiranje i kategoriziranja sportskog turizma prikazuje se sa strane ponude te korespondira s potražnjom. Time se ovim pojmom preciziraju granice sportskog turizma i donose alati za mjerenje njegovog ekonomskog utjecaja unutar granica održivog razvoja uz istodobno uvođenje novog gledišta – stranu ponude.When discussing the idea of linking sport and tourism, some of the most complex and debated topics are the terminology, definition and categorization. It is important to debate and define these issues to establish a conceptual line of thinking, allowing the researchers and professionals in sport tourism to build joint projects and to work following the same patterns. The analysis is based on selected literature, applying a contents analysis method to examine the main works focusing on these three topics. The use of the term sport tourism rather than sports tourism or any other term is discussed, in line with the perspective of some scholars advocating more extensive studies into social signifi cance of sport. Additionally, based on the analyzed studies, the defi nition and categorization of sport tourism is presented from the supply side and matched with the demand side. The concept introduced hereafter aims fi rst to precise what the borders of sport tourism, then to give tools to measure its economic impact within the limits of sustainable development while introducing a new point of view – the supply side

    “Mješovita decentralizacija”: razmišljanja o organizacijskoj strukturi vrhunskih sportskih manifestacija u kini

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    Nowdays China is in a transition from the planned economy to the market economy. During the transition all activities have rapidly developed, and so it is with China’s high-performance sports. However, due to the inadequate reformation of the sports system, the sports organization structure is still not clear enough. So, according to the current reality of high-performance sports in China, this paper proposes an organizational structure model which could be appropriate for development of high-performance sports in China and puts the model into precise sports terms to serve as a healthy and sustainable development of China’s highperformance sports. This paper is composed of two parts. In the first part by applying the methods of document collection and investigation, the authors state the changing process and the current problems of China’s high-performance sports events’ organizational structure and put forward a new model – that is “Joint-Decentralization” which includes three types: a) the government-oriented, b) the combined-oriented and c) the market-oriented decentralization. In the second part, on the basis of the investigation and analysis of the factors influencing the high-performance sports events, the authors classify different events into different organization structures.Danas je Kina u procesu tranzicije iz planske ekonomije prema tržišnoj ekonomiji. Tijekom tranzicijskog perioda sve aktivnosti se ubrzano mijenjaju i razvijaju, pa tako i kineski vrhunski sport. Ipak, zbog neadekvatne reforme sustava sporta u Kini, organizacijska struktura sportskih događaja još uvijek nije dovoljno jasna. Dakle, u skladu s trenutačnim stanjem vrhunskog sporta u Kini, ovaj članak predlaže model organizacijske strukture koji je primjeren za razvoj kineskog vrhunskog spora te stavlja taj model u okvire točno određenog sporta kako bi služila zdravom i održivom razvoju kineskog vrhunskog sporta. Članak je sastavljan od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu članka, primjenom metoda dokumentiranja i istraživanja, autori navode proces promjena i trenutačne probleme organizacijske strukture vrhunskih sportskih događaja te predstavljaju novi model – “mješovita decentralizacija” koji uključuje tri tipa organizacijskih struktura: a) vladin, b) kombinirani i c) tržišno orijentirana decentralizacija. U drugom dijelu, na temelju istraživanja i analize čimbenika koji utječu na događaje vrhunskog sporta, autori klasificiraju različite događaje i različite organizacijske strukture

    Monitoring the Process and Characterizing Symptoms of Suckling Mouse Inoculation Promote Isolating Viruses from Ticks

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    Suckling mouse inoculation is an important method that has been used for years to isolate viruses from ticks; however, this method has usually been briefly described in the literature on a case-by-case basis upon successful isolation rather than providing extensive details. This study describes the procedure from preparation of tick homogenates to identification of virus isolation using the suckling mouse inoculation method. The transient and persistent features were characterized and the incidence of manifestations that developed in the suckling mice, especially in mice from which viruses were isolated, is reported. We identified 22 symptoms that developed in mice, including 13 transient symptoms that recovered by the end of the observation period and 7 persistent symptoms that the mice suffered from throughout the observation period. Persistent symptoms (lateral positioning and dead) and transient symptoms (malaise, emaciation, and difficulty turning over) were the main symptoms based on the high overall incidence. Moreover, we showed that mice from which viruses were isolated had a concentrated period and advanced days of disease onset. This study provides detailed information necessary for better use of suckling mouse inoculation to isolate viruses from ticks, which may benefit optimization of this method to identify, discover, and acquire tick-borne viruses

    On Non Parametric Regression and Panel Unit Root Testing

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    In this thesis, two different issues in econometrics are studied, the estimation of regression coefficients and the non-stationartiy analysis in a panel setting. Regarding the first topic, we study a set of measure of location-based estimators (MLBEs) for the slope parameter in a linear regression model with a single stochastic regressor. The median-unbiased MLBEs are interesting as they can be robust to heavy-tailed and, hence, preferable to the ordinary least squares estimator (LSE) in such situations. Two cases, symmetric stable regression and contaminated normal regression, are considered as we investigate the statistical properties of the MLBEs. In addition, we illustrate how our results can be extended to include certain heteroscedastic regressions. There are three papers concerning the second part. In the first paper, we propose a novel way to test the unit roots in the panel setting. The new tests are based on the observation that the trajectory of the cross sectional sample variance behaves differently for stationary than for non-stationary processes. Three different test statistics are proposed. The limiting distributions are derived and the small sample properties are studied by simulations. In the remaining papers, we focus on the studies of the block bootstrap panel unit root tests proposed by Palm, Smeekes and Urbain (2011) which aims at dealing with a rather general cross-sectional dependency structure. One paper studies the robustness of PSU tests by a comparison with two representative tests from the second generation panel unit root tests. In another paper, we generalized the block bootstrap panel unit root tests in the sense of considering the deterministic terms in the model. Two different methods to deal with the deterministic terms are proposed and the asymptotic validity of bootstrap tests under the main null hypothesis is theoretically checked. The small sample properties are studied by simulations

    On Non Parametric Regression and Panel Unit Root Testing

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    In this thesis, two different issues in econometrics are studied, the estimation of regression coefficients and the non-stationartiy analysis in a panel setting. Regarding the first topic, we study a set of measure of location-based estimators (MLBEs) for the slope parameter in a linear regression model with a single stochastic regressor. The median-unbiased MLBEs are interesting as they can be robust to heavy-tailed and, hence, preferable to the ordinary least squares estimator (LSE) in such situations. Two cases, symmetric stable regression and contaminated normal regression, are considered as we investigate the statistical properties of the MLBEs. In addition, we illustrate how our results can be extended to include certain heteroscedastic regressions. There are three papers concerning the second part. In the first paper, we propose a novel way to test the unit roots in the panel setting. The new tests are based on the observation that the trajectory of the cross sectional sample variance behaves differently for stationary than for non-stationary processes. Three different test statistics are proposed. The limiting distributions are derived and the small sample properties are studied by simulations. In the remaining papers, we focus on the studies of the block bootstrap panel unit root tests proposed by Palm, Smeekes and Urbain (2011) which aims at dealing with a rather general cross-sectional dependency structure. One paper studies the robustness of PSU tests by a comparison with two representative tests from the second generation panel unit root tests. In another paper, we generalized the block bootstrap panel unit root tests in the sense of considering the deterministic terms in the model. Two different methods to deal with the deterministic terms are proposed and the asymptotic validity of bootstrap tests under the main null hypothesis is theoretically checked. The small sample properties are studied by simulations

    Panel unit root tests based on sample variance

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    In this paper, we propose a novel way to test for unit root in a panel setting.The new tests are based on the observation that the trajectory of the cross sectional samplevariance behaves dierently for stationary than for non-stationary processes. Three dierenttest statistics are considered and their limiting distributions are derived. Interestingly, oneof the statistics has a non-standard limiting distribution which can be described in terms offunctionals of a Gaussian process. A small scale simulation study indicates that our proposedtests have good power properties, quite close to the test of Levin, Lin and Chu (2002)(LLC).However, the empirical size of one of our tests is better than LLC when T is small and N islarge, and this suggest a good property for unit root tests in micro panels. In addition, the studyalso suggests that our tests are robust to cross section dependence for a particular covariancestructure